Sales credit что это

credit sale

1 credit sale

2 credit sale

3 credit sale

4 credit sale

5 credit sale

6 credit sale

7 credit sale

8 credit sale

9 credit sale

10 credit sale

11 credit sale

12 credit sale

13 credit card sale

См. также в других словарях:

credit sale — The sale of goods, which immediately become the property of the customer, but where the price is payable by instalments. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * credit sale credit sale ➔ sale * * * credit sale UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE a sale of a… … Financial and business terms

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale made on terms in which cash is to be paid at an agreed future date. As the debtors, who are customers to whom credit sales have been made, pay, the debtors control account balance will be reduced … Accounting dictionary

credit sale — / kredɪt seɪl/ noun a sale where the purchaser will pay for the goods bought at a later date … Marketing dictionary in english

credit sale agreement — See hire purchase … Big dictionary of business and management

sale — n 1 a: the transfer of title to property from one party to another for a price; also: the contract of such a transaction see also short 1 2 compare barter, donation … Law dictionary

credit sales — [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the sums of money that a company shows in its accounts for sales of products that buyers have agreed to pay for in the future: »At year end credit sales amounted to £1,300. Main Entry: ↑credit sale … Financial and business terms

sale — An agreement between a buyer and a seller on the price to be paid for a security, followed by delivery. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sale sale [seɪl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the act of selling someone property, food, or… … Financial and business terms

sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black’s law dictionary

credit — n. & v. n. 1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride, etc. (is a credit to the school). 2 the acknowledgement of merit (must give him credit for consistency). 3 a good reputation (his credit stands high). 4 a belief or trust (I place credit… … Useful english dictionary


credit sales

Смотреть что такое «credit sales» в других словарях:

credit sales — [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the sums of money that a company shows in its accounts for sales of products that buyers have agreed to pay for in the future: »At year end credit sales amounted to £1,300. Main Entry: ↑credit sale … Financial and business terms

credit — cred·it 1 n 1: recognition see also full faith and credit 2 a: the balance in an account which may be drawn upon and repaid later compare loan … Law dictionary

sales account — ➔ account1 * * * sales account UK US noun [C] ► ACCOUNTING a record of the total cash or credit sales for a particular period: »Enter it in the books as a credit to the sales account. ► COMMERCE a customer that a business sells its products to:… … Financial and business terms

credit sale — The sale of goods, which immediately become the property of the customer, but where the price is payable by instalments. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * credit sale credit sale ➔ sale * * * credit sale UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE a sale of a… … Financial and business terms

credit — an entry made on the right hand side of an account and indicating a gain to a liability, owner s equity or revenue account. Glossary of Business Terms money loaned. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. credit cred‧it 1 [ˈkredt] noun 1.… … Financial and business terms

Credit — Money loaned. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. credit cred‧it 1 [ˈkredt] noun 1. [uncountable] COMMERCE an arrangement with a shop, supplier etc to buy something now and pay for it later: • They are saving for new furniture… … Financial and business terms

sales account — An account used to record cash and credit sales transactions resulting from the sale of goods or services … Accounting dictionary

sales account — An account used to record cash and credit sales transactions resulting from the sale of goods or services … Big dictionary of business and management

credit sale — A sale made on terms in which cash is to be paid at an agreed future date. As the debtors, who are customers to whom credit sales have been made, pay, the debtors control account balance will be reduced … Accounting dictionary

Sales taxes in the United States — are a tax added onto the price of goods or services that are purchased in the United States. A sales tax is a tax on consumption, which is displayed as a percentage of the sale price. Sales taxes are assessed by every state except Alaska,… … Wikipedia


credit sale


Смотреть что такое «credit sale» в других словарях:

credit sale — The sale of goods, which immediately become the property of the customer, but where the price is payable by instalments. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * credit sale credit sale ➔ sale * * * credit sale UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE a sale of a… … Financial and business terms

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale made on terms in which cash is to be paid at an agreed future date. As the debtors, who are customers to whom credit sales have been made, pay, the debtors control account balance will be reduced … Accounting dictionary

credit sale — / kredɪt seɪl/ noun a sale where the purchaser will pay for the goods bought at a later date … Marketing dictionary in english

credit sale agreement — See hire purchase … Big dictionary of business and management

sale — n 1 a: the transfer of title to property from one party to another for a price; also: the contract of such a transaction see also short 1 2 compare barter, donation … Law dictionary

credit sales — [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the sums of money that a company shows in its accounts for sales of products that buyers have agreed to pay for in the future: »At year end credit sales amounted to £1,300. Main Entry: ↑credit sale … Financial and business terms

sale — An agreement between a buyer and a seller on the price to be paid for a security, followed by delivery. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sale sale [seɪl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the act of selling someone property, food, or… … Financial and business terms

sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black’s law dictionary

credit — n. & v. n. 1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride, etc. (is a credit to the school). 2 the acknowledgement of merit (must give him credit for consistency). 3 a good reputation (his credit stands high). 4 a belief or trust (I place credit… … Useful english dictionary


credit sale

1 credit sale

2 credit sale

3 credit sale

4 credit sale

5 credit sale

6 credit sale

7 credit sale

8 credit sale

9 credit sale

10 credit sale

11 credit sale

12 credit sale

13 credit card sale

См. также в других словарях:

credit sale — The sale of goods, which immediately become the property of the customer, but where the price is payable by instalments. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * credit sale credit sale ➔ sale * * * credit sale UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE a sale of a… … Financial and business terms

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale in which the buyer is permitted to pay for the goods at a later time, as contrasted with a cash sale. Any sale with respect to which consumer credit is extended or arranged by the seller. The term includes any contract in the form of a… … Black’s law dictionary

credit sale — A sale made on terms in which cash is to be paid at an agreed future date. As the debtors, who are customers to whom credit sales have been made, pay, the debtors control account balance will be reduced … Accounting dictionary

credit sale — / kredɪt seɪl/ noun a sale where the purchaser will pay for the goods bought at a later date … Marketing dictionary in english

credit sale agreement — See hire purchase … Big dictionary of business and management

sale — n 1 a: the transfer of title to property from one party to another for a price; also: the contract of such a transaction see also short 1 2 compare barter, donation … Law dictionary

credit sales — [plural] ► ACCOUNTING the sums of money that a company shows in its accounts for sales of products that buyers have agreed to pay for in the future: »At year end credit sales amounted to £1,300. Main Entry: ↑credit sale … Financial and business terms

sale — An agreement between a buyer and a seller on the price to be paid for a security, followed by delivery. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * sale sale [seɪl] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] COMMERCE the act of selling someone property, food, or… … Financial and business terms

sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… … Black’s law dictionary

credit — n. & v. n. 1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride, etc. (is a credit to the school). 2 the acknowledgement of merit (must give him credit for consistency). 3 a good reputation (his credit stands high). 4 a belief or trust (I place credit… … Useful english dictionary



A credit sale agreement is essentially a loan for the purchase price of the item with the money being paid over a fixed period of time.

Смотреть что такое CREDIT SALE в других словарях:


торг., фин. продажа в кредит (продажа с условием оплаты через оговоренный промежуток времени) Syn:sale on credit, on account sale, sale on accountAnt. смотреть


торг., фин. продажа в кредит (продажа с условием оплаты через оговоренный промежуток времени) Syn: sale on credit selling on credit on account sale See: credit sale agreement trade credit split payments cash-only sale cash sale. смотреть


продаж у кредит; продаж у розстрочку



продажа в долг ; продажа на условии кредита ;


продажа в долг ; продажа на условии кредита ;



закон о продаже в кредит


угода про продаж у кредит


угода про продаж у кредит


торг., фин. соглашение о продаже в кредит* (согласно которому покупатель оплачивает товары через некоторый промежуток времени, но право собственности на товары переходит к нему сразу же после заключения контракта (а не после полной оплаты)) Syn: credit-sale agreement See: credit sale contract. смотреть



торг., юр., брит. договор о продаже в кредит (согласно которому покупатель оплачивает товары через некоторый промежуток времени, но право собственности на товары переходит к нему сразу же после заключения контракта (а не после полной оплаты, как в случае договора о покупке в рассрочку); прежде соглашения о покупках в кредит регулировались правительственными инструкциями, определявшими минимальные размеры первого взноса и продолжительность периода полной выплаты цены; этот контроль был отменен в 1982 г. и теперь регулируется законом «О потребительском кредите» 1974 г.) See: contract of hire-purchase credit sale agreement Consumer Credit Act 1974 sale by instalments cash trade. смотреть


торг. договор о покупке в кредит (договор купли-продажи, согласно которому покупатель оплачивает товары через некоторый промежуток времени, но право с. смотреть


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