Rainmeter desktop customization tool что это

Rainmeter 4.1

The following are the changes for the 4.1 beta version of Rainmeter. You can safely install the new 4.1 beta version right over top of your existing Rainmeter 4.0 or earlier installation, and nothing you have done will be lost or changed. There is never any need to uninstall any earlier version of Rainmeter to use the newest version.

Note: As of Rainmeter 4.0, Windows XP and Windows Vista are no longer supported by the application.

Rainmeter 4.0 and later require at least Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 and the Platform Update applied. These should have been automatically applied several years ago by Windows Update, but if you have Windows Update turned off you may need to get and apply these updates manually. Windows versions later than Windows 7 are fully supported.

If you are on Windows XP or Windows Vista, and can’t or don’t wish to upgrade, you will need to stay on the 3.3 Release version of Rainmeter.

Changes in Rainmeter Beta 4.1

Additional details on important changes as the beta cycle progresses can always be found at Change Announcements.

Additional note, and a request.

Recent additions and changes in the user interface for Rainmeter will require new «translations» to the various user languages supported. Many of these changes have been made, and are included in this beta. However, there are languages that still require some work, and we depend on the user community to provide these translations. Please see How to help localize Rainmeter to get involved.



Getting started with Rainmeter

After downloading and installing Rainmeter, the very next stop should be Getting Started.

Getting Started is a new user introduction to Rainmeter, covering both how to use the application, and starting guides and tutorials for creating and editing skins.

The rest of this documentation, and the experience of using and learning Rainmeter, will be much easier and more enjoyable with the overview Getting Started provides.

Using the Rainmeter application

The User Interface section of the manual describes how to use the application to manage Rainmeter on the desktop. Control things with the Manage interface and context menus, and monitor important information using About.

It won’t be long before you want to extend your library of skins beyond the default illustro suite included with Rainmeter, with others downloaded from the internet. The Installing Skins section explains how to install and load the thousands of skins available for Rainmeter.

Creating and editing skins

Rainmeter can be used as a straightforward skin manager, loading and using skins created by others. However, the real power and fun of Rainmeter can only be unlocked when the transition is made from «user» to «author». The Reference section of the manual contains everything needed to craft that perfect skin that does exactly what you require, and looks just right on your desktop.

Settings contains detailed information about the Rainmeter.ini file, which controls many important aspects of Rainmeter on the desktop.

The next sections, Meters, Measures and Plugins, are the core information for creating skins. Measures and plugins gather information from the system or the internet, and meters display things, with many different meter types and practically unlimited control over style.

The following sections provide a reference for other powerful skin options and features. Bring skins to life with Bangs and Mouse Actions, and extend Rainmeter’s functionality using the Lua Scripting language.

One of the most exciting things about Rainmeter is the free and open sharing of skins in the community. See Publishing Skins for everything needed to package and distribute suites and skins.

More information

Be sure to check the Tips & Tricks section for a wealth of guides and suggestions from the Rainmeter community.

The Snippets section contains a collection of useful «snippets» of Lua script code, from the Rainmeter Team and users.

Remember, there is an entire community of people willing and able to help when things get stuck. Be sure to use the Rainmeter Forum, unoffical Discord Channel, or jump on the web-based IRC channel when help is needed.

Note: Most option entries and header text in the manual can be selected with CTRL-Click to add an #anchor to the URL. This makes it easy to link to a specific part of a page. Try it below.


Rainmeter 3.1 Release

There are a lot of new features and capabilities in the latest Rainmeter 3.1. You can safely install the new 3.1 release version right over your existing Rainmeter 3.0 installation, and nothing you have done will be lost or changed. There is never any need to uninstall any earlier version of Rainmeter to use the newest version.

Major additions in Rainmeter 3.1

New IfConditions functionality added. This is a powerful extension to the concepts provided in IfActions, allowing multiple tests and actions, both «true» and «false» testing, and the ability to use logical AND and OR operators in the conditions. See Change Announcements for details and example skins.

New IfMatchAction functionality added. Supports taking actions based on a regular expression comparison with a measure’s string value. See Change Announcements for details and examples.

New String measure type added. Used to create and manipulate string values. See Change Announcements for details and examples.

Other enhancements in Rainmeter 3.1

Added new LAN_CONNECTIVITY and INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY SysInfoType options to the SysInfo plugin. Measure will return «1» on success and «-1» on failure.

Added new IDLE_TIME SysInfoType option to the SysInfo plugin. This will return the number of seconds since the last user input (mouse or keyboard) to the operating system.

Added new :EscapeRegExp measure section variable parameter. This will return the string value of the measure with all regular expression reserved characters escaped.

Added new :EncodeURL measure section variable parameter. This will return the string value of the measure as a URL-encoded string.

Added support for opening the Windows properties or context menu dialogs for file or folder objects using the FileView plugin. Details at Change Announcements.


Rainmeter 3.2.1 Release

There are a lot of new features and capabilities in the latest Rainmeter 3.2.1. You can safely install the new 3.2.1 release version right over your existing Rainmeter 3.1 or earlier installation, and nothing you have done will be lost or changed. There is never any need to uninstall any earlier version of Rainmeter to use the newest version.

Major additions in Rainmeter 3.2.1

AudioLevel plugin

Added a new AudioLevel plugin. This will allow for real-time VU-Meter and Spectrum Analyzer visualizations of sound output.

See AudioLevel plugin for full documentation and example skins.

Mask Image functionality

Added the ability to mask an image inside the shape and size of another.

Formatted date / time options

Added several new options to allow using a formatted date / time string in the TimeStamp option of a Time measure. This can for instance allow the measure to parse and use a date / time string which might come from an RSS feed or other WebParser measure.

A full description and examples are at Change Announcements

Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time

Added several new option values to the TimeStamp option of the Time measure, to return dates and times for the start and end of Daylight Saving Time.

Added several new option values to the SysInfoType option of the SysInfo plugin, to return Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time offset information.

A full description and examples are at Change Announcements.

Error actions for WebParser

Added some new error actions to the WebParser plugin, to allow skins to take some action when several categories of error conditions happen.

A full description and examples are at Change Announcements

Other enhancements and fixes in Rainmeter 3.2

Added Favorites functionality to the Rainmeter and Skins context menus. Also added support for making a skin a «Favorite» in the Manage dialog. More details at Change Announcements.

Added a new DefaultUpdateDivider option to the [Rainmeter] section of skins.

100 to both Manage and the skin context menus to support setting the transparency of a skin to an opacity of 1, which is invisible but will still react to the mouse. This can be used in conjunction with the fade in / fade out / on hover capabilities.

Added a new PathToFile value for the FileView plugin Type child measure option. This will return just the path the file, including a trailing «\».

Added support for the 802.11ac protocol to the WifiStatus plugin.

Moved the Open folder and Disable dragging options to the top of the Skins context menu for easier access.

Fixed: A running Time measure will now automatically update for a change in Daylight Savings Time without requiring a skin refresh.

Fixed: Corrected an issue where the #SCREENAREAWIDTH# / #SCREENAREAHEIGHT# built-in variables would not initially detect the monitor the skin was loaded on until a refresh.

Fixed: Corrected an issue where the list of Layouts in Manage / Layouts could be off by one if the @Backup Layout was missing.

Fixed: Corrected a Power plugin STATUS issue when the battery level is higher than «low», but not currently charging.


Rainmeter 4.3.1 Release

You can safely install the 4.3.1 release version right over your existing Rainmeter 4.3, 4.2 or any earlier installation, and nothing you have done will be lost or changed. There is never any need to uninstall any earlier version of Rainmeter to use the newest version.

Rainmeter 4.3.1 will run on Microsoft Windows 7 through 10. Windows XP and Vista are not supported.

Version 4.3.1 fixes some issues with the 4.3 release

SkinInstaller: Fixed the Load Layout combo box in SkinInstaller.

Container: Fixed a Container issue with relative positioning.

WebParser: Fixed a WebParser issue when nested variables were used with a URL option.

Inline Lua: Corrected an issue when the Lua GetOption() function was used Inline in a Text option that had other static text in it as well.

Major additions and changes in Rainmeter 4.3

Direct2D and Hardware Acceleration

Rainmeter 4.3 has changed entirely from using an older GDI+ graphics engine in Windows to the more modern and capable Direct2D (known as D2D for short). Not only does D2D offer additional capabilities we will be taking advantage of in the near future, but it also allows us to optionally support hardware acceleration. (known as HWA for short) This means that some of the processing, and the memory used, can be offloaded from the CPU to the GPU, and things will be rendered or «draw» significantly faster.

Hardware acceleration defaults to «off». This to help us to identify general issues that might come up with the conversion from GDI+ to D2D, and isolate any problems that are strictly related to hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration can be turned «on» in the Settings dialog, and we recommend it. Future versions will change the default to «on» in Rainmeter.

Hardware acceleration and Intel HD integrated graphics: There is a known issue with certain Intel HD integrated graphics chips, often seen on laptop computers, and hardware acceleration. This is due to a bug in the drivers for these chips from Intel, and the problem can generally be solved by updating your system to the most recent version of the graphics drivers from Intel. Details and suggestions for this issue are at: Intel HD Graphics drawing issue(s) with hardware acceleration

Reporting problems with Direct2D: We would be very interested in anything you see that is «different» for you when using Rainmeter 4.3. Things that looked different in Rainmeter 4.2. The goal here is to ensure that we fully protect backwards compatibility with existing skins in the change from GDI+ to D2D. Any skin you run in Rainmeter 4.2 should look and work exactly the same in Rainmeter 4.3. Please report these issues in this forum area: Rainmeter 4.3 D2D Issues.

New Container Functionality

Other enhancements and fixes in Rainmeter 4.3

Section Variables: Added new [SomeMeter:XW] and [SomeMeter:YH] section variables to allow you to make a meter relative to the end of another meter without requiring X=([SomeMeter:X] + [SomeMeter:W]) as a formula.

Line meter: Added a new TransformStroke option, which determines how the line (stroke) width is treated when TransformationMatrix is used on the meter.

About dialog: Corrected an inconsistency with how Measure and Variable values are «displayed» in the About/Skins dialog, and what is «copied» to the Windows clipboard when you use CTRL-C or right-click to copy string values. All string values will display up to 259 characters in the dialog window, being truncated and appended with «. » if longer. The full length of the value will always be copied to the clipboard.

AudioLevel plugin: Fixed an incompatibility with the Nahimic audio driver.

NowPlaying: Corrected an old issue with the Lyrics PlayerType option.

AccurateText: When AccurateText=1 and the size of a meter was used in a dynamic way in a formula, any fractional amount of size was being rounded down, or truncated. This has been changed so fractional amounts are rounded up to the nearest whole pixel.

Rainmeter Installer: If Rainmeter was previously installed with «Launch Rainmeter on startup», re-installing it with that box unchecked would not remove the shortcut from the Startup folder.

Manage dialog: Corrected an issue where information in the dialog was not properly updated when a layout is loaded.

Rainmeter: Using the notification area tray icon will now properly restore minimized Manage, About and New skin dialogs.


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