Pxe e16 no offer received что это
Загрузка по сети
И че подозрительно, при попытке сделать telnet dhcpdhost 69 оно говорит: «telnet: connect to address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Connection refused»
Может, я чего-то глобально не рюхаю?
А почему tftp telnet’у не отзывается? Так и надо (например, из-за udp)?
А bootpd тут не при чем? У меня его вообще нету.
Буду благодарен за любой хинт.
Re: Загрузка по сети
телнет на тсп-69 рвется он по юдп ходить не умеет; «Don’t forget that BOOTP/DHCP requests are bounded by subnets»; пакет bootparamd*.i386.rpm; и вообще гугель remote-boot
Re: Загрузка по сети
> А почему tftp telnet’у не отзывается? Так и надо (например, из-за udp)?
> А bootpd тут не при чем? У меня его вообще нету.
Re: Загрузка по сети
Кстати, такая еще странность:
Маска сети на сервере, а на машине, которую я хочу грузить, она почему-то Почему так сделано, я понять не могу: того парня, что это делал, давно уволили, он на всех обиделся и на вопросы не отвечает.
Короче, вот IPшники:
Сервер: x.x.61.98 Bcast:x.x.61.255 Mask:
Машина, которую я хочу грузить: x.x.61.99 Bcast:x.x.61.127 Mask:
Проглотит ли такое dhcp в принципе?
Re: Загрузка по сети
Pxe e16 no offer received что это
I’m really just hoping to save fellow techs some work here. I had no idea what was going on and found very little information on the search engines to guide me to resolution. Here’s the short story:
In preparation for increasing volume of Windows 8 sales, we’ve finally been pushed to the Microsoft approved method of deployment. Our previous imaging solution hasn’t seen an upgrade in years. So, I’ve procured and installed a new Windows Server 2012 server (specifics are unnecessary since none of my trouble was hardware related). After installing Windows Server 2012 Standard (with Active Directory, DHS, DHCP, File and WDS roles), i found that while we could PXE boot BIOS systems, we could not PXE boot UEFI capable systems. We always received a PXE-E16 error (No offeres were received) at the client.
I set various DHCP options, changed NIC drivers, checked DHCP and WDS logs, installed Network Monitor to trace packets, deleted DHCP options, checked DNS, etc.
I finally changed the entire set of server hardware (we’d ordered a second system for backup). No change. Still no offers received while booting a UEFI compliant system which PXE booted BIOS mode perfectly.
I’ve tried three different UEFI capable client systems, two based on the Asus P9X79 WS mainboard, one based on the P8Z77 WS; all boot BIOS normally and fail with the same error in UEFI mode. I can get into it later but i know that these systems will PXE boot UEFI without problem.
Pxe e16 no offer received что это
anyone getting pxe-e16: no offer received for uefi client computers?
start pxe over ipv4
station ip address is xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
pxe-e16: no offer received
start pxe over ipv6
using same computer and change to bootmode to legacy but it has no problem boot to pxe.
dhcp is distributed by router with ip helper-address [ip address of sccm dp]. wds service is installed is sccm dp.
both router, sccm dp, pxe boot client are in the same network segement.
tried below 2 methods but it doesn’t help.
1. disable NetBIOS over tcp/ip
2. reinstall wds to standalone mode
Все ответы
According your description,you have already tried 2 most possible options.
1. If you install WDS on a server that’s already running DHCP, during the configuration of WDS the DHCP Option 60 page will appear, and you can select both Do not listen on port 67 and Configure DHCP option 60 to “PXEClient”. If you install DHCP on a machine that already has WDS installed, you must manually enable option 60 in DHCP.
Pxe e16 no offer received что это
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Answered by:
I’m really just hoping to save fellow techs some work here. I had no idea what was going on and found very little information on the search engines to guide me to resolution. Here’s the short story:
In preparation for increasing volume of Windows 8 sales, we’ve finally been pushed to the Microsoft approved method of deployment. Our previous imaging solution hasn’t seen an upgrade in years. So, I’ve procured and installed a new Windows Server 2012 server (specifics are unnecessary since none of my trouble was hardware related). After installing Windows Server 2012 Standard (with Active Directory, DHS, DHCP, File and WDS roles), i found that while we could PXE boot BIOS systems, we could not PXE boot UEFI capable systems. We always received a PXE-E16 error (No offeres were received) at the client.
I set various DHCP options, changed NIC drivers, checked DHCP and WDS logs, installed Network Monitor to trace packets, deleted DHCP options, checked DNS, etc.
I finally changed the entire set of server hardware (we’d ordered a second system for backup). No change. Still no offers received while booting a UEFI compliant system which PXE booted BIOS mode perfectly.
I’ve tried three different UEFI capable client systems, two based on the Asus P9X79 WS mainboard, one based on the P8Z77 WS; all boot BIOS normally and fail with the same error in UEFI mode. I can get into it later but i know that these systems will PXE boot UEFI without problem.
Pxe e16 no offer received что это
We have just gotten several new T470’s and X270’s that we are attempting to image Win10 via WDS. We are using the same servers, VLAN’s, networks as we always have, however, these new laptops are unable to connect via PXE to be imaged. We continue to get at «PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received» error code, and are unable to image them, whilst our older T460/450/430’s are all able to successfully boot and be imaged. We have set the BIOS settings to «Both» for Legacy & UEFI, and set it to IPv4 priority. All other settings are the same as they appear on the older laptops. The WDS server is a standalone, *not* AD integrated.
Has anyone else encountered this with the newer T470’s / X270’s? All of our other systems are functioning as expected.
Thank you in advance!
Any advice appreciated.
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Update: i should also mention, these laptops *are* successfully getting the correct DHCP leases
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Are you using PE built from Windows 10 1607 ADK (64bit?)
BIOS on all systems are at the most current revision?
If deploying Win10, why not use UEFI mode?
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Are you using PE built from Windows 10 1607 ADK (64bit?)
BIOS on all systems are at the most current revision?
If deploying Win10, why not use UEFI mode?
The BIOS on the T470’s (20HE) have been updated to 1.23 and the X270 (20HM) 1.09.
We have attempted this with the BIOS setting for UEFI/Legacy Boot set to «Both» and «UEFI First» and «UEFI Only». Neither setting work.
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Are there any modifications to your server in any way with regard to Frame and / or Block size….?
And. if this is convenient, do you notice any change if you interpose a dumb consumer level ethernet switch between your LAN and the system? (for test purposes only. not as a new deployment method). Something like simple unmanaged 4-5 port switch?
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Are there any modifications to your server in any way with regard to Frame and / or Block size….?
And. if this is convenient, do you notice any change if you interpose a dumb consumer level ethernet switch between your LAN and the system? (for test purposes only. not as a new deployment method). Something like simple unmanaged 4-5 port switch?
There have been no modifications made to the WDS server. It is in standalone mode (*not* AD integrated).
No there is no change in functionality when interposing a simple switch. The T460’s still work and are able to PXE boot to the WDS server successfully.
The T470’s and X270’s are unable to, and continue to get boot error code E16.
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
Thank you for that test. one more regarding TFTPWindowSize and TFTPBlockSize. you may see a benefit in UEFI PXE boot times.
Verifiy these settings are appropriate for WDS, and are selectable if these are not the precise registry entries!
Name: RamDiskTFTPWindowSize
The default value is 1. For test purposes, change this to 8
Name: RamDiskTFTPBlockSize
The default value is 4096 (4k). Change this to 8192
Please post back if this addresses the issue..
United States of America
Re: PXE Boot error code E16 No Offers Received
I have Wiresharked both a working T460 and non-working X270. Both laptops DHCP Discover & Request packets appear identical.