Как на русском будет aunt
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Мои примеры
Aunt Mary sends her love.
Тетя Мэри передаёт привет.
This is my Aunt Mary.
He has three aunts and two uncles.
У него три тёти и два дяди.
My aunt collects porcelain dolls.
Моя тётка собирает фарфоровых кукол.
My aunt brought up four children.
Моя тётка вырастила четверых детей.
Aunt Edna writes a beautiful hand.
У тёти Эдны великолепный почерк.
Aunt Mary
I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.
Я поехал, чтобы погостить у дяди и тети несколько дней.
Her aunt is also her godmother.
Её тетя также приходится ей крёстной матерью.
We stopped at Aunt Mary’s house.
Мы остановились (в доме) у тёти Мэри.
She is visiting her aunt in New York.
Она гостит у своей тёти в Нью-Йорке.
My aunt and uncle are also my godparents.
Мои тётя и дядя одновременно являются моими крёстными.
The earrings were a gift from my aunt.
Эти серьги были подарком от тёти.
She joined her aunt in the sitting room.
Она присоединилась к своей тёте в гостиной.
His aunt is his closest living relative.
Тётя является его ближайшей родственницей из тех, что сейчас живы.
My aunt Flo was a bold determined woman.
Моя тётя Фло была женщиной смелой и решительной.
Jane spent years caring for her sick aunt.
Джейн годами ухаживала за своей больной тёткой.
Тетя Элис умерла, оставив почти пять миллионов долларов.
My aunt’s regular visits cut into my weekends.
Регулярные визиты тётки портят мне все выходные.
We flew over to the US to visit my Aunt Polly.
Мы прилетели в США, чтобы навестить мою тётю Полли.
Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.
Тетя Фэй была в гневе, и недвусмысленно дала это понять.
His aunt is his legal guardian.
Его официальным опекуном является его тётка.
His aunt pinched his plump cheeks.
Его тётя ущипнула его за пухленькие щёчки.
My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry
Моя тётя завещала мне все свои драгоценности.
Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.
Тётя Несси всегда была немного чудаковатой.
His aunt planted a wet kiss on his cheek.
Его тётя запечатлела на его щеке влажный поцелуй.
She was patient to her aunt’s infirmities.
Она была снисходительна к слабостям своей тётушки.
She received a small legacy from her aunt.
Она получила небольшое наследство от своей тёти.
The boy was confided to the care of his aunt.
Мальчика поручили заботам тётки.
The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.
Мальчика передали на воспитание тёте.
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
She cheated her aged aunt out of her fortune.
I saw my aunt coming and beat a hasty retreat.
His aunt and uncle were witnesses at his baptism.
Как на русском будет aunt
22 aunt
23 aunt
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26 aunt
27 aunt
28 madam
См. также в других словарях:
Aunt — Aunt, n. [OF. ante, F. tante, L. amita father s sister. Cf.
aunt — (n.) c.1300, from Anglo Fr. aunte, from O.Fr. ante (Mod.Fr. tante, from a 13c. variant), from L. amita paternal aunt dim. of *amma a baby talk word for mother (Cf. Gk. amma mother, O.N. amma grandmother, M.Ir. ammait old hag, Heb. em … Etymology dictionary
aunt — aunt; aunt·sary; ble·aunt; aunt·ie; … English syllables
aunt — [a:nt US ænt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: ante, from Latin amita] the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your father s or mother s brother ▪ Aunt Mary →↑agony aunt … Dictionary of contemporary English
aunt — [ ænt ] noun count *** the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your UNCLE: I loved visiting my aunt and uncle. Hello, Aunt Betty … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aunt|y — «AN tee, AHN », noun, plural aunt|ies. Informal. a diminutive of aunt … Useful english dictionary
aunt — [ant, änt] n. [ME & OFr aunte < L amita, paternal aunt, dim. of * amma, mother (< baby talk)] 1. a sister of one s mother or father 2. the wife of one s uncle … English World dictionary
aunt|ly — «ANT lee, AHNT », adjective. of or characteristic of an aunt: »“It is no good your trying to excuse your infamous conduct…!” This is the true, auntly note (Kenneth Tynan) … Useful english dictionary
aunt — ► NOUN ▪ the sister of one s father or mother or the wife of one s uncle. ORIGIN Old French ante, from Latin amita … English terms dictionary
Aunt Ed|na — «EHD nuh», British. a conventional person of pedestrian tastes, especially as personifying a typical member of the audience at a play, or the average viewer of a television program … Useful english dictionary
aunt|ie — «AN tee, AHN », noun. = aunty. (Cf. ↑aunty) … Useful english dictionary
my aunt
1 aunt
2 aunt
We met at my aunt’s. — Мы познакомились у моей тети.
Aunt Rose is coming for a few days. — Тетя Роза приезжает на несколько дней.
3 aunt
4 aunt
5 aunt
Ср. Мы встретились у сестры (у тети, и т. д.).
Такие же сочетания употребляются со словом friend. (3). Существительное aunt употребляется только для обозначения степени родства (сестра матери или отца). Русское разговорное обращение тетя (без имени) в английском языке не употребляется.
6 aunt
Aunt Tabby — «тётка Табби», женщина консервативных взглядов
my aunt was bombed out during the war, and had to live with my mother — дом моей тётки в войну разбомбили, и она жила с моей матерью
7 aunt
8 aunt
9 aunt
my aunt! ≅ вот те на!, вот так шту́ка!, ну и ну́!
10 aunt
Aunt Jemima (Jane) — Тётушка Джема́йма ( Джейн) (» женский вариант» дяди Тома, рабски покорная негритянка)
Aunt Tabby (Thomasina) — Тётушка Тэ́бби (Томаси́на) (пренебрежительное прозвище женщины, не поддерживающей феминисток)
11 Aunt
12 Aunt
народная игра, состоящая в том, чтобы с известного расстояния выбить трубку изо рта деревянной куклы
13 aunt
my aunt! — вот те на!, вот так штука!, ну и ну!
14 aunt
15 aunt
my aunt! — вот те на!, вот так штука!, ну и ну!
16 aunt
18 Aunt
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20 aunt
См. также в других словарях:
Aunt Jemima — is a trademark for pancake flour, syrup, and other breakfast foods currently owned by the Quaker Oats Company. The trademark dates to 1893, although Aunt Jemima pancake mix debuted in 1889. The phrase Aunt Jemima is sometimes used as a female… … Wikipedia
Aunt Jenny — was an advertising character created for Spry Vegetable Shortening. Primarily portrayed by Edith Spencer, Aunt Jenny was best known as host and narrator of the long lived radio show, Aunt Jenny’s Real Life Stories (1937 56), but she was also seen … Wikipedia
Aunt Jane’s Nieces — is the title of a juvenile novel published by Reilly Britton in 1906, and written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name Edith Van Dyne. Since the novel was the first in a series of novels designed for adolescent girls, its title was applied to the… … Wikipedia
Aunt Lute Books — is a multicultural feminist press with a mandate to publish and distribute culturally diverse writing expressing the complexity of lesbian and women s lives. [ [http://www.auntlute.com/about.htm Aunt Lute Mission Statement] ] The publisher has a… … Wikipedia
Aunt Sally — is a traditional throwing game. The term is often used metaphorically to mean something that is a target for criticism. In particular, referring to the fairground origins, an Aunt Sally would be set up deliberately to be subsequently knocked down … Wikipedia
Aunt Martha’s Sheep — is a song written by Ellis Coles and performed by Dick Nolan. It was primarily viewed as a slight on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police the police force for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. The song got airplay in the 1970s, but… … Wikipedia
Aunt Jenny’s Real Life Stories — was a 15 minute radio soap opera which aired from January 18, 1937 to November 16, 1956 on CBS, sponsored by Spry shortening. The program was heard weekdays at 11:45am until 1946 when it moved to 12:15.Aunt Jenny (Edith Spencer, Agnes Young)… … Wikipedia
Aunt Jackie — refers to both a dance move and hip hop tune thought to have originated in Harlem, New York City, in early 2007. The song and dance were introduced to the world by Harlem rappers Jason Fox and the Hood Presidents via a YouTube video wherein Foxx… … Wikipedia
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter — ( es. La tía Julia y el escribidor) is a novel by Mario Vargas Llosa. It was published by Editorial Seix Barral, S.A., Spain, in 1977. It is the story of an 18 year old student, Mario, who falls for 32 year old divorcee Aunt Julia. The novel is… … Wikipedia
Aunt — Aunt, n. [OF. ante, F. tante, L. amita father s sister. Cf.
Aunt Sally — Aunt Aunt, n. [OF. ante, F. tante, L. amita father s sister. Cf.
Как на русском будет aunt
Ср. Мы встретились у сестры (у тети, и т. д.).
Такие же сочетания употребляются со словом friend. (3). Существительное aunt употребляется только для обозначения степени родства (сестра матери или отца). Русское разговорное обращение тетя (без имени) в английском языке не употребляется.
Смотреть что такое «aunt» в других словарях:
Aunt — Aunt, n. [OF. ante, F. tante, L. amita father s sister. Cf.
aunt — (n.) c.1300, from Anglo Fr. aunte, from O.Fr. ante (Mod.Fr. tante, from a 13c. variant), from L. amita paternal aunt dim. of *amma a baby talk word for mother (Cf. Gk. amma mother, O.N. amma grandmother, M.Ir. ammait old hag, Heb. em … Etymology dictionary
aunt — aunt; aunt·sary; ble·aunt; aunt·ie; … English syllables
aunt — [a:nt US ænt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: ante, from Latin amita] the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your father s or mother s brother ▪ Aunt Mary →↑agony aunt … Dictionary of contemporary English
aunt — [ ænt ] noun count *** the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your UNCLE: I loved visiting my aunt and uncle. Hello, Aunt Betty … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aunt|y — «AN tee, AHN », noun, plural aunt|ies. Informal. a diminutive of aunt … Useful english dictionary
aunt — [ant, änt] n. [ME & OFr aunte < L amita, paternal aunt, dim. of * amma, mother (< baby talk)] 1. a sister of one s mother or father 2. the wife of one s uncle … English World dictionary
aunt|ly — «ANT lee, AHNT », adjective. of or characteristic of an aunt: »“It is no good your trying to excuse your infamous conduct…!” This is the true, auntly note (Kenneth Tynan) … Useful english dictionary
aunt — ► NOUN ▪ the sister of one s father or mother or the wife of one s uncle. ORIGIN Old French ante, from Latin amita … English terms dictionary
Aunt Ed|na — «EHD nuh», British. a conventional person of pedestrian tastes, especially as personifying a typical member of the audience at a play, or the average viewer of a television program … Useful english dictionary
aunt|ie — «AN tee, AHN », noun. = aunty. (Cf. ↑aunty) … Useful english dictionary
Как на русском будет aunt
my aunt! ≅ вот те на!, вот так шту́ка!, ну и ну́!
Смотреть что такое «aunt» в других словарях:
Aunt — Aunt, n. [OF. ante, F. tante, L. amita father s sister. Cf.
aunt — (n.) c.1300, from Anglo Fr. aunte, from O.Fr. ante (Mod.Fr. tante, from a 13c. variant), from L. amita paternal aunt dim. of *amma a baby talk word for mother (Cf. Gk. amma mother, O.N. amma grandmother, M.Ir. ammait old hag, Heb. em … Etymology dictionary
aunt — aunt; aunt·sary; ble·aunt; aunt·ie; … English syllables
aunt — [a:nt US ænt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: ante, from Latin amita] the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your father s or mother s brother ▪ Aunt Mary →↑agony aunt … Dictionary of contemporary English
aunt — [ ænt ] noun count *** the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your UNCLE: I loved visiting my aunt and uncle. Hello, Aunt Betty … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aunt|y — «AN tee, AHN », noun, plural aunt|ies. Informal. a diminutive of aunt … Useful english dictionary
aunt — [ant, änt] n. [ME & OFr aunte < L amita, paternal aunt, dim. of * amma, mother (< baby talk)] 1. a sister of one s mother or father 2. the wife of one s uncle … English World dictionary
aunt|ly — «ANT lee, AHNT », adjective. of or characteristic of an aunt: »“It is no good your trying to excuse your infamous conduct…!” This is the true, auntly note (Kenneth Tynan) … Useful english dictionary
aunt — ► NOUN ▪ the sister of one s father or mother or the wife of one s uncle. ORIGIN Old French ante, from Latin amita … English terms dictionary
Aunt Ed|na — «EHD nuh», British. a conventional person of pedestrian tastes, especially as personifying a typical member of the audience at a play, or the average viewer of a television program … Useful english dictionary
aunt|ie — «AN tee, AHN », noun. = aunty. (Cf. ↑aunty) … Useful english dictionary