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Мы попробовали пинговать используя наши серверы в различных местах и веб-сайт вернул выше результаты.
Если не работает для нас тоже нет ничего, что вы можете сделать, кроме ожидания. Возможно, сервер перегружен, отключен или недоступен из-за проблем с сетью, сбоя или обслуживания веб-сайта.
Если сайт доступен для нас, но вы, однако, не можете получить к нему доступ, попробуйте одно из наших следующих решений:
1. Это может быть связанные с браузером:
Чтобы решить проблемы, связанные с браузером, которые могут сделать сайт/сервер недоступным для вас, выполните полное обновление браузера этого сайта. Вы можете сделать это, удерживая CTRL + F5 ключи в то же время в вашем браузере.
Этот трюк прекрасно работает на хром, Firefox, храбрый, Опера, Safari и любой браузер по умолчанию поставляется с Windows в настоящее время LOL.
2. Очистите файлы cookie и кэш.
Содержимое всех современных сайтов и приложений сегодня обычно кэшируется. Это означает, что копия хранится в вашем браузере до тех пор, пока вы посетили эту страницу раньше. Это облегчит доступ при следующем посещении этой страницы. Это может быть проблемой, особенно если страница была вниз в прошлый раз вы проверили.
Возможно, потребуется очистить память браузера для правильной загрузки сайта.
3. Устранение проблем с DNS
Чтобы устранить эту проблему, очистите локальный кэш DNS, чтобы убедиться, что вы захватить самый последний кэш, что ваш ISP имеет.
Все еще возникают проблемы? Попробуйте отправить ваши жалобы или устранение проблем в каналы ниже:
Узнать местоположение IP-адреса
Информация о местоположении IP-адреса
Расположение IP-адреса на карте
Столица | Вашингтон |
Площадь | 9 833 520 км² |
Население | 327 167 434 |
Валюта | United States dollar ($) (USD) |
Языки | английский |
Соседи | Канада, Куба, Мексика |
Соединённые Шта́ты Аме́рики, часто кратко именуемые США или Соединёнными Штатами, в просторечии Америка — госудрство в Северной Америке. Площадь — 9,83 млн км² (4-е место в мире). Население — 327 млн человек (2018, оценка; 3-е место в мире). США имеют федеративную форму устройства, административно делятся на 50 штатов и федеральный округ Колумбия; в их подчинении также находится ряд островных территорий (Пуэрто-Рико, Виргинские Острова, Гуам и другие).
Столица — город Вашингтон, округ Колумбия, а самым крупным по численности населения является город Нью-Йорк. Соединённые Штаты граничат на севере с Канадой, на юге — с Мексикой, также имеют морскую границу с Россией. Омываются Тихим океаном с запада, Атлантическим океаном — с востока и Северным Ледовитым океаном — с севера.
Соединённые Штаты Америки были образованы в 1776 году при объединении тринадцати британских колоний, объявивших о своей независимости. Война за независимость продолжалась до 1783 года и окончилась победой колонистов. В 1787 году была принята Конституция США, а в 1791 — Билль о правах, который существенно ограничил полномочия правительства в отношении граждан. В 1860-х годах противоречия между рабовладельческими южными и промышленными северными штатами привели к началу четырёхлетней Гражданской войны. Следствием победы северных штатов стал повсеместный запрет рабства, а также восстановление страны после раскола, возникшего при объединении южных штатов в Конфедерацию и объявлении ими независимости.
США располагают мощными вооружёнными силами, в том числе самыми крупными в мире военно-морскими силами; имеют постоянное место в Совете Безопасности ООН с правом вето; являются государством-учредителем Североатлантического Альянса (НАТО), одними из основателей Организации Объединенных Наций, Всемирного банка, Международного валютного фонда, Организации американских государств (ОАГ) и других международных организаций. Страна также обладает вторым (после России) ядерным потенциалом на планете по совокупной численности развёрнутых боезарядов.
Соединённые Штаты — высокоразвитая страна, обладающая первой экономикой мира по номинальному ВВП и второй по ВВП (ППС). Хотя население страны составляет лишь 4,3% от общемирового, американцам принадлежит около 40% совокупного мирового богатства. Соединённые Штаты занимают лидирующие позиции в мире по ряду социально-экономических показателей, включая среднюю зарплату, ИЧР, ВВП на душу населения и производительность труда. В то время как экономика США является постиндустриальной, характеризуется преобладанием сферы услуг и экономики знаний, производственный сектор страны остаётся вторым по величине в мире.
Экономика страны составляет около четверти мирового ВВП и производит треть глобальных военных расходов, что делает США главной экономической и военной державой планеты. Кроме того, США имеют наибольшее политическое влияние в мире, а также являются лидером в сфере научных исследований и технологических инноваций и в настоящее время считаются единственной сверхдержавой планеты.
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Egypt | 1.8% |
India | 81 |
Mexico | 174 |
Pakistan | 177 |
USA | 242 |
Egypt | 244 |
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Secureserver.Net Email Settings
The Secureserver.Net email provides its users with a facility to configure their Secureserver.Net email account on any device or email account. For this purpose, you need to know the correct Secureserver.Net Settings as the email account cannot be configured without the correct server settings. Don’t worry, we have mentioned below the Secureserver.Net Settings in detail for various devices and email clients that you need to apply. You will find here the IMAP, POP and the SMTP server settings of the Secureserver.Net as well. After going through this article, you will come to know the procedure to configure your Secureserver.Net email account as per the correct server settings.
Many other articles regarding the Secureserver.Net email settings just beat around the bush and you do not get a clear picture of what settings to apply for your email account configuration. Well, we won’t do this. Let’s start straight with the general server settings of the Secureserver.Net.
Secureserver.Net IMAP Settings (Incoming Mail Server)
The IMAP server settings are required for the activation of incoming email services. We have mentioned below the correct Secureserver.Net IMAP Sett ings that you need to input and apply during the configuration process of your Secureserver.Net email account.
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server account type | IMAP |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server user name | Your full Secureserver.Net email address |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server password | Your Secureserver.Net email password |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server hostname | |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server Port | 993 |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server TLS/SSL required | YES |
Authentication required | YES (Email account Username and Password) |
When you are done with the application of the aforementioned IMAP server settings for your Secureserver.Net email account, you will be able to receive emails without any problem.
Secureserver.Net POP Settings (Incoming Mail Server)
When you start to configure your Secureserver.Net email account, you can choose to go with the IMAP server settings or the POP server settings. Any of these server servers can be used for incoming mail services. So, if you want to go with the POP server settings as per your requirements, then the below-mentioned table will help you to know and apply all the required Secureserver.Net POP settings.
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server account type | POP |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server user name | Your full Secureserver.Net email address |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server password | Your Secureserver.Net email password |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server hostname | |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server Port | 995 |
Secureserver.Net Incoming Email Server TLS/SSL required | YES |
Authentication required | YES (Email account Username and Password) |
As soon as you apply the aforementioned POP server settings, your Secureserver.Net email account will be set up as a POP account and your mail inbox will start showing incoming emails.
Secureserver.Net SMTP Settings (Outgoing Mail Server)
You must also input and apply the Secureserver.Net SMTP Settings as given below in the table to activate the outgoing mail services. Without the correct SMTP server settings, no emails can be sent.
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server account type | SMTP |
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server user name | Your full Secureserver.Net email address |
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server password | Your Secureserver.Net email password |
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server hostname | |
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server Port | 465 |
Secureserver.Net outgoing Email Server TLS/SSL required | YES |
Authentication required | YES (Email account Username and Password) |
The aforementioned Secureserver.Net SMTP settings will help you in the activation of outgoing mail services for your Secureserver.Net email account. Now, send an email to someone and see if the emails are being sent successfully or not.
Secureserver.Net Settings for Android
Many of you may be wanting to set up your Secureserver.Net email account on your android devices. No problem, we have got the correct Secureserver.Net settings for android that is mentioned below in detail along with the other necessary steps to configure your Secureserver.Net email account on android devices.
Step 1- Firstly, go to your android device’s app drawer menu and then make a click on the Mail icon.
Step 2- Now, you are required to input all the required information such as your complete email address and password in the respective fields.
Step 3- click on the option of “Manual Setup”.
Step 4- You can go with the IMAP or POP server for the incoming mail server as per your preference and requirements.
Step 5- Now, if you have selected the IMAP server for the incoming mails then you need to input and apply the IMAP server settings as mentioned below.
IMAP server | “” |
Security type | None |
IMAP server port | 993 |
Secure port | 993 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Insecure port | 143 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
Users can always go with the POP server instead of the IMAP server and enter the POP server settings as mentioned below.
POP server | “” |
Security type | NONE |
POP server port | 995 |
Secure port | 993 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Insecure port | 110 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
Step 6- After you finish entering the server settings as mentioned above as per your selection of IMAP or POP server, click on the “Next” button.
Step 7- Now you also need to input and apply the outgoing SMTP server settings as given below and then make a click on the “Next” button.
Step 8- In the end, You need to click on the “Done” button to complete the account configuration process.
All the aforementioned steps and procedures will help you to configure your Secureserver.Net email account successfully on any android device. You can now send/receive emails through your android device without any issue.
Secureserver.Net Email Settings for iPhone
Some users find it difficult to configure their Secureserver.Net email account on their iPhone device as they do not know the server settings to be applied. No worries, below mentioned are the correct Secureserver.Net email settings for iPhone explained in a stepwise manner through which you will be able to set up your Secureserver.Net email account successfully on any iPhone.
Step 1- Firstly, you must go to the settings of your iPhone.
Step 2- Now, click on the “Mail” option.
Step 3- Click on “Accounts”.
Step 4- Select the “Add Account” option.
Step 5- Now, select the option of “Other” from the available menu.
Step 6- Make a click on the option of “Add Mail Account”.
You can always choose to go with the IMAP server instead of the POP server and simply input the server settings as mentioned below:
Step 10- You will now encounter a prompt message asking for the verification of the incoming and outgoing server details, you may click on the “Continue” button for both the incoming and outgoing servers or make a click on the “Details” and then click on “Trust”.
Step 11- Now you need to click on the “Save” button to apply the above-mentioned server settings.
Step 12- Make a selection for the account that is created just now by you.
Step 13- Choose the “SMTP Server”.
Sep 14- Make sure that you enter the SMTP server settings as given below and then simply make a click on the “Done” button.
Great! The correct Secureserver.Net email settings for iPhone have been applied and now you are all set to use the Secureserver.Net email services on your iPhone device without any hassle.
Secureserver.Net Email Settings for Outlook 2007
The below-mentioned steps describe the Secureserver.Net email settings for Outlook 2007. You can configure your Secureserver.Net email account on Outlook 2007 within a matter of a few minutes through the help of the below-mentioned steps in sequence.
Step 1- Firstly, you need to launch the Outlook 2007 program on your system.
Step 2- Now click on the option of “Tools” that is available on the menu bar.
Step 3- Select the option of “Accounts Settings”.
Step 4- Find and click on the email tab under the Account Settings page and then click on the “New” option.
Step 5- Select the option of “Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP” and then simply click on the “Next” button.
Step 6- Make a selection for the checkbox reading as “Manually configured server settings or additional server types” and then click on the “Next” button.
Step 7- Choose the option of “Internet email” and then click on the “Next” button.
Step 8- Now you need to fill in all the required details/information in their respective field boxes as per your selection of the IMAP or POP server and then simply click on the option of “More Settings”.
Step 9- Move towards the outgoing server tab and ensure that the checkboxes that read as “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” and “Use same settings as my incoming mail server” are selected.
Step 10- Click on the Advanced tab and ensure that the server settings are as mentioned below according to your selection of the IMAP or POP server.
Secureserver.Net POP settings
Incoming port | 110 |
Outgoing port | 465 |
Secure port | 995 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Insecure port | 110 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
“This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)” | Must not be ticked |
“Use the following type of encrypted connection (SSL)” | Must be set as None |
Secureserver.Net IMAP settings
Secureserver.Net SMTP settings
Outgoing secure port (SMTP) | 465 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Outgoing secure port (SMTP roaming server) | 587 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Outgoing port (SMTP) | 25 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
Outgoing insecure port (SMTP roaming server) port | 587 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
Step 11- Click on the “OK” button to save and apply the aforementioned server settings.
Step 12- In the end, just click on the “Next” button and then “Finish” to complete the account setup process.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up your Secureserver.Net email account on Outlook 2007 as per the correct Secureserver.Net email settings for Outlook 2007.
Secureserver.Net Email Settings for Outlook 2010
Want to configure your Secureserver.Net email account on Outlook 2010? Then just follow the below-given steps properly that also mention the required Secureserver.Net email settings for Outlook 2010 and get your email account configured within a blink of an eye. All the given steps are really simple to follow and execute, you don’t need to put in much time and effort.
Step 1- Firstly, you must launch the Outlook 2010 program on your system.
Step 2- Now, click on the option of “Tools” from the available menu bar and then make a click on the “Accounts Settings” option.
Step 3- Under the “Accounts Settings” page, go to the email section and then click on the option of “New”.
Step 4- Click on the option of “Manual setup or additional server types” located under the Add New Account section and then simply click on the Next button.
Step 5- Choose the “Internet email” option and then click on the Next button.
Step 6- Now you need to input all the required details/information in the appropriate field boxes (choose POP or IMAP as per your requirement/preference) and then make a click on the “More Settings” option.
Step 7- Head towards the “Outgoing Server” section by simply clicking on it and then make sure to tick the checkboxes that read as “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” and “Use the same settings as my incoming mail server”.
Step 8- Now go to the section of “Advanced tab” and ensure that the Secureserver.Net settings are as mentioned below depending on your choice of POP or the IMAP server:
Secureserver.Net POP Settings
Incoming port | 110 |
Outgoing port | 465 |
Secure-port | 995 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
Insecure-port | 110 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
“This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)” | Must not be selected |
“Use the following type of encrypted connection” | Must be set as None |
Secureserver.Net IMAP Settings
Secureserver.Net SMTP Settings
(SMTP) outgoing secure-port | 465 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
(SMTP roaming server) outgoing secure-port | 587 |
Security type | SSL/TLS (Accept all certificates) |
(SMTP) outgoing port | 25 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
(SMTP roaming server) insecure port | 587 |
Security type | None (Accept all certificates) |
Step 9- Click on the “OK” button to save and apply the server settings.
Step 10- In the end, click on “Next” and then “Finish” to complete the account setup process.
Please look at the below SECURESERVER.NET email IMAP and SMTP settings. These settings can help you setup your email account on any of the popular email clients. If you are looking for detailed instructions please scroll through the page and you can find the detailed setup instructions for Android Phone, iPhone, Apple Mail, eM Client, Entourage, Incredimail, Mailbird lite, Opera, Thunderbird, Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.
If you would like to know the email settings for a different email provider please enter click here.
Tags: SECURESERVER.NET email settings, SECURESERVER.NET IMAP settings, SECURESERVER.NET SMTP settings, SECURESERVER.NET email problems, SECURESERVER.NET email support, SECURESERVER.NET email issues, SECURESERVER.NET smtp settings, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Android Phone, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Apple, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Apple Mail, SECURESERVER.NET email settings eM Client, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Entourage, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Incredimail, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Mailbird Lite, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Opera, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Thunderbird, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Outlook 2007, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Outlook 2010, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Outlook 2013, SECURESERVER.NET email settings Outlook 2016
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on your Android Phone using incoming (IMAP) and outgoing(SMTP)server details
Step 1: Start by selecting the Mail icon from your applications screen. Enter the email address and email password. Choose Manual Setup
Step 4: Enter the below outgoing SMTP Settings for SECURESERVER.NET and click Select Next
Step 5: Select Done. Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on your Android phone. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on your Apple iPhone
Step 1: Select the Settings icon on your home screen
Step 3: Select Accounts
Step 4: Select Add Account
Step 5: Select Other from the menu
Step 6: Select Add Mail Account
Step 7: Enter your Name, Email & Password and then click Next
Step 9: You may receive a prompt asking you to verify the incoming and outgoing servers – you can click continue for each or tap «Details» and then tap «Trust»
Step 11: Choose the new account that you’ve just created
Step 12: Choose the SMTP server
Step 13: Check the SMTP settings and click Done
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on your iPhone. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on your Apple Mail
Step 1: Launch Mail App. From the toolbar at the top, select Mail and then Add Account
Step 2: You can choose the automatic configuration of the email for the known used email accounts from the list and if you do not, you should choose Other Mail Account and setup your email manually
Step 5: Ignore the 2 server identity messages > Continue. You can add the certificate to your trust settings to avoid seeing this message in the future.
Step 6: Select any apps > Done
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on your Apple Mail. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manul Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on eM Client
Step 1: Launch eM Client. Click on the Menu tab, then Tools and select Accounts
Step 2: Expand the Mail section. You can choose the automatic configuration of the email for the known used email accounts from the list and if you do not, you should choose Other, then Next and setup your email manually
Step 3: Enter your full SECURESERVER.NET email address
Step 5: Enter your outgoing mail server details. Modify any of the auto-populated fields, if necessary and click Next
Step 6: If there are any failed configuration tests, click Fix to attempt to resolve the error. If no errors, click Next
Step 7: Enter the name and the email address that your account will use
Step 8: Click Finish to complete the configuration
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on eM client. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Entourage Client
Step 1: Launch Microsoft Entourage. Click the Entourage menu and choose Account Settings
Step 2: Click the New icon in the Accounts window that opens
Step 3: Choose the type of email account you will be using (IMAP, POP or Exchange). We choose IMAP
Step 4: Click the OK button to continue
Step 6: Check the box for This IMAP service requires a secure connection. Then click anywhere on the Edit Account window in the background to return to the previous window.
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Entourage. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on IncrediMail Client
Step 1: Launch IncrediMail. Select Tools from the top menu bar and then Email Accounts. Note: If you are setting up your email account for the first time, you should start from Step 4.
Step 3: You can choose the automatic configuration of the email for the known used email accounts from the list and if you do not, you should choose Other and setup your email manually
Step 4: Enter your details on the AccountWizard screen and then click Next
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on IncrediMail. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on MailBird Lite
Step 1: Launch Mailbird Lite. Click on three parallel lines on the upper left corner and then choose Settings
Note: Please remember that Lite user can only have a maximum of 1 account. If you are setting up your email account for the first time, you should start from Step 4.
Step 2: Switch to Accounts tab and click Add button
Step 3: Enter your details on the Add account screen and then click Continue
Step 4: If Mailbird knows the IMAP or POP3 settings for your email account, then Mailbird will display this window. You need to enter your password first before you can Continue. However you are still able to edit your settings by clicking «Edit Server Settings«.
Step 5: If Mailbird can’t find settings for your email account or if you choose to Edit Server Settings, then Mailbird will display this window. Enter your details on the screen and then click Continue. Note: If you use Secure SSL / TLS Settings, choose the corresponding Encryption in the current field.
Step 6: Click Close and you are done!
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Mailbird Lite. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Manual setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Opera Mail
Step 1: Launch Opera Mail.Select Email, then click Next
Step 2: Type in Name, SECURESERVER.NET email address and organization into the corresponding fields. Then click Next
Step 3: Type in your login name (your full SECURESERVER.NET email address) and password for your email account. Select the Email Account type (POP or IMAP). We choose IMAP. Click Next
Step 4: Type in Incoming Mail Server(IMAP) for SECURESERVER.NET as and Outgoing server(SMTP) name as Note: If you use Secure TLS Settings, check the “Use secure connection (TLS)” box in both outgoing and Incoming mails. Click Finish
Step 5: Click on the Menu (Opera Mail) tab in Opera and select Mail Accounts
Step 6: Select the account you are configuring and click Edit
Step 7: Click on the Servers tab. For IMAP the port number should be 993. For Outgoing SMTP server the port number should be 465. Authentication should be set to AUTH LOGIN. Note : If you use Secure TLS Settings, check the “Secure connection (TLS)” box in both outgoing and Incoming mails. Below are the general port details.
Step 9: Click OK and Close to finish
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Opera. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Setup Manaul Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Thunderbird
Step 1: Launch Thunderbird. Click Local Folders > Email
Step 2: Click Skip this and use my existing email
Step 3: You will need to enter the following information and then click Continue
Your name : Type your name. This is the name of the sender in email messages that you send from this account
Email address : Your full SECURESERVER.NET email address
Password : Your SECURESERVER.NET email account password
Step 4: Choose the type of email account you will be using (IMAP or POP). If you choose Secure SSL / TLS Setting, please select Normal password for Authentication.
Using IMAP/POP3 for your SECURESERVER.NET account. Click Manual Config. Here we choose IMAP
Step 6: Click Confirm Security Exception
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Thunderbird. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Automatic setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2007
Step 1: Launch Outlook 2007. Select Tools from the top menu bar, then Accounts Settings
Step 2: On the Account Settings screen, click New on the E-mail tab
Step 3: Select Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTPand click Next
Step 4: On this screen enter your name, your SECURESERVER.NET email address and password and click Next
Step 5: Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings
Step 6: Finish > Close
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2007
Step 1: Launch Outlook 2007. Select Tools from the top menu bar, then Accounts Settings
Step 2: On the Account Settings screen, click New on the E-mail tab
Step 3: Select Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTPand click Next
Step 4: Tick the Manually configure server settings or additional server types checkbox and click Next
Step 5: Select Internet E-mail and then click Next
Step 6: Enter all the relevant details (choose either POP or IMAP according to your needs) and then click More Settings
Step 7: Click on the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server
Step 9: Select the Advanced tab. Ensure that yourSECURESERVER.NET settings are as below for your choice of either POP or IMAP.
Step 10: Click OK to save these settings
Step 11: Click Next and Finish
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Outlook 2007. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Automatic Account setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2010
Step 1: Launch Outlook 2010. Select File from the top menu bar and then Info and Account Settings
Step 2: On the E-mail tab, click New
Step 4: On this screen enter your name, your SECURESERVER.NET email address and password and click Next
Step 4: Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings
Step 5: Finish > Close
Manual Setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2010
Step 1: Launch Outlook 2010. Select Tools from the top menu bar, then Accounts Settings
Step 2: On the Account Settings screen, click New on the E-mail tab
Step 3: In the Add New Account box choose Manual setup or additional server types > Next
Step 4: Select Internet E-mail and click Next
Step 5: Enter all the relevant details (Select POP or IMAP according to your preference) and then click More Settings
Step 6: Click on the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server
Step 7: Select the Advanced tabEnsure that yourSECURESERVER.NET settings are as below for your choice of either POP or IMAP.
Step 8: Click OK to save these settings
Step 9: Click Next and Finish
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Outlook 2010. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Automatic Account setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2013
Step 1: Launch Outlook 2013. Select File on the top left menu bar. Select Info and Account Settings
Step 2: Enter your details on the Auto Account Set-up screen > Next
Step 3: The following warning messages may appear > Allow and Choose > Yes
Step 4: Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings
Step 6: Finish > Close
Manual Account setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2013
Step 1: Launch Outlook. Select File on the top left menu bar. Select Info and Account Settings
Step 2: Choose Manual Setup or additional server types > Next
Step 3: Select POP or IMAP > Next
Step 5: Click on the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server
Step 6: Select the Advanced tab
Step 7: Ensure that your settings are as below for your choice of either POP or IMAP:
Step 8: Click OK to save these settings
Step 9: Click Next and Finish
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Outlook 2013. If you still have problems please visit this article.
Automatic Account setup for SECURESERVER.NET email account on Outlook 2016
Step 1: Launch Outlook. Select File on the top left menu bar. Select Info and Account Settings
Step 2: Enter your details on the Auto Account Set-up screen > Next
Step 3: Outlook will now automatically configure your account as an IMAP account with all the correct settings
Step 4: Finish > Close
Step 1: Launch Outlook. Select File on the top left menu bar. Select Info and Account Settings
Step 2: Choose Manual Setup or additional server types > Next
Step 3: Select POP or IMAP > Next
Step 5: Enter all the relevant details (Select POP or IMAP according to your preference) and then click More Settings
Step 6: Click on the Outgoing Server tab and ensure that the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication checkbox is selected, as well as Use same settings as my incoming mail server
Step 8: Click OK to save these settings
Step 9: Click Next and Finish
Step 1: Launch Outlook. Select File on the top left menu bar. Select Info and Account Settings. Select the Add Account button in the middle of the screen, then Account Settings
Step 3: This screen will display the various account options – select IMAP (or POP)>
Step 4: Server Settings: Please make sure you enter the below incoming and outgoing server details
Step 6: You will now be prompted for the password and then click OK
Congratulations! You are all done here and ready to use your email account on Outlook 2016. If you still have problems please visit this article.
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