Propaganda machine что это

propaganda machine

Смотреть что такое «propaganda machine» в других словарях:

propaganda machine — noun 1. All the means employed in the process of spreading propaganda 2. The process itself • • • Main Entry: ↑propaganda … Useful english dictionary

propaganda — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ government, official, party, state ▪ corporate, political, religious ▪ Communist, Conservative … Collocations dictionary

machine — noun 1 piece of equipment ADJECTIVE ▪ giant, great, huge, large, powerful ▪ portable ▪ automated, automatic … Collocations dictionary

Propaganda in North Korea — The propaganda in North Korea is extensively based on the Juche ideology to promote the Workers Party of Korea line.[citation needed] From its beginning to this day the propaganda is omnipresent. Contents 1 Themes 1.1 Cult of personality … Wikipedia

Propaganda film — [ 250px|right|thumb|The Why We Fight Series depicts the Nazi propaganda machine.] A propaganda film is a film, either a documentary style production or a fictional screenplay, that is produced to convince the viewer of a certain political point… … Wikipedia

machine — ma|chine1 W1S1 [məˈʃi:n] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Old French; Origin: Latin machina, from Greek mechane, from mechos way of doing things ] 1.) a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job… … Dictionary of contemporary English

machine — 1 noun (C) 1 a piece of equipment that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job: a machine that fills the bottles | Could you get me a Coke from the machine? | sewing/washing machine etc (=a machine that can sew, wash clothes etc) |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

machine — I UK [məˈʃiːn] / US [məˈʃɪn] noun [countable] Word forms machine : singular machine plural machines *** Other ways of saying machine: device a small machine that has been designed to do something specific: a device for measuring the temperature… … English dictionary

machine — ma|chine1 [ mə ʃin ] noun count *** 1. ) a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity, steam, gas, etc.: Sue showed him how to operate the machine. by machine: These companies do everything by machine these days. a ) a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English




Официальная торговая марка SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE с идентификационным номером 767522 зарегистрирована 15 июля 2020 г. и опубликована 15 июля 2020 г. Заявка на регистрацию была подана 26 декабря 2019 г. Исключительное право на SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE действует до 26 декабря 2029 г. Правообладателем является СТРАТФОРД ГЛОБАЛ. Адрес для переписки: 199178, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 93, ООО «АА1913» (Claims), Проничева Екатерина Юрьевна.

Правообладателем СТРАТФОРД ГЛОБАЛ зарегистрированы торговые марки, общее количество — 51, среди них SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE, СЁРФ, JUNK, SURF COFFEE, MASEL, PEACE DIVISION, SURFMATCHA, JUNK SCIENCE, SURFING NEVER ALONE, PUNK, HARTMANN, ALOHA, MANTRA, SURF COFFEE SURFING NEVER ALONE 5 13, SURF, BLUE HAWAII ROAST, TOSTY, ТОСТИ, A TRIBUTE OF NOTHING. Последняя торговая марка была зарегистрирована 9 августа 2021 г. и действительна до 7 августа 2029 г. Проверить информацию и посмотреть отзывы о торговой марке SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE можно онлайн на РБК Компании.

Все данные о наименовании торговой марки SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE, дате регистрации и правообладателе актуальны и соответствуют сведениям из открытых реестров данных. Последняя дата обновления 18 августа 2021 г. 19:31.

На РБК Компании представлены зарегистрированные торговые марки России. В карточке SURF COFFEE PROPAGANDA MACHINE с идентификационным номером 767522 — сведения о владельце, дате регистрации, сроке действия исключительного права, адрес для переписки, а также информация о других зарегистрированных торговых марках организации.


propaganda machine

1 propaganda machine

2 propaganda machine

3 propaganda machine

См. также в других словарях:

propaganda machine — noun 1. All the means employed in the process of spreading propaganda 2. The process itself • • • Main Entry: ↑propaganda … Useful english dictionary

propaganda — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ government, official, party, state ▪ corporate, political, religious ▪ Communist, Conservative … Collocations dictionary

machine — noun 1 piece of equipment ADJECTIVE ▪ giant, great, huge, large, powerful ▪ portable ▪ automated, automatic … Collocations dictionary

Propaganda in North Korea — The propaganda in North Korea is extensively based on the Juche ideology to promote the Workers Party of Korea line.[citation needed] From its beginning to this day the propaganda is omnipresent. Contents 1 Themes 1.1 Cult of personality … Wikipedia

Propaganda film — [ 250px|right|thumb|The Why We Fight Series depicts the Nazi propaganda machine.] A propaganda film is a film, either a documentary style production or a fictional screenplay, that is produced to convince the viewer of a certain political point… … Wikipedia

machine — ma|chine1 W1S1 [məˈʃi:n] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Old French; Origin: Latin machina, from Greek mechane, from mechos way of doing things ] 1.) a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job… … Dictionary of contemporary English

machine — 1 noun (C) 1 a piece of equipment that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job: a machine that fills the bottles | Could you get me a Coke from the machine? | sewing/washing machine etc (=a machine that can sew, wash clothes etc) |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

machine — I UK [məˈʃiːn] / US [məˈʃɪn] noun [countable] Word forms machine : singular machine plural machines *** Other ways of saying machine: device a small machine that has been designed to do something specific: a device for measuring the temperature… … English dictionary

machine — ma|chine1 [ mə ʃin ] noun count *** 1. ) a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity, steam, gas, etc.: Sue showed him how to operate the machine. by machine: These companies do everything by machine these days. a ) a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


propaganda machine

Смотреть что такое «propaganda machine» в других словарях:

propaganda machine — noun 1. All the means employed in the process of spreading propaganda 2. The process itself • • • Main Entry: ↑propaganda … Useful english dictionary

propaganda — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ government, official, party, state ▪ corporate, political, religious ▪ Communist, Conservative … Collocations dictionary

machine — noun 1 piece of equipment ADJECTIVE ▪ giant, great, huge, large, powerful ▪ portable ▪ automated, automatic … Collocations dictionary

Propaganda in North Korea — The propaganda in North Korea is extensively based on the Juche ideology to promote the Workers Party of Korea line.[citation needed] From its beginning to this day the propaganda is omnipresent. Contents 1 Themes 1.1 Cult of personality … Wikipedia

Propaganda film — [ 250px|right|thumb|The Why We Fight Series depicts the Nazi propaganda machine.] A propaganda film is a film, either a documentary style production or a fictional screenplay, that is produced to convince the viewer of a certain political point… … Wikipedia

machine — ma|chine1 W1S1 [məˈʃi:n] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Old French; Origin: Latin machina, from Greek mechane, from mechos way of doing things ] 1.) a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job… … Dictionary of contemporary English

machine — 1 noun (C) 1 a piece of equipment that uses power such as electricity to do a particular job: a machine that fills the bottles | Could you get me a Coke from the machine? | sewing/washing machine etc (=a machine that can sew, wash clothes etc) |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English

machine — I UK [məˈʃiːn] / US [məˈʃɪn] noun [countable] Word forms machine : singular machine plural machines *** Other ways of saying machine: device a small machine that has been designed to do something specific: a device for measuring the temperature… … English dictionary

machine — ma|chine1 [ mə ʃin ] noun count *** 1. ) a piece of equipment that does a particular job by using electricity, steam, gas, etc.: Sue showed him how to operate the machine. by machine: These companies do everything by machine these days. a ) a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English


Propaganda Machine

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Propaganda machine что это. rsz action comics 58 6803. Propaganda machine что это фото. Propaganda machine что это-rsz action comics 58 6803. картинка Propaganda machine что это. картинка rsz action comics 58 6803

The Propaganda Machine a.k.a. The Ministry of Truth delivers The Truth from The Government to the people.

At least, that’s what they say. In fact, a Propaganda Machine is only employed by The Empire and used to brainwash people into Gullible Lemmings who believe that everything is all right when, in fact, it isn’t, and that the very people who could help them are their enemies. Vigorously hated by La Résistance because it turns the very people they are trying to do good for against them.

The machine exists to create Propaganda Pieces and habitually indulges in Malicious Slander, Astro Turfing, and Divide and Conquer toward its scapegoats and enemies. Canned Orders over Loudspeaker is a common tool employed by the Propaganda Machine. They are opposed by the Voice of the Resistance. The Propaganda Hero is their carefully embellished national hero and Tokyo Rose is their representative to the outside world.

By its widest definition, just about every political entity practices propaganda; namely, making themselves look as good as possible while either downplaying or downright denying any good qualities in their opponents. The negative aspects of this trope come in when this is the only form of news someone has access to. It could be said that that the bad guys engage in «propaganda», while the good guys do «public relations». However, the Voice of the Resistance is likely considered propaganda by those who don’t agree with them. How much of the content is truthful and how much isn’t, as always, depends on who is producing it. Examples of this trope tend to be extreme cases where the preacher is using a combination of extreme censorship and/or outright lies to hammer their point across, so take note of the Rule of Cautious Editing Judgement.

When instead of propaganda, the government provides mindless entertainment for the people to lull them into contented apathy, it’s Bread and Circuses.

Compare with Recruiters Always Lie. Compare and contrast with the Censorship Bureau.


Video Example(s):

Fake campaign on Elsa Engstrom

An American delegate informs Swedish Foreign Minister Elsa Engstrom that American intelligence has investigated fake social media accounts used by bots to help promote fake political scandals against Elsa since she’s a known supporter of signing the Arctic Treaty to stop further oil exploration in the Arctic region.


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