Customizable waterproof building panels and prefabricated tile-ready components
Waterproof, multifunctional tile substrate and building panel
Waterproof, multifunctional tile substrate and building panel
L-shaped building panel for creating pipe and column coverings
L-shaped building panel for creating pipe and column coverings
U-shaped building panel for creating pipe and column coverings
U-shaped building panel for creating pipe and column coverings
Vertically grooved building panel to create curved elements for tile
Vertically grooved building panel to create curved elements for tile
Prefabricated shower niche
Prefabricated shower niche
Prefabricated waterproof shower bench
Prefabricated waterproof shower bench
Prefabricated waterproof shower curb
Prefabricated waterproof shower curb
Complete bathtub and shower base surround kit
Complete bathtub and shower base surround kit
Available in eight different thicknesses, KERDI-BOARD building panels allow you to create a broad range of tile-ready substrates and building elements that are flat, level, plumb, and square. KERDI-BOARD is waterproof and temperature-resistant, lightweight and easy to handle, and quick and easy to install. If you can dream it, you can build it with KERDI-BOARD.
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Надежная комбинированная гидроизоляция в рулоне:
Осуществляется так же просто как оклейка обоями!
Schlüter-KERDI представляет собой гидроизоляционное полиэтиленовое полотно, снабженное с обеих сторон специальной тканью для эффективного сцепления с клеем, которое способно перекрывать трещины. Оно было разработано для создания гидроизоляционного слоя в сочетании с покрытием из плитки или плит. Изоляционное полотно наклеивается с помощью клея для плитки класса С2 на ровное основание. Прямо на него укладывается плитка. Также на него могут наноситься другие облицовочные материалы – шпаклевка или штукатурка.
Благодаря высокому сопротивлению диффузии водяного пара Schlüter-KERDI может использоваться в качестве паронепроницаемого слоя в сочетании с плиточным покрытием.
Schlüter-KERDI имеет допуск для применения в качестве комбинированной гидроизоляции для следующих групп нагрузки:
— поверхности стен и полов, подверженные воздействию хозяйственно-питьевой и очистной воды во влажных помещениях, например, в обходных проходах бассейнов и в общественных душевых;
— поверхности стен и полов в бассейнах, наполненных водой, имеющей питьевые свойства, внутри и снаружи;
— поверхности стен и полов в помещениях с ограниченной химической нагрузкой, например, на фабриках-кухнях.
Применение материала:
1. Изолируемая поверхность должна быть чистой, ровной и способной нести нагрузку. Нарежьте полотно с помощью ножниц или ножа для ковров до необходимых размеров.
2. Используйте для наклейки полотен клей для плитки, который пригоден для данного основания. Как правило это обычный строительный раствор на основе гидравлически вяжущих веществ, который имеется в продаже. Нанесите его слоем соответствующей ширины на всю поверхность основания с помощью зубчатого шпателя (размеры зубцов 4 х 4 мм).
3. Соедините полотна друг с другом внахлестку (мин. 5 см). Полотна можно также плотно соединить встык и заклеить их посередине лентой Schlüter-KERDI-KEBA шириной 12,5 см. Для приклевания в области стыков и нахлёсток используйте, пожалуйста, уплотняющий клей класса С2. Лента Schlüter-KERDI-KEBA годится и для оформления специальных угловых стыков.
4. Для внутренних и внешних углов вы можете использовать сборные фасонные элементы Schlüter-KERDI, а для прокладки труб манжеты для труб Schlüter-KERDI-KM.
5. После наклейки полотна Schlüter-KERDI в целях гидроизоляции прямо на него можно класть плиточное покрытие, используя при этом клей для плитки на основе гидравлически вяжущих веществ, соответствующий формату плитки. Время ожидания не требуется!
Полотно Schlüter-KERDI было разработано практиками для применения на практике. Поэтому для каждой детали у нас есть решение, отвечающее всем требованиям строительного мастерства. Для оформления внутренних и внешних углов Вы можете воспользоваться готовыми фасонными деталями, для герметизации при проводке труб – соответствующими манжетами для труб. Стыки и угловые соединения Вы можете оформить с помощью ленты KERDI-KEBA шириной 8,5 / 12,5 см. Для надежного приклеивания уплотнительных лент используйте, пожалуйста, уплотняющий клей класса С2,
Waterproof, multifunctional tile substrate and building panel
Find recommended accessories here
Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD is a multifunctional tile substrate and building panel, which can also be used for creating bonded waterproofing assemblies with tile coverings. It consists of an extruded polystyrene foam panel, with a special reinforcement material on both sides and fleece webbing for effective anchoring in thin-set mortar.KERDI-BOARD can be used in a multitude of interior applications. KERDI-BOARD is not intended for exterior applications.
With the available panel thicknesses of 3/16″, 3/8″, 1/2″, 5/8″, 3/4″, 1″, 1-1/2″, and 2″ (5, 9, 12.5, 15, 19, 25, 38, and 50 mm), KERDI-BOARD allows the installer to prepare and create a broad range of substrates and building elements for the installation of ceramic and natural stone tile that are flat, level, plumb, square, and dimensionally stable. With suitable preparation of the abutting seams and joint areas, the panel may be used for bonded waterproofing assemblies.
The boards are simply cut to size with a utility knife. The gridlines, which are printed on the surface, are helpful for neat and quick cuts and installation. Tiles can be installed directly over KERDI-BOARD using the thin-set method.
KERDI-BOARD should be stored flat. In case of outdoor storage, protect the material from direct sunlight and weather exposure.
Fully embedded KERDI-BOARD
Any board thickness suitable
1. Remove all surface contaminants from the substrate that may weaken the bond.
2. Apply thin-set mortar to the substrate and/or onto KERDI-BOARD with a notched trowel. The mortar must bond to the substrate and mechanically anchor the fleece on the KERDI-BOARD surface.
3. Apply the panels to the wall and firmly press them in place to ensure full coverage.
4. Tightly abut the individual panels and align them appropriately.
5. The tiles can be installed immediately using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage.
Note: If the bond between the thin-set mortar and substrate is questionable, additional mechanical attachment with the KERDI-BOARD-ZSD anchors or KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers and corresponding screws is required. Fasteners are installed after the thin-set mortar has hardened.
Note: See section “Waterproofing” on the use of KERDI-BOARD in bonded waterproofing assemblies.
Spot-bonded KERDI-BOARD
Minimum board thickness = 3/8″ (9 mm)
1. Remove all surface contaminants from the substrate that may weaken the bond.
2. Place spots of thin-set mortar on the KERDI-BOARD panel or substrate in intervals of approx. 12″ (30 cm). The mortar must bond to the substrate and mechanically anchor the fleece on the KERDI-BOARD surface.
3. Apply the panels to the wall, firmly press them in place, and align them with a straight-edge or level.
4. The tiles can be installed immediately using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage.
Note: If the bond between the thin-set mortar and substrate is questionable, additional mechanical attachment with the KERDI-BOARD-ZSD anchors or KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers and corresponding screws is required. Fastener locations must coincide with mortar spots. This may be ensured by making holes in the KERDI-BOARD at the desired fastener locations prior to applying mortar spots. Fasteners are installed after the thin-set mortar has hardened.
Note: See section “Waterproofing” on the use of KERDI-BOARD in bonded waterproofing assemblies.
Use of KERDI-BOARD on wood or metal framing
Minimum board thickness = 1/2″ (12.5 mm) for studs spaced at 16″ (40.6 cm) o.c.; 3/4″ (19 mm) for studs spaced at 24″ (61.0 cm) o.c.
1. KERDI-BOARD can be mounted vertically or horizontally on wood or metal framing with screws (i.e. coarse thread wood screw for wood studs and self-tapping for metal studs) and corresponding KERDI-BOARD-ZT washers. Abut the individual panels over the center of the studs or other solid backing.
2. The selected screws must be of sufficient length to reach a depth of at least 3/4″ (20 mm) in wood studs and at least 3/8″ (10 mm) in metal studs. The maximum allowable on-center fastener spacing is 12″ (30 cm) for walls and 6″ (15 cm) for ceilings. Screws may be placed between adjacent panels such that the washers fasten both panel edges.
3. The tiles can be installed immediately using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage.
Note: See section “Waterproofing” on the use of KERDI-BOARD in bonded waterproofing assemblies.
Use of KERDI-BOARD in non-bearing partition wall systems
Minimum board thickness = 2″ (50 mm)
1. Schluter®-KERDI-BOARD is adhered to the permanent wall in such a way as to provide lateral stability. This can be achieved by sandwiching the panel between adjacent KERDI-BOARD panels, fixed building elements, etc. As an alternative, the KERDI-BOARD-ZW angle profile or KERDI-BOARD-ZB U-shaped profile may be screw-mounted to the wall prior to partition installation.
2. Open-ended partition walls can be further stabilized with the corresponding KERDI-BOARD-ZA/-ZB U-shaped profiles. If you plan to screw finishing hardware (e.g., shower door hinges) to the U-shaped profile, adhere the matching KERDI-BOARD-ZFP flat plastic profile to the back of the U-shaped profile to improve the fastening of the screws. U-shaped profiles may also be used for connections in the floor and ceiling areas.
3. If multiple KERDI-BOARD panels are required to create the desired partition, the panels must be arranged horizontally with the joints sealed using thin-set mortar or Schluter®-KERDI-FIX adhesive. The KERDI-BOARD-ZW angle profile or KERDI-BOARD-ZB U-shaped profile may be included in the joints for improved stability.
4. Such partition walls are not to be considered load-bearing structural walls. As a rule, use the 2″ (50 mm) panels for these elements. Panels from a thickness of 3/4″ (19 mm) may be used for building shelving. Again, this must be evaluated in accordance with the building specifications.
5. The tiles can be installed using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar once the bonding materials used to construct the partition have cured sufficiently to stabilize the assembly. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage.
Note: See section “Waterproofing” on the use of KERDI-BOARD in bonded waterproofing assemblies.
Countertops made of KERDI-BOARD
Minimum board thickness = 1-1/2″ (38 mm)
1. KERDI-BOARD is adhered directly to base cabinets using the Schluter®-KERDI-FIX adhesive. All joints of KERDI-BOARD panels must be sealed with KERDI-FIX or thin-set mortar.
2. The backsplash may consist of KERDI-BOARD or other appropriate tile substrate. Seal the countertop/backsplash transition with Schluter®-KERDI-BAND using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar.
3. Countertop edges may be finished with the KERDI-BOARD-ZC brushed stainless steel U-profile and corresponding Schluter®-QUADEC or Schluter®-RONDEC, RONDEC-CT, or RONDEC-STEP profiles. a. Apply KERDI-FIX to the inside vertical surface of the KERDI-BOARD-ZC profile and slide the profile over the edge of the KERDI-BOARD, pushing it tightly against the panel. The corresponding QUADEC or RONDEC profiles are installed with Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar in conjunction with the tile. b. RONDEC-CT and RONDEC-STEP profiles are installed with Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar in conjunction with the tile.
4. The countertop/backsplash transition may be finished with one of the Schluter®-DILEX cove-shaped profiles. Various materials and finishes are available to match the sink rail profiles above.
5. Sinks may be mounted on top of the tile or tiled-under using RONDEC or QUADEC profiles and corresponding sink corners.
6. The tiles can be installed immediately using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Choose a notched trowel to match the tile format, and back-butter the tiles, if necessary, to attain full coverage.
Waterproofing with KERDI-BOARD
Where waterproofing is desired, the joints and corners of KERDI-BOARD in the area must be sealed with KERDI-BAND using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. The KERDI-BAND must overlap panel joints by at least 2″ (50 mm).
KERDI-BAND is also suitable for sealing connections to fixed building elements such as door and window frames. Where these surfaces will not accept a bond to Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar, use KERDI-FIX to bond KERDI-BAND.
Separate KERDI-BOARD above the existing movement joints and structural joints and cover the joints with Schluter®-KERDI-FLEX using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar, ensuring a minimum 2″ (50 mm) overlap.
Fastener penetrations may be sealed with KERDI-BAND using Schluter-SET, Schluter-ALL-SET, Schluter-FAST-SET, or unmodified thin-set mortar. Please refer to the Schluter®-Shower System Installation Handbook for guidelines on waterproofing showers, steam showers, and tub surrounds.
Note: Reinforcement may be required behind the entire footprint of the object. For example, place solid blocking behind the base of a wall-mounted toilet installed over KERDI-BOARD on stud framing.
Полотно Шлютер Керди является паропроницаемым. Может применяться в бассейнах, ванных комнатах, санузлах, душевых, кухнях. Подходит для помещений и сооружений, где присутствует контакт с питьевой водой. Кроме того, используется там, где применяется бытовая химия и подобные средства.
Гидроизоляция Schluter Kerdi может применяться для вертикальных и горизонтальных оснований, при внутренних и наружных работах.
Schluter Kerdi инструкция
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