Как заспавнить звук в майнкрафте
Как заспавнить звук в майнкрафте
Команда playsound и её возможности
Команда playsound, предназначена для вывода указанных звуков в игру, и может использована на серверах и прочих картах, думаю вам этот материал будет полезен, и вы используете его.
Давайте начнем с рассмотрения непосредственно команды /playsound. Она обладает достаточно простым синтаксисом:
Первым параметром является звук, название которого определяется исходя из его расположения относительно папки /.minecraft/ и, к примеру, может быть таким:
Расположенный в .minecraft\assets\sound\mob\pig\death.ogg звук может быть воспроизведен по имени mob.pig.death
Если к событию привязано несколько звуковых файлов (например разные вариации для звука шагов), то не следует учитывать номер звука, например:
Вторым параметром является игрок, которому будет проигрываться звук. Следует учитывать, что если указывается какой-то конкретный игрок а не маска типа @p, то игрок должен присутствовать на сервере и у него должна быть возможность услышать звук из его источника.
Повторюсь, что приведенные выше два параметра являются обязательными для корректной работы команды! Ну а теперь перейдем к необязательным параметрам в порядке их следования.
Координаты x, y, z задают точку из которой будет воспроизводиться звук. Если вместо точных координат задан знак «
» то это означает текущую локацию игрока или командного блока. Следует отметить, что можно задавать относительные координаты, например «
4″ будет означать «текущая координата плюс четыре». Таким образом просто указание знака
на самом деле является допустимым сокращением записи «
Следующим параметром является уровень громкости звука. Данный параметр задает дистанцию на которой можно слышать воспроизводимый звук. Стандартные значения данного параметра от 0.0 до 1.0 но могут быть и больше единицы. Отмечу, что при значениях больше 1.0 звук на самом деле не становится громче, но его радиус слышимости (16 блоков по умолчанию для 1.0) увеличивается пропорционально. Проще говоря, радиус слышимости звука будет «16*громкость».
Параметр высота звука задает одновременно и высоту и продолжительность воспроизводимого звука, что означает что звук не только искажается, но и меняется скорость его воспроизведения. Допустимые значения данного параметра от 0.0 до 2.0 включительно.
Последним параметром является минимальная громкость, и на деле этот параметр управляет громкостью звука за пределами его нормальной зоны слышимости. Следует отметить, что громкость звука внутри сферы слышимости на деле может быть меньше, чем громкость за пределами, если значение минимальной громкости больше значения громкости.
В качестве наглядного примера можно привести команду, проигрывающую звук включения портала из точки на 10 блоков выше расположения командного блока всем игрокам в стандартном радиусе распространения:
Minecraft Playsound List
Are you are making a map or mini-game? Or any Minecraft command creation? Certainly, you want to populate it with cool sounds to improve the player experience.
Sounds in games make a ton of difference!
That’s why I want to share useful sounds for map-making to use with the playsound command in Minecraft PE (Bedrock). Also, you will find at the bottom of the page the Minecraft playsound list.
How to use the playsound command
The playsound command allows us to play sounds in Minecraft, let’s see how to use it.
You can also write the command inside a command block.
For instance, let’s say you want to play a success sounds to all players regardless of where they are. So, to make sure the sound can be heard everywhere we can use a good old /execute command.
TOP 10 Playsound I use
Where are Minecraft sound files?
In Minecraft Bedrock edition sounds names are in the sounds.json file in the vanilla resource pack. (https://aka.ms/resourcepacktemplate)
This is a collection of the sounds from the vanilla Minecraft playsound list I find most useful when creating maps. (and I use quite often!)
A quick pro-tip: change the pitch, it can make a completely different sound!
Add custom sounds to Minecraft
Further, you can even add custom sounds to Minecraft using a resource pack. It can be the sound you recorded or ones you find on sound effects website. (I recommend freesound.org for free sounds)
The steps for Minecraft Bedrock:
The full Minecraft Playsound List
The Minecraft playsound list is a long table extracted from the sounds.json file in the vanilla (default) resource pack.
Search the playsound you need from the list
In short, Press Ctrl + F (the two keys at the same time) to use the browser search function into this page and type the sound you need. On macOS, you need to use Cmd + F.
In general, look for a “Find on page” function somewhere in the browser menu. 🔍
If you’re interested, I also made a Minecraft particle names list.
Sound Name (for /playsound) | Category |
ambient.weather.thunder | weather |
ambient.weather.lightning.impact | weather |
ambient.weather.rain | weather |
beacon.activate | block |
beacon.ambient | block |
beacon.deactivate | block |
beacon.power | block |
block.lantern.break | block |
block.lantern.fall | block |
block.lantern.hit | block |
block.lantern.place | block |
block.lantern.step | block |
block.bamboo.break | block |
block.bamboo.fall | block |
block.bamboo.hit | block |
block.bamboo.place | block |
block.bamboo.step | block |
block.bamboo_sapling.place | block |
block.bamboo_sapling.break | block |
block.campfire.crackle | block |
block.barrel.close | – |
block.barrel.open | – |
block.campfire.crackle | block |
block.barrel.close | – |
block.barrel.open | – |
block.false_permissions | block |
block.end_portal.spawn | – |
block.end_portal_frame.fill | – |
block.itemframe.add_item | block |
block.itemframe.break | block |
block.itemframe.place | block |
block.itemframe.remove_item | block |
block.itemframe.rotate_item | block |
block.chorusflower.death | block |
block.chorusflower.grow | block |
block.composter.fill | block |
block.composter.fill_success | block |
block.composter.empty | block |
block.composter.ready | block |
block.loom.use | block |
ui.loom.take_result | ui |
ui.cartography_table.take_result | ui |
ui.loom.select_pattern | ui |
block.stonecutter.use | block |
ui.stonecutter.take_result | ui |
block.cartography_table.use | block |
block.grindstone.use | block |
block.turtle_egg.drop | block |
block.turtle_egg.break | block |
block.turtle_egg.crack | block |
block.scaffolding.break | – |
block.scaffolding.fall | – |
block.scaffolding.hit | – |
block.scaffolding.place | – |
block.scaffolding.step | – |
block.scaffolding.climb | block |
block.sweet_berry_bush.break | block |
block.sweet_berry_bush.place | block |
block.sweet_berry_bush.hurt | block |
block.sweet_berry_bush.pick | block |
bucket.empty_lava | bucket |
bucket.empty_water | bucket |
bucket.fill_lava | bucket |
bucket.fill_water | bucket |
bucket.fill_fish | bucket |
bucket.empty_fish | bucket |
bottle.dragonbreath | bottle |
cauldron.explode | block |
cauldron.dyearmor | block |
cauldron.cleanarmor | block |
cauldron.cleanbanner | block |
cauldron.fillpotion | block |
cauldron.takepotion | block |
cauldron.fillwater | block |
cauldron.takewater | block |
cauldron.adddye | block |
conduit.activate | block |
conduit.ambient | block |
conduit.attack | block |
conduit.deactivate | block |
conduit.short | block |
crossbow.loading.start | neutral |
crossbow.loading.middle | neutral |
crossbow.loading.end | neutral |
crossbow.shoot | neutral |
crossbow.quick_charge.start | neutral |
crossbow.quick_charge.middle | neutral |
crossbow.quick_charge.end | neutral |
damage.fallbig | player |
damage.fallsmall | player |
elytra.loop | neutral |
game.player.attack.nodamage | – |
game.player.attack.strong | – |
game.player.hurt | player |
game.player.die | player |
dig.cloth | block |
dig.grass | block |
dig.gravel | block |
dig.sand | block |
dig.snow | block |
dig.stone | block |
dig.wood | block |
tile.piston.in | block |
tile.piston.out | block |
fire.fire | block |
fire.ignite | block |
leashknot.break | block |
leashknot.place | block |
firework.blast | – |
firework.large_blast | – |
firework.launch | – |
firework.shoot | – |
firework.twinkle | – |
armor.equip_chain | neutral |
armor.equip_diamond | neutral |
armor.equip_generic | neutral |
armor.equip_gold | neutral |
armor.equip_iron | neutral |
armor.equip_leather | neutral |
liquid.lava | block |
liquid.lavapop | block |
liquid.water | block |
bubble.pop | block |
bubble.up | block |
bubble.upinside | – |
bubble.down | block |
bubble.downinside | – |
minecart.base | neutral |
minecart.inside | neutral |
block.furnace.lit | neutral |
block.blastfurnace.fire_crackle | – |
block.smoker.smoke | – |
mob.agent.spawn | neutral |
mob.armor_stand.break | neutral |
mob.armor_stand.hit | neutral |
mob.armor_stand.land | neutral |
mob.armor_stand.place | neutral |
mob.bat.death | neutral |
mob.bat.hurt | neutral |
mob.bat.idle | neutral |
mob.bat.takeoff | neutral |
mob.blaze.breathe | hostile |
mob.blaze.death | hostile |
mob.blaze.hit | hostile |
mob.blaze.shoot | – |
mob.chicken.hurt | neutral |
mob.chicken.plop | neutral |
mob.chicken.say | neutral |
mob.chicken.step | neutral |
mob.cow.hurt | neutral |
mob.cow.say | neutral |
mob.cow.step | neutral |
mob.cow.milk | neutral |
mob.creeper.death | hostile |
mob.creeper.say | hostile |
mob.dolphin.idle_water | – |
mob.dolphin.attack | – |
mob.dolphin.blowhole | – |
mob.dolphin.death | – |
mob.dolphin.eat | – |
mob.dolphin.hurt | – |
mob.dolphin.idle | – |
mob.dolphin.jump | – |
mob.dolphin.play | – |
mob.dolphin.splash | – |
mob.dolphin.swim | – |
mob.drowned.say_water | – |
mob.drowned.death_water | – |
mob.drowned.hurt_water | – |
mob.drowned.say | – |
mob.drowned.death | – |
mob.drowned.hurt | – |
mob.drowned.shoot | – |
mob.drowned.step | – |
mob.drowned.swim | – |
entity.zombie.converted_to_drowned | – |
mob.endermen.death | hostile |
mob.endermen.hit | hostile |
mob.endermen.idle | hostile |
mob.endermen.portal | hostile |
mob.endermen.scream | hostile |
mob.endermen.stare | hostile |
mob.enderdragon.death | hostile |
mob.enderdragon.hit | hostile |
mob.enderdragon.flap | neutral |
mob.enderdragon.growl | hostile |
mob.fox.ambient | neutral |
mob.fox.hurt | neutral |
mob.fox.death | neutral |
mob.fox.aggro | hostile |
mob.fox.sniff | neutral |
mob.fox.bite | hostile |
mob.fox.eat | neutral |
mob.fox.screech | neutral |
mob.fox.sleep | neutral |
mob.fox.spit | neutral |
mob.ghast.affectionate_scream (min_distance = 100) | hostile |
mob.ghast.charge (min_distance = 100) | hostile |
mob.ghast.death (min_distance = 100) | hostile |
mob.ghast.fireball | hostile |
mob.ghast.moan (min_distance = 100) | hostile |
mob.ghast.scream (min_distance = 100) | hostile |
mob.guardian.ambient | hostile |
mob.guardian.attack_loop | hostile |
mob.elderguardian.curse | hostile |
mob.elderguardian.death | hostile |
mob.elderguardian.hit | hostile |
mob.elderguardian.idle | hostile |
mob.guardian.flop | hostile |
mob.guardian.death | hostile |
mob.guardian.hit | hostile |
mob.guardian.land_death | hostile |
mob.guardian.land_hit | hostile |
mob.guardian.land_idle | hostile |
mob.fish.flop | neutral |
mob.fish.hurt | neutral |
mob.fish.step | neutral |
mob.llama.angry | neutral |
mob.llama.death | neutral |
mob.llama.idle | neutral |
mob.llama.spit | neutral |
mob.llama.hurt | – |
mob.llama.eat | – |
mob.llama.step | – |
mob.llama.swag | neutral |
mob.horse.angry | neutral |
mob.horse.armor | neutral |
mob.horse.breathe | neutral |
mob.horse.death | neutral |
mob.horse.donkey.angry | neutral |
mob.horse.donkey.death | neutral |
mob.horse.donkey.hit | neutral |
mob.horse.donkey.idle | neutral |
mob.horse.eat | – |
mob.horse.gallop | neutral |
mob.horse.hit | neutral |
mob.horse.idle | neutral |
mob.horse.jump | neutral |
mob.horse.land | neutral |
mob.horse.leather | neutral |
mob.horse.skeleton.death | neutral |
mob.horse.skeleton.hit | neutral |
mob.horse.skeleton.idle | neutral |
mob.horse.soft | neutral |
mob.horse.wood | neutral |
mob.horse.zombie.death | neutral |
mob.horse.zombie.hit | neutral |
mob.horse.zombie.idle | neutral |
mob.husk.ambient | – |
mob.husk.death | – |
mob.husk.hurt | – |
mob.husk.step | – |
mob.ravager.ambient | – |
mob.ravager.bite | – |
mob.ravager.celebrate | – |
mob.ravager.death | – |
mob.ravager.hurt | – |
mob.ravager.roar | – |
mob.ravager.step | – |
mob.ravager.stun | – |
mob.irongolem.throw | hostile |
mob.irongolem.death | hostile |
mob.irongolem.hit | hostile |
mob.irongolem.walk | hostile |
mob.shulker.ambient | neutral |
mob.shulker.close | neutral |
mob.shulker.death | neutral |
mob.shulker.close.hurt | neutral |
mob.shulker.hurt | neutral |
mob.shulker.open | neutral |
mob.shulker.shoot | neutral |
mob.shulker.teleport | neutral |
mob.shulker.bullet.hit | neutral |
mob.magmacube.big | hostile |
mob.magmacube.jump | hostile |
mob.magmacube.small | hostile |
mob.mooshroom.convert | neutral |
mob.mooshroom.eat | neutral |
mob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk | neutral |
mob.parrot.idle | neutral |
mob.parrot.hurt | neutral |
mob.parrot.death | neutral |
mob.parrot.step | neutral |
mob.parrot.eat | neutral |
mob.parrot.fly | neutral |
mob.phantom.bite | hostile |
mob.phantom.death | hostile |
mob.phantom.hurt | hostile |
mob.phantom.idle | hostile |
mob.phantom.swoop | hostile |
mob.pig.death | neutral |
mob.pig.boost | neutral |
mob.pig.say | neutral |
mob.pig.step | neutral |
mob.pillager.celebrate | – |
mob.pillager.death | neutral |
mob.pillager.hurt | neutral |
mob.pillager.idle | neutral |
mob.rabbit.hurt | neutral |
mob.rabbit.idle | neutral |
mob.rabbit.hop | neutral |
mob.rabbit.death | neutral |
mob.sheep.say | neutral |
mob.sheep.shear | neutral |
mob.sheep.step | neutral |
mob.silverfish.hit | hostile |
mob.silverfish.kill | hostile |
mob.silverfish.say | hostile |
mob.silverfish.step | hostile |
mob.endermite.hit | hostile |
mob.endermite.kill | hostile |
mob.endermite.say | hostile |
mob.endermite.step | hostile |
mob.skeleton.death | hostile |
mob.skeleton.hurt | hostile |
mob.skeleton.say | hostile |
mob.skeleton.step | hostile |
mob.slime.big | hostile |
mob.slime.small | hostile |
mob.slime.attack | – |
mob.slime.death | – |
mob.slime.hurt | – |
mob.slime.jump | – |
mob.slime.squish | – |
mob.snowgolem.death | – |
mob.snowgolem.hurt | – |
mob.snowgolem.shoot | – |
mob.spider.death | hostile |
mob.spider.say | hostile |
mob.spider.step | hostile |
mob.squid.ambient | neutral |
mob.squid.death | neutral |
mob.squid.hurt | neutral |
mob.turtle.ambient | neutral |
mob.turtle_baby.born | neutral |
mob.turtle.death | neutral |
mob.turtle_baby.death | neutral |
mob.turtle.hurt | neutral |
mob.turtle_baby.hurt | neutral |
mob.turtle.step | – |
mob.turtle_baby.step | – |
mob.turtle.swim | – |
mob.stray.ambient | – |
mob.stray.death | – |
mob.stray.hurt | – |
mob.stray.step | – |
mob.villager.death | neutral |
mob.villager.haggle | neutral |
mob.villager.hit | neutral |
mob.villager.idle | neutral |
mob.villager.no | neutral |
mob.villager.yes | neutral |
mob.vindicator.celebrate | – |
mob.vindicator.death | hostile |
mob.vindicator.hurt | hostile |
mob.vindicator.idle | neutral |
mob.evocation_fangs.attack | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.ambient | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.cast_spell | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.celebrate | – |
mob.evocation_illager.death | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.hurt | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_attack | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_summon | hostile |
mob.evocation_illager.prepare_wololo | hostile |
mob.vex.ambient | hostile |
mob.vex.death | hostile |
mob.vex.hurt | hostile |
mob.vex.charge | hostile |
item.book.page_turn | – |
item.book.put | – |
block.bell.hit | – |
item.trident.hit_ground | – |
item.trident.hit | – |
item.trident.return | – |
item.trident.riptide_1 | – |
item.trident.riptide_2 | – |
item.trident.riptide_3 | – |
item.trident.throw | – |
item.trident.thunder | – |
item.shield.block | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.idle | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.death | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.disappeared | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_milk | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.drink_potion | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.haggle | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.yes | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.no | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.hurt | – |
mob.wanderingtrader.reappeared | – |
mob.witch.ambient | – |
mob.witch.celebrate | – |
mob.witch.death | – |
mob.witch.hurt | – |
mob.witch.drink | – |
mob.witch.throw | – |
mob.wither.ambient | – |
mob.wither.break_block | – |
mob.wither.death | – |
mob.wither.hurt | – |
mob.wither.shoot | – |
mob.wither.spawn | – |
mob.wolf.bark | neutral |
mob.wolf.death | neutral |
mob.wolf.growl | neutral |
mob.wolf.hurt | neutral |
mob.wolf.panting | neutral |
mob.wolf.shake | neutral |
mob.wolf.step | neutral |
mob.wolf.whine | neutral |
mob.ocelot.idle | neutral |
mob.ocelot.death | neutral |
mob.cat.eat | neutral |
mob.cat.hiss | neutral |
mob.cat.hit | neutral |
mob.cat.meow | neutral |
mob.cat.beg | neutral |
mob.cat.straymeow | neutral |
mob.cat.purr | neutral |
mob.cat.purreow | neutral |
mob.polarbear_baby.idle | neutral |
mob.polarbear.idle | neutral |
mob.polarbear.step | neutral |
mob.polarbear.warning | hostile |
mob.polarbear.hurt | hostile |
mob.polarbear.death | hostile |
mob.panda_baby.idle, pitch = 1.5 | neutral |
mob.panda.idle | neutral |
mob.panda.idle.aggressive | neutral |
mob.panda.idle.worried | neutral |
mob.panda.step | neutral |
mob.panda.presneeze | – |
mob.panda.sneeze | – |
mob.panda.hurt | hostile |
mob.panda.death | hostile |
mob.panda.bite | hostile |
mob.panda.eat | neutral |
mob.panda.cant_breed | neutral |
mob.zombie.death | hostile |
mob.zombie.hurt | hostile |
mob.zombie.remedy | hostile |
mob.zombie.unfect | hostile |
mob.zombie.say | hostile |
mob.zombie.step | hostile |
mob.zombie.wood | hostile |
mob.zombie.woodbreak | hostile |
mob.zombiepig.zpig | hostile |
mob.zombiepig.zpigangry | hostile |
mob.zombiepig.zpigdeath | hostile |
mob.zombiepig.zpighurt | hostile |
mob.zombie_villager.say | – |
mob.zombie_villager.death | – |
mob.zombie_villager.hurt | – |
note.banjo | record |
note.bass | record |
note.bassattack | record |
note.bd | record |
note.bell | record |
note.bit | record |
note.cow_bell | record |
note.didgeridoo | record |
note.flute | record |
note.guitar | record |
note.harp | record |
note.hat | record |
note.chime | record |
note.iron_xylophone | record |
note.pling | record |
note.snare | record |
note.xylophone | record |
portal.portal | block |
portal.travel | ui |
portal.trigger | ui |
random.anvil_break | block |
random.anvil_land | block |
random.anvil_use | block |
random.bow | neutral |
random.bowhit | neutral |
random.break | player |
random.burp | player |
random.chestclosed | block |
random.chestopen | block |
random.shulkerboxclosed | block |
random.shulkerboxopen | block |
random.enderchestopen | block |
random.enderchestclosed | block |
random.potion.brewed | block |
random.click | ui |
random.door_close | block |
random.door_open | block |
random.drink | player |
random.drink_honey | player |
random.eat | player |
random.explode | block |
random.fizz | block |
random.fuse | block |
random.glass | block |
random.levelup | player |
random.orb | player |
random.pop | player |
random.pop2 | player |
random.screenshot | ui |
random.splash | player |
random.swim | player |
random.hurt | player |
random.toast | ui |
random.totem | player |
camera.take_picture | player |
use.ladder | neutral |
hit.ladder | neutral |
fall.ladder | neutral |
step.ladder | neutral |
use.cloth | neutral |
hit.cloth | neutral |
fall.cloth | neutral |
step.cloth | neutral |
use.grass | neutral |
hit.grass | neutral |
fall.grass | neutral |
step.grass | neutral |
use.gravel | neutral |
hit.gravel | neutral |
fall.gravel | neutral |
step.gravel | neutral |
use.sand | neutral |
hit.sand | neutral |
fall.sand | neutral |
step.sand | neutral |
use.slime | neutral |
hit.slime | neutral |
fall.slime | neutral |
step.slime | neutral |
use.snow | neutral |
hit.snow | neutral |
fall.snow | neutral |
step.snow | neutral |
use.stone | neutral |
hit.stone | neutral |
fall.stone | neutral |
fall.egg | neutral |
step.stone | neutral |
use.wood | neutral |
hit.wood | neutral |
fall.wood | neutral |
step.wood | neutral |
jump.cloth | neutral |
jump.grass | neutral |
jump.gravel | neutral |
jump.sand | neutral |
jump.snow | neutral |
jump.stone | neutral |
jump.wood | neutral |
jump.slime | neutral |
land.cloth | neutral |
land.grass | neutral |
land.gravel | neutral |
land.sand | neutral |
land.snow | neutral |
land.stone | neutral |
land.wood | neutral |
land.slime | neutral |
vr.stutterturn | player |
record.13 (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.cat (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.blocks (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.chirp (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.far (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.mall (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.mellohi (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.stal (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.strad (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.ward (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.11 (max_distance = 64) | – |
record.wait (max_distance = 64) | – |
raid.horn (max_distance = 128) | neutral |
music.menu | music |
music.game | music |
music.game.creative | music |
music.game.end | music |
music.game.endboss | music |
music.game.nether | music |
music.game.credits | music |
mob.bee.aggressive (max_distance = 8) | neutral |
mob.bee.death | neutral |
mob.bee.hurt | neutral |
mob.bee.loop (max_distance = 6) | neutral |
mob.bee.pollinate (max_distance = 12) | neutral |
mob.bee.sting | neutral |
block.beehive.enter (max_distance = 14) | block |
block.beehive.exit (max_distance = 14) | block |
block.beehive.shear | block |
block.beehive.work (max_distance = 12) | block |
block.beehive.drip (max_distance = 8) | block |
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