Regarding concerning в чем разница

Is this correct? And regarding vs. concerning?


I just put together this sentence and I am not sure it is a 100% correct, so I would like you guys to take a look at it, it is kind of complicated:

«Yeah well do you have any idea what specifically, it is that I should ask to get changed then?»

Also I would like to ask if there is any difference between concerning and regarding, to me it seems as though they can be used interchangeably. Is that so?

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 173682. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-173682. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 173682



I just put together this sentence and I am not sure it is a 100% correct, so I would like you guys to take a look at it, it is kind of complicated:


I just put together this sentence and I am not sure it is a 100% correct, so I would like you guys to take a look at it, it is kind of complicated:

«Yeah well do you have any idea what specifically, it is that I should ask to get changed then?» It’s not a sentence I would write, but it’s OK apart from the punctuation.

Also I would like to ask if there is any difference between concerning and regarding, to me it seems as though they can be used interchangeably. Is that so? No.

Yeah I am not that good with the punctuation, as of yet.

I am not quite sure what you are saying no to, is there any difference between those two words?

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 173682. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-173682. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 173682



Yeah I am not that good with the punctuation, as of yet.

I am not quite sure what you are saying no to, is there any difference between those two words?

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 189505. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-189505. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 189505


VIP Member

He’s saying, no, they are not interchangeable. It’s concerning that so many students believe there are a significant number of words that are interchangeable. There are not. (However, it’s not ‘regarding’ that they believe this.)

In other words, of course there’s a difference. One is the present participle of ‘concern’ and the other of ‘regard’. These are completely different words with fundamentally different meanings, connotations and usages.
And this will be the answer for almost questions about two different words without context being «interchangeable».

PS: Oops, I notice bhai has answered you. I’d suggest that if two words «can’t also be used interchangeably», then they aren’t interchangeable.


He’s saying, no, they are not interchangeable. It’s concerning that so many students believe there are a significant number of words that are interchangeable. There are not. (However, it’s not ‘regarding’ that they believe this.)

In other words, of course there’s a difference. One is the present participle of ‘concern’ and the other of ‘regard’. These are completely different words with fundamentally different meanings, connotations and usages.
And this will be the answer for almost questions about two different words without context being «interchangeable».

PS: Oops, I notice bhai has answered you. I’d suggest that if two words «can’t also be used interchangeably», then they aren’t interchangeable.

Yeah but can you say like:

There are many complaints regarding the level of noise.

There are many complaints concerning the level of noise.

Where to me it pretty much looks like the same.

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 189505. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-189505. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 189505


VIP Member

Yeah but can you say like:

There are many complaints regarding the level of noise.

There are many complaints concerning the level of noise.

Where to me it pretty much looks like the same.

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Regarding concerning в чем разница

Regarding concerning в чем разница. img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка img disagree large@2x 1882f32c83eb60deb0374abb341238b706487901793b65fcd3b92db46c08b0f9

Regarding concerning в чем разница. missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0

You can really use either in a business email. I see them used interchangeably. «Regarding» might be a little more detached (to regard is to stand back and observe), and «concerning» might be a little more personal (since you might be concerned perhaps). However, I almost never see anyone use those connotations with them and you might see one just as much as the other.

— Regarding the sale of 500 appliances to the customer, the confirmation of sale should be available in the next week.

— Concerning the high priority complaint from the customer, the techs should respond by end of business today.

Regarding concerning в чем разница. missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка missing thumb 3eb64f6385fdce66a48cb8e429f87ff2e40200df1255c716d1e1c85ed7016dc0

You can really use either in a business email. I see them used interchangeably. «Regarding» might be a little more detached (to regard is to stand back and observe), and «concerning» might be a little more personal (since you might be concerned perhaps). However, I almost never see anyone use those connotations with them and you might see one just as much as the other.

— Regarding the sale of 500 appliances to the customer, the confirmation of sale should be available in the next week.

— Concerning the high priority complaint from the customer, the techs should respond by end of business today.


Concerning or Regarding?


New Member

Hi guys. I am wondering what the difference is between «concerning» and «regarding»

Ex 1:
This information regards the ticket
This information concerns the ticket

Ex 2:
This is an email response concerning your questions
This is an email response regarding your questions

When am I supposed to use these two words? Is there a rule?

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 32930. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-32930. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 32930


Senior Member

«regarding» literally refers to «looking», but it is typically used as «in regards to. » or «regarding. «.

In the first example, I would not use «regards», but you could say «This information is in regards to your ticket.» if you wished to give more information about the ticket.

I don’t have a rule for you there, they seem pretty much the same. «regards» is a bit more eloquent, is all.


New Member

Thanks a lot for your reply.

and if I say. Information «regarding» xxx. or Information concerning xxx

I am stuck with those two words since I don’t know the right usage.

I have seen «regarding» and «concerning» in many cases but I can’t distinguish the difference.

Maybe it may have some significance as well depending on the context or situation.

Thanks to everybody and to you judkinsc.


Senior Member

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 19286. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-19286. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 19286


Senior Member

In most cases «concerning» and «regarding» and «with regard to» are flourishy ways of saying about. Why not just keep it simple?

Information about the tickets.

Regarding concerning в чем разница. 17010. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-17010. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка 17010


Lapsed Moderator

Hi guys. I am wondering what the difference is between «concerning» and «regarding»

Ex 1:
This information regards the ticket
This information concerns the ticket

Ex 2:
This is an email response concerning your questions
This is an email response regarding your questions

When am I supposed to use these two words? Is there a rule?

Regarding and concerning have other meanings that distract from the message you are trying to get across.


What’s the difference between “concerning” and “regarding”?

Is there a notable distinction between “concerning” and “regarding”, be it in tone alone?

I—a non-native—wondered about this when starting a sentence about the weather:

Concerning the weather, …

Four other random usage examples:

Aren’t all those unconditionally interchangeable?

I imagined the difference might be in context, with regarding being used when refering to something voluntarily (regards), while concerning used when somebody needs to explain oneself (concern), but I dismissed that as a wild guess with lots of examples diluting this attempt to explain.

Regarding concerning в чем разница. QY0hu. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-QY0hu. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка QY0hu

2 Answers 2

This piece from the grammarist discusses about the usage of «concerning» and its possible overtones as «a cause of concern», but apart from that I think that it is interchangeable with «regarding»:

One complaint against concerning does stand up: The word is also a preposition meaning in reference to or regarding, and the adjectival concerning can cause confusion when readers or listeners initially interpret it as the preposition.

For instance, if you hear someone say, “His email was concerning,” you might at first expect something to come after concerning. This complaint isn’t a rock-solid case, though, as many words in English have multiple functions, but it’s a good reason for those inclined against the word to continue avoiding it.

Actually checking with Ngram, (a question concerning vs a question regarding) it appears that «concerning» used as a preposition meaning «regarding» is quite common.


Необычные английские предлоги с переводом

Некоторые предлоги в английском языке встретишь нечасто. Однако они встречаются, и их нужно «знать в лицо». В этой статье я назвала такие предлоги «необычными». Давайте вместе выучим 7 предлогов и посмотрим, что они значат.

Предлог ABOARD

Предлог aboard употребляется в ситуациях, связанных с транспортными средствами: кораблем, самолетом, автобусом или поездом. Переводится он как «на борт, на палубу, в вагон».

The flight attendant invited us aboard.
Бортпроводник пригласил нас на борт.

The train is leaving. All aboard!
Поезд отправляется. Все по вагонам!

Regarding concerning в чем разница. aboard %D0%B2 %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC %D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-aboard %D0%B2 %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC %D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка aboard %D0%B2 %D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC %D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8

В переносном значении предлог aboard означает «Добро пожаловать в команду!»

Предлог AMID

Предлог места amid является синонимом предлога among – «среди». Amid употребляется очень редко, в основном с абстрактными понятиями. Его можно встретить в деловом английском, чаще письменном. Amid означает «в центре, в окружении, среди».

There are two envelopes amid the papers.
Среди бумаг лежат два конверта.

The musician made his bows amid applause.
Музыкант раскланялся под аплодисменты.


Еще один интересный предлог astride переводится как «верхом на, по обеим сторонам».

He sat proudly astride his motorbike.
Он гордо сел верхом на свой мотоцикл.

The town lies astride the River Thames.
Город расположен по обе стороны реки Темзы.

Regarding concerning в чем разница. %D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80 %D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B0 %D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9 %D0%BE %D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%85. Regarding concerning в чем разница фото. Regarding concerning в чем разница-%D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80 %D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B0 %D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9 %D0%BE %D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%85. картинка Regarding concerning в чем разница. картинка %D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80 %D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%B0 %D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9 %D0%BE %D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%85

Предлог ATOP

От английского слова top – «вершина» появился предлог atop – «на, над, на вершине».

He sat atop a three-metre wall.
Он сидел на вершине трехметровой стены.

I want to buy a flat atop the building.
Я хочу купить квартиру на самом верху здания.

Предлог OWING TO

Предлог owing to «из-за, по вине» интересен тем, что в подавляющем большинстве случаев употребляется тогда, когда случилось что-то нехорошее (из-за неисправности, из-за потери и т.д.). В то время как его синонимы due to и because of используются как в плохих, так и хороших случаях. Чаще всего owing to можно встретить в официальной речи.

The performance has been cancelled owing to lack of interest.
Выступление отменено из-за отсутствия интереса.

Verification of this information is impossible owing to access restrictions.
Проверка этой информации невозможна по причине ограничения доступа.


Предлоги concerning и regarding относятся к группе причастных предлогов (они образовались от причастий). Эти предлоги являются синонимами и имеют одинаковое значение – «о, об, относительно, касательно, в отношении, по поводу». Оба предлога обычно встречаются в формальном английском, чаще письменном.

I’ve had a letter from the pension fund concerning my pension payments.
Я получил письмо от пенсионного фонда касательно моих пенсионных выплат.

I have a question regarding your last article.
У меня вопрос по поводу вашей последней статьи.

Разобравшись с такими трудными и редкими предлогами, вы теперь не будете удивлены, когда встретите их в книге или деловом письме.

Для изучающих английский язык предлоги – одна из самых сложных тем. Поэтому я подробно разбираю их на моем комплексном курсе английского Will Speak. Вы можете записаться на курс прямо сейчас и уже через месяц почувствовать качественно новый уровень вашего английского. Успехов в обучении!

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