Как конвертировать json в pdf
Работа с файлами в формате JSON¶
JSON по синтаксису очень похож на Python и достаточно удобен для восприятия.
Как и в случае с CSV, в Python есть модуль, который позволяет легко записывать и читать данные в формате JSON.
Для чтения в модуле json есть два метода:
json.load ¶
Чтение файла в формате JSON в объект Python (файл json_read_load.py):
json.loads ¶
Считывание строки в формате JSON в объект Python (файл json_read_loads.py):
Результат будет аналогичен предыдущему выводу.
Запись файла в формате JSON также осуществляется достаточно легко.
Для записи информации в формате JSON в модуле json также два метода:
json.dumps ¶
Преобразование объекта в строку в формате JSON (json_write_dumps.py):
Метод json.dumps подходит для ситуаций, когда надо вернуть строку в формате JSON. Например, чтобы передать ее API.
json.dump ¶
Запись объекта Python в файл в формате JSON (файл json_write_dump.py):
Когда нужно записать информацию в формате JSON в файл, лучше использовать метод dump.
Дополнительные параметры методов записи¶
Методам dump и dumps можно передавать дополнительные параметры для управления форматом вывода.
По умолчанию эти методы записывают информацию в компактном представлении. Как правило, когда данные используются другими программами, визуальное представление данных не важно. Если же данные в файле нужно будет считать человеку, такой формат не очень удобно воспринимать.
К счастью, модуль json позволяет управлять подобными вещами.
Передав дополнительные параметры методу dump (или методу dumps), можно получить более удобный для чтения вывод (файл json_write_indent.py):
Теперь содержимое файла sw_templates.json выглядит так:
Изменение типа данных¶
Еще один важный аспект преобразования данных в формат JSON: данные не всегда будут того же типа, что исходные данные в Python.
Например, кортежи при записи в JSON превращаются в списки:
Так происходит из-за того, что в JSON используются другие типы данных и не для всех типов данных Python есть соответствия.
Таблица конвертации данных Python в JSON:
Python | JSON |
dict | object |
list, tuple | array |
str | string |
int, float | number |
True | true |
False | false |
None | null |
Таблица конвертации JSON в данные Python:
JSON | Python |
object | dict |
array | list |
string | str |
number (int) | int |
number (real) | float |
true | True |
false | False |
null | None |
Ограничение по типам данных¶
С помощью дополнительного параметра можно игнорировать подобные ключи:
Кроме того, в JSON ключами словаря могут быть только строки. Но, если в словаре Python использовались числа, ошибки не будет. Вместо этого выполнится конвертация чисел в строки:
Как конвертировать json в pdf
This project aims to provide a way to declaratively generate PDF reports using JSON notation via the clj-pdf library.
An example document can be viewed here.
json-to-pdf is available from the Clojars repo:
see here for a complete sample project
JSON documents are represented by an array containing one or more elements. The first element in the document must be a map containing the metadata.
All fields in the metadata section are optional:
available page sizes:
The font defaults to A4 page size if none provided and the orientation defaults to portrait, unless «landscape» is specified.
A font is defined by a map consisting of the following parameters, all parameters are optional
note: Font styles are additive, for example setting style «italic»: on the phrase, and then size 20 on a chunk inside the phrase, will result with the chunk having italic font of size 20. Inner elements can override style set by their parents.
Each document section is represented by a vector starting with a keyword identifying the section followed by an optional map of metadata and the contents of the section.
font metadata (refer to Font section for details)
image data can be a base64 string, a string representing URL or a path to file, images larger than the page margins will automatically be scaled to fit.
creates a horizontal line
font metadata (refer to Font section for details)
font metadata (refer to Font section for details)
Chapter has to be the root element for any sections. Subsequently sections can only be parented under chapters and other sections, a section must contain a title followed by the content
creates a number of new lines equal to the number passed in (1 space is default)
A string will be automatically converted to a paragraph
creates a text chunk in subscript
creates a text chunk in subscript
Cells can be optionally used inside tables to provide specific style for table elements
Cell can contain any elements such as anchor, annotation, chunk, paragraph, or a phrase, which can each have their own style
note: Cells can contain other elements including tables
additional image metadata
if «time-series»: is set to true then items on x axis must be dates, the default format is «yyyy-MM-dd-HH»mm:ss»»:, for custom formatting options refer here
Convert TXT to JSON in bulk.
Large TXT files are supported.
You can convert TXT Learn more about TXT
Your files are automatically deleted from our servers after 24 hours.
How to convert TXT to JSON?
About the formats
Extension | txt |
Category | Document/Office file formats |
Developed by | — |
Mime type | text/plain |
Extension | json |
Category | Document/Office file formats |
Developed by | — |
Mime type | application/json |
Common questions about converting TXT to JSON
Can I convert TXT to JSON in bulk?
Can I convert a TXT file to JSON, if its size is 1 GB?
Is converting TXTs to JSON safe with MConverter?
How long does it take to convert TXT to JSON?
Made with 💙 in 🇧🇬 Bulgaria
This site attempted to download multiple files automatically
and enable Downloads
If you get MConverter Premium, it will show up here.
Your conversion has produced multiple files. This happens when, for example, a video or a PDF is converted to an image format.
You can choose whether to download the individual video frames or document pages, or download everything in a ZIP.
Как конвертировать json в pdf
pdf2json is a node.js module that parses and converts PDF from binary to json format, it’s built with pdf.js and extends it with interactive form elements and text content parsing outside browser.
The goal is to enable server side PDF parsing with interactive form elements when wrapped in web service, and also enable parsing local PDF to json file when using as a command line utility.
Or, install it globally:
To update with latest version:
To Run in RESTful Web Service or as Commandline Utility
After install, run command line:
20s in my MacBook Pro to complete, check ./test/target/ for outputs.
Test Exception Handlings
After install, run command line:
After install, run command line:
It scans 165 PDF files under ../test/pdf/fd/form_, parses with Stream API, then generates output to ./test/target/fd/form.
More test scripts with different commandline options can be found at package.json.
Or, call directly with buffer:
Or, use more granular page level parsing events (v2.0.0)
Alternatively, you can pipe input and output streams: (requires v1.1.4)
With v2.0.0, last line above changes to
For additional output streams support:
See p2jcmd.js for more details.
alternative events: (v2.0.0)
start to parse PDF file from specified file path asynchronously:
If failed, event «pdfParser_dataError» will be raised with error object: <"parserError": errObj>; If success, event «pdfParser_dataReady» will be raised with output data object: <"formImage": parseOutput>, which can be saved as json file (in command line) or serialized to json when running in web service. note: «formImage» is removed from v2.0.0, see breaking changes for details.
returns text in string.
returns an array of field objects.
Output format Reference
Current parsed data has four main sub objects to describe the PDF document.
Page object Reference
Each page object within ‘Pages’ array describes page elements and attributes with 5 main fields:
v0.4.5 added support when fields attributes information is defined in external xml file. pdf2json will always try load field attributes xml file based on file name convention (pdfFileName.pdf’s field XML file must be named pdfFileName_fieldInfo.xml in the same directory). If found, fields info will be injected.
v2.0.0: to access these dictionary programactically, do either
or via public static getters of PDFParser:
Interactive Forms Elements
v0.1.5 added interactive forms element parsing, including text input, radio button, check box, link button and drop down list.
Interactive forms can be created and edited in Acrobat Pro for AcroForm, or in LiveCycle Designer ES for XFA forms. Current implementation for buttons only supports «link button»: when clicked, it’ll launch a URL specified in button properties. Examples can be found at f1040ezt.pdf file under test/data folder.
All interactive form elements parsing output will be part of corresponding ‘Page’ object where they belong to, radio buttons and check boxes are in ‘Boxsets’ array while all other elements objects are part of ‘Fields’ array.
Each object with in ‘Boxset’ can be either checkbox or radio button, the only difference is that radio button object will have more than one element in ‘boxes’ array, it indicates it’s a radio button group. The following sample output illustrate one checkbox ( Id: F8888 ) and one radio button group ( Id: ACC ) in the ‘Boxsets’ array:
‘Fields’ array contains parsed object for text input (Name: ‘alpha’), drop down list (Name: ‘apha’, but has ‘PL’ object which contains label array in ‘PL.D’ and value array in ‘PL.V’), link button (Name: ‘link’, linked URL is in ‘FL.form.Id’ field). Some examples:
Text input box example:
Note: v0.7.0 extends TU (Alternative Text) to all interactive fields to better support accessibility.
Drop down list box example:
Link button example:
v0.2.2 added support for «field attribute mask», it’d be common for all fields, form author can set it in Acrobat Pro’s Form Editing mode: if a field is ReadOnly, it’s AM field will be set as 0x00000400, otherwise AM will be set as 0.
Another supported field attributes is «required»: when form author mark a field is «required» in Acrobat, the parsing result for ‘AM’ will be set as 0x00000010.
«Read-Only» filed attribute mask example:
Text Input Field Formatter Types
v0.1.8 added text input field formatter types detection for
v0.3.9 added «arbitrary mask» (in «special» format category) support, the input field format type is «mask» and the mask string is added as «MV», its value can be found at Format => Special => Arbitrary Mask in Acrobat; Some examples of «mask» format including:
Additionally, the «arbitrary mask» length is extended from 1 characters to 64 characters. And when the mask has only one character, it has the following meanings:
v0.4.1 added more date format detection, these formats are set in Acrobat’s field’s Properties => Format => Date => Custom:
Types above are detected only when the widget field type is «Tx» and the additional-actions dictionary ‘AA’ is set. Like what you see, not all pre-defined formatters and special formatters are supported, if you need more support, you can extend the ‘processFieldAttribute’ function in core.js file.
For the supported types, the result data is set to the field item’s T object. Example of a ‘number’ field in final json output:
Another example of ‘date’ field:
Text Style data without Style Dictionary
v0.1.11 added text style information in addition to style dictionary. As we discussed earlier, the idea of style dictionary is to make the parsing result payload to be compact, but I found out the limited dictionary entries for font (face, size) and style (bold, italic) can not cover majority of text contents in PDFs, because of some styles are matched with closest dictionary entry, the client rendering will have mis-aligned, gapped or overlapped text. To solve this problem, pdf2json v0.1.11 extends the dictionary approach, all previous dictionary entries stay the same, but parsing result will not try to match to a closest style entry, instead, all exact text style will be returned in a TS filed.
The new TS filed is an Array with format as:
For example, the following is a text block data in the parsing result:
Rotated Text Support
V0.1.13 added text rotation value (degree) in the R array’s object, if and only if the text rotation angle is not 0. For example, if text is not rotated, the parsed output would be the same as above. When the rotation angle is 90 degree, the R array object would be extended with «RA» field:
pdf.js is designed and implemented to run within browsers that have HTML5 support, it has some dependencies that’s only available from browser’s JavaScript runtime, including:
In order to run pdf.js in Node.js, we have to address those dependencies and also extend/modify the fork of pdf.js. Here below are some works implemented in this pdf2json module to enable pdf.js running with Node.js:
After the changes and extensions listed above, this pdf2json node.js module will work either in a server environment ( I have a RESTful web service built with resitify and pdf2json, it’s been running on an Amazon EC2 instance) or as a standalone command line tool (something similar to the Vows unit tests).
More porting notes can be found at Porting and Extending PDFJS to NodeJS.
This pdf2json module’s output does not 100% maps from PDF definitions, some of them is because of time limitation I currently have, some others result from the ‘dictionary’ concept for the output. Given these known issues or unsupported features in current implementation, it allows me to contribute back to the open source community with the most important features implemented while leaving some improvement space for the future. All un-supported features listed below can be resolved technically some way or other, if your use case really requires them:
Run As a Commandline Utility
v0.1.15 added the capability to run pdf2json as command line tool. It enables the use case that when running the parser as a web service is not absolutely necessary while transcoding local pdf files to json format is desired. Because in some use cases, the PDF files are relatively stable with less updates, even though parsing it in a web service, the parsing result will remain the same json payload. In this case, it’s better to run pdf2json as a command line tool to pre-process those pdf files, and deploy the parsing result json files onto web server, client side form renderer can work in the same way as before while eliminating server side process to achieve higher scalability.
This command line utility is added as an extension, it doesn’t break previous functionalities of running with a web service context. In my real project, I have a web service written in restify.js to run pdf2json with a RESTful web service interface, I also have the needs to pre-process some local static pdfs through the command line tool without changing the actual pdf2json module code.
To use the command line utility to transcode a folder or a file:
The output directory must exist, otherwise, it’ll exit with an error.
v0.2.1 added the ability to run pdf2json directly from the command line without specifying «node» and the path of pdf2json. To run this self-executable in command line, first install pdf2json globally:
Then run it in command line:
v0.5.4 added «-s» or «—silent» command line argument to suppress informative logging output. When using pdf2json as a commandline tool, the default verbosity is 5 (INFOS). While when running as a web service, default verbosity is 9 (ERRORS). Examples to suppress logging info from commandline:
Examples to turn on logging info in web service:
v0.5.7 added the capability to skip input PDF files if filename begins with any one of «!@#$%^&*()+=[]\’;,/<>|»:<>?
`.-_ «, usually these files are created by PDF authoring tools as backup files.
v0.6.2 added «-t» command line argument to generate fields json file in addition to parsed json. The fields json file will contain one Array which contains fieldInfo object for each field, and each fieldInfo object will have 4 fields:
Example of fields.json content:
The fields.json output can be used to validate fields IDs with other data source, and/or to extract data value from user submitted PDFs.
v0.6.8 added «-c» or «—content» command line argument to extract raw text content from PDF. It’ll be a separated output file named as (pdf_file_name).content.txt. If all you need is the textual content of the PDF, «-c» essentially converts PDF to text, of cause, all formatting and styling will be lost.
Run Unit Test (commandline)
The 265 PDFs are all fill-able tax forms from government agencies for tax year 2013, including 165 federal forms, 23 efile instructions and 9 other state tax forms.
Shell script is current driver for unit test. To parse one agency’s PDFs, run the command line:
For example, to parse and generate all 165 federal forms together with text content and forms fields:
To parse and generate all VA forms together with text content and forms fields:
Additionally, to parse all 261 PDFs from commandline:
Or, from npm scripts :
Some testing PDFs are provided by bug reporters, like the «unsupported encryption» (#43), «read property num from undefined» (#26), and «excessive line breaks in text content» (#28), their PDFs are all stored in test/pdf/misc directory. To run tests against these community contributed PDFs, run commandline:
If you have an early version of pdf2json, please remove your local node_modules directory and re-run npm install to upgrade to pdf2json@1.0.x.
v1.x.x upgraded dependency packages, removed some unnecessary dependencies, started to assumes ES6 / ES2015 with node
v4.x. More PDFs are added for unit testing.
Note: pdf2json has been in production for over 3 years, it’s pretty reliable and solid when parsing hundreds (sometimes tens of thousands) of PDF forms every day, thanks to everybody’s help.
Starting v1.0.3, I’m trying to address a long over due annoying problem on broken text blocks. It’s the biggest problem that hinders the efficiency of PDF content creation in our projects. Although the root cause lies in the original PDF streams, since the client doesn’t render JSON character by character, it’s a problem often appears in final rendered web content. We had to work around it by manually merge those text blocks. With the solution in v1.0.x, the need for manual text block merging is greately reduced.
The solution is to put to a post-parsing process stage to identify and auto-merge those adjacent blocks. It’s not ideal, but works in most of my tests with those 261 PDFs underneath test directory.
The auto merge solution still needs some fine tuning, I keep it as an experimental feature for now, it’s off by default, can be turned on by «-m» switch in commandline.
In order to support this auto merging capability, text block objects have an additional «sw» (space width of the font) property together with x, y, clr and R. If you have a more effective usage of this new property for merging text blocks, please drop me a line.
Breaking Changes:
v1.1.4 unified event data structure: only when you handle these top level events, no change if you use commandline
v1.0.8 fixed issue 27, it converts x coordinate with the same ratio as y, which is 24 (96/4), rather than 8.7 (96/11), please adjust client renderer accordingly when position all elements’ x coordinate.