Risk assessment что это
Risk assessment: Руководство по управлению рисками
Risk assessment: Руководство по управлению рисками
Но, к сожалению, нам приходиться составлять нелепые отписки и эта работа давно уже стала рутинной. Для того, чтобы моряку было хоть приблизительно понятно, что хотят от него при составлении оценки риска, мы выкладываем Risk assessment: Руководство по управлению рисками.
Плюс данной публикации заключается в поэтапном разборе системы, а также билингвальность — материал на русском языке продублирован английским.
Этап 1: Определение проблемы Step 1: Defining the Problem
Этап 2: Подбор специалистов Step 2: Selecting Experts
Этап 3: Определение опасностей и потенциально возможных аварийных случаев Step 3: Identifying Hazards and Potential Accidents
Этап 4: Определение частотности Step 4: Assigning Frequency
Этап 5: Определение последствий Step 5: Assigning Consequences
Этап 6: Определение степени риска Step 6: Determining Risk Priority
Этап 7: Разработка ответных мер Step 7: Developing Countermeasures
В приложении имеется Рабочий лист по оценке риска морских операций (Marine Operations Risk Assessment Worksheet ), что поможет судоводиделю разобраться в «правильности» составления оценки риска.
risk assessment
общая оценка риска
Общий процесс, включающий анализ и оценку риска.
[ГОСТ Р ИСО 12100-1:2007]
определение риска
Полный процесс анализа риска и оценки риска. (МСЭ-Т Х.1051).
оценка риска
Полный процесс идентификации, анализа и сравнительной оценки риска.
[ГОСТ Р 53647.1-2009]
оценка риска
Оценка вероятности и степени тяжести возможного травмирования или нанесения другого вреда здоровью в опасной ситуации с целью выбрать необходимые меры безопасности.
[ГОСТ ЕН 1070-2003]
[ГОСТ Р 51333-99]
оценка риска
По ГОСТ Р 22.1.02-95
Идентификация опасности и возможных ее источников, исследование механизма их возникновения, оценка вероятности возникновения идентифицированных опасных событий и их последствий.
[СО 34.21.307-2005]
оценка риска
Расчет значений индивидуального и социального риска для рассматриваемого предприятия и сравнение его с нормативными значениями.
[ГОСТ Р 12.3.047-98]
оценка риска
Общий процесс анализа риска и оценивания риска
[ГОСТ Р 51897-2002]
Обобщающие термины
оценка рисков
Деятельность, позволяющая ОКОИ своевременно выявлять любые потенциальные риски.
оценка рисков
Качественная и количественная оценка возможного влияния рисков, а также вероятности их возникновения.
[ Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов ]
risk assessment
The activity that enables the OCOG to identify any potential risks.
risk assessment (RA)
Qualitative or quantitativ assessment of possible risk impact, and probability of risk occurrence.
[ Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов ]
2.21 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс, объединяющий идентификацию риска, анализ риска и оценивание риска.
3.59 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс, объединяющий идентификацию риска, анализ риска и оценивание риска [2].
2.15 оценка риска (risk assessment): Полный процесс анализа и оценивания риска ([2], пункт 3.12).
3.13 общая оценка риска (risk assessment): Общий процесс, включающий анализ и оценку риска.
3.59 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс, объединяющий идентификацию риска, анализ риска и оценивание риска [2].
3.10 оценка риска (risk assessment): Идентификация вероятных опасностей и выявление тех лиц, которые могут быть подвержены этим опасностям, вероятностей причинения вреда и соответствующих мер контроля.
2.36 оценка риска (risk assessment): Полный процесс идентификации, анализа и сравнительной оценки риска.
2.30 оценка риска (risk assessment): Полный процесс идентификации, анализа и сравнительной оценки риска.
2.14 оценка риска (risk assessment): Общий процесс идентификации риска (2.15), анализа риска (2.21)и оценивания риска (2.24).
[Руководство ИСО 73:2009, определение 3.4.1]
3.35 оценка риска (risk assessment): Общий процесс идентификации, анализа и сравнительной оценки риска.
[Руководство ИСО/МЭК 73]
3.69 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс, состоящий из анализа риска и определения степени риска серьезности [33].
3.12 оценка риска (risk assessment): Общий процесс идентификации (3.14), анализа риска (3.13) и проведения сравнительной оценки риска (3.16).
3.22 оценка рисков (risk assessment): Процесс оценивания риска(ов) (см. 3.21), связанного(ых) с опасностями, с учетом всех существующих мер управления и принятия решения о том, является ли риск приемлемым.
3.22 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс оценивания риска(ов) (см. 3.21), определяемый опасностью(ями) с учетом адекватности существующих мер управления, и принятия решения о том, является ли риск приемлемым.
3.5 оценка риска (risk assessment): Процесс анализа и сравнительной оценки риска.
3.4.14 оценка риска (risk assessment): Всесторонняя оценка вероятности и степени возможного повреждения или вреда здоровью в опасной ситуации для выбора соответствующих мер безопасности.
3.5 оценка риска (risk assessment): Общий процесс идентификации (3.7), анализа риска (3.6) и проведения сравнительной оценки риска (3.9).
Смотреть что такое «risk assessment» в других словарях:
Risk assessment — is a common first step in a risk management process. Risk assessment is the determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to a concrete situation and a recognized threat. Quantitative risk assessment requires calculations of… … Wikipedia
risk assessment — noun A complete description of the safety of something, eg a nuclear plant, to evaluate the likelihood and consequence of any possible accident • • • Main Entry: ↑risk * * * risk assessment UK US noun [countable/uncountable] [singular risk… … Useful english dictionary
risk assessment — ➔ assessment * * * risk assessment UK US noun ► [C or U] (also risk analysis) MANAGEMENT the process of finding out how much risk is involved in doing something: »He has responsibility for financial management, strategic planning and risk… … Financial and business terms
risk assessment — In the context of employment law, an assessment of the levels of harm which may be involved in various workplace activities and as a result of using equipment required to carry these activities out and the likelihood of such harm occurring. Risk… … Law dictionary
risk assessment — The identification, analysis, and measurement of *risks relating to an activity or organization. Risk assessment comprises the initial stages of *risk management, and it is one of the five components of effective *internal control identified in… … Auditor’s dictionary
risk assessment — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms risk assessment : singular risk assessment plural risk assessments business the process of calculating how much risk is involved in a particular action … English dictionary
Risk Assessment — The process of determining the likelihood that a specified negative event will occur. Investors and business managers use risk assessments to determine things like whether to undertake a particular venture, what rate of return they require to… … Investment dictionary
risk assessment — /ˈrɪsk əsɛsmənt/ (say risk uhsesmuhnt) noun the assessment of possible hazards involved in the workplace, on school excursions, at community events, etc., especially with regard to insurance: the school conducted a risk assessment before taking… … Australian-English dictionary
risk assessment — viešojo juridinio asmens rizikos valdymo įvertinimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis auditas apibrėžtis Vidaus auditoriaus pateiktos išvados apie viešojo juridinio asmens rizikos valdymą. atitikmenys: angl. risk assessment; risk management assessment… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
risk assessment — (in psychiatry) an assessment of the risk that a patient may pose at a given time, which is part of every mental state examination. Risk assessments are based primarily on past behaviour and certain aspects of current behaviour. They are usually… … The new mediacal dictionary
risk assessment — The identification and assessment of hazards (first two steps of risk management process) … Military dictionary
Risk Assessment
Identify, analyze, and mitigate potential hazards and the risks associated with it.
Featured Topics
Published 23 Nov 2021
What is a Risk Assessment?
A risk assessment is a systematic process that involves identifying, analyzing and controlling hazards and risks. It is performed by a competent person to determine which measures are, or should be, in place to eliminate or control the risk in the workplace in any potential situation.
Risk assessment is one of the major components of a risk analysis. Risk analysis is a process with multiple steps that intends to identify and analyze all of the potential risks and issues that are detrimental to the business. This is an ongoing process that gets updated when necessary. These concepts are interconnected and can be used individually.
Risk communication is the process of exchanging information and opinion on risk to concerned parties. Risk management is the proactive control and evaluation of threats and risks to prevent accidents, uncertainties and errors. Together with risk assessment, these are all vital elements that help make informed decisions such as mitigating risks.
Risk Analysis Framework
Why Is Risk Assessment Important?
Identifying hazards by using the risk assessment process is a key element when ensuring the health and safety of your employees and customers. OSHA requires businesses to conduct risk assessments. According to regulations set by OSHA, assessing hazards or potential risk will determine the personal protective gears and equipment a worker may need for their job. There are guidelines available for different industries since present types of possible risks may vary, an example of this is agribusinesses. Unique risks for this industry include manure storage, tractor operation, animal handling, behavior, and health.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the US specializes in assessing hazards related to humans and its environmental receptors such as animals, chemicals, and other ecological factors. While in the UK, conducting risk assessments are a legal requirement as stated in the Health and Safety at Work Act. The specific regulation under this law can be retrieved from the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations Section.
The gravity of hazard identifications is clear with all these organizations and governments requiring risk assessments at work. Prevent and reduce risks to save lives and to ensure that the workplace stays as a safe space.
When Do You Perform a Risk Assessment?
Beyond complying with legislative requirements, the purpose of risk assessments are to eliminate operational risks and improve the overall safety of the workplace. It is employers responsibility to perform risk assessments when:
Difference Between Risk Assessment and Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Risk assessments are often confused with a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). The key difference between a risk assessment and a JSA is scope. Risk assessments assess safety hazards across the entire workplace and are oftentimes accompanied with a risk matrix to prioritize hazards and controls. Whereas a JSA focuses on job-specific risks and are typically performed for a single task, assessing each step of the job.
3 Types
While the exact details of risk assessments may vary greatly across different industries, HSE distinguishes three general risk assessment types:
Large Scale Assessments
This refers to risk assessments performed for large scale complex hazard sites such as the nuclear, and oil and gas industry. This type of assessment requires the use of an advanced risk assessment technique called a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA).
Required specific assessments
This refers to assessments that are required under specific legislation or regulations, such as the handling of hazardous substances (according to COSHH regulations, 1998) and manual handling (according to Manual Handling Operations Regulations, 1992).
This type of assessment manages general workplace risks and is required under the management of legal health and safety administrations such as OSHA and HSE.
Risk assessments are essential to identify hazards and risks that may potentially cause harm to workers. There are a variety of risk assessments used across different industries tailoring specific needs and control measures. Here are common risk assessment examples:
Risk assessments can be seen as a regulatory paperwork burden, but understanding the reason and purpose of a risk assessment will help your team identify, prioritize and control hazards in your workplace.
Risk assessments should be carried out by competent persons who are experienced in assessing hazard injury severity, likelihood, and control measures. To start off, good planning will be essential in order to implement a risk assessment effectively. Consider the following 4 elements as stated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
By determining all of these, you can create a solid foundation for an effective risk assessment. Once you’ve planned out your risk assessment, you can proceed with performing the risk assessment. A risk assessment is performed in 5 steps or stages.
5 Steps
1. Identify hazards
2. Evaluate the risks
To evaluate a hazard’s risk, you have to consider how, where, how much and how long individuals are typically exposed to a potential hazard. Assign a risk rating to your hazards with the help of a risk matrix. Using a risk matrix can help measure the level of risk per hazard by considering factors such as the likelihood of occurrence, and severity of potential injuries.
3. Decide on control measure to implement
After assigning a risk rating to an identified hazard, it’s time to come up with effective controls to protect workers, properties, civilians, and/or the environment. Follow the hierarchy of controls in prioritizing implementation of controls.
4. Document your findings
It is important to keep a formal record of risk assessments. This can help your organization keep track of hazards, risk, and control measures. Documentation may include a detailed description of the process in assessing the risk, an outline of evaluations, and detailed explanations on how conclusions were made.
Use a risk assessment template to document your findings. Get started with iAuditor’s free risk assessment templates that you can use on your mobile device while on-site. Share your report and findings with key parties who can implement changes.
5. Review your assessment and update if necessary
Follow up with your assessments and see if your recommended controls have been put in place. If the conditions in which your risk assessment was based on change significantly, use your best judgment to determine if a new risk assessment is necessary.
Tools and Techniques
There are options on the tools and techniques that can be seamlessly incorporated into a business’ process. The four common risk assessment tools are: risk matrix, decision tree, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), and bowtie model. Other risk assessment techniques include what-if analysis, failure tree analysis, and hazard operability analysis.
How to use a Risk Matrix?
Likelihood | Very Likely | Likely | Unlikely | Highly Unlikely | |
Consequences | Fatality | High | High | High | Medium |
Major Injuries | High | High | Medium | Medium | |
Minor Injuries | High | Medium | Medium | Low | |
Negligible Injuries | Medium | Medium | Low | Low |
A risk matrix is often used during a risk assessment to measure the level of risk by considering the consequence/ severity and likelihood of injury to a worker after being exposed to a hazard. The two measures can then help determine the overall risk rating of the hazard. Two key questions to ask when using a risk matrix should be:
How to Assess Consequences?
In assessing the consequences of a hazard, the first question should be asked “If a worker is exposed to this hazard, how bad would the most probable severe injury be?”. For this consideration we are presuming that a hazard and injury is inevitable and we are only concerned with its severity.
It is common to group the injury severity and consequence into the following four categories:
To illustrate how this can be used in the workplace we will use the example of a metal shearing task. A hazard involved could include a piece of metal flying out of the equipment while in use. In this example the probable most severe injury would be “Major or Serious Injury” with the possibility of bruising, breakage, finger amputation.
How to Assess Likelihood?
In assessing the likelihood, the question should be asked “If the hazard occurs, how likely is it that the worker will be injured?”. This should not be confused with how likely the hazard is to occur. It is common to group the likelihood of a hazard causing worker injury into the following four categories:
In our metal shearing example the question should not be “How likely is the machine expected to fail?” but instead “When the machine fails and causes metal to fly out, how likely is the worker expected to be injured?”. If in our example we observe a safe distance between the machine and worker and proper PPE being worn, we could rate it as “Unlikely” given our observations
How to Implement Control Measures?
After identifying and assigning a risk rating to a hazard, effective controls should be implemented to protect workers. Working through a hierarchy of controls can be an effective method of choosing the right control measure to reduce the risk.
Below is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Hierarchy of Controls that can help guide you in the process of formulating your organization’s control measures.
NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls
Risk Assessment Training: Achieving a Culture of Safety
“Safety has to be everyone’s responsibility… everyone needs to know that they are empowered to speak up if there’s an issue.” – Captain Scott Kelly, at the SafetyCulture Virtual Summit.
Thinking about safety shouldn’t stop at the completion of a risk assessment. Embody a safety culture, that way employees are empowered to be greatly aware and conscious of their safety as they do their best work. A hazard identification and risk assessment training can help your organization achieve that.
A good and effective risk assessment training should orient new and existing employees on various hazards and risks that they may potentially encounter. It should also be able to walk them through safety protocols. When everyone is on the same page, managing risks becomes easy.
Conducting or providing training shouldn’t be a pain. With today’s technology, many mobile applications allow you to transform training into engaging and bite sized lessons. Below are a few courses we picked out that can be beneficial for you in getting started:
How do you Perform a Risk Assessment with iAuditor?
Many factors and processes can come into play when conducting a risk assessment. The process usually takes a lot of time as it involves going through multiple hands for review and completion. Which in turn, opens the whole risk assessment procedure to issues like losing track of paperwork and records.
Using a risk assessment software like iAuditor makes it easy for you to have everything in one place. Organizations are able to track hazards, risks, control measures, and corrective actions within just a few taps.
See how iAuditor can help your risk assessment every step of the way:
iAuditor is the World’s #1 Inspection Software and App
iAuditor gives you the flexibility to power any inspection you require – onsite, underground, and across the globe. Inspect construction sites, restaurants inspections for food safety, conduct temperature checks, pre-flight checks, toolbox talks and more. It is the mobile forms inspection solution for all industries.
Risk Assessment Templates
Risk assessments are traditionally completed through pen-and-paper checklists which are inconvenient when reports and action plans are urgently needed. Streamline the process with iAuditor by SafetyCulture, a mobile app solution. Get started by browsing this collection of customizable Risk Assessment templates that you can download for free.
SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Jai Andales
Jai Andales is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. As a content specialist, she creates well-researched articles about health and safety topics. She is also passionate about empowering businesses to utilize technology in building a culture of safety and quality.
Jai Andales is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. As a content specialist, she creates well-researched articles about health and safety topics. She is also passionate about empowering businesses to utilize technology in building a culture of safety and quality.