Sales deck что это
10 Best Sales Presentations To Inspire Your Sales Deck [+ 5 Tips]
Use these free presentation templates to build the perfect sales deck.
While many salespeople focus on making their sales decks flashy, fun, and exciting, they do little to ensure that their presentations address the prospect’s top concerns and offer an irresistible solution.
As a result, many presentations are met with wishy-washy responses that drag along the sales process and waste valuable time.
If you’ve done everything right during the discovery process – digging deep into your prospect’s challenges and understanding exactly what they need – only to get a noncommittal response, then your presentation needs some major adjusting.
What does a great sales deck look like? We’ll take a look at some of the best, and provide tips for creating your own stellar sales deck and presentation.
What is a sales deck?
A sales deck is a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) used to supplement a sales pitch. The sales pitch, given by a salesperson to a prospect, often includes an overview of the product or service, offers a value proposition and solution for the prospect, and includes examples of success stories from other clients.
The primary purpose of a sales deck and presentation is to introduce a solution that ultimately leads to the prospect purchasing from your company.
What’s the difference between a pitch deck and a sales deck?
A sales deck is a pitch meant to convince a prospect to make a purchase by showcasing your product features, benefits, and value proposition.
A pitch deck, on the other hand, is usually created for investors who want to learn more about your company, vision, products, financials, and target audience. Think of the pitch deck more like a synthesized version of your business plan.
Ready to see some sales deck examples? Here are a few of the best, in no particular order.
Sales Deck Examples
1. Leadnomics
Leadnomics has done something few companies successfully do in presentations: Showcase their brand identity.
The internet marketing agency hired a designer to create a sales deck that reflected their sleek, techie brand.
So while prospects learn about Leadnomics and what it offers, they can also get a peek into what it represents as a brand.
2. Richter
This slide deck from Richter starts with an introduction of the problem, followed by a value proposition, then presents a solution.
They provide an overview of what they deliver to customers, who their clients are, and the results their customer base has seen.
The sales deck touches on all the key points a sales presentation should cover. And when it includes graphics and logos, they are clearly organized and not cluttered.
3. Single Music
Single Music effectively uses icons and visuals throughout its sales deck to communicate its messages. At 28 slides, this is one of the longest sales decks featured on this list.
If you’re going to make your sales deck long, make sure the information you include is worth it.
In terms of content, Single Music, a platform that allows artists to monetize their Spotify account, showcases its diverse artist roster, its milestones, and key features.
4. LeadCrunch
LeadCrunch, a B2B demand gen business, created a sales deck featuring statistics and charts to highlight how businesses can predict and personalize their sales and marketing efforts.
Key figures and messages are either in a bold, large, or bright font to make them stand out from the rest of the text.
While their slide deck is on the lengthier side (the typical presentation is around 10 to 15 slides), they include intriguing visuals and statistics that grab attention and keep viewers interested.
5. ReCheck
ReCheck is a blockchain platform that specializes in document protection, and its sales deck emphasizes the importance of simple text and organization.
The problem and solution are introduced using bullet points, which makes the text easier for readers to prioritize.
They include a comparison chart of the conventional solution and ReCheck’s product – clearly outlining the benefits of their product. The following slides provide a step-by-step walkthrough of how the product works.
Since each of the slides isn’t text-heavy, this allows the salesperson to elaborate and answer any questions the prospect might have.
6. Snapchat Advertising
Snapchat starts its sales deck with a strong opening statement: «Snapchat is the best way to reach 13 to 34 year-olds.»
The brand then backs up this statement with statistics that are sprinkled throughout the deck mixed in with the benefits of using Snapchat’s advertising platform.
And it does this all while maintaining its strong branding.
7. Keptify
The first thing Keptify does in its sales presentation is present an eye-catching statistic. Then, they present the reasons behind that data.
The deck doesn’t overwhelm prospects with too much text, opting for more graphics and visuals instead.
It introduces a hard-hitting stat about the problem their prospect is facing, engages them by asking a question, and provides a solution to the issue.
The slide deck continues to outline specific product details and what sets the solution apart from others, ultimately leading to a slide that represents the expected outcome for the prospect.
Each of these presentations provides a general overview of the products, problems, and solutions, and they can easily be tailored and customized to each prospective company. A custom presentation not only piques the prospect’s interest but also increases the likelihood that they’ll buy from you.
8. Zuora
What you’ll first notice when scrolling through Zuora’s sales deck is that it’s straightforward and easy to scan.
The brand kept it simple with their deck, making it making for consumers to take in the information. Too often, companies overload their decks with information and by the end of the presentation, consumers can’t remember anything.
Every slide, Zuora has one main message with supporting information in smaller font.
In addition, the brand incorporates reviews from other businesses to serve as social proof – a powerful tool when trying to attract consumers.
9. Kimola
Sometimes, the best way to explain a concept is through stories or use cases. In this sales deck,
Kimola takes this approach to introduce its product.
The brand first introduces this user persona «Jane,» then they show how consumers could gain valuable insights on this persona using the brand’s software. Then, they dive into Kimola’s key features.
This storytelling method helps consumers visualize how this software would help them reach their target audience.
10. Accern
Similar to Leadnomics, software company Accern puts its branding at the forefront of the sales deck.
In addition to the use of design to make the sales deck stand out, Accern also highlights customer case studies in its deck, another form of social proof that shows the success other customers have found with this tool.
Sales Deck Presentation Tips
Ready for your presentation? Sticking to these five simple sales presentation guidelines, recommended by Marc Wayshak, will help you blow your competition away while dramatically increasing your chances of closing the sale.
1. Lead with solutions.
Have you ever met with a prospect who was excited about your product or service – and used your presentation to keep on selling? This is called over-selling, and it’s the leading cause of death for sales presentations.
When you start your presentation, first lead with solutions. Don’t talk about the benefits of your product’s features or tell the prospect how great your company is.
Simply dive into how you’re going to solve the deepest frustration your prospect is facing right now.
2. Incorporate case studies.
Once you’ve addressed the specific solutions you can provide to the prospect, it’s time to add some color to your presentation.
Turn your sales presentation into an engaging story by sharing case studies of similar prospects and the results they’ve achieved with your help.
This step is important for building trust and credibility with the prospect. At the same time, case studies bring your solutions to life in the real world, making your presentation more engaging.
3. Ask for feedback throughout.
Most presentations are a one-way monologue by the salesperson. This approach is boring – and it’s certainly no way to connect with a prospect.
Instead, ask short questions throughout your presentation like «Does that make sense?» or «Can you see how this would work for you?» Asking for feedback periodically ensures your prospect stays on the same page.
4. Welcome interruptions.
If you want to close more sales, you have to care about what your prospect is thinking throughout your presentation.
Any interruption is the perfect opportunity to find out. Whenever a prospect interrupts you – either with a verbal remark or subtle shift in their facial expression or posture – stop immediately.
Acknowledge the interruption, and welcome the opportunity to explore it with the prospect. Never ignore signals just to stay on a roll and conclude your point. Invite prospects to ask their questions or share their concerns.
The opportunity to respond to those concerns is always more valuable than whatever you were about to say.
5. Wrap it up quickly.
Your presentation should be ASAP: as short as possible.
It’s natural for salespeople to get excited about what they have to share, but this causes most of them to ramble on for far too long.
Prospects only care about themselves and their challenges. Present the information they’ll be interested in and nothing more.
Practice your next sales presentation with a colleague or friend and ask for their honest feedback on its length.
How to Find a Sales Deck Template
Ready to start creating your own sales deck? Get started with this free template.
It includes four Powerpoint templates, each with a different focus.
Here are additional resources to find a sales deck:
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.
Originally published Aug 27, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated August 27 2021
Что такое Pitch Deck и зачем он нужен?
Обычно стартапу мало найти перспективную идею и собрать качественный продукт. Многое решает презентация проекта перед инвесторами, известная как питч-сессия. Большая часть современных питчей является полноценными выступлениями с презентациеи в PowerPoint или другои удобнои программе, которая и называется Pitch Deck (питч-деком). Знакомство с каждым человеком, которого заинтересовал Ваш стартап, обязательно закончится просьбой прислать питч-дек. Это первый шаг начала взаимоотношении, и он должен быть идеальным.
Прежде чем мы перейдем к структуре и разбору определенных тонкостей создания питч-дека, поговорим об оформлении и навыках создания презентации в целом. Естественно, наличие дизаинерских слайдов не гарантирует Вам получение инвестиций, но непрофессиональная презентация точно НЕ поможет Вам в достижении собственных целей. Если Вы не уверены в своих умениях работы в PowerPoint или других программах для создания презентаций, то лучше делегируите эту задачу более компетентным сотрудникам или партнерам.
Разберемся с тем, какие же цели должен выполнять питч-дек вашего проекта.
В первую очередь, естественно, презентация нужна для того, чтоб показать свой стартап, донести основную идею и мысль, что в Вас стоит поверить. Во-вторых, презентация должна быть нацелена на определенного зрителя. Это инвестор? Покажите ему, почему он важен для Вас и куда Вы планируете потратить его деньги? Это конкурс? Дайте ответ, для чего Вы принимаете в нем участие и что даст Вам победа? Это акселератор? Объясните целесообразность Вашего участия в их программе.
Переходя к тонкостям создания презентации, начать стоит с объема презентации. Обычно качественный питч-дек ограничивается 15 слайдами, на которых должна быть размещена вся интересная инвесторам информация. Стоит отметить, что, если вы отправляете презентацию онлаин без предварительного питча, то ее размер ни в коем случае нельзя увеличивать, наоборот, имеет смысл сократить презентацию до 10-12 слайдов.
Помните, просмотр питч-дека — это лишь первое знакомство, на котором нужно лишь заинтересовать, а более подробную информацию Вы еще успеете рассказать заинтересованному инвестору лично. Если же Вы выступаете, то главное уложиться в лимит времени. В случае, если время питча довольно продолжительное, имеет смысл дополнить презентацию интересными материалами, чтоб не задерживаться слишком долго на каждом из слайдов. Чаще всего для этого подходят use-cases, которые покажут Ваш проект в действии и под наилучшим углом. Обязательно слушателям должно быть видно то, что написано у Вас на слайде, а Вы не должны читать текст оттуда.
Этот слайд содержит сжатое резюме проекта и инвестиционное предложение для потенциального инвестора.
Как построить стартап по принципам стоиков. Часть 4: создаем презентацию
управляющий портфелем фонда the Untitled ventures
Чем различаются презентация и дек? На этот вопрос в четвертой части серии о построении стартапа отвечает Ирина Яшина, стартап-консультант и управляющий портфелем фонда the Untitled ventures. В колонке она также рассказывает о том, что нужно для идеальной презентации.
Новые технологии, новый бизнес, новые модели — все будто бы воодушевляет и пахнет свежестью, уверенностью, экспериментами. Но внутри все остается тем же самым — со своими человеческими провалами, ошибками даже самых крутых разработчиков и скверными характерами инвесторов.
Я работаю со стартапами ранней стадии развития, выстраиваю бизнес-процессы, занимаюсь вопросами фандрайзинга. Сейчас работаю управляющим портфелем фонда the Untitled ventures. Всего под моей опекой развивалось более 20 проектов за последние три года, а прошло через воронку за это же время более 500.
В ходе своей работы со стартапами я не нашла ничего лучше, как научиться применять на практике основные принципы стоицизма — популярного философского течения. Я раскрою в 10 статьях 10 основных принципов и возможности их применения стартапами.
Тест: узнай, сможешь ли ты грамотно выйти на рынок в другой стране
Смотрите на ситуацию со стороны, или как создавать презентации
За первые два года жизни стартап создает огромное количество слайдов. И на раунд, и на конкурс, и на выступление… Как можно оптимизировать время, уходящее на копипаст?
Дек и презентация — есть ли разница?
Презентация — это слайды, выстроенные в логическом порядке. В нашем случае — про сам стартап. Часто можно слышать слово «deck» применительно к паре десятков слайдов о стартапе — так в чем же разница? Напрямую в значениях ее нет, но сейчас предпочтительнее говорить «дек», так как презентация может включать как дек, так и саму манеру рассказа.
С определением понятно. Но чем является дек для стартапа? Вот какие основные функции он может спокойно выполнять:
Все пять пунктов относятся к разным слайдам? Рекомендую использовать «все-в-одном»: составить один большой дек про все — и про стратегию, и про сценарии пользователей, и про инвестиционные запросы. А затем в зависимости от ситуации нарезать и перемешивать слайды, отталкиваясь от целей.
Если же хочется добавить чего-то новенького, то для этого достаточно 5% от всего выбранного из гранд-дека (ровно одна картинка котика или половина слайда именно про этого потенциального партнера).
Какие бывают деки и зачем они нужны
Рекомендую не использовать развернутую типологию, а ограничиться тремя типами деков:
Выделим их главные задачи — ведь, исходя из целей, мы получим основные необходимые элементы для нашего слайдоконструктора.
Зачем нужен питч-дек?
Зачем нужен инвест-дек?
Зачем нужен продакт-дек?
Что включить в деки
Цели определены. А теперь предлагаю чек-листы, по которым вы можете проходиться и сверять свои готовые документы.
Чек-лист для питч-дека:
Чек-лист для инвест-дека:
Чек-лист для продакт-дека:
Что стоит учесть при оформлении любого дека
Бонус-трек: полезные ссылки с деками
Фото в материале и на обложке: Unsplash
21 Incredible Sales Deck Examples Guaranteed to Get Buy-In
Things are getting serious.
Your sales deck should provide a background to your presentation, but what goes in a great sales deck?
Just like we did with our giant list of sales email templates, we’ve collected 21 sales deck examples to help you create your own winning deck.
Jump to a deck:
Sales Deck Examples
Zenefits Sales Deck
This sales deck from Zenefits is simple yet informative. It can be modified for any industry as the design elements in this template are basic but it has consistency in its style, typography, and colors.
Zuora Sales Deck
To make a clear distinction between its brand and its competitors, Zoura’s deck uses image-rich backgrounds and contains minimal texts. Zoura’s sales deck contains a presentation that communicates its value, vision, and story.
Facebook for Business Sales Deck
Facebook’s sales deck is persuasive because it appeals to multiple audiences by providing different strategies based on business objectives.
Uber for Business Sales Deck
In crafting its sales pitch, Uber has a remarkable concept that is catchy and somehow connected to what’s happening worldwide. It depicts the growth model of Uber, the digital revolution, and the system that solves the taxi industry’s current problems.
Reddit Ad Sales Deck
Reddit stepped up and built a sales deck that was engaging. It contains custom memes and images that make you laugh. But in advertising and marketing, it demonstrates that it can be a solid contender standing alongside advertising giants like Google and Facebook.
Immediately Sales Deck
A sophisticated and professional-looking deck from Immediately. It illustrates a concise and clear message. It also displays mobile-based sales solutions for companies.
Grindr Sales Deck
Grindr is an LGBTQ social networking and online dating app. It has an innovative, sharp, and modern style theme, including mini infographics and short text as well which is readable and organized.
Snapchat Ad Sales Deck 2015
Similar to its 2014 counterpart, Snapchat’s 2015 sales deck gets right to the point. It doesn’t waste space with boring or fluffy intros, and instead kicks things off strong with “Snapchat is the best way to reach 13-34-year-olds”.
Snapchat Ad Sales Deck 2014
Snapchat’s 2014 sales deck does a great job at getting right to the point about its key differentiator and core product functionality. This sets the tone for the rest of the presentation which is built around these core features.
Tumblr Ad Sales Deck
This deck from Tumblr does a good job of visually showing their new business product, and not just letting the text do all of the selling. On that note, we would have liked to see more concise and easy to remember sentences.
ProdPad Sales Deck
ProdPad’s sales deck was easy to grasp. It directly addresses the problem of its target market with simple visualizations of its solutions using large, bold fonts and fun photos.
LeadCrunch Sales Deck
Adgibbon Sales Deck
Adgibbon’s superb business presentation visually illustrates its product and keeps each slide lively and engaging.
Relink Sales Deck
This sales pitch deck emphasizes the pain points of its potential customers that use AI and data science to connect candidates to jobs and vice versa. Relink outlines how these technological advances can affect HR.
Bounce Exchange Sales Deck
Bounce Exchange’s deck tackles all of its potential customers’ specific needs by highlighting their product features that summarize its data visualization, analysis, and design.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Sales Deck
The business presentation dives into individual product lines and customers’ success stories which are valuable marketing assets. It is visually appealing and easy to understand.
Appsflyer Sales Deck
This customer-centric sales deck has a simple and minimalistic style yet compelling, on point, and graphically interesting. It explains more of its product’s capabilities and its customers’ needs.
Splunk Sales Deck
This deck clearly explains the product’s advantages and gives a step-by-step walkthrough of how the product performs. It explains succinctly what data it operates on and how it is implemented.
Office365 Sales Deck
With a vivid color scheme and graphics, Office 365’s business presentation is top-notch. It also concisely conveys the message and highlights its features and the data was easily interpreted using pictograms.
Contently Sales Deck
Where to from here?
Peter Kazanjy, founder of TalentBin (acquired by Monster) put together a must watch presentation called Sales Decks for Founders. Even if you’re not a founder, it’s equally as relevant for marketers and salespeople who want to create a winning deck:
Founders for Sales Presentation Deck
Founders for Sales Presentation Video
The Example TalentBin Sales Deck
How to Create a Winning Sales Deck: X Best Practices
Your sales deck should support your presentation. It provides a starting point and context to have a conversation around, not a crux to coast through a generic pitch.
Opt for graphs, charts, images, and white space over text. The more words on the page, the more they’re reading the text and not listening to what you’re saying.
The meeting is for your prospect, not you. If they’d like to steer the conversation in a new direction then let them do so. Be flexible and adapt to where the interests of your prospects lie.
The less they talk the less chance you have of closing the sale. Even though you’re presenting this is still a two-way dialogue, so get them involved in the conversation where you can.
At a minimum, your Sales Deck should include:
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do I make a sales deck?
In creating your own sales deck, follow the traditional sales narrative: identify the audience and their dilemma, encourage them to understand the problem, present your offer as the most realistic alternative, and provide a case study to show that it works.
2. What should be included in a sales deck?
There should be a few key elements of a sales deck: a catchy opening slide (cover image); a story to start your sales pitch. Data is also necessary such as graphs, statistics, charts, quotes, and which are also supported by other facts and information to be presented to the target audience.
Erika Desmond
I bring 7 years of graphic design experience with 2 years of marketing experience from on the job training and experience. I’ve helped build Cirrus Insight into the company it is today from my start as a graphic design intern while earning my degree at Maryville College. Growing alongside Cirrus as a company has been an especially rewarding experience.