Quit quite quiet в чем разница

В чем разница между Quit, Quiet и Quite?

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. quit. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-quit. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка quit

Слова quit, quiet и quite легко перепутать в двух случаях: когда вы видите эти слова — они визуально похожи, когда вам нужно написать эти слова — по той же причине. Давайте разберем разницу между quit, quiet и quite.

Произношение и значение quit, quiet и quite

Эти три слова пишутся похоже, но значения их совершенно разные. Более того, они относятся к разным частям речи.

    Quit [kwɪt] (глагол) — прекращать, заканчивать, бросать (в значении «переставать чем-то заниматься»)

Глагол quit близок по значению к stop (doing smt), give up (doing smt).

I quit smoking. — Я бросил курить.

Quit wasting your time. — Перестань тратить свое время понапрасну.

He quit his job. — Он ушел с работы (уволился).

    Quiet — [kwaɪət] (прилагательное, существительное) — тихий, тишина

Слово quiet может использоваться как прилагательное и существительное.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

It’s so quiet here. — Здесь так тихо.

She spoke in a quiet voice. — Она говорила тихим голосом.

I go fishing for some peace and quiet. — Я хожу на рыбалку ради спокойствия и тишины.

    Quite [kwaɪt] (наречие) — в некоторой степени, довольно (таки), вполне, достаточно, совсем

Наречие quite выражает степень действия, часто используется в отрицаниях: not quiet — не вполне.

I’m not quite sure I understand you. — Я не вполне уверен, что понимаю вас.

This problem is quite different. — Эта проблема — совсем другая.

The show is quite impressive! — Шоу довольно впечатляющее!

Упражнение на Quit, Quiet, Quite

Самое сложное — это не правильно понять эти слова (обычно их значение понятно из контекста, даже если вы не помните, как они пишутся), а правильно их написать. Это упражнение поможет вам закрепить quit, quiet и quite.

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. author. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-author. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка author

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

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Также, если вам нужен репетитор, я очень рекомендую зайти на этот чудесный сайт. Здесь вы найдете учителей носителей и не носителей языка для любых целей и на любой карман😄 Я сам прошел там более 100 уроков, рекомендую попробовать и вам!


В чем разница между quiet и quite?

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. 619x291 main.f60. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-619x291 main.f60. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка 619x291 main.f60

Сегодня мы поговорим о двух труднозапоминаемых словах: quiet и quite. Это как раз тот случай, когда ошибка в написании может полностью изменить значение, поэтому будьте внимательны. К счастью, произносятся эти слова по-разному, да и значения их совершенно не связаны, в чем мы с вами сейчас и убедимся.


Произношение и перевод: Quit quite quiet в чем разница. 01. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-01. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка 01
Quiet [kwaɪət] / [ку`айет] – тихий, спокойный

Значение слова: Не производящий шума, не наполненный шумом


Можно использовать по отношению как к людям, так и к вещам. Например: У лектора очень тихий (quiet) голос. За тихое (quiet) поведение мама вручила ему конфету. Или: Это очень тихий (quiet) город. Твоя стиральная машина очень тихая (quiet).

It’s a quiet little town, not much happens here.
Это тихий маленький городок, здесь мало что происходит.

You’ve been unusually quiet today. Has something happened?
Ты сегодня непривычно тихий. Что-то случилось?


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Произношение и перевод: Quit quite quiet в чем разница. 02. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-02. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка 02
Quite [kwaɪt] / [ку`айт] – довольно-таки, весьма, очень.

Значение слова: В значительной степени


Это слово используется с признаками и означает степень их проявления. Например: Его последний фильм был довольно-таки (quite) хорош. Мне довольно (quite) часто задают этот вопрос.

She looked quite pleased when I told her the news.
Она выглядела весьма довольной, когда я рассказал ей эту новость.

It’s quite late, I’ve really got to go.
Уже довольно поздно, мне правда пора идти.

В чем разница?

Как я и говорила, это совершенно разные слова.

Quiet – тихий, спокойный, не производящий шума. Например: В ресторане играла спокойная (quiet) музыка. В Багдаде все спокойно (quiet).

Quite – довольно-таки, весьма (о признаке). Например: Мы проделали довольнотаки (quite) большую работу. Этот проект весьма (quite) перспективен.

Задание на закрепление

Вставьте правильные слова в следующие предложения. Свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях.

1. Звук слишком ___, сделай погромче.
2. Погода на улице ___ холодная.
3. Она провела ___ выходной на даче.
4. Твой доклад был ___ информативным.
5. Он предложил___ рискованный план.
6. Если хочешь ___ домашнее животное, заведи рыбку.


Quiet, Quite и Quit — в чем разница?

Английские слова quiet, quit и quite очень похожи друг на друга и звучат почти одинаково, но имеют различный смысл. Это не омофоны, о которых мы писали ранее, однако путаницы с ними бывает не меньше. В этой статье мы разберем, какое значение имеет каждое из этих слов, приведем примеры предложений, идиоматические выражения, а в заключение закрепим эту тему небольшим упражнением.


Quit [kwɪt] — глагол, который означает освободиться от чего-либо (уволиться, например) или перестать делать что-либо (quit a job, quit smoking).

Quite [kwaɪt] — это наречие, которое означает довольно, совершенно, полностью (She is quite famous).

Примеры предложений с Quiet, Quite и Quit

It’s often quite noisy at our house, so it would be difficult to find a quiet place. (В нашем доме часто шумно, поэтому было бы трудно найти тихое место.)
Mark wanted her to quit playing the piano. (Марк хотел, чтобы она прекратила играть на пианино.)
She asked her husband to quiet the boys down. (Она попросила своего мужа успокоить мальчиков.)
The park is always quiet in the evenings. (В парке всегда тихо по вечерам.)
Benedict was trying to quit smoking at the time. (Бенедикт пытался бросить курить в то время.)
We had to walk quite a long way. (Нам пришлось пройти довольно долгий путь.)

Идиоматические выражения со словами Quiet, Quite и Quit

I’m having quite a tim e — хорошо проводить время
Oh, I’m having quite a time at the seashore. (О, я хорошо провожу время на морском берегу.)


Quit quite quiet в чем разница

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. thumb. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-thumb. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка thumb

quite is used in sentences such as «she is quite pretty» and «it is quite far away, isn’t it?»
quit is when you stop something such as «my dad should quit smoking» and «my old friend quit playing basketball»
quiet is not producing a lot of sound. the level of volume is low. so, «the girl’s voice was very soft and quiet» and «the shopping centre was not busy and was quiet» are good examples too

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0

Quit means to stop or to leave from.

Ex. I quit my job. She quit her work to come help me.

Quite is measuring the extent of something.

Ex. The apple and the orange are quite different.

Quiet means little or no noise.

Ex. It is very quiet in the library. Those boys are very quiet.

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. thumb. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-thumb. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка thumb

quite = content

quit = stop / forfeit

quiet = hush / no noise / lack of sound

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка missing thumb gray@2x cf56649957c3871fe848aef971383019d20cf02dfcc4fc48ac2b81c14cd99400

Символ показывает уровень знания интересующего вас языка и вашу подготовку. Выбирая ваш уровень знания языка, вы говорите пользователям как им нужно писать, чтобы вы могли их понять.

Мне трудно понимать даже короткие ответы на данном языке.

Могу задавать простые вопросы и понимаю простые ответы.

Могу формулировать все виды общих вопросов. Понимаю ответы средней длины и сложности.

Понимаю ответы любой длины и сложности.

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. choice question with device.pc de94845f04882270114e70271c2998900ded7d474849621715023571b8810975. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-choice question with device.pc de94845f04882270114e70271c2998900ded7d474849621715023571b8810975. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка choice question with device.pc de94845f04882270114e70271c2998900ded7d474849621715023571b8810975

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. bestapp footer app preview be4ad460626ee17712ba8aef8f467cda68b0a09be665f2b950a0408980be1111. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-bestapp footer app preview be4ad460626ee17712ba8aef8f467cda68b0a09be665f2b950a0408980be1111. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка bestapp footer app preview be4ad460626ee17712ba8aef8f467cda68b0a09be665f2b950a0408980be1111 Quit quite quiet в чем разница. bestapp footer fukidashi 95675359e2fc7ab914f7a89bf79be6c802ebedf32b03ac82b6fbc1692ca1e556. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-bestapp footer fukidashi 95675359e2fc7ab914f7a89bf79be6c802ebedf32b03ac82b6fbc1692ca1e556. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка bestapp footer fukidashi 95675359e2fc7ab914f7a89bf79be6c802ebedf32b03ac82b6fbc1692ca1e556 Quit quite quiet в чем разница. monga flying 5126aa3d081d0b63eb282573d704b9c4c88796e5a4943887103cc909cbb06ab0. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-monga flying 5126aa3d081d0b63eb282573d704b9c4c88796e5a4943887103cc909cbb06ab0. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка monga flying 5126aa3d081d0b63eb282573d704b9c4c88796e5a4943887103cc909cbb06ab0

Решайте свои проблемы проще в приложении!

Quit quite quiet в чем разница. rating stars 0bc1dda910324897624e6c41639ea4873ff1e5caf392e4eb008981424b834fc4. Quit quite quiet в чем разница фото. Quit quite quiet в чем разница-rating stars 0bc1dda910324897624e6c41639ea4873ff1e5caf392e4eb008981424b834fc4. картинка Quit quite quiet в чем разница. картинка rating stars 0bc1dda910324897624e6c41639ea4873ff1e5caf392e4eb008981424b834fc4( 30 698 )


Quite vs Quiet ✅ Difference Between Quite, Quiet and Quit

Hello English learners! This blog is going to be about the differences between quite, quiet and quit. I think the most important thing is the pronunciation with each of these words. After I cover how to say the words, I will go over the definitions of these words.

👉 What does Quite mean?

The word quite is an adverb and it means really or very.

For example

👉 Quite Silent

Quite silent means that something, or someone, is almost completely silent. Quite as an adjective or adverb means that something is in between being complete and unfinished. It is a kind of middle-ground.

👉 Quite Sound

👉 What does Quiet mean?

Quiet can be used as both as an adjective or a verb.

As an adjective, quiet means silent or no sound or noise.

When quiet is used as a verb, it means to make quiet or to silence.

Remember that a verb is an action, so when using the word quiet as a verb it will be an action.

👉 Quite vs Quiet

Quite and quite are two different words with two different meanings. While they are spelled similarly, and often mixed up, using the wrong word can make the entire sentence wrong as well. Quite and quite also fulfill different roles in a sentence.

👉 The Spelling of Quite and Quiet

Quite and quiet use the same letters, and are often mistaken for one another. Quite is spelled with the E at the very end. Quiet is spelled with the E before the T.

👉 Quiet and Quite in a sentence

Test Yourself NOW!

👩‍🏫 Are quiet and quite homophones?

Quiet and quite are not homophones. They don’t sound the same when pronounced, but they are quite similar. If a person talks fast one might mistake them for one another.

In any other case they should not sound the same.

👩‍🏫 Most quiet or quietest?

Both forms are correct. Quiet is one of the few words where both forms are correct. They mean the same thing, and can be used depending on personal preference.

👩‍🏫 Quiet busy or quite busy?

Quite busy is the correct phrasing.

👩‍🏫 Quite sure or quiet sure?

The correct way to say or write the phrase is – quite sure.

👩‍🏫 Quite high or Quiet high?

Quite high is correct. Quiet high is incorrect.

👩‍🏫 Quite happy or quiet happy?

The correct expression is quite happy. Quiet happy is incorrect.

👩‍🏫 Keep quiet or keep quite?

Keep quiet is correct. Keep quite is incorrect.

👩‍🏫 Quiet good or quite a good?

Quiet good is incorrect. Quite a good can be use to describe a thing.

👩‍🏫 Be quiet or Be Quite?

Be quiet is correct. Be quite is incorrect.

👩‍🏫 Quite big or Quiet big?

The correct expression is quite big. Quiet big is incorrect.

👩‍🏫 Quite easy or Quiet easy?

The correct way to say and write the expression is quite easy.

👩‍🏫 Quite far or Quiet far?

When you’re going somewhere you’re going quite far, not quiet far.

👩‍🏫 Quite late or Quiet Late?

If you’re late for something you’re quite late, not quiet late.

👩‍🏫 More Quiet or Quite?

When someone needs to be silent they need to be more quiet. More quite is not correct.

👩‍🏫 Not quite or Not quiet?

Not quite is the correct expression. Not quiet describes something loud, but it’s best to just use the word loud instead.

👩‍🏫 Quite often or Quiet often?

Quite often the correct expression for something that happens fairly regularly.

👩‍🏫 Quite well or Quiet well?

When someone is doing something fairly good, they are doing quite well.

👩‍🏫 You are quiet or quite?

👉 What does Quit mean?

The word quit is a verb and it means to stop or not finish.

👉 Quite

Let’s start with quite.

The pronunciation of quite has only one syllable. A syllable is an uninterrupted segment of speech, only making one sound.

👉 How do you spell quite?

The pronunciation of the word quite follows the phonetic pronunciation guide of [kwahyt] if that helps.

If you know the pronunciation guide, then great! If you don’t, then this next part is for you.

You need to remember that the word quite is one syllable. Keep that in mind as you are saying this word.

The first part of the word quite makes the Q sound. It is a combination of the K sound with a WA sound.

It looks like this:

K-WA (you need to pronounce this very quickly in order to get the Q sound).

I won’t go into too much depth of the anatomy that your mouth should be making, but I will say this.

It should look like you are trying to blow a bubble.
Put your lips out and make an O shape with your mouth.
After you make the K-WA sound, you need to change the sound to the I sound.
Your mouth will need to open very wide at this time.

Before, your mouth was small and in the O shape. Now it should be wide and you should be smiling. The sound so far it is pronounced K-WHY.

Be sure to practice just making this sound a couple of times. This sound is the hardest part in the pronunciation of quite.

Finally, we come to ending sound. It is a very short sound and it is the t sound.
In order to produce this sound, you should know that your tongue will do most all of the work. It is very important to focus on the position of the mouth as well as the tongue.

Go in front of a mirror or bring one close to your electronic device.
Let’s start with the position of the mouth.

Step 1: Make a BIG Smile (I am not kidding. Pretend that you are very happy to see someone.)

Step 2: Open your mouth a little bit. (Make sure you are still smiling. Your teeth should be showing. Hold this position for all of the steps).

Step 3: Pretend that you are biting a pencil with your front teeth. Your front teeth should be 0.7cm (the width of a pencil) apart.

Now let’s work on the position of the tongue.

Step 1: Cup your tongue like it is trying to hold water. (Make a cup with your hand, like you are trying to hold water. Your tongue should be making the same shape and curves).

Step 2: Place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. (Yes, it still needs to be making the cup shape and you should still be smiling with an imaginary pencil in your mouth.)

Step 3: Move your tongue so that it touches the roof of your mouth and the backside of your top teeth. (The tongue should be touching your front two teeth but on the inside of the teeth, where the gums meet the teeth.)

Step 4: Apply pressure with the TIP of your tongue to the back of your teeth. (The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Now push those teeth!)

Okay. Good. Now we are ready to make the t sound.
Your breathing is very important in making this sound correctly.

Do you know how you can check to see if your breath is bad or not? (You put your hand in front of your mouth and breathe to get that warm breath.) Don’t blow. Your breath should be hot and not cool or cold.

This is the breathing that you need to make the t sound.

Before you try this, I want you to practice a specific movement with your tongue that you are going to make when producing the t sound.

Movement with the tongue

Step 1: With your tongue in the position described above (behind the front teeth).

Step 2: Make sure the TIP of your tongue is pointed up touching those teeth.

Step 3: The TIP of the tongue will go from pointing up to POINTING DOWN (It will change position.)

In the start position, the tongue will be making a bowl or cup or U shape.

In the end position, the tongue will be making an upside-down bowl or upside-down cup or upside-down U shape.

The movement of the tongue from pointing up to pointing down needs to be moving at the SAME TIME that you are PUSHING AIR out of your mouth.

(Do you know the breathing technique I mentioned above? This needs to happen at the same time that your tongue is moving down.)

The sound you are trying to make is the T-A sound.
Practice this. Chances are you won’t get it the first time.
Pay close attention to ALL of the steps above when making this sounds to say quite!

Put all of the K-WHY T sounds together and you know can say quite correctly.


The next word that I want to teach you to pronounce is quiet. The pronunciation guide is [kwahy-it]

This will be very similar to quite, however the word quiet has two syllables.

The first part of the word quiet makes the Q sound. It is a combination of the K sound with a WA sound.

👉 How do you spell quiet?

It looks like this:

K-WA (you need to pronounce this very quickly in order to get the Q sound).
I won’t go into too much depth of the anatomy that your mouth should be making, but I will say this.

It should look like you are trying to blow a bubble.
Put your lips out and make an O shape with your mouth.

After you make the K-WA sound you need to change the sound to the I sound
Your mouth will need to open very wide at this time.
Before, your mouth was small and in the O shape. Now it should be wide and you should be smiling.

The sound so far is K-WHY.

Be sure to practice just making this sound a couple of times. This sound is the hardest part in the pronunciation of quiet.

The next sound, which will start the second syllable, is the E sound.

This sound requires you to smile even more after the K-WHY part. The sound should come from the back of your throat.
It should also come from the back TOP part of your throat.

The beginning sounds from the letter E in these words have that E sound that I am looking for.
Combine that with what we have learned previously.

Practice this a couple of times before going on to the t sound.
Now that you have practiced, let’s pronounce that final sound.
It is a very short sound and it is the t sound.

In order to produce this sound, you should know that your tongue will do most all of the work. It is very important to focus on the position of the mouth as well as the tongue.

Go in front of a mirror or bring one close to your electronic device.

Let’s start with the position of the mouth.

Step 1: Make a BIG Smile (I am not kidding. Pretend that you are very happy to see someone.)

Step 2: Open your mouth a little bit. (Make sure you are still smiling. Your teeth should be showing. Hold this position for all of the steps).

Step 3: Pretend that you are biting a pencil with your front teeth. Your front teeth should be 0.7cm (the width of a pencil) apart.

Now let’s work on the position of the tongue.

Step 1: Cup your tongue like it is trying to hold water. (Make a cup with your hand, like you are trying to hold water. Your tongue should be making the same shape and curves).

Step 2: Place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. (Yes, it still needs to be making the cup shape and you should still be smiling with an imaginary pencil in your mouth.)

Step 3: Move your tongue so that it touches the roof of your mouth and the backside of your top teeth. (The tongue should be touching your front two teeth but on the inside of the teeth, where the gums meet the teeth.)

Step 4: Apply pressure with the TIP of your tongue to the back of your teeth. (The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Now push those teeth!)


Okay. Good. Now we are ready to make the t sound.
Your breathing is very important in making this sound correctly.

Do you know how you can check to see if your breath is bad or not? (You put your hand in front of your mouth and breathe to get that warm breath.) Don’t blow. Your breath should be hot and not cool or cold.

This is the breathing that you need to make the t sound.

Before you try this, I want you to practice a specific movement with your tongue that you are going to make when producing the t sound.

Movement with the tongue

Step 1: With your tongue in the position described above (behind the front teeth).

Step 2: Make sure the TIP of your tongue is pointed up touching those teeth.

Step 3: The TIP of the tongue will go from pointing up to POINTING DOWN (It will change position.)

In the start position, the tongue will be making a bowl or cup or U shape.
In the end position, the tongue will be making an upside-down bowl or upside-down cup or upside-down U shape.

The movement of the tongue from pointing up to pointing down needs to be moving at the SAME TIME that you are PUSHING AIR out of your mouth. (Do you know the breathing technique I mentioned above? This needs to happen at the same time that your tongue is moving down.)

The sound you are trying to make is the T-A sound.

Practice this. Chances are you won’t get it the first time.
Pay close attention to ALL of the steps above when making this sound!
Put all of the K-WHY-E- T sounds together and you know can say quiet correctly.


The last word that I will discuss is quit. The phonetic pronunciation guide is [kwit].

The word “quit” has only one syllable and is shorter in sound than quite and quiet.

It will have the same beginning sound as quite and quiet, but then there is a different vowel sound that comes after the Q sound.

Let’s take a closer look.
The first part of the word quit makes the Q sound. It is a combination of the K sound with a WA sound.

👉 How do you spell quit?

It looks like this:

K-WA (you need to pronounce this very quickly in order to get the Q sound).
I won’t go into too much depth of the anatomy that your mouth should be making, but I will say this.

It should look like you are trying to blow a bubble.
Put your lips out and make an O shape with your mouth.
After you make the K-WA sound you need to change the sound to the E sound

Your mouth will need to open very wide at this time.
Before, your mouth was small and in the O shape. Now it should be wide and you should be smiling.

The sound so far is K-WH-E.
Be sure to practice just making this sound a couple of times. This sound is the hardest part in the pronunciation of quit.

This E sound requires you to smile even more after the K-WH part. The sound should come from the back of your throat.
It should also come from the back TOP part of your throat.

The beginning sounds from the letter E in these words have that E sound that I am looking for. Combine that with what we have learned previously.

Finally, we come to ending sound. It is a very short sound and it is the “t” sound.

In order to produce this sound, you should know that your tongue will do most all of the work. It is very important to focus on the position of the mouth as well as the tongue.

Go in front of a mirror or bring one close to your electronic device.
Let’s start with the position of the mouth.

Step 1: Make a BIG Smile (I am not kidding. Pretend that you are very happy to see someone.)

Step 2: Open your mouth a little bit. (Make sure you are still smiling. Your teeth should be showing. Hold this position for all of the steps).

Step 3: Pretend that you are biting a pencil with your front teeth. Your front teeth should be 0.7cm (the width of a pencil) apart.

Now let’s work on the position of the tongue.

Step 1: Cup your tongue like it is trying to hold water. (Make a cup with your hand, like you are trying to hold water. Your tongue should be making the same shape and curves).

Step 2: Place the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. (Yes, it still needs to be making the cup shape and you should still be smiling with an imaginary pencil in your mouth.)

Step 3: Move your tongue so that it touches the roof of your mouth and the backside of your top teeth. (The tongue should be touching your front two teeth but on the inside of the teeth, where the gums meet the teeth.)

Step 4: Apply pressure with the TIP of your tongue to the back of your teeth. (The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Now push those teeth!)


Okay. Good. Now we are ready to make the t sound.
Your breathing is very important in making this sound correctly.

Do you know how you can check to see if your breath is bad or not? (You put your hand in front of your mouth and breathe to get that warm breath.) Don’t blow. Your breath should be hot and not cool or cold.

This is the breathing that you need to make the t sound.

Before you try this, I want you to practice a specific movement with your tongue that you are going to make when producing the t sound.

Movement with the tongue

Step 1: With your tongue in the position described above (behind the front teeth).

Step 2: Make sure the TIP of your tongue is pointed up touching those teeth.

Step 3: The TIP of the tongue will go from pointing up to POINTING DOWN (It will change position.)

In the start position, the tongue will be making a bowl or cup or U shape.

In the end position, the tongue will be making an upside-down bowl or upside-down cup or upside-down U shape.

The movement of the tongue from pointing up to pointing down needs to be moving at the SAME TIME that you are PUSHING AIR out of your mouth. (Do you know the breathing technique I mentioned above? This needs to happen at the same time that your tongue is moving down.)

The sound you are trying to make is the T-A sound.
Practice this. Chances are you won’t get it the first time.
Pay close attention to ALL of the steps above when making this sound!
Put all of the K-WH-E-T sounds together and you know can say quit correctly.

Great work reading this post!

Feel free to come back to review the pronunciation.


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