Product information not valid hp что делать

How to fix product information not valid error on hp

Product information not valid hp что делать. tuto Product Information not valid. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-tuto Product Information not valid. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка tuto Product Information not valid

You might be surprised after loading the BIOS of some HP and COMPAQ models with a message indicating that some device settings are missing

Product information not valid hp что делать. tuto Product Information not valid. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-tuto Product Information not valid. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка tuto Product Information not validproduct information not valid hp

Product information not valid hp что делать. serial number not found. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-serial number not found. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка serial number not found

Serial Number Not Found

Product Name

Product Configuration

Product Serial Number

Product Number

In this lesson we will explain with pictures and simple steps how to fix this problem (invalid hp product information)

The most important steps you will take in this lesson :

1 – The first step: prepare the USB key in boot mode.

2 – The second step: Download “HP DMI Tool” on USB.

3- The third step: enter to the tool settings.

4- The last step: recover the lost parameters.

Note: In the first and second step, you will configure flash memory on your personal PC. Regarding the third and final step, we will move on to work on the other Laptop that has the problem.

1- The first step: Preparation of the USB key in boot mode:

In this step, you will use the “USB Disk Storage Format Tool” program to prepare the flash memory to be bootable. There are many programs to help you do this, but this program is simple and easy to use and does not need to be installed on the computer.

Place the flash memory in one of the USB ports on your computer (the program will delete all files from the USB drive, so it should not contain your important files).

Download the program from this link. After that, run the program as administrator.

Product information not valid hp что делать. usb disk storage format tool. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-usb disk storage format tool. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка usb disk storage format tool

A window will appear for you.
– You choose the flash memory in Device
– In File system, choose FAT32
– You mark Quick Format, Create DOS startup Disk and using internal MS-DOS system files.
– Then start the formatting process by pressing the Start button.

Product information not valid hp что делать. How do usb boot. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-How do usb boot. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка How do usb boot

Immediately after pressing the Start button. An alert message will appear saying: “WARNING! ALL DATA ON THE USB … DEVICE WILL BE LOST!”

And if you are sure that the flash memory does not contain any important items, you can start the process by pressing the Yes button.

Product information not valid hp что делать. repair usb. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-repair usb. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка repair usb

Once you press the button, the formatting process will start.

Product information not valid hp что делать. tutorial format usb. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-tutorial format usb. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка tutorial format usb

After the process completes, a message appears like this.

Product information not valid hp что делать. software hpusbfw. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-software hpusbfw. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка software hpusbfw

Entering flash memory, you notice the presence of two folders: DOS and TOOLS.

2 – The second step: Download the “HP DMI Tool” on USB:

In this step, you will download the “HP DMI TOOLKIT” files onto the USB key that we have previously prepared.

You can download the “HP DMI TOOLKIT” file from this link.

After downloading the tools files. You extract the HPDMI folder and the AUTOEXEC file from the zip file.

You send the HPDMI and AUTOEXEC folder to flash memory. After that you will see a message saying that there is already an AUTOEXEC file in the flash memory.
You press Confirm: to overwrite the file.

finally. You have configured the flash memory to work. Now you take out the USB drive and put it in the laptop that has the problem.

3- The third step: enter to the tool settings

After putting the flash memory into the laptop. You directly press the F9 button when the computer is booting, then you choose to boot from USB.

Product information not valid hp что делать. How do boot manager. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-How do boot manager. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка How do boot manager

After that you will see the DOS page in this way.

Product information not valid hp что делать. dmifit dos page. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-dmifit dos page. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка dmifit dos page

You choose the type of keyboard (French – English) by typing the command “keyb” followed by a space then the type of keyboard. Either you add “fr” if it’s French, or you add “uk” if it’s English: for example, if you are using a French keyboard, you write “keyb fr”, then you press Enter.

After choosing the keyboard type, you type this command to enter the tool settings:

You type “DmiFit” and hit enter. A window appears with a set of parameters.

Product information not valid hp что делать. HP DMI TOOLKIT menu. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-HP DMI TOOLKIT menu. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка HP DMI TOOLKIT menu

4 – The last step: recover the lost parameters:

In this step, you will enter all the missing parameters. But where will you get these parameters to enter them?

You will get all the lost settings on the back of the laptop, directly under the battery.

Product information not valid hp что делать. pcid compaq. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-pcid compaq. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка pcid compaq

After you know where to take the settings:

You restart the laptop and you will notice that the problem is resolved.

NOTE: This method is only supported on the models below

Compaq : 320, 321, 325, 326, 420, 421, 620, 621, 510, 511, 610, 515, 516, 615

HP Compaq : 2230s, 6530b, 6530s, 6531s, 6535b, 6535s, 6730b, 6730s, 6735b, 6735s, 6830s, 6720t, 2210b, 2510p, 2710p, 6510b, 6515b, 6520s, 6710b, 6710s, 6715b, 6715s, 6720s, 6820s, 6910p, 8510p, 8510w, 8710p, 8710w, nc2400, nc4000, nc4010, nc4200, nc4400, nc6000, nc6110, nc6120, nc6140, nc6220, nc6230, nc6320, nc6400, nc8000, nc8230, nc8430, nw8000, nw8240, nw8440, nw9440, nx5000, nx6105, nx6110, nx6115, nx6120, nx6125, nx6130, nx6310, nx6315, nx6320, nx6325, nx6330, nx7000, nx7010, nx7300, nx7400, nx8220, nx8420, nx9420, tc4200, tc4400

HP EliteBook : 2560p, 2760p, 8465p, 8460p, 8460w, 8560p, 8560w, 8760w, 2540p, 2740p, 8440p, 8440w, 8540p, 8540w, 8740w, 2530p, 2730p, 6930p, 8530p, 8530w, 8730w,

HP : 420, 425, 620, 625, 4320t, 541, 2140, 4410t, 540, 550, 2133, 2533t, 500, 510, 520, 530

HP Mini : 5103, 5102, 5101

HP Pavilion : ze1000, zt3000, zt3200, zt3300

HP Presario : B1200, M2000, V1000, X1000, X1200, X1300, X1400

HP ProBook : 4230s, 4330s, 4331s, 4335s, 4430s, 4431s, 4435s, 4530s, 4535s, 4730s, 6465b, 6565b, 5330m, 6360b, 6460b, 6560b, 4320s, 4321s, 4325s, 4326s, 4420s, 4421s, 4425s, 4520s, 4525s, 4720s, 5220m, 5320m, 6450b, 6455b, 6550b, 6555b, 6440b, 6445b, 6540b, 6545b, 5310m, 4310s, 4311s, 4410s, 4411s, 44151s, 4416s, 4510s, 4515s, 4710s


Решено ноутбук hp 625 проблема с биосом

The following product information programmed into the system board is missing orinvalid

подскажите как исправить

Неисправности комьютеров Как найти дефект в компьютере Сигналы BIOS и POST Прошивка BIOS компьютера Схемы компьютеров и их блоков

Какие типовые неисправности в компьютерах?

Профессиональные мастера как правило знают все типовые дефекты и виды их проявления. Тем не менее кратко перечислим проявления для тех кто впервые попал на страницы форума:

Как найти неисправный элемент?

В двух словах не возможно указать всю методику поиска неисправности. Во первых необходимо определить неисправный блок. Для этого требуется понимать аппаратное устройство ПК, взаимную связь его отдельных блоков(модулей) внутри системного блока либо внешних устройств:

Что такое сигналы BIOS и POST?

Большинство мастеров знают, что БИОС-ы cовременных компютеров производят самотестирование при включениии. Обнаруженные ошибки сигнализируют звуковым сигналом и через внутреннюю программу POST (англ. Power-On Self-Test) — самотестирование при включении.

Как перепрошить BIOS?

Существует три основных способа обновления БИОС материнской платы:

Где скачать схему компьютера?

На сайте уже размещены схемы и сервисные мануалы. Это схемы на блоки питания, материнские платы, различные интерфейсы, и прочие. Они находятся в самих темах и отдельных разделах:


Product information not valid

need help with «Product information not valid» issue after device is turn ON before boot. There was no hw replacement.
Thak you in advance.

Sorry, I have no idea how you could obtain the correct details. These may be available in internal HP systems and can probably be seen by technicians, or if there is no specific information, some generic may be entered. No idea, sorry.

It’s the technician in the service centers who are more familiar with these specifics.

Welcome to the HP Support Community.

This is not a hardware problem, this is just missing branding information from the motherboard.

If you are not sure where such a center is located, please contact HP support for assistance in finding one. Here is more info:

Product information not valid hp что делать. hqdefault. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-hqdefault. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка hqdefault

bios / drivers are up to date. Any chance someone experienced with tool / utility for manufacturer data rewriting/renewing could help?

bios / drivers are up to date. Any chance someone experienced with tool / utility for manufacturer data rewriting/renewing could help?

The problem is not that your drivers or BIOS are outdated. It’s a problem which can only be addressed by HP internal tool which is not available for the mass-public. Anything else which you may do is not official and at your own risk for breaking something (bricking the device).


Product information not valid System Board 00A

Con questa guida risolverete un fastidioso problema che affligge i computer HP e Compaq con la visualizzazione di “Not Valid System Board 00A” oppure “Product information not valid“. Seguendo questo articolo potrete aggiornare alcune informazioni inserendole nel BIOS mediante un tool HP.

** GUIDA AGGIORNATA a Luglio 2018 **


all’accensione il PC presenta il messaggio:

Product information not valid System Board 00A

HP e Compaq


Per qualche motivo il computer HP o Compaq si perde le informazioni della scheda madre o periferiche (System Board 00A)


Con un programma è possibile inserire manualmente queste informazioni ed evitare l’apparire del messaggio System Board 00A.


Dopo una riparazione di un Compaq serie CQ, all’avvio improvvisamente mi è apparso questo messaggio.

Devo dire che sono rimasto abbastanza perplesso: riparo HP o Compaq praticamente tutti i giorni e questo messaggio non l’avevo mai visto. Ogni giorno una sorpresa… mah.

Il messaggio di per sè non sembra dare problemi se non per il fatto che blocca l’avvio e costringe a premere il tasto ENTER / INVIO per andare avanti.

Nel mio caso mi dice che mancano alcune informazioni nel BIOS come:

Per fortuna esiste una soluzione.


PREMESSA: questo procedimento dovrebbe essere esclusivamente eseguito da personale HP. Potrebbe potenzialmente creare qualche problema per cui se seguite le istruzioni qui sotto lo fate assumendovene la responsabilità. Non sono quindi responsabile di danni al vostro PC nè posso garantirvi che le informazioni risolveranno il vostro problema. La fonte di queste informazioni le ho prelevate dal Web e applicate con successo su un mio PC.

Per applicare questa soluzione, come vedremo, avremo a disposizione diversi file eseguibili ognuno dedicato ad una differente scheda madre HP / Compaq: questo perchè le schede madri sono prodotte da diversi fornitori / marchi ed ogni scheda necessita di un suo programma dedicato per essere aggiornata.

Ecco cosa ci serve:

Product information not valid hp что делать. rufus. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-rufus. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка rufus

Product information not valid hp что делать. Problema system board 00A HP. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-Problema system board 00A HP. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка Problema system board 00A HP

Ecco una lista dei file (non aggiornata) e un’indicazione delle schede madri compatibili e di alcuni PC che ho testato:

HPBQ138.exe –> testato sui Compaq serie CQ
HPBQ142.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Quanta
HPBW066.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Wistron
HPBC280.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Compal
HPBI133.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Inventec
HPBFL220.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Flextronics
HpSet14B.exe –> dedicato a schede madri bNB
HPBFO230.exe –> dedicato a schede madri Foxconn
HPBFO300.exe –> testato su HP G62

Cartella “ALTRE” –> contenente tante sottocartelle con altri modelli suddivisi per marca scheda madre.

Dopo il riavvio al boot non dovremmo più ricevere alcun messaggio di errore!

Caso di impossibilità nella scrittura dei dati (messaggio “Machine is not in comitted state”)

Può capitare che dopo aver inserito tutti i dati con le utility precedenti, sia poi impossibile la scrittura.

In pratica non si riesce a salvare le modifiche e appare il messaggio: “M achine is not in comitted state!”

La causa può essere dovuta principalmente a due fattori:

Per risolvere dovete agire lato Windows per abilitare la modalità MPM; e per farlo dovete utilizzare un’altra utility HP chiamata HP BIOS Configuration Utility (BCU) che trovate qui:

Messaggio all’avvio “System is booting in Manufacturing Program Mode”)

Un altra possibilità che può evidenziarsi – specie a valle di riscrittura o ripristino del Bios – è un messaggio “System is booting in Manufacturing Program Mode”.

Product information not valid hp что делать. System is booting in Manufacturing Program Mode. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-System is booting in Manufacturing Program Mode. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка System is booting in Manufacturing Program Mode

Per disattivare questo messaggio si possono utilizzare i passi descritti nel paragrafo precedente, in merito alla modalità MPM.

Un utente mi segnala che alcune informazioni non sono facilmente deducibili.

Ad esempio reperire “Build ID” e “Feature Byte” non è sempre possibile ma alcuni dati si possono reperire dal sito HP a partire dal seriale del proprio PC:

Product information not valid hp что делать. HP440G3. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-HP440G3. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка HP440G3

E se ancora non funziona??

Se avete ancora problemil’unica via per risolvere il problema è riprogrammare completamente il chip bios con apposito programmatore. In tutti i casi contattatemi per assistenza o supporto.


Windows Faults Fixed

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Sunday, 16 December 2012

How to fix Product Information Not Valid error on HP G62-A19SA

I recently replaced the motherboard on an HP G62-A19SA laptop (part number 597674-001). Whilst the new motherboard worked correctly, every time the machine was started an error would appear during POST, and it could not be removed by clearing the CMOS or updating the BIOS. The error stated:

System Board OOA Product Information Not Valid
Product Name
Serial number
Product Number
For help go to

There is a very useful thread about the problem here:

After a lot of trial and error, I was able to resolve the problem and get rid of the message with the following process:

PART 1: Create a bootable USB memory stick.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. This solved the problem on my HP 8440p.

How you solve this problem plz send me all information bcz my laptop also same problem
Product information not valid
My email

can you help me i have same problem occurs
product information not valid
plzz How you solve this problem plz send me all information bcz my laptop also same problem
email id

Product information not valid hp что делать. SUGIARI. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-SUGIARI. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка SUGIARI

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Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

hi, do you know which utility do i have to use on HP Pavilion G6-1B79DX. I’m stuck 🙁

I don’t I’m afraid but I would suggest running nbdmifit.bat from the DOS prompt as described above as this should automatically select the correct utility. Let me know if you can’t get to this stage.

I have a dv6t-7000. I can’t access the BIOS I have about 3 nbdimfit versions, and I get a message with all 3 «this utility can not be executed on this platform. Any suggestions?

thank you very much worked fine in hp 8560w

please i get hp elite book 8460 p and would you mind to tell me how you solved your problem cause used the hpbq193.exe but i can not save file programed thank u for all.

hi did u solve yourproblemcause I have the same laptop but I could not solve the problem

Hi did tou solve the problème i have the same

wow. thank you. problem 100% solved

Excellent post! I had been looking for a way to fix this on a client’s machine, after a new motherboard install in a G62-340US. Worked flawlessly!

Hello! I have an hp Probook 4540s with the same problem but when I try to follow the above instructions, it gives me a » Vendor Code not support in this package. Unexpect error» message. Can you please help me?

Product information not valid hp что делать. Mwar. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-Mwar. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка Mwar

Hey! there. did you find any useful post to remedy the above error message: » Vendor Code not support in this package. Unexpect error» message? I am having the same error. thanks 🙁

hie please help. am using probook 4540s. seeing same message asvendor code not supported in this package.unexpected error

did you have this problem solved on your 4540s?

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Thank you so much for your helpful tutorial, I really appreciate your time putting it all together for us to ease our lives! Keep up the good work. It worked on my HP G42 Laptop.

Will this work on my hp elitebook 2740p i replace the bios chip because my sister forget the bios password so i bought a unlock bios chip on eBay, please let me know thank you

Hi, i have the same problem : i got an system information invalid in my hp emitebook 8560w. But i can access window 7 professionnal without any problem.
is it really necessary to fix this problem like you show in this topic?
thank you for your reply
have a good day

I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.

Just open the usb drive press ‘p’ to change the model number and set the serial number and the product key and everything perfect. THX

won’t work for my probook 4520s. did as described above. can you send a zip or steps to my email? thanks

Sorry it doesn’t save, I fill all but don’t save even force with save.

I’ve a message : DLP is disable

Thanks worked good. To make the usb bootable did not work on a 4gb stick, had to use a 1 gb stick. It is definitely a typo on the batch file for the foxconn mb, I am surprised nobody fixed it yet.

A good tip is just to snap an image of the numbers on the bottom of the laptop with your phone. It is much easier to read, and you can zoom in to make it larger.

You might consider making a bootable iso image to make a bootable cd.

I get the following error,

Can anyone help am usung a HP G62 b27SA

same error here bro.
i am using 8470p

Can Not set enviorment cariabel ‘Foxconn_uti_Name’
Envoirment Full?
Can Not set enviorment cariabel ‘Foxconn_uti_Name’
Envoirment Full?
Vendor code not support in this package
unexpect error

Yeah.. had the same error message.. I found out that I formatted the USB stick as Free-DOS when I should’ve formatted it as MS-DOS, which solved the problem..

Product information not valid hp что делать. n1220404679 174431 5742 2. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-n1220404679 174431 5742 2. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка n1220404679 174431 5742 2

please has anybody gotten solution for the error?

after several dead ends. This was the easiest way to fix the invalid/missing serial number error. You are truly a savior, keep up the good work.

This does not work on Probook like 6470b and Elite 9470m. Sad still need a working solution. Please advice

After 2 days of searching. The solution above worked for me on an HP G4. Make sure to read kicker22004’s post.

Worked like a charm on my Probook 4730s. Just make sure to write down all the numbers from the bottom, as well as the one from the battery. Thanks a bunch mate!

I like your style of writing. You break it down nicely. Very informative post. Keep up the good work.

thanks alot it was much more than helpfull to my job. problem fully solved

which one i choose for compaq presario cq42-227tu please help me

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This solved the problem on my HP g61-4448ca

Serial Number = Obviosly your S/N on the back of your laptop

Notebook Model= Mine was Compaq Presario Cq61 NoteBook PC. Don’t think this really matters

Guid Number= This one was a B#$%H i had no clue so RANDOM FTW!!

UUID Number= Select 1 to generate UUID

SKU Number= It’s the Product Number on the bottom Mine was WA985UA#ABA

CTO Localization Code = ABA

MAC Address = Agian Random. you can judge or use and get past hitting Enter everytime!

PCID = Ok under the battery cover there is a Sticker. it might also be on the Motherboard.

System Board CT # = i left this blank. it’s a sticker on the motherboard if you want to fill it in. Reply Delete

thank you very much sir, you solved problem for my new motherboard

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I solved this, you need type «hpbfo300.exe» instead of «nbdmifit.bat» without quotes.Then fill the information:

(0) Serial Number = S/N on back of laptop
(1) Notebook Model = model number of back of laptop
(2) GUID Number = random
(3) UUID Number = Select 1 to generate UUID
(4) SKU Number = Product Number (e.g. WA985UA#ABA)
(5) CTO Localization Code = Last 3 letters (e.g. ABA)
(6) MAC Address = Random
(7) PCID = Sticker/ printed on back, under battery or on MOBO. (This may be difficult to find but it’s there and hopefully not burned or rubbed off. I found mine under the battery compartment in really small letters. It looked like this: “PCID: 1234567…”)
(8) System Board CT # = blank

Save changes and reboot.

Product information not valid hp что делать. Mwar. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-Mwar. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка Mwar

i face same prob in my hp elitebook 8740p

Thanks Matthew
I am Jaak (from Eeklo)

I have posted the URL to this most helpful post at a HP forum because this outline (tutorial?) was spot on.

It helped fix a CQ61-330SB from this all zero fault.
I did the 230 to 300 edit..
I used a valid MAC, and a not so valid MAC (the HWID or manufactor ID is in the first six Chars), and while I KNEW the first six to be incorrect (I had used a Broadcom ID), windows did no longer throw a invalid IP configuration on me in dry runs
IOW, as long as the first six are valid HWID strings, the next six are pretty much random?

For finding first valid six
Thanks, Jaak

Link to post at HP forum

This might have been my first reply to a googleblog, but there were so many ways to «connect» this.

I preferred forae long ago, then stopped hanging out at many because they tend to steal time.
But, I still like to reply to something that I know can help a good many other people, and THIS one, Mathew, hit the sweet spot.

Jaak, From Driverpacks did some good there, they still say.
Not to Gloat, but to say that for to know where HW manufactors do things in BIOS and Firmware is one of the smartest thinhs I ever asked questions about, and the answers we derived were really a poor show for so called ISO standardisation (HWIDS duplicated and so on)
nuff said, or I vent my spleen.

I’ve a Hp Probook 6555b and I’m still unable to fix the System configuration is invalid any help would be greatly accepted Thanks In advance. I’ve tried this utility several times and unable to find the PCID number either. Thanks again

I was able to fix the error message you described, however, I’m still getting the «Warning!! Machine is not in a committed state» message. The model of the laptop I’m using is the HP Elitebook 8460p. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Still getting «Product Family» invalid?? How do I get rid of this one?

works on HP 8440p very well and it was so easy, many thanks!

him please could you tell me how you did to solve the problem and thank s for all

Hello all, we need a little help, We have a Hp Pavilion G6, I have followed the above directions but it does not save to the motherboard. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

I have an hp pro 3130 mt and cannot find the utility to change machine info in bios. Can anyone help me with this?

It was really very informative and useful post for me specifically as I was just looking for how to fix this on one of my client’s machine, after a new motherboard install in a G62-340US. It really helped me and now it works fine and have no issues at all and I do not need to go to any cheap PC repair shop or support center.

It was really very informative and useful post for me specifically as I was just looking for how to fix this on one of my client’s machine, after a new motherboard install in a G62-340US. It really helped me and now it works fine and have no issues at all and I do not need to go to any cheap PC repair shop or support center.

I cannot get the error to clear. It’s still asking for config ID which I’ve looked every where trying to figure out how to find it or what exactly it is. I’ve used the tool to enter the serial number, model type, and product number. What is the product config ID.

I am having the same problem. The only error message I was unable to clear was the Product Configuration. It is 16 digit, I tried random numbers and no luck. Help, I really love my G62

Thank U. this is work

hi.grate post.but i fill the informations randomly. a 3 character name for p/n.
a 24 character for s/n
and a 25 character for config/ID. EASY!

Super après plusieur tests de valeur system board ct
demarrage ok

Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

This works on a dv5-2231nr.
Thank you!

thanks man it orking on my Compaq Presario CQ61

Thank you so very much for this magic tutorial. it worked perfect on my hp elitebook 8460p

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this pci work for my intel motherboard g62 0499100000242710000020000

Very thank bro, it’s working good on my laptop HP elitebook 8440p.

i have an elitebook 8540p and eveerytime i enter the product number in (vd446av) i choose option 1 to include the p/n in the model strong but after that it says failed to wite sku number. what am i doing wrong?

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Hi. I did everything, entered the information, but the product information not valied screen still came up. It’s as if the information wasn’t saved. Please help me. I have pavilion g6-1b50us

i got the same problem usb ports, sound,internet connections not working any solution?

Very thank bro, it’s working good on my laptop HP elitebook 2540p

Where did you find ConfigId on 2540P?

Hi it failed to work on my HP 250 G2. Any idea of how i can determine the motherboard manufacturer? Or what tool can be useful?

Your blog article is really very impressive and well written. Thanks for sharing this wonderful description with us and please keep updating with your thoughts.

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Thanks a ton. It worked for me on cq61.

I have this problem in a cq61 and also the battery is not working properly. Do you think the battery is important to try this fix?

I need to replace my battery and everything went well with me, the error doesnt appear no more. I dont think the battery is important for this fix.

Hey guys, I have a ProBook 450 G2. I was wondering if there is an updated DMI utility for that one. Thanks in advance. You guys are always a great help.

Moning, I have an hp ProOne 400-g1 and this utility cannot change machine info in bios. Can anyone help me with this?

Such a very useful article. keep sharing

Awesome, dude! This is the real deal. No more trip to the HP service center.

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Didn’t work for EliteBook Folio 9480m

Your notebook is not supported by this utility.
You should check CSN to find the correct utility for this platform

Atempting to read system information.
System Board >Error Reading Model Number
Error Reading Serial Number

Please someone help!

Product information not valid hp что делать. 2010 05 07%2Bword%2Bup!. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-2010 05 07%2Bword%2Bup!. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка 2010 05 07%2Bword%2Bup!

Also tried: hpbfo300.exe

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Hello. Did u find any solution for this? Thx

Hi i´m try this in my hp mini 110-11040la and when i fill the information and press enter, the screen going black and reboot, no information is saved, how fix this?

same for me, do you have any solution.

Cannot get this to boot to DOS- using a 2gb USB formatted for MS-DOs

Did you try pressing the ESC button when you computer is starting?

This worked perfectly for me! HP Compaq Presario CQ62 Running Windows 7 Home Premium.

I followed the instructions as written and the error is now gone, which also made my copy of windows genuine again, so I am now upgrading to Windows 10 as I type. No one ever spelled out the instructions on how to do this step by step and I’m so thankful you did.

I cannot download the hpdu.rar. can anyone provide me. Thanks

Je suis dans le meme cas, le lien ne fonctionne plus, et en chercha,t sur le net, je ne trouve rien.

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Le voilà, je l’ai renommé, j’ai l’impression que HP n’aime pas le voir traîner, vu qu’il font payer ce genre de procédure, en principe.

Après le lancement du nbdmifit.bat le DOS affiche l’erreur «Can Not set environment cariable ‘Foxconn_uti_Name’
Environment Full? «

Je peux tout de même poursuivre, notament la saisie de quelques infos produit.
Le DOS termine par «succesfully changed, press any keys to continue» mais il m’est impossible de sauvegarder.

Can some one please provide link to download HPDU.rar file

See my reply above.

I’m running a probook 4520s and despites following every steps i just cant get rid of the error code:

«Can Not set enviroment cariable ‘Foxconn_uti_Name’
Environment Full? «

The BUC allows me to enter few infos (PN, SN and PCID) and ends up with a «succes» notification following by «Press any keys to continue». But pressing any keys leads me nowhere. In fact, it’s just adding a line to the DOS.

I’m comming up to you as the 4530s is pretty close in term of structure from the 4520s.

Thank you in advance for your consideration adn your reply.

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Download this utility and on «create a bootable disk using» choose MS-DOS type, DO NOT CHOOSE Free Dos, choose MS-DOS and then it will work..
Bloody free dos.

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Does anyone know how to unlock the descriptor on 2740p elite book a/

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I get error # 7! when it exits I figured out how to unlock discriptor for 2740p laptop it is holding left right and windows key and then power it on

I was wondering if this would work on a replacement Wi-Fi card.

Parfait, le lien fonctionne et sa a fonctionné sur mon Hp Probook 6460b.
Les information sur le produit on disparue juste en remplacent une RAM.
Voilà Merci encore

Après le lancement du nbdmifit.bat le DOS affiche l’erreur «Can Not set environment cariable ‘Foxconn_uti_Name’
Environment Full? «

Je peux tout de même poursuivre, notament la saisie de quelques infos produit.
Le DOS termine par «succesfully changed, press any keys to continue» mais il m’est impossible de sauvegarder ou de continuer.
Après reboot, l’erreur SB004 est toujours là.

Error on my elite book 8440p, can not set environment variable ‘FOXCONN_UTI_NAME’

please help me to solved this problem.

Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

The answer to that is change your bootable usb to MS-DOS bootable. Most people accidentally do free-DOS bootable because that is the default.

Scott, could not find this option in the RUFUS. There is only FreeDOS. Any thoughts?

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Product information not valid hp что делать. IMG 0232. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-IMG 0232. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка IMG 0232

Dear everyone,
I found only Serial Number of my laptop. But other parameters (Product Number, Notbook model..), do they important when I re-fill into my bios?
Thank in advance.

Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

Well I did everything as instructed, when i click on P to program the info it says error reading serial # and error reading product # even though it gives me the UUID number

Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

Here is what I get when I run it:

Atempting to read system information.
System Board >Error Reading Model Number
Error Reading Serial Number

Doesn’t matter what option I choose

I’m stiil cann’t. WRITE SKU ERROR

is not in committed state error me sale en una elitebook 8560p ya se quito todo menos ese error. espero me puedan ayudar

I got a probook 6540b, installed the latest BIOS F60 or something) from the hp website and also got stuck with this error.
I followed the instructions above and started the tool «HPSET14b.EXE» because that was the only one working from that HPDU collection. But I also have that error saying «WRITE SKU ERROR» so I can’t update the needed information.

I initially decided to flash the BIOS because standby wasn’t working and it actually fixed the problem. But it’s kind of ridiculous that only hp (that means spending money) can help now?!

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I have an HP Pavilion DV6t-7000 model and I keep getting the message » This utility is for pavilion and presario notebooks only»
Any ideas?

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Hi, thank you
works on a dv5-2246la (error started: replacement by a new mother board)
Hola gracias se corrigio el error al correr aplicación e introducir datos faltantes en lap dv5-2246la, el error comenzo a salir cuando se cambio por tarjeta madre nueva.

nothing worked, always got an error lik this
«This utility can NOT be executed on this platform. Please check other version utility again.»
i found this
and it worked perfectly for my HP Folio 13

Same problem here.
after update BIOS, all is lost.
Tried few versions and tried other tools.
Called HP and ask for 200 Euro. LOL

thanks and i am looking HP 2570p DMI tool for fix invalid.information page
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i have found the DMI update tool but i dont able to change serial number

Thanks for sharing the information..
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Tried on a HP Pavilion g6-2368ca and would not work.
Error: «This utility can NOT be executed on this platform. Please check other version utility again.»

Hi, I have the same problem:
System Board OOA Product Information Not Valid
Product Name
Serial number
Product Number
For help go to

but in an HP Elitepad 900 with system bios date 04/11/2013

it does not run at all, please help!

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Product information not valid hp что делать. blank. Product information not valid hp что делать фото. Product information not valid hp что делать-blank. картинка Product information not valid hp что делать. картинка blank

ERROR: failed to write SKU number

ERROR: failed to write model name



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same error here..i have 8460p hp elitebook. please hel

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Every other things work except PCID. I used the PICD seen at the battery compactment but i got invalid error. Does it mean that the new MOBO has a its own PICD. If yes, how can have access to it. Thanks

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. worked like a charm for my Compaq Presario CQ60

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here’s a link to the CD ISO version.

The CD ISO file:

The above link should all be entered together on one line—no spaces

i use this method and do not work for NTB HP 625 please help

Thank you! It worked for me, i’m using Hp Probook 6360b.

It worked perfectly for Hp Elitebook 2560p. Thanks a lot

cannot set environment variable foxconn_uti_name environment full

this utility is not for this platform

i have hp 450 g2 i need help this whay not work on mt lap top

i have hp compaq presario cq42. sm problem at the startup..plz resolve fr this. plz. my email address is ::

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ERROR: failed to write SKU number

ERROR: failed to write model name


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Silahkan kunjungi situs : / ya Bosku ^^

i have an elitebook 8540p and everytime i enter the product number in (vd446av) i choose option 1 to include the p/n in the model strong but after that it says failed to wite sku number. what am i doing wrong?

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E.On has admitted to losing 200,000 British customers this year, adding that energy price hikes did not help shield its British business from the effects of “fierce” competition, tough regulation and the Brexit-hit pound.

The German energy firm’s finance chief Marc Spieker said he could not go into details about the total number of UK customers compared with the start of the year, but assured that its base has since stabilised.

“We’ve got a loss of about 200,000 customers but I have to stress that that is a development that concerns especially the first quarter. And in the course of the second quarter, we were able to stabilise those figures,” Mr Spieker said, according to an English translation.

But E.On – which hiked its standard variable dual fuel prices by an average of 8.8% from April 26 – said that the stemming of customer losses did not make up for challenging market conditions in Britain.

“In the UK, the price increase instituted in April and the stabilisation of customer numbers in the start of the year were not enough to offset the negative impact of persistently fierce competition, regulatory challenges and adverse exchange rate effects,” the finance chief said.

In the first nine months of the financial year, Mr Spieker said that UK earnings dropped by around 80 million euros (£70.9 million).

Naparima Member of Parliament Rodney Charles says Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley needs to tell the nation what is the Government’s plan of dealing with the threat of terrorist acts by returning terrorists.

Charles said Rowley’s inability to develop concrete policies to deal with home grown terrorism, including the issue of returning terrorists, has once again led to him resorting to spinning untruths and blaming the UNC for his Government’s many failings on the crime and terrorism fronts.

“Dr. Rowley again falsely blamed the Opposition for tarnishing our image abroad when we questioned in Parliament his government’s shortcomings on crime and terrorism. Last Friday in San Fernando he said the Opposition in Parliament told the world that we are a nest of ISIS and we’re creating Muslims extremists and jihadists.”

Charles said while there have been several international news reports with respect to the threat to Trinidad and Tobago from returning terrorists, no member of the Opposition is quoted as a source.

“The UK Express of 25th October 2017 warned that ISIS is training our jihadists to target, on their return, tourism hotspots and westerners in the region, and further reported that when quizzed over the risk of jihadis returning at a recent Caricom Counter-Terrorism Strategy conference in Port of Spain, Minister of National Security Edmund Dillon replied: «It is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’….”

He said that same article also quoted former US Ambassador John Estrada as describing the islands as the terror group’s «unthinking seedbed”, and telling the New York Times: «Per capita, Trinidad has the greatest number of foreign fighters from the Western Hemisphere who have joined the Islamic State.»

“The UK Sun warned that “fears are growing that Trinidad and Tobago could face a new wave of terror attacks from returning ISIS jihadis” and that we have “the highest rate of ISIS foreign recruitment in the Western hemisphere, while Jihad Watch reported that ‘fears are growing that Western holidaymakers will be targeted in terror attacks by depraved terrorists who have travelled back to Trinidad and Tobago from the beaten caliphate.”

A man suspected of killing eight people and injuring at least 11 more in a truck attack in New York left a note pledging allegiance to Islamic State, US media has reported.

Officials have said they discovered the note, which one official said was written in a foreign language, in the truck which Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov allegedly drove through a busy Manhattan cycle route on Tuesday afternoon.

The 29-year-old reportedly drove 14 blocks before crashing into a school bus and jumping from the rented truck with two replica guns.

US media reported the suspected shouted “Allahu Akbar” – Arabic for “God is greatest” after getting out of the vehicle.

He was then shot in the abdomen by police and is expected to survive after undergoing surgery.

Authorities speaking under anonymity have revealed that Saipov, who worked as a truck and Uber driver, was an Uzbekistan national who entered the US legally in 2010. He had lived in Tampa, Florida, and New Jersey.

Family friend, Dilnoza Abdusamatova, told the Cincinnatti Enquirer that he was a “really calm” person who “wouldn’t go to parties or anything.”

“He only used to come home and rest and leave and go back to work,” he said.

Of the eight people killed in the attack, the majority are foreign nationals, with five belonging to the same group from the Argentinian city of Rosario.

The friends were visiting New York as part of a 30th-anniversary school reunion when they were killed, the country’s foreign ministry said.

Tribal fighting’
BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: «We’ve had a second sighting of him now.
«Tribal chiefs in the area that he went missing say that he has been sighted near an airstrip, that he’s okay, that his health is fine, that he’s requesting rescue.
«It’s always possible that they could have made a mistake, but I’m not aware of any other 57-year-old lanky British explorers that have gone missing in that area, so let’s hope that it isn’t a false glimmer of hope. But I think he’s going to be okay.»
Our correspondent said Mr Allen was marooned in a remote part of Papua New Guinea that was only accessible by air, after the road bridges were cut due to tribal fighting.
«Urgent efforts are now under way to try and airlift him out as soon as possible in case fighting erupts around him,» he said.
Mr Allen’s older sister, Katie Pestille, had said it was «out of character» for him to miss his scheduled flight out of Papua New Guinea to Hong Kong.


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