Scum или dayz что лучше
Scum или dayz что лучше
DayZ for sure. Dead is dead in that game. There’s no respawning on your squadmates or in the same map area you died in.
SCUM also has fewer environmental challenges to worry about (for now).
DayZ for sure. Dead is dead in that game. There’s no respawning on your squadmates or in the same map area you died in.
SCUM also has fewer environmental challenges to worry about (for now).
Yeah, must admit an episode of RunningmanZ where he and his small team of found friends were huddling in a shack somewhere from the rain with one guy continuously sick, finally convinced me to buy that game(DayZ). (But only bought due to on very rare sale recently :S)
Puppets in this game are incredibly varied in ‘toughness’. Though on official you kind of get two (maybe three) types, the military geared one that seems a bit tougher than normal most times, the thin faster one and the run of the mill type.
A lot of private servers really up their damage for some reason, which I find a bit pointless if a busy pvp server but anyway. Also, I had an incident recently where I threw 30 spears through a window to kill a puppet I managed to trap inside a log cabin (private server definitely with upped damage for puppets)
Among the spears I also threw at it :
Bread board found in barn nearby.
Various other items found near the cabin/barn.
Razor blade. (No insta kill anymore : ( )
Will supply a screenshot later but it’s kind of hard to make out all the items.
Edit: Here they are. Also, I died twice fighting this puppet which respawned anew every time I got back to just recover my kit. Ended up getting a bit miffed at it so trapped it inside cabin and let fly with all and sundry.. lol.
So, definitely, except maybe the new type of zombies in Livonia (I think?) and even so, puppets in this game can be very dangerous to the player in groups or especially if you enter combat with low stamina.
Scum : over 600 hours.
DayZ bought ten days ago : 4 minutes. (Not sure which server to play on etc., and the negative feedback kind of put me off playing a lot. Similar to what is happening with Scum now unfortunately.)
I suppose I bought DayZ for more of a challenge with environment and survival as mentioned above.
It is way overpriced compared to Scum though. And with Scum you can at least get some hours of decent play, hopefully bug free, if you are lucky enough to find a decent Private server. (That unfortunately, seems to be the solution to everything lately. Which I am seeing a disturbing pattern of.)
Just my thoughts about the comparison and even though I have 4 minutes of play in DayZ I did play the Arma2 mods a little way back (Thanks Frankie on PC! You wasted my money on a dead game! lol! My fault it was an impulse buy and some servers are still going. ) and watched enough videos by some decent YTers to get the gist of the game very well.
I think it comes down to the individual with regards to which if either is the better game.
Survival = DayZ though. It’s still King. Until Scum gets a refit.
Scum или dayz что лучше
I’ve been contemplating buying one of these two games for a while now and I was eager to know your opinions on both.
Other «survival» games I’ve played are: Conan Exiles, Force of Nature, RUST, Citadel, and The Forest.
Both games are different really. Why not play both if you want to 🙂 and well done to the above mentioning the sale!
I would visit youtube and have a look at some streamers such as Raykit for a quick example, he has done quite a few videos on scum and may help on your decision making.
Also, is there any form of «base building» in SCUM?
DayZ is a 5+ year Demo
Think Scum has seen more progress and updates in the last 2 weeks than Dayz has in the last 5 years
most of the comments are simply not true.
dayz is about to enter beta and the game has a really nice and solid engine now, constant 60 fps +, awsome player controller, and in MY OPINION a way better map than scum. they redone the complete engine over the last eyars..
at the moment, dayz is lacking concent, its not worth buying or playing but in my opinion, its still better than scum.
scum has its fun momentans too, i really like the puppets and mechs, strong pve content. but the servers are laggy so they reduced the puppets to a minimum, the game feels empty and pvp was to laggy for me, i quit playing the game after 20 hours.
by the way: you cant compare both games developements. scum uses the u4 engine which makes it much more easier to creat things. dayz had the old crappy arma engine, that took them a lot of time because they had to rework the whole engine.
i things both games are fun but in the end, i will return to dayz because it feels deeper and has more «heart» for me..
Dayz is not worth buying. If u really want to play dayz, play the arma dayz mod. Its way better and more complete than the independent game Dayz. I would say arma dayzmod is the best sandbox zombie survival game out there, there is so much space for customization and each server can have their unique taste. I think SCUM has the potential to be just as good if not better than dayzmod.
Scum или dayz что лучше
I’ve been contemplating buying one of these two games for a while now and I was eager to know your opinions on both.
Other «survival» games I’ve played are: Conan Exiles, Force of Nature, RUST, Citadel, and The Forest.
Both games are different really. Why not play both if you want to 🙂 and well done to the above mentioning the sale!
I would visit youtube and have a look at some streamers such as Raykit for a quick example, he has done quite a few videos on scum and may help on your decision making.
Day Z was just a money rip off..
The Devs do nearly a ♥♥♥♥ for the last 5 years.
Go for Scum!
they did nothing.. they just created a whole new engine that is performing with 60 fps+ and a payercontroller that feels better like pubg or cod blackout.. yes, they did nothing.. they did something that has never been achieved in any arma game over the last 15 years.. in my opinion they did a awsome job with the engine. back in the days, we had like 20 fps in cherno.
every randomdude is talking about vehicles and guns, lacking content and so on..
whats wrong with you people?
scum is fun, but at the moment, it has way more technical problems than dayz, but its ok, its early EA. but no need to bash dayz with false arguments..
DayZ is a 5+ year Demo
Think Scum has seen more progress and updates in the last 2 weeks than Dayz has in the last 5 years
I think they both have their place.
DayZ felt very clunky to me with keybinds. This was many moons ago, I am sure it is all fix. It was also before I really got good at multiple keybinds.
SCUM is interesting to me as it feels more practical. I have enjoyed both but something about SCUM is just relaxing to me. This in such a base game form mind you, I am going to fall even deeper in love as updates roll out.
most of the comments are simply not true.
dayz is about to enter beta and the game has a really nice and solid engine now, constant 60 fps +, awsome player controller, and in MY OPINION a way better map than scum. they redone the complete engine over the last eyars..
at the moment, dayz is lacking concent, its not worth buying or playing but in my opinion, its still better than scum.
scum has its fun momentans too, i really like the puppets and mechs, strong pve content. but the servers are laggy so they reduced the puppets to a minimum, the game feels empty and pvp was to laggy for me, i quit playing the game after 20 hours.
by the way: you cant compare both games developements. scum uses the u4 engine which makes it much more easier to creat things. dayz had the old crappy arma engine, that took them a lot of time because they had to rework the whole engine.
i things both games are fun but in the end, i will return to dayz because it feels deeper and has more «heart» for me..
Dayz is not worth buying. If u really want to play dayz, play the arma dayz mod. Its way better and more complete than the independent game Dayz. I would say arma dayzmod is the best sandbox zombie survival game out there, there is so much space for customization and each server can have their unique taste. I think SCUM has the potential to be just as good if not better than dayzmod.
Scum или dayz что лучше
Btw DayZ inspired all survival survival games right? ( Because DayZ arma mod was the first survival game of all time, was it?)
Optional question : Speaking of DayZ, how is it these days?
No, DayZ has been developed 7 years, Scum 6 months and already looks and runs better
— BETTER GRAPHIC (look at mid terrain for example, dayz have that pastel washed aspect of mid terrain, even at higher settings; scum (UE4 btw) have a mind blowing mid terrain, if in Epic )
— BETTER PERFORMANCE (Both have problems in this regard, but scum is 6 months in the optimizations, dayz 6 years)
— 3pp and 1pp can play together
— Better weapons
— Better mechanics
— Scum have not the havoc of »server jumping» that affect dayz
— Its only 6 months in development. the road map is HUGE.
— Very responsive Devs
— Events
— CAMOUFLAGE (when you think you are well hidden somewhere. well probably you are for real and others cant see you)
— In the end (very far end) map will (maybe) be way large than Dayz
— Better car handling (drive cars in scum is funny as ♥♥♥♥)
— SKILL (scum have a complex system of skills that make each char unique, with his specific abilities)
— METABOLISM (In scum you have not that 3/4 poor bars. you have a system that simulates, for how much is possible, a real metabolism)
— INERTIA (but sadly jumping its the new zigzagging. )
— DIE MATTER in Dayz (when you die in Dayz, you die. You are ♥♥♥♥♥♥ full stop, no baby crying there. start all over again on the coast). In Scum when you die. mhhh well if you have good friends you can spawn on them, take your ♥♥♥♥ back that they are guarding for you and you are ok, ready to go yehiiiii. No problem in scum. nothing happened.
— NIGHT MATTER (in dayz they have a system where its useless to use gamma ♥♥♥♥ to make the night a »dark day». In Dayz the night is night. if you have not a torch or something better you go to sleep.)
— moment. let me think. no nothing, nothing else than the above.
Что такое SCUM?
SCUM, дебют студии Gamepires на большой сцене, стал хитом продаж сразу же после выхода в ранний доступ. За неделю откровенно сырую и пустоватую игру купило аж три четверти миллиона человек! Даже не смотря на помощь от отцов Серьезного Сэма Croteam и покровительства скандального инди-издательства Devolver Digital — цифра впечатляет, правда? Давайте же разберемся, как SCUM забралась на такой массивный хайптрейн.
Концепция: «Голодные Игры» + DayZ
Жанр survival предполагает выживание в суровых условиях, и в SCUM эти условия созданы искусственно и существуют внутри телевизионного шоу, где заключенных выбрасывают, что называется, в одних портянках на полный опасностей остров. Идея, мягко скажем, не нова и неоднократно эксплуатировалась в Голливуде, игровой индустрии и литературе. Менялась лишь обложка: ты — один, тебе надо выжить, а окружающий мир этому активно сопротивляется. Или наоборот, сопротивляешься ты, не суть.
Но SCUM ломает эти правила. Он глубже и реалистичнее любой «выживалки», вышедшей за последнее время. Здесь все сделано так, чтобы игрок буквально на своей шкуре испытывал все прелести экстремального выживания во враждебной среде. SCUM нередко заставляет персонажа выполнять однообразную, серую работу, ведь сурвайвал-гринд сам по себе довольно скучная вещь. Но этот процесс несколько скрашивает возможность играть в коопе с товарищами, особенно учитывая некоторые особенности симуляции жизнедеятельности персонажей.
SCUM — это когда ты хочешь грохнуть другого челика, но ваши персонажи одновременно начинают срать и блевать на пол.
SCUM – это лут, лут, лут. No items found ©
Ради поддержания более-менее стабильного состояния своего организма, на которое влияет просто уйма условий и показателей, тут нужно делать буквально все: искать, добывать и готовить пищу, жрать других людей, если придется, следить за многочисленными показателями организма, экран которых больше похож на кокпит боевого истребителя, отбиваться от врагов в виде зомби, дикого зверья и других игроков и, разумеется, лутать.
Мааам, кушать!
Сам протагонист также требует к себе пристального внимания, да покруче, чем в какой-нибудь The Sims. Метаболизм, пульс, скорость дыхания, переваривание пищи в реальном времени. Даже за наличием витаминов и минералов приходится следить! Не слишком коррелирует с отыгрышем брутального зэка в оранжевом комбезе и наколкой на лысине.
Прежде всего стоит следить за температурой тела, уровнем голода, жажды и естественных потребностей. Поел не то? Блюешь. Выпил не то? Блюешь. Не поел? Ходишь и ноешь, что надо поесть. Впрочем, подножного корма хватает, главное не доставать еду из мусорных баков, ибо она там наверняка найдется, но что будет делать персонаж после такой трапезы? Да, вы уже знаете ответ.
Готовить себе рибай с нежным салатом из рукколы получится нескоро, так что поначалу приходится перебиваться снеками да консервами. И очень много лутать. ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО. Чуть позже можно и охотиться начать, главное выбирать себе жертву по возможностям. Если олени и прочая травоядная живность могут только свалить, то какой-нибудь медведь и сам не прочь полакомиться человечинкой.
Человек – вершина долбаной эволюции
Совместное прохождение и встречи с неожиданными союзниками всегда облегчает задачу: в одиночку выжить куда сложнее и не так интересно, как в паре с таким же выживальщиком. Правда, не все случайные попутчики будут настроены дружелюбно: «хомо сапиенс», конечно, вершина эволюции, но подлая и коварная, иначе не забралась бы на самый верх пищевой цепочки. Так что при встрече с другими игроками держите ухо востро, особенно если в руках только копье, а у незнакомца через плечо берданка, в руках заточенная лопата, а из кармана торчит чье-то недоеденное ухо.
Карта в SCUM огромная. В будущем разработчики обещают ввести транспорт, но пока передвигаться надо на своих двоих. Лучше всего поделить локацию на куски и методично обирать сектор за сектором, стараясь держаться подальше от роботов, митингов зомби и прочей опасности. Надоело мотаться по карте в поисках приключений на грязную задницу? В игре есть три PvP режима, где можно от души повеселиться, отстреливая себе подобных или захватывая груз.
Чего не хватает?
Мы уже говорили, что совместный проект Gamepires, Croteam и Devolver Digital сыроват. Полно простора для фантазии в плане контента, не помешала бы нормальная локализация, катастрофически не хватает каких-то энкаунтеров, не говоря уже о плохой оптимизации и багах, неотъемлемой части Раннего доступа.
Зато SCUM удобно стримить, а для современной игры это очень важно. Запустил трансляцию, бегаешь себе, рофлишь над вечно срущими бедолагами, лутаешь какие-то заброшки, крафтишь новые трусы. Со временем должно появиться больше развлечений и занятий, да и фанаты «выживачей» сами довольно изобретательные товарищи, что-нибудь придумают.
Игра определенно зайдет тем, у кого в библиотеке уже есть DayZ, State of Decay, Rust и их многочисленные друзья, а фанаты реалистичности уже могут ставить 10 стейков из бедра зомби из 10!
А вы уже попробовали SCUM? Или ждете, когда там появится больше контента?