Science based nutrition что это


Проект CMT: Научный подход

Сегодня в свободном доступе очень много информационного шума. Задача проекта, выделить действительно важную и полезную информацию, подтвержденную научными фактами, со ссылками на реальные исследования и современную медицинскую литературу.

Бренд CMTech Base Nutrition.

CMTech (Cave Mans Tech): технологии пещерного человека. Товары от CMTech имеют научно подтвержденную эффективность и высокий уровень качества продукции.

Цацулин Борис Александрович автор и создатель видеоблога CMT: Научный подход и личного бренда CMTech Base Nutrition.


Еще со школы интересуясь биологией и химией, Борис поступил в СПГУ на биологический факультет. Проучившись там целый год, он решает, что хочет сменить специальность и продолжает обучение уже на врача-педиатра. Попробовав себя в работе на скорой помощи и осознав, что такая роль ему тоже не по душе, решает уйти и оттуда. На этот раз он полностью меняет сферу и приходит в СПГЭУ Экономики и Финансов. Там он и познакомился со своим единомышленником и будущим партнером, Максимом Иванниковым

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Как известно первым подписчикам канала CMT, у Бориса были серьезные проблемы с позвоночником: сколиоз 3 степени, остеохондроз, грыжа позвоночника и протрузии диска. Это стало проблемой, которую он решил устранить регулярными тренировками в тренажерном зале. Тогда и зародилась идея завести канал на youtube, в котором Борис начал рассказывать о результатах своих тренировок. Благодаря грамотно выстроенному тренировочному процессу, удалось почти полностью исправить спину. Продолжая снимать ролики, он начал затрагивать тему спортивных добавок. Поворотным моментом стал ролик про самую популярную спортивную добавку: протеин CMTech. Вместе с Максимом они собрали 60 тыс. руб. среди подписчиков, отобрали 7 брендов отечественного протеина и отнесли на проверку в независимую лабораторию. Как оказалось, реальный состав довольно сильно отличался от заявленного на упаковке, почти у всех производителей.

Такое несоответствие наделало много шума среди спортсменов, а рост подписчиков канала CMTech резко пошел вверх. Тогда и пришла идея создать собственные добавки, эффективность которых будет подтверждена научно, а их состав будет полностью соответствовать заявленному на упаковке.

Первое производство

Производство добавок на собственном заводе стоило бы огромных денег. Намного удобнее начать производство на уже работающих заводах. Так и сделали партнеры, заключив договор с «РеалКапс».

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Уже спустя две недели, свет увидел первый продукт: 350 баночек омега 3 CMTech. Завод закупил рыбий жир в бочках из Исландии и, после должной обработки, упаковывал в заготовленные баночки под брендом CMTech. Позже были выпущен креатин CMTech, коллаген CMTech и другие добавки от бренда CMTech. За первый год работы в период с 2016-2017 Цацулин и Иванников продали 25 тыс. упаковок омега-3 (по 90 капсул в каждой), 650 кг креатина и 400 кг коллагена, выручив около 7 000 000 руб. На данный момент масштабы производства увеличиваются, а также появляться новые добавки с научным подходом.

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Каждая партия всего товара тщательно изучается в независимой лаборатории, которая проверяет качество продукта и соответствие реального содержания с указанным на упаковке. Каждый товар наделяется qr-кодом, по которому можно найти документы, свидетельствующие о проверке состава и сырья данной партии.


Helping people

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Science based nutrition что это. Watch Video. Science based nutrition что это фото. Science based nutrition что это-Watch Video. картинка Science based nutrition что это. картинка Watch Video

The SBN program can help with a wide range of problems including:

Anemia, Breast Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Crohn’s, Kidney Cancer, Lymphoma, Parkinsons and much more!

Having helped thousands across the United States, Science Based Nutrition brings you the most advanced nutritional analysis reporting system availalbe today.

What other’s have said about SBN

“I can’t tell you how much better I feel since taking your recommended nutrition. I have a history of TBI (traumatic brain injury) and my symptoms have been getting progressively worse over the last few years. As it turns out, the symptoms that I was attributing to my TBI turned out to be from hemochromatosis. Now that I’ve dealt with that and am working to heal my damaged organs I feel like a million bucks! I am able to work almost twice the amount of hours I was before, I no longer have daily headaches and I can now have a glass of wine without feeling like crap. Everyone in my life has noticed the difference, and honestly, this has been life changing for me.”

“27 years of Zoloft for anxiety and other psycho problems I’ve had are a thing of the past. I’ve been doing SBN for about 6 1/2 weeks and I’ve been off Zoloft for about 4 weeks. I’ve never been able to come off the med over 3 – 4 days without horrible problems and instantly have to resume the med.”


Science-Based Nutrition

Nutrition is embedded in mainstream medical teaching and practice, despite efforts to convince patients to the contrary (usually in an effort to sell them something).

One of the most successful propaganda campaigns within health care in the last few decades has been the re-branding of nutrition as “alternative” or out of the mainstream of scientific medicine. I have marveled at how successful this campaign has been, despite all the historical evidence to the contrary. I suppose this is partly a manifestation of the public’s short-term memory, but it also seems to reflect basic psychology.

Some history

There is evidence that most ancient cultures recognized the importance of diet in health. The Greeks recognized both the benefits of a varied diet and the negative health consequences of obesity, for example. But knowledge of nutrition was limited to these broad observations and was mixed with superstition and cultural beliefs.

The science of nutrition probably dates back to 1614 when scurvy (the disease that results from vitamin C deficiency) was first recognized as a dietary deficiency, one that could be cured by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. In 1747 Lind conducted what might be the first clinical trial – systematically comparing various diets for the treatment of scurvy and finding that citrus fruits were the key to treatment.

From 1928 to 1933, two research teams independently isolated ascorbic acid (the chemical name for Vitamin C): a Hungarian research team of Joseph L Svirbely and Albert Szent-Györgyi and the American researcher Charles Glen King. Albert Szent-Györgyi was awarded the 1937 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his part in the discovery.

Prior to that, in 1912, Casimir Funk developed the concept of vitamins (so named because he thought that chemically they were all amines – therefore “vital amines” or vitamins). Vitamins are not, it turns out, all amines, but are defined as micronutrients that are essential for biological function but cannot be sufficiently synthesized by an organism and therefore must be obtained in the diet.

Other components of a healthful diet include other micronutrients, such as minerals and trace elements, and the macronutrients – those that give us our calories and major structural building blocks. The macronutrients include carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Nutrition in medicine

There have been three major conceptual trends (not mutually exclusive) in the thinking about nutrition in medicine and health. The first was the concept of deficiency – that an insufficient amount of a critical nutrient can cause disease. Nutrition science and intervention in the 19th and earth 20th centuries focused on malnutrition, identifying specific nutrients and the diseases caused by their dearth, and on the role of supplementation in public health. This approach resulted in iodine in salt, vitamin D in milk, and on the recommended dietary allowances (which are basically the minimum necessary to avoid deficiency).

As an extension of the malnutrition model was the recognition that certain disease states or situations come with increased nutritional requirements. For example, when battling cancer individuals typically have significantly increased nutritional and caloric demands. Increased nutrition may therefore stave off weight loss as a result of the cancer, and help fight off the disease and weather the stress of chemotherapy. It is also recognized that wound healing after injury or surgery requires vitamin C in particular and increased nutrition in general.

In the latter half of the 20th century and continuing into the 21 century science-based nutrition has added two new conceptual frameworks. The first is thinking about excess nutrition – meaning getting too much of something in our diets as a risk factor for disease. Here the focus has been on the macronutrients – too much of the wrong kind of fat as a risk factor for vascular disease and too many carbohydrates as a risk of Type II diabetes are prominent examples. But also too much salt as a risk for hypertension, and even the possibility of too much iron in the diet of men and non-menstruating women.

The other concept that has been added to the scientific approach to nutrition is the recognition that specific nutrients may decrease the risk of developing certain diseases and may even treat an existing disease. To give some examples from my own specialty – vitamin B2 and coenzyme Q10 have been shown to reduce migraines, vitamin B6 may be helpful in nerve healing (for example from carpal tunnel syndrome), and folate is essential for pregnant women to reduce the risk of spina bifida.

Therefore, to summarize, science-based nutrition includes the recognition of nutritional deficiencies, the increased need for nutrition in situations of physiological stress, the risks of dietary excess, and the role of specific nutrients in mitigating specific diseases and conditions. This is all part of standard medical training, ongoing medical research, and everyday practice. The examples I gave above are meant to be representative, and not exhaustive. Also, specific conclusions are tentative and will change as new data is gathered.

Nutritional pseudoscience

Nutritional claims are prominent among health products and services that lie outside of science-based medicine. Part of the reason for this is regulatory – supplements are often regulated as food, rather than as drugs, and therefore subject to less regulation and oversight. Nutritional supplementation is also highly marketable, because it seems less invasive and less risky than other modalities.

There are many legitimate health benefits for specific nutrients. However, the claims for nutritional therapy often go far beyond the evidence or scientific plausibility. Some promoters go as far as to claim that poor nutrition is the cause of most or even all disease and illness, and therefore all human disease can be treated with supplementation.

Because such claims are not supported by current science, it seems that the industry has decided to make a pre-emptive strike against scientific criticism. Therefore they have created, as part of their marketing strategy, the notion that the medical community does not understand, value, or study the role of nutrition in health. Some even go as far as to claim that there is a conspiracy to conceal real scientific information about nutrition.

Conclusion: Nutrition is essential to health

Nutrition is an essential part of health and medicine, and nutritional science is a vibrant and successful research program. However, nutrition is also a common target of dubious marketing and harmful medical pseudoscience. Readers are encouraged to have healthy skepticism toward nutritional claims that seem too good to be true, take a hostile approach toward mainstream science and medicine, and especially those that claim there is a conspiracy to silence the truth about nutrition.


Posted by Steven Novella


Science based nutrition что это

Your health professional will determine what testing needs to be performed during your consultation. More complex or serious conditions will likely require more extensive testing. The overall cost is a pittance compared to the medical costs and drugs and considering that you may be sicker or dead if you continue with the medical treatments and drugs that are not working.

How long does it take to get the test results back?

If you do the testing through your doctor’s office, it usually takes no more than two weeks to get all of the test results back and your personalized detailed report completed!

Can I get my blood work done through my non-SBN health professional?

Yes, however, it would be prudent for you to check pricing thoroughly. Many patients find the cost is less if you get it through a Science Based Nutrition™ health professional. If you decide to go through your insurance company for reimbursement, the test findings will go on your permanent record and will affect future premiums and ratings.

What makes SBN trained health professionals different from “nutritionists” or general “doctors”?

The Science Based Nutrition™ analysis and recommendations are based on scientific and objective testing. Some of the diagnostic testing used are blood testing, toxic and elemental hair testing, food allergy testing (ALCAT and Elisa), DMSA urinary challenge, DEXA bone density scan, and EKG. There are a lot of very questionable ‘energy’ techniques to determine diseases and conditions including the many variations of muscle testing. Studies have shown they are no better than just guessing. We get great results because we use objective testing methods.

We also have a higher standard in Healthy Ranges.

How long will it take before I start to see improvement in my health problems?

Understand that we don’t have a cure for your problem whether it is a rash, diabetes or cancer. Our goal is to get you healthier. Progress is the key and generally patients see some definite, objective improvement within 2 months. If you committ to following the program for 2 months, it is highly unusual that progress/improvement is not seen. Then the goal is to keep you improving on a consistent basis.


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Принципы компании: [ править | править код ]

Удобство – Мы не просто указываем, сколько порций содержится в нашей продукции, мы упаковываем каждую порцию отдельно для максимального удобства при траспортировке. Мы не кладем мерную ложку, чтобы Вы не тратили время на ее поиски и не пачкали себя и все вокруг, набирая порцию, то есть придерживаемся принципа расфасовки. Это действительно очень удобно.

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Научность – В нашей команде есть не только спортсмены разных направлений, но и тренирующиеся ученые (кандидаты медицинских и биологических наук). Эти люди лично на себе испытывают эффективность продукции. Мы постоянно следим за мировыми научными достижениями и исследованиями в области спортивного питания. Поэтому мы предлагаем то, что точно поспособствует достижению Вашей цели.

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Понятность – Мы доносим до спортсменов всю информацию о составе продукции, так что бы это было понятно и просто. Например, когда мы указываем на пачке, что содержание белка 76%, обязательно расписываем, какие компоненты приходятся на остальные 24%. Мы стремимся к тому, чтобы даже начинающие спортсмены максимально эффективно употребляли спортивное питание, а для этого прилагаем к продукции понятные рекомендации. Конечно, это не заменит Вам профессионального тренера или диетолога, но Вы станете понимать, как правильно достичь нужной цели и не разочароваться в себе и спорте.

Доступность – Мы не завышаем цены. Цена действительно соответствует качеству. Нашу продукцию может позволить себе любой спортсмен. Напишите нам, и мы вышлем Вам пробники бесплатно.

Отзывы спортсменов [ править | править код ]

«хорошо размешивается», «нет химического привкуса», «сладкий в меру», «хорошая переносимость, несмотря на проблемы с ЖКТ при употреблении других белковых коктейлей», «стильная коробка», «удобно брать с собой порцию», «сытный» и т.д.


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