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Отзывы о компании

Отрицательные стороны :
Был на Собиседовании Встретила [Л.] [К.] в живую очень не приятная особа(По телефону и в Вотсапе куда любезнее)Сразу сказала если вы хотите работать в нашей компании, то должны понравится руководителю, улыбайтесь и всячески покажите насколько это важна для вас работа Подробнее>>

Отрицательные стороны :
Отвратительное отношение к курьерем, задержки зарплаты,при увольнении заработанные деньги не выплачивают (по русски говоря кидают) не ходите работать в эту шарашкину контору. Подробнее>>

Посетили с мужем Прайм для оживления супружеских отношений. Честно говоря, я не хотела, представляла себе все иначе. Но как я ошибалась! Для массажа взяли девушку и парня, массаж был фантастическим, чувства все вспыхнули и заиграли новыми красками. Несмотря на то, что я испытала все это в первый раз, не было ни скованности, ни чувства неловкости, все было естественно и органично. Очень благодарна мужу за посещение этого салона!

Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Волковский проспект, 16

Отрицательные стороны :
Дурацкая охрана, все не хотели пропускать на собеседование, мол заявки не было на меня. Обещали позвонить с ответом на следущий день, в итоге сама им названивала. Девушка по телефону говорила что информации нет ещё по мне. В итоге, только около 19 вечера мне сообщили, что не готовы рассматривать мою кандидатуру. Никаких причин озвучено не было. Очередная шарашкина контора

Отрицательные стороны :
Сказал что меня интересует официальное оформление и стабильная выплата зарплаты, на что hr manager сказала Я сейчас спрошу у руководителя

Увидел данное обьявление в контакте,сказали сделать мед книжку,дали номер человека у которого можно её заказать,просили перечислить 1250 рублей,по итогу был выключен телефон,а в переписке меня заблокировали.Не ведитесь на этот [censored] это встретил в паблике вк- работа в Красноярске В региональную сеть кафе “PRIME”в связи с открытием срочно требуются: Официанты График работы 3/3, 3/1, 5/2 зп 1800 смена с 12-00 ежедневные Подробнее>>

Решили с женой разнообразить свои отношения, поэтому приобрели сеанс эротического массажа от салона «Prime». Могу сказать, что оба остались довольными. Цены здесь довольно демократичные, обстановка очень приятная, а различные акции позволяют дополнительно сэкономить. Массажистки позволяют выпустить пар и забыть о проблемах. После этого намного проще снова вести диалог с любимой женщиной.

Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Волковский проспект, 16

Санкт-Петербург, Волковский проспект, 16

Доброго времени суток! Хочу рассказать вам про это очень давящее здание которое находиться под колледжом в подвале. Работать 13 часов за копейки. НИКАКОЙ РЕКЛАМЫ работадатель не делает клубу. За то ты должен быть в эти подвали и мыслить как бизнесмен менеджер. Пофигу что ты устраивался админом. СТАЖИРОВКА 3 МЕСЯЦА. ШТРАФЫ СПЕЦИАЛьНО ИЩУТ. Текучка страшная. Выставляют план с которым не реально Подробнее>>

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The Most Beautiful European Singles

Sexy European Women: Your Perfect Relationship

Free, keen, interesting, attractive – all this can be said about European women. European girls are inherently beautiful. These ladies can be met in different countries and near famous sights: the Eiffel Tower, the palaces of Barcelona, ​​the world-famous bridges of London and, of course, Big Ben. They are unique beauties that are truly worthy of compliments. European women often amaze men’s imagination, and this is not surprising. Let’s be honest: in many respects, they are superior to women from other parts of the world.

But most men who dream of marrying such a woman understand that the mentality of European people is significantly different. Someone manages to readjust and get used to it, but for someone, it becomes a significant obstacle to a happy relationship. To protect yourself from subsequent disappointments, it would be nice to understand the mentality of ladies from Europe.

What You Should Know About European Dating Websites

If you firmly decide to fall in love and want to find single ladies to chat, you need to register on international dating sites. In Europe, as, indeed, throughout the world, dating sites are becoming increasingly popular when looking for a partner to create a family. It has long been a thing of the past when two lovers who found each other via the Internet told friends and relatives about how they had supposedly accidentally met on vacation on the beach, in line for tickets to an art exhibition, etc. And that is great! Indeed, for people to be happy, for respect and mutual understanding, for the birth of children and other joys of life, it doesn’t matter where and how the man and woman met. It is important that the bewildered halves have the opportunity to find each other, and it would be just silly to miss this opportunity.

Rules for choosing a single girls dating site

Choosing a single young women site, you need to be guided by some rules.

So, if you still have at least a little bit of doubt and skepticism, forget about it and start building your future with your own hands. Register on a reliable and verified primedatingcom dating site for serious dating, read information about contacts with Europeans and share your impressions and experiences, regularly review new profiles of foreign brides, and don’t hesitate to write the first candidates you like. The site has the largest catalog of single European women who are looking for a life partner from different countries.

Most of our users are serious people, tired of loneliness, and wanting to create a strong, friendly family. Like you, they didn’t meet love in their country and, therefore, decided to try their luck to find a soulmate using Dating in Europe through the Internet is a reality confirmed by many love stories of former clients, and now – happy Primedating couples.

PROs & CONs of Dating European Women

You no longer need just affairs. You need strong relationships that can be developed into something meaningful in the long run, up to creating a family. For this, you need to visit primedating com and find a good European girl. To help you in your search, let’s consider the pros and cons of European girls.

Every European bride is made for a family

A European woman always tries to make her man’s life comfortable, he always eats tasty food, wears clean and nice clothes, he is always sure that his woman is waiting for him. And a big advantage of European girls is the love of children. The ideal family for them means two or even three children. The husband can always be sure that the children are well-groomed, fed, and grow smart.

They can dress well and take care of themselves

European women love to be beautiful and delight others! That is just fine. And the main thing is that they don’t go too far and always remember about their comfort. Also, they are feminine. Despite all the stereotypes, European women can be very affectionate, gentle. And of course, they are sexy. Sexuality is not only a flashy appearance, short skirts, and defiant makeup. Sexuality, first of all, is the elusive details in appearance, character, and behavior.

They are positive and smile 80% of the time

They are just cheerful people, and this is insanely good. When a woman always smiles, then she makes your life happier. You become a positive man who can move mountains on his way.

They are good at housekeeping

European women are well-prepared and able to bring comfort to the house. This is one of the qualities that men from all over the world greatly appreciate. This is a very good trait.

They know how to love and receive love

We constantly come across people who don’t believe in love. There are a lot of them, and their unbelief is based on the lack of love in their life. Some people are not able to love at all, and they live quite comfortably without this feeling. They replace love with things, faith, and work. If love doesn’t happen, then why bother living together? And here a lot depends on a woman. Most European women know how to love and, most importantly, know how to receive love. You should understand that some women are programmed to suffer – they torment themselves and others. It’s better not to mess with such girls. Look for loving women.

They are honest and open

A European girl will not make herself an ideal girl. She has weaknesses, but she knows how to deal with it. She will not demand ideality from you. This woman is honest and ready for a pure relationship without any games.

They love their men, despite difficult times

Everyone has bad days. Sometimes not only a bad day may arise in your life but a bad month – a black streak of life that will completely squeeze you. As a rule, such periods are the moments of truth for relationships. If a girl loves you even at the moments of your complete devastation, then this is a good girl. If a girl can’t tolerate you at such moments, then it’s better not to count on her – she will turn her back on you at the most difficult moment in your life.


What are the negative sides of dating single girl from Europe?

They want to have equal rights in relationships

This is definitely not to be taken away from them. Any European woman considers herself the real queen. European girls are emancipated, they are used to relying only on themselves, and they build partnerships with their men where rights and obligations are defined and secured by a marriage contract. As they say, there is nothing personal, just business.

They make decisions on their own

A self-sufficient European girl is used to deciding which restaurant she will go to, what dress she will wear, and where she invests money. But still, deep down, she dreams of meeting a man who will share her views, and not dictate his terms. You shouldn’t try to change her.

They don’t strive to be perfect

A European woman is so self-sufficient that she will not change herself or her lifestyle to fit into someone’s norms or rules. She has her ideals, principles that she follows. Therefore, don’t even hope that this woman can bend a little to fit your “ideal.” She will not do this. After all, there are many men, and each of them has its ideal. And she is the only one.

They openly say what they think and expect the same in return

A European woman is honest and open in any relationship. She declares directly without hints everything she thinks. Not everyone may like it. And some are simply shocking. But, on the other hand, you can safely open in front of such a woman. She will appreciate your directness.

Hot European Women: What Is So Special About European Brides?

Female attractiveness is a whole concept of different components. It is not only about appearance but also etiquette, behavior, body language, mindset, and so on. It is not enough to just have attractive external data so that men fall in love. A lady who knows how to show herself favorably is attractive and charming inside, and if she competently uses the language of her body, then she is more successful in men’s circles than a beauty who repels men with pride and inability to build a dialogue with any person she meets. An attractive girl has almost no internal or external flaws. Beautiful and attractive concepts are different in meaning. But why are European women so charming?

Why Do European Women Make the Best Wives?

· They are friends and lovers

These girls can bring pleasure in bed, but also listen carefully and give good advice if a man faces trouble or failure. They can be both devoted friends and loyal wives.

· They know how to take care

Extremely gentle and feminine, they will cover their men with the warmth of their affection and care. Men want to run to such a wife right after work. They appreciate what men do for them and express their gratitude through tenderness. They always want the best for their men. But don’t relax because there should be a king next to the queen. She has borders that she will not allow you to cross. So, appreciate the miracle that fell into your hands.

· They cook great

A real woman can do three things out of nothing: scandal, hairdo, and salad. European women can cook brilliantly. They cook with love and care for their family members, which makes it much tastier than in a restaurant.

· They are not ashamed to admit their imperfections

They are self-confident and well-aware that weight or some kind of wrinkle will not affect the characteristics of their personality. Many women, on the contrary, are constantly trying to achieve some kind of perfection drawn in their heads and, therefore, they try to lose weight every day, then undergo plastic surgery, and so on. They don’t like themselves for who they are and, therefore, are not confident in their personality. And it can’t be said about European women. Many men who visited the European countries noticed that women were not embarrassed by their imperfections. They need to be individuals. The individuality of everyone in Europe comes first. They are proud of their differences. For example, it’s not at all a small nose that was passed from Greek ancestors or the very curly hair that they inherited from dads. Europeans very rarely turn to plastic surgeons with a desire to change something in themselves.

· They don’t set a goal to seduce men

It may seem ridiculous to you, but European single women for dating don’t crave male attention, but oddly enough, men devote more attention to them. They cultivate a love for the world around them and receive the same from it in return.

· They can combine everything

Of course, you can meet a single woman from Europe who married at a young age and gave birth to a child. Most European girls can combine all types of activities – work, hobbies, parenting, travel, and leisure. And they manage to do this easily and naturally, without worries and stresses. How? They are just rational realists. And in the family, there is always a reliable partner next to the girl who, without difficulty and grumble, will take on part of the general family responsibilities because he knows that she will do the same if he asks.

· They love doing sports

It doesn’t matter how old and wealthy a European woman is, in 9 out of 10 cases she will definitely go in for sports. In any country of Europe, a huge number of girls and women have a beautiful, fit body. Even if they are not dressed neatly, they don’t have makeup on, they still look amazing. Sportiness is a must for a resident of Europe. Someone attends fitness clubs, someone is fond of harder sports, someone goes to work or university on a bicycle, and someone jogs in the morning.

· They know how to feel comfortable

For European women, comfort is the main thing, not cosmetics and branded clothing. They are sure if a man is sent by fate, then he will pay attention to a woman in sportswear. They dress neatly, comfortably, but retain their femininity.

· They have a healthy attitude to life

European women don’t live those fantasies and dreams that, most likely, will not come true, don’t exaggerate their capabilities, but, at the same time, they clearly know what they want from life, and act according to the set goal. The ability to live in harmony with the outside world, the absence of constant small or large negative moments makes them optimistic. They don’t expect trouble; don’t expect a dirty trick, negativity, and danger around the corner. Good ecology, quality of products, a well-developed chain of gyms and beauty parlors, and lack of stress do their job, and Europeans live longer. What is missing in such a wonderful environment for a woman? Only the beloved man nearby. And online dating with European women can bring happiness to both sides. For the most part, these are partnerships based on mutual attraction.

Dating a European Woman: Rules & Basic Tips

A European woman will always be honest with you when it comes to her needs, so you must be sure that you are ready for this. So, what rules and tips should be considered when you meet women online and then start building a relationship in real life?

· Single European women look for understating and support

So, give them it. Mark Twain said that people should stay away from those who belittle their ambitions. A man and a woman, being strong personalities capable of protecting themselves, will not refuse to support their loved ones. A European woman can be an entrepreneur, director, etc. That is why they appreciate strong men. But help them only when they need it. They may sometimes need your help with the business, but they always try to be self-sufficient. Keep in mind that the European woman will want to take control of the situation and manage it as she prefers. Don’t interfere in her solution because this can cause problems but support when needed.

· You have to have your goals and desires

The less motivated one will create tension in a strong relationship. One of you may not understand why the other is working so hard. Questions like why you can’t just relax on Friday evening will arise. Or why the partner gets up at 5 in the morning and goes to the gym. Both partners should have ambitions.

· You shouldn’t limit European women

Too harsh treatment of European women is not very good in the future. It is better to be on an equal footing than to try to subdue or limit them!

· Become a team

European women choose only those with whom they can build a stable life in the future. They don’t want anyone to control them. A woman needs a partner who will grow with her; the one who will be near and will always be able to help in difficult situations.

· Don’t try to cause jealousy

Confidence is the foundation of a relationship for a European woman, but it has to be earned over some time. If she trusts you, then she doesn’t worry about the friends you meet or where you go after work. She doesn’t know what jealousy is because she is confident in herself and you.

· Avoid negative

Don’t expect a European woman to endure something unpleasant for her in your relationship. She is attracted only to a positive, active, and energetic partner with whom she can move up, and not fall into the mud. She knows that flowers can’t grow without sunlight, so a European woman always runs from the dark.

· Don’t make them wait

If a man is devoted to such a woman, she will dissolve in him and follow her soulmate round the world. But as soon as feelings begin to fade away or it realizes that the partner is still in search, she will easily leave him because such games are not for her. Of course, even a very strong-willed European girl can hardly overcome a breakup, but she will not tolerate neglect.

· Accept their unconditional love

Possessing an inner core, a European girl loves faithfully, almost with motherly love – for nothing and for everything at the same time. Feeling reciprocity, she will surround her partner with a huge amount of care and warmth, will support and fight for him in everything. For some men, such an all-consuming love is incomprehensible. They can’t appreciate it and the potential that a woman cultivates in them. At the same time, a European woman is ready to let her chosen one go at any moment. She knows her worth. So, isn’t it better to appreciate such pure feelings?

Why Are European Women So Beautiful?

They shine with confidence from within

It is believed that Europeans are one of the most progressive women in the world. For the most part, they try to distance themselves as much as possible from the stereotypes of traditional society. The average European woman prefers to be treated not as a beautiful, fragile girl, but as a powerful individual equal to a man. In Europe, single ladies for dating enjoy their fierce, and they find femininity in that. This is the first reason why all women on prime dating dot com are so beautiful.

They look good for themselves, not to impress anyone

Besides, European women, as well as Europeans in general, are more inclined towards domestic comfort than public opinion. Old World people do not care much about how they look in the eyes of others, of course, if this is not a dinner party or an office where a specific dress code is a must. Therefore, they dress and look as they feel comfortable. They distinguish when, where, and how to dress to look appropriate. As a rule, single women seeking men in Europe wear heels either at the office or at a party, but not on an everyday basis, as Russians, for example, do.

Their beauty is not only external. It starts with intelligence

The same thing applies to makeup. European ladies from sites like prime dating com are also convinced that makeup and other decorations are the choices of a woman who is permanently in search. Western women do not seek to marry. They value their independence and do not want to please a man. Why spend so much money on makeup and clothes when you can invest in something more important for your personality and future?

They can look bomb without excessive decorations

It is a great misconception that European women do not take care of themselves. Makeup is a personal matter for everyone. Typically, girls apply a sheer tone, blush, mascara, and lipstick/gloss in everyday life. Eyeliner, smokey eyes, and dark lipstick can also be a part of their image. But there must be a special occasion for this. Hairstyling is not really a huge thing in Europe. The right haircut and dyeing are enough, so ladies just wash their head, comb their hair, and look put together. Manicure is also primarily a hygienic procedure for the Europeans. Just as with makeup, the red polish is an evening option. To draw flowers and butterflies will also look ridiculous. The secret of European beauty is in their sophistication. They approach everything with a taste.

What Are European Women Like in 2020?

Single ladies dating in Europe can now be a strange thing. So many traditional bases of the love frameworks changed over the last century that you should try hard to impress a modern woman. She is powerful, confident, and doesn’t need a man as much as back in days. So, what are the fashionable European ladies like?

They are not afraid of technology

They know how to use modern gadgets, but here their knowledge doesn’t end. Many professions have transferred into the online mode, and modern women often work from home on their computers. So, her skills in operating computer software or even programming are high. A modern European woman will not ask a man to reinstall her Windows. She will Google how to do it herself.

She looks the way she likes

A typical European woman looks suitable for herself and not for the people who surround her. If she wants to work out to be healthy, she will go to the gym. If she wants to get a tattoo, social stereotypes and prejudices will not scare her. She wears and does what she wants, and you should respect her choice or leave.

Modern Europeans live on the Web

No, not 24/7, of course, but the Web is an essential part of a modern woman’s life. Just because it’s convenient: here you can read and watch movies, you can chat with friends (no, virtual friends are no worse than real friends — they can be real too). With the help of the Internet, you can shop, work, meet a soulmate using prime-dating services, and finally fall in love.

She is smart

Precisely because she spends a lot of time online, well, it would be strange to have an endless source of information on hand and not learn anything new, right? A modern European woman uses the Network not only to read a TV program and post recipes and statuses on her page. She follows the news and uses online platforms to educate herself.

A modern woman cares about her health

She eats properly, works out, and clears out toxic people from her life. Europeans have always had one of the best healthcare systems in the world. But today’s healthy harmony is the balance between the body and mind.

A European woman in 2020 is forever young

Aging is no longer a problem. The quality of lifestyle and proper nutrition slow down aging. It’s a fact. And the European market is also full of great supplements and skincare products to help women stay young and beautiful. This is also a fact. Nothing is “inappropriate” for a modern woman anymore. If she wants to get a beauty procedure, she will have the injections or plastic surgery. Europeans are open to medical treatments in the sphere of aging and beauty.

She chooses a hobby that she likes

And not something that someone would consider quite “feminine.” If a woman likes to embroider, she will embroider. And with the same success, she can repair custom bikes in her own garage, or master the art of programming. Every beautiful single woman from Europe in 2020 knows what she enjoys and will not deprive herself of this pleasure because someone says shooting, speed driving, or science is not for women.

Benefits of European Girls for Marriage

Europe is big and unites different cultures. You can surely find a woman to your taste on its lands. But what are the features that unite them all?


European women are not as jealous as Asian. They will not throw a tantrum or threaten you with a breakup over any trifle. They prefer a liberal approach to relationships and give you as much freedom as you want. Of course, you should respect their choices as well. If you cheat or act in a toxic way towards a girl, she will simply leave, holding her head high. No scandals or arguing, but she will not tolerate a massive offend.


This girl does not need a man. She needs a partner. European women seek their soulmate, a person to share memories with. She does not require a teacher, a daddy, a mental coach, or a breadwinner. This woman can provide for herself and be quite independent. You, as her husband, should show support and love. But never shout at her or tell her what to do. She will be the best wife if you let her live her own life. And this pulls a huge responsibility off your chest because you do not need to control her.


Yes, European brides are smart and ambitious. They do not want to sit at home and keep the home nest all the time. They will be able to combine everything: a successful career, raising children, and staying beautiful. Most Europeans have obtained quality education, and you will never be bored with them.

Let’s compare the cultural differences between women from the USA and Europe.

The difference between European and American women

Sphere of life



European wives are more sophisticated cookers, and they put their soul into preparing meals. They enjoy the process, know every detail of the serving, and love to experiment. This difference results in the overall look and health of women. Europeans are slimmer, and they feel better because their nutrition is proper and balanced. If you find a single woman from Europe, be ready for the light outdoor picnics, tasty brunches, and unforgettable romantic dinners. Food is part of their culture, while Americans do not have the traditional national dishes.

Americans prefer everything fatter, sweeter, saltier, and bigger (for example, in fast-food chains, the European Large size is their Small size). In other words, expect to receive 1L of coke with your BigMac menu. Oh, and then we hope you like spicy dishes because they don’t skim on the amount of chili. Also, eating strawberries in the middle of January and salad that lasts two weeks in the fridge while keeping all its «freshness» isn’t new for them. Do not expect the American woman to cook culinary masterpieces. They like to eat, that’s true, but they do not appreciate the process.

The European woman will not hide her emotions behind the happy mask. If she doesn’t like anything, she will immediately let you know about it. These ladies also care more about other’s opinions. No matter how hard they try to look indifferent and go their own way, they still feel the pressure to be successful.

Americans are deeply friendly, cheerful, and positive. This openness seems artificial to many foreigners. It is not easy to recognize when they really say what they think, and when asking you how you are doing is just an everyday thing. On the other hand, American women fear the judgment less. Because it is almost non-existent in their country, you can go to the supermarket in pajamas or dye your hair pink, and nobody will find it strange. That part of the American mentality is quite liberating and pleasant.

A woman from Europe is not so closely tied to her motherland. In general, these women are more easy-going and would not object to leaving their country. If you fall in love with one of the beauties on the primedating site and suggest her to move to your country, she would be glad to travel abroad. They love and respect their homeland but have broader views. European ladies would like to see the world and learn about new cultures.

Americans are deeply proud to be American. And they show it. Expect to see flags at the entrance of her house and an unnamed respect for the police (especially the military). In the USA, every morning, middle and high school students from all over the country recite, hand on heart, looking at the flag, what they call “Pledge of Allegiance.” They are raised this way from childhood. So, an American woman loves her country and will tell only positive about it.

The attitude towards time

In Europe, «super-long ago” equals to the medieval era. Time passes slower here, and people value it more. European single women are more patient and stable than Americans. They naturally do not force events and enjoy every minute of life. This is why some choices and challenges can take them long. But they do not make hasty decisions. If you marry a European beauty, you can safely rely on her, know that she is responsible, and not that windy.

The story goes that Christophe Colomb discovered the American territory in 1492. The United States was founded in 1776 (when the first 13 colonies united). So, Americans treat time is entirely different from what people know in Europe. For example, when they talk about the 1920s, it was «super long ago.» As a result, their pace of life is on ultimately another level. American women live fast, are multitasking, and seek skyrocketing success with the minimum efforts. They want everything at once and believe in the «YOLO» type of living.

How to Impress a European Woman

European girls are powerful, persuasive, and they know what they want from a man. Do you know what to offer them?

Do not look for her validation

To meet single girls and effectively flirt with them, you should be self-sufficient and not seek validation. You shouldn’t beg for affection. Do not ostensibly try to please a girl because she will lose interest quickly. If you do that, you will give her everything she wants too soon. You should be sympathizing and gentle but show your inner power. A confident girl wants an equally confident man. You can show her your serious intentions in an online conversation on She should feel your charisma in every message.

Smile and be positive

For the first contact with a woman, you want to seduce, smile to her, and show your kindness. Aggression will scare her away because this is the sign of immaturity and inner imbalance. By looking at the bright side always, you carry positive emotions. And using a bit of humor sets the atmosphere for the rest of the interaction.

Make eye contact when you talk to her

In contrast to Asian culture, for example, in the conversation with single girls from Europe, it is essential to look in their eyes. The tradition of communication here dictates that man shows his genuine interest to a girl by touches, looks, and attention. To effectively communicate your thoughts and emotions to her, you need to look straight at her when you talk.

When you say something to the girl, choose one eye and look into it while talking. Doing this when you speak allows you to show confidence and solidity and to really build a close connection with her.

Be honest about your intentions

At first, you meet single girls and still decide whether you suit each other. When you decide that you are ready to go further with a girl, she may still consider you a simple friend. But you do not want to get stuck in friendzone.

This is a situation that you can easily avoid if you tell the girl you like her and would like to date. European dating culture differs from American. It is more common in Europe to officially suggest dating and build serious relationships.

Don’t fall under pressure

Powerful girls often can try to manipulate you or show their superiority rather than equality. But even if she earns more or has achieved some significant success, you should stay a leader for her. Any woman would like to feel weak at times and know that she can rely on you. She may use her female tricks to get you into doing something. At these times, you should not fall under her influence and show that you can make decisions. She will surrender and let you be the head of the couple when she feels that things aren’t so easy. You will work together to reach all your goals, but still, do not lose your male entity. When a woman is successful, she wants even a more successful man.

European Ladies: Be Prepared for Surprises

Many foreigners who start building personal life in Europe or spend a lot of time there to meet single women note that Europeans are very different. A particular distinct feature can characterize any nation. What should you be aware of when dating a European?

Austrians who appreciate money

Austrian girls are very economical. This is a vital skill for doing business and building a stable life. These ladies are not used to wasting money on trifles and prefer to invest them in the future. They invest in the family, in the development of their business, or in the house. Through regularly paid taxes, they invest in their street, district, village, city. This woman can even annoy at times with her knowledge of any expanses paragraph. She knows what every penny was spent on and will force you to steadily follow the budget plan.

Politeness of French

Ethnic French girls are the subject of various legends and saying. Their elegance and sense of style should be recognized as a separate kind of art. As well as the politeness with which they often communicate with others. You can hear a hundred apologies, sometimes quite ridiculous. So, if you do no apologize to your French beloved, she will be deeply hurt. These ladies care about the personal boundaries of others and go furious when anyone violates theirs. You should better stay away from her if you have a rude and insensitive character.

Love your age like Germans

It seemed that in Germany, even women who are over 60 do not notice their age and continue to live life to the full. They can often be seen in parks, shops, restaurants, and riding bicycles. They like to travel and stay active all the time. They prefer to keep up with the time, and it often comes as a big surprise for the foreigners. In different countries around the world to live to a ripe old age means you should sit at home and wait for the death to come. But these ladies do not think so. Age is, in general, just a number for them.

Italian females who adore shopping

When you go to specialized shops, for example, cheese markets, you will be surprised at how much Italians care about the aesthetics of everything. All goods are laid out perfectly. Everything is clean and fresh. Italian women know exactly where and when to come to get the highest quality products at the best price. If you need to get up early this morning, they will come to the shop at 6 a.m.

And you will notice this perfectionism is everything. Italian females enjoy shopping, not only for food. They like to dress up and can spend half of your salary on a new outfit and a lipstick. So, when you meet girls online who are from Italy, be ready to present gifts to them. They prefer a material and financial approach when it comes to showing adoration.

Spanish senoritas and sincere communication

These ladies have a unique ability to drink a cup of coffee for half an hour. At the same time, they conduct a lively conversation, share their impressions, tell stories, manage to stare around. Sometimes they can spend the whole evening with one glass of beer, chatting with friends. They can chat for hours and are pretty straightforward. Spanish women are loud and expressive; they will let the emotions out and will not keep the offense deep inside. They can make an appointment with a friend just to chat just because they haven’t seen each other in a while. And the most incomprehensible — they always find time for this!

Be easier like the English ladies

London is a complex and multinational city, but the native English women stand out from the background of foreigners. They perceive life as more straightforward than others. And it helps them set their priorities. It’s not customary for them to wear expensive clothes or jewelry at parties. The most ordinary, simple things are in use. English women enjoy communication with people, care for their family, and moral principles. The material things go to the background for them. You should not try to impress a Brit with expensive gifts because she will be offended. Pay attention to her emotional needs and give her the supports she strives for.

European Women for Dating: Unpredictable Things Are Coming


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