Public private partnership что это

Public Private Partnership

Смотреть что такое «Public Private Partnership» в других словарях:

Public-private partnership — (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP or P3.In some types of PPP … Wikipedia

public private partnership — (PPP) A range of business structures and partnership arrangements involving government and private sector, from PFI (private finance initiative) to joint ventures and concessions, outsourcing and the sale of equity stakes in state owned… … Law dictionary

public-private partnership — ➔ partnership * * * public private partnership UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION PPP, P3) GOVERNMENT ► an arrangement where a government and a profit making company invest in and work on an activity together: »A public private partnership wil … Financial and business terms

public private partnership — UK US noun [uncountable] business a system in which private companies work with the government to provide public services such as health services Thesaurus: government programmes and policieshyponym … Useful english dictionary

Public-Private-Partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public-private partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public Private Partnership — Dieser Artikel oder Absatz stellt die Situation in Deutschland dar. Hilf mit, die Situation in anderen Ländern zu schildern. Als Public Private Partnership (PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten… … Deutsch Wikipedia

public-private partnership — Britain accepting private finance and management for a public service Having long opposed privatization when out of office, Labour needed a new term for it when elected: A CDC public private partnership (new speak for privatization)… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

public-private partnership — viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Netradicinis viešojo pirkimo būdas, kai sudaroma ilgalaikė viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus sutartis dėl viešosios infrastruktūros sukūrimo ar viešųjų paslaugų teikimo … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

public–private partnership — (PPP) Formal partnerships between government agencies and private firms that are formed to deliver a policy or manage a specific initiative, be it small or large scale. Usually the money derives from the private sector but the risks involved… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics


About Public-Private Partnerships

Public private partnership что это. 14162562625 d9a401abba z. Public private partnership что это фото. Public private partnership что это-14162562625 d9a401abba z. картинка Public private partnership что это. картинка 14162562625 d9a401abba z

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a mechanism for government to procure and implement public infrastructure and/or services using the resources and expertise of the private sector. Where governments are facing ageing or lack of infrastructure and require more efficient services, a partnership with the private sector can help foster new solutions and bring finance.

PPPs combine the skills and resources of both the public and private sectors through sharing of risks and responsibilities. This enables governments to benefit from the expertise of the private sector, and allows them to focus instead on policy, planning and regulation by delegating day-to-day operations.

In order to achieve a successful PPP, a careful analysis of the long-term development objectives and risk allocation is essential. The legal and institutional framework in the country also needs to support this new model of service delivery and provide effective governance and monitoring mechanisms for PPPs. A well-drafted PPP agreement for the project should clearly allocate risks and responsibilities.

The PPP in Infrastructure Resource Center for Contracts, Laws and Regulations (PPPLRC) seeks to give a offer practical tools for developing a legal enabling environment and regulation of PPPs conducive to PPPs and to provide sample and annotated contracts and bidding documents from different sectors for PPP projects.

For a general discussion on PPPs, please visit our sister website the PPP Knowledge Lab.


Public–private partnership

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Public private partnership что это. im244 Digital handshake 4c. Public private partnership что это фото. Public private partnership что это-im244 Digital handshake 4c. картинка Public private partnership что это. картинка im244 Digital handshake 4c

A public–private partnership (PPP, 3P, or P3) is an arrangement between two or more public and private sectors of a long-term nature. [1] [2] Typically, it involves private capital financing government projects and services up-front, and then drawing profits from taxpayers and/or users over the course of the PPP contract. [3] Public–private partnerships have been implemented in multiple countries and are primarily used for infrastructure projects. They have been used for building, equipping, operating and maintaining schools, hospitals, transport systems, and water and sewerage systems. [4]

Cooperation between private actors, corporations and governments has existed since the inception of sovereign states, notably for the purpose of tax collection and colonization. [5] However, contemporary «public-private partnerships» came into being around the end of the 20th century. They were associated with neoliberal policies to increase the private sector’s involvement in public administration. Originally, they were seen by governments around the world as a method of financing new or refurbished public-sector assets outside their balance sheet. At the dawn of the millenium, this vision of PPPs came under heavy criticism as taxpayers or users still had to pay for those PPP projects, with high interest. PPPs initiated after 2010 are generally included in the public balance sheet. [6]

PPPs continue to be highly controversial as a funding tools, largely over concerns that public return on investment is lower than returns for the private funder. PPPs are closely related to concepts such as privatization and the contracting out of government services. [1] [7] The lack of a shared understanding of what a PPP is and the secrecy surrounding their financial details makes the process of evaluating whether PPPs have been successful, complex. [8] P3 advocates highlight the sharing of risk and the development of innovation, [8] while critics decry their higher costs and issues of accountability. [6] Evidence of PPP performance in terms of value for money and efficiency, for example, is mixed and often unavailable. [9]


public-private partnership

1 public-private partnership

государственно-частное партнерство
Различные формы взаимовыгодного взаимодействия государственных организаций и бизнеса при совместном осуществлении инвестиционных проектов, управлении предприятиями и др. Сюда же можно отнести арендные соглашения, соглашения о разделе прибыли, концессии, лизинг. В мире известно семь основных типов ГЧП (см. Википедию):


public-private partnership
A joint venture between corporations and government or between community members and government or business beyond the course of normal interaction. (Source: NTL)



2 Public Private Partnership

3 public-private partnership

4 Public-Private Partnership

5 public-private partnership

6 public limited partnership

7 public limited partnership

См. также в других словарях:

Public-private partnership — (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP or P3.In some types of PPP … Wikipedia

public private partnership — (PPP) A range of business structures and partnership arrangements involving government and private sector, from PFI (private finance initiative) to joint ventures and concessions, outsourcing and the sale of equity stakes in state owned… … Law dictionary

public-private partnership — ➔ partnership * * * public private partnership UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION PPP, P3) GOVERNMENT ► an arrangement where a government and a profit making company invest in and work on an activity together: »A public private partnership wil … Financial and business terms

public private partnership — UK US noun [uncountable] business a system in which private companies work with the government to provide public services such as health services Thesaurus: government programmes and policieshyponym … Useful english dictionary

Public-Private-Partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public-private partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public Private Partnership — Dieser Artikel oder Absatz stellt die Situation in Deutschland dar. Hilf mit, die Situation in anderen Ländern zu schildern. Als Public Private Partnership (PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten… … Deutsch Wikipedia

public-private partnership — Britain accepting private finance and management for a public service Having long opposed privatization when out of office, Labour needed a new term for it when elected: A CDC public private partnership (new speak for privatization)… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

public-private partnership — viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Netradicinis viešojo pirkimo būdas, kai sudaroma ilgalaikė viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus sutartis dėl viešosios infrastruktūros sukūrimo ar viešųjų paslaugų teikimo … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

public–private partnership — (PPP) Formal partnerships between government agencies and private firms that are formed to deliver a policy or manage a specific initiative, be it small or large scale. Usually the money derives from the private sector but the risks involved… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics


public private partnership

1 public-private partnership

государственно-частное партнерство
Различные формы взаимовыгодного взаимодействия государственных организаций и бизнеса при совместном осуществлении инвестиционных проектов, управлении предприятиями и др. Сюда же можно отнести арендные соглашения, соглашения о разделе прибыли, концессии, лизинг. В мире известно семь основных типов ГЧП (см. Википедию):


public-private partnership
A joint venture between corporations and government or between community members and government or business beyond the course of normal interaction. (Source: NTL)



2 Public Private Partnership

3 public-private partnership

4 Public-Private Partnership

5 public-private partnership

6 public limited partnership

7 public limited partnership

См. также в других словарях:

Public-private partnership — (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP or P3.In some types of PPP … Wikipedia

public private partnership — (PPP) A range of business structures and partnership arrangements involving government and private sector, from PFI (private finance initiative) to joint ventures and concessions, outsourcing and the sale of equity stakes in state owned… … Law dictionary

public-private partnership — ➔ partnership * * * public private partnership UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION PPP, P3) GOVERNMENT ► an arrangement where a government and a profit making company invest in and work on an activity together: »A public private partnership wil … Financial and business terms

public private partnership — UK US noun [uncountable] business a system in which private companies work with the government to provide public services such as health services Thesaurus: government programmes and policieshyponym … Useful english dictionary

Public-Private-Partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public-private partnership — Als Public Private Partnership (Abkürzung PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten Kapitals und Fachwissens zur Erfüllung staatlicher Aufgaben bezeichnet. Im weiteren Sinn steht der Begriff auch für… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Public Private Partnership — Dieser Artikel oder Absatz stellt die Situation in Deutschland dar. Hilf mit, die Situation in anderen Ländern zu schildern. Als Public Private Partnership (PPP), auch Öffentlich Private Partnerschaft (ÖPP), wird die Mobilisierung privaten… … Deutsch Wikipedia

public-private partnership — Britain accepting private finance and management for a public service Having long opposed privatization when out of office, Labour needed a new term for it when elected: A CDC public private partnership (new speak for privatization)… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

public-private partnership — viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Netradicinis viešojo pirkimo būdas, kai sudaroma ilgalaikė viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus sutartis dėl viešosios infrastruktūros sukūrimo ar viešųjų paslaugų teikimo … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

public–private partnership — (PPP) Formal partnerships between government agencies and private firms that are formed to deliver a policy or manage a specific initiative, be it small or large scale. Usually the money derives from the private sector but the risks involved… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics


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