Self growth plan что это
How To Create A Personal Growth Plan
Post Updated on December 29, 2020
Since you’re reading this blog post, I’m sure you’re a personal growth enthusiast like I am. There are things I want to change about myself, and I’m proactive in making it happen. There are also parts of myself that I don’t really want to change but probably should.
The problem is that personal growth isn’t just about learning. It’s easy enough to consume all of the self-help books and resources out there, but actually putting what you learn into action isn’t always fun. And if we don’t implement what we learn, we’re not really growing.
Maybe you want to make changes but never know where to start. Maybe it gets too overwhelming to make all of the changes you want to. Maybe you get excited at first but then lose sight of the goals and changes you want to make.
If you can relate to any of those statements, you need a Personal Growth Plan to keep you on track. In this post, I’m sharing how you can take all of the things you want to change and create an actionable Personal Growth Plan to make it happen.
What Personal Growth Really Means
Personal growth is more than reading self-help books and liking quote posts on Instagram. It’s more than just meditating and detoxing your room with palo santo.
At its root, personal growth involves improving your habits, behavior, attitude, and actions. It involves self-discipline and commitment to yourself, even when you don’t really like yourself.
In order to truly grow as a person, you have to actively work at your own growth instead of trying to absorb all of the self-help advice you come across.
The most important part of personal growth is self-awareness. You have to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to change.
You also need a healthy mindset that encourages you to improve as a person, rather than believing that you are fixed and can’t be changed. We can’t change the things that have happened to us, but we can make choices and decisions that help ourselves in the future.
How to Write a Personal Growth Plan
I’m a firm believer in taking action in order to actually make changes. It takes some serious work to improve the parts of yourself that you often try to avoid. That’s where a Personal Growth Plan comes into play.
The Personal Growth Plan is a tool to help you map out what you want to change so you can actually make it happen. Want to create your own? Keep reading to learn how and grab the free worksheet to help walk you through the process.
Step One: Awareness
The first step to creating your personal growth plan is to identify the areas of your life that need a little TLC.
I’ve shared an exercise on the blog before called the Wellness Wheel or the Wheel of Life which is a coaching tool I use with clients to see where they’re struggling and where they’re thriving.
The best way to create awareness around the areas of your life that need improvement is to rank the following on a scale of 1-10 based on how satisfied you are with them:
1. Physical Health – The way that you take care of your body
Questions to ask yourself:
2. Mental Health – The quality of your thoughts and attitude
Questions to ask yourself:
3. Spirituality/Personal Growth – How you connect with yourself and learn new skills
Questions to ask yourself:
4. Relationships – The quality of interactions with family, friends, partner, and colleagues
Questions to ask yourself:
5. Recreation – The way you spend your time outside of work
Questions to ask yourself:
6. Finances – How you handle money and savings for the future
Questions to ask yourself:
7. Career – Your productivity levels and attitude towards work
Questions to ask yourself:
8. Home – Your level of comfort with your living space
Questions to ask yourself:
Step Two: Focus
Now that you’ve ranked each area from 1-10, choose 1-2 areas to focus on for your Personal Growth Plan (PGP). These don’t necessarily have to be the areas that you gave the lowest score. Sometimes the things we score low are only temporarily that way. Instead, choose the areas that you feel excited or drawn to work on first. It’s important to only choose a few to work on at a time otherwise it will feel too overwhelming and you’ll lose motivation.
Answer these questions:
Step Three: Evaluate
Now that you’ve identified the areas you want to work on, evaluate where you’re at right now so you can brainstorm ways to improve. Repeat this process if you’re focusing on more than 1 area.
Answer these questions:
Step Four: Brainstorm
Based on your previous answers, think about what it would take to increase your score by one point (e.g. from a 5 to a 6). Then write down what it would take to get you to a 10. The goal is to take small steps to increase your score.
Answer these questions:
Step Five: Create Your Plan
Set a time frame for yourself to work towards. 6-8 weeks is a good amount of time to truly see progress. The main goal here is to increase your satisfaction with the focus area(s) by 1-2 points.
Next, create an outline of your Personal Growth Plan. Here’s what to include:
Step Six: Follow Your Plan
At this point, you have a detailed plan to follow. The trickiest part is, of course, sticking to it.
Here are some tips to help you stay accountable:
What does personal growth look like to you?
I hope this post has encouraged you to start taking action to improve yourself. Make sure to grab the free worksheet and map out your own personal growth plan. Share your finished plan on Instagram and tag @theblissfulmind so I can see!
Что такое Growth и чем он отличается от Growth Hacking: какие есть процессы и как они работают
Эту статью мы написали вместе с Богданом Дроздовым, Growth Hacker в Aura. Вот ссылка на его телеграм-канал.
Лет 10 назад все говорили о Growth Hacking, сейчас — о Growth. Но что это такое? Чем growth-продакты отличаются от обычных? И обязательно ли разбираться в аналитике, чтобы заниматься Growth?
В этой статье мы ответим на 10 вопросов о Growth, которые возникают у новичков. Вы узнаете, чем занимаются Growth-специалисты и как они помогают компаниям расти. В конце дадим подборку с полезными ресурсами.
А в телеграм-канале мы подготовили для вас карточки с 5 самыми распространенными ошибками новичков в Growth. Переходите и читайте, чтобы не повторить их.
1. Раньше все говорили про Growth Hacking, теперь про Growth. В чем разница?
Growth Hacking — концепция, по которой компания ищет способы быстро и дешево улучшить определенную метрику, чтобы вырасти. Со временем работающие хаки объединили в методологии и фреймворки, а поиск точек роста продукта стал рутинным процессом в компании — Growth-процессом.
Как работает Growth Hacking: увидели метрику, решили на нее повлиять, сразу же попробовали. Случайный и не системный подход.
Как работает Growth: проанализировали метрики, выбрали самую проблемную, обсудили гипотезы, приоритизировали их, начали тестировать. Есть четкая система, решения принимают на основе данных.
2. А Growth возможен только в корпорациях вроде Facebook и Airbnb?
Существует миф, что Growth — для крупных компаний. Это не так. Growth можно использовать как в корпорациях, так и в стартапах. Но их ресурсы и цели отличаются, поэтому подход к росту разный.
Стартапы используют Growth, чтобы кратно вырасти и стать большой компанией. В случае успеха их рост становится резким и быстрым.
Большие компании используют Growth не для кратного роста, а для поиска точечных возможностей вырасти. Это может быть запуск новых продуктов, изменение воронки, работа с виральностью.
Зачастую стартапы гибче корпораций, поэтому тестировать гипотезы и вносить изменения в них быстрее. В крупных компаниях много времени занимают коммуникация, согласование и подготовка.
3. Окей. А как выглядят процессы в Growth?
Growth-процесс — повторяющийся цикл работ по улучшению метрик продукта. Команда выбирает целевую метрику и начинает с ней работать — генерирует гипотезы, выбирает потенциально успешную, тестирует ее, а затем внедряет. После этого в разработку идет следующая гипотеза.
Цикл повторяется, пока целевая метрика не повысится до нужного значения. После этого команда фокусируется на другом слабом месте продукта.
4. А можно поподробнее? Что Growth-специалисты делают на каждом этапе?
Разберем этапы growth-процесс на примере Майка, Growth-специалиста в фитнес-приложении.
Во время обсуждения целей стейкхолдеры поставили перед ним задачу увеличить конверсию из установки приложения в начало пробного периода с 10% до 15%.
Growth-процесс будет выглядеть так:
Майк и команда проводят брейншторм и ищут идеи, которые могут повлиять на выбранную метрику. Оптимальное количество — около 10.
Для фитнес приложения идеи могут быть такими: добавить экран с изображением человека в спортивной форме, добавить кнопку, изменить текст.
2. Приоритизация гипотез.
Для оценки гипотез команда использует фреймворки приоритизации. В разработку идет гипотеза, которая набрала больше баллов.
Команда Майка оценила гипотезы с помощью фреймворка ICE. Победила идея добавить экран с изображением девушки со спортивной фигурой. Еще решили добавить призыв оформить платную подписку.
3. Подготовка эксперимента.
Дизайнер создает макет экрана, а в это время Майк готовится к эксперименту — будет проводить A/B тест.
Для его проведения пользователей разделят на контрольную и тестовую группы. Версия приложения для тестовой группы будет с изменениями: новым экраном и кнопкой. Контрольная группа будет пользоваться предыдущей версией приложения. Затем показатели конверсии в этих двух группах сравнят.
Команда должна понимать, при каких значениях эксперимент можно считать удачным. Майк решил, что эксперимент можно будет признать успешным при разнице конверсии в 10%.
Дальше Майк рассчитывает длительность эксперимента и необходимую выборку пользователей. В эксперименте должно поучаствовать столько пользователей, чтобы результаты были статистически значимыми. Если выборка пользователей будет слишком маленькой, то результат эксперимента может оказаться недостоверным.
Пока идет тестирование, команда начинает заниматься следующей гипотезой с наибольшим количеством баллов. Задача Майка — проследить, чтобы гипотеза не противоречила проводимому эксперименту и не влияла на него.
5. Анализ результатов.
Если результаты эксперимента соответствуют установленному критерию и статистически значимы, то его можно считать успешным. В этом случае можно готовиться к внедрению.
Эксперимент Майка показал рост конверсии на 3%, когда целевой показатель — 10%. Влияние на основные метрики оказалось незначительным.
9 self-improvement ideas
No matter what you’re pursuing, self-improvement goals are a critical part of your progress and happiness. But all too often our efforts at self-improvement fail. We aren’t sure which direction to head in, so we end up stumbling around hoping we’ll just happen upon the job, relationship or life we want. If you’ve ever fumbled through a dark room in search of a light, you know this “tactic” often fails.
Self-improvement ideas aren’t enough. You need to get clear on what you want and why – and have actionable strategies that can get you there.
Reveal how to get the results you want in every area of self-improvement
What is self-improvement?
Self-improvement is any activity or goal that enhances your quality of life or helps you reach your full potential and realize your dreams. You can improve your knowledge, your skills or your mindset and character – the important thing is that you are growing as a person. Why? Because if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Growth is one of our Six Human Needs and is essential to living a fulfilling, happy life.
Areas of self-improvement
Whether you want to open a business or move up in the ranks at your company, you can always improve in the workforce. Learn a new skill, attend an immersive business event or connect with a mentor who can help you identify your strengths.
Relationships are the bedrock of your life. You have relationships with your family. Coworkers. Friends. Romantic partner. Can you deepen some of these bonds? How can you be more present for your loved ones?
Do you want to get better with money? You can. Learning how to attain financial freedom is a fine place to start in your self-improvement journey.
The Tony Robbins Wheel of Life Assessment can help you identify areas for improvement and show you how to get to where you want to be. From there, you can use these self-improvement tips to get started on the path to success.
How to set and achieve self-improvement goals
Setting self-improvement goals is about raising your standards and turning your “shoulds” into “musts.” You can do that by getting total clarity on your vision for your life, then relating your goals back to this purpose. Here’s how.
1. Identify your objectives
If you don’t have specific goals in mind yet, think about what you ultimately want to accomplish. Picture yourself one year, two years or five years from now: What are you doing? Hone in on where you are and where you want to be. What do you want, and why ? Where focus goes, energy flows. When you have absolute clarity on what it is you want, you’ll stop at nothing to achieve your goal.
2. Establish your purpose
3. Break down your limiting beliefs
4. Set SMART goals
5. Track and celebrate your progress
6. Get inspired
7. Master a new skill
8. Use the right tools
9. Download an app
Want to sharpen your brain? Lumosity provides you with access to games and puzzles to help keep you mentally clear.
Day One
Is journaling part of your self-improvement process? Day One allows you to enter text, photos and videos and provides you with reminders, graphics and more.
MyFitnessPal tracks your exercise and diet routines as you work toward your fitness and health goals.
Breathe in, breathe out. Headspace brings meditation and mindfulness to your smartphone, helping you relax and recalibrate wherever you are.
Want to discover more about self-improvement?
Set yourself apart – and get ahead – when you join the Tony Robbins Inner Circle and commit to constant and never-ending improvement.
7 Stages of Personal Development and Self-Growth: Which One Are You in?
Being aware of the stages of personal development is crucial for your further self-growth if you want to evolve as a person and achieve success.
While many people want to achieve more in their lives, just a few of them know that there are certain stages of personal development and it takes a lot of work and time to keep on growing.
When it comes to self-growth, people often think about achieving short-term goals while it’s a lifelong process that never ends. The more you know, the better, and the core principle of self-growth is to obtain knowledge, improve skills, and step out of the comfort zone. Thus, it’s a hard thing to do even though it pays off.
Although you have a variety of reasons for self-growth, the most important one is that self-development can change your life for better. Personal development requires a lot of time and effort, but it pays off if you are a determined person who keeps on becoming better day after day.
Self-growth is a long process that consists of certain stages of personal development, and knowing which stage you are in is crucial if you want to take another step and move onto the next level.
Stage #1: Self-Knowledge
It is the first stage where you start thinking about your strengths and weaknesses, analyzing yourself. Self-knowledge helps you understand yourself better, learn more about your needs, and make the decision whether you want to achieve more or not.
Personal development is impossible without self-knowledge as you need to know where you’re moving in order to improve your skills and knowledge.
Stage #2: Comparison
Once you know yourself, you want to know other people, especially those ones who seem to be better than you. Although we all know that comparing ourselves to others is bad, it’s a start point if you want to become a better you.
Most of us feel jealousy when we see someone’s success. When you want to know their secret, the comparison starts. While all people are different, and we get different opportunities in a lifetime, we all know that there are some soft skills help us achieve success faster.
If you can learn from other people and start working on new skills, that’s great! But:
The key to success is to compare yourself to yourself in order to analyze wins and loses. When you know your weak points, you can work on them and become a better person.
Stage #3: Modification
If you want to take the bull by the horns and start developing your skills, you are in the third of the stages of personal development. When you start thinking about changing your life for better by improving your knowledge, skills, and views, modification begins.
It doesn’t matter what the reason for changes was. Whether it was an inspiration from top billionaires or struggling for a better life, modification stage allows you to give a try to develop, and it’s an important step toward growth.
Stage #4: Acceptance
Now you know what you want to achieve in your life, and you might know how much effort and time it takes to start changing for better.
You know your weaknesses, and you’re ready to accept them. After all, nobody is perfect, and there is no need to blame yourself for who you are. Self-acceptance helps you value yourself even though you can criticize yourself.
If you know what you want to improve, roll up your sleeves.
Stage #5: Planning
Do you want to learn a foreign language? Or do you want to start painting? No matter what your choice is, prioritize your goals and plan the growth.
Planning is important in your self-growth as it helps you move in the right direction and analyze your achievements.
Stage #6: Reaching Your Potential
Self-growth requires hard working and fighting against your doubts and fears. When you move out of your comfort zone, you reach your potential.
To grow daily, recognize your value and self-worth. Give a try to all things that interest you even if you have a fear of failure. You can’t know what your talent is until you try. However, you need to develop patience as growing as a person is impossible when you are pressed for time.
Stage #7: Self-Growth
If you have moved through all stages of personal development, you start growing as a person as you have goals, plans, and desire to keep on developing.
This stage is lasting, as personal growth doesn’t have time frames. As it is said, the sky is the limit, and you can never reach it as well as know everything for sure.
If self-growth is high on your list, never give up and keep on achieving more and more. After all, personal development is an eternal process that helps you keep a work-life balance and stay a happy person, no matter what obstacles you face.
“When you focus on being the best person you can be, you draw the best possible life, love, and opportunities to you.”
So, which of the stages of personal development better describes you? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
The 7 Simple Steps for Creating Your Personal Growth Plan
Eat healthy, be fit, get that promotion – most of us have areas where we want to improve. But why are we so bad at reaching our goals?
It’s not only a matter of lacking willpower. What most people are missing is a clear plan for developing themselves further. The “how’s” and “why’s” that will guide them along the way – even when the first excitement is gone.
Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.
So how do you set up a personal growth plan? Here is our 7-step process.
Start your journey with the end in mind. Who is it that you want to grow into? You might have a vague idea, but it helps to define this and work it out on paper. This will make you think about what it actually takes to get there.
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The process of creating it asks an introspective analysis from yourself. The following questions can guide you toward finding your mission statement:
Mission statement: I use my creativity and writing skills to help startups grow through Digital Marketing.
Try to make your vision dynamic, instead of static. This will prevent you from dropping into a black hole after the euphoria of reaching your goal has passed. The above mission statement is never finished. There are always ways to grow.
This post by Fast Company is a good resource for exploring personal mission statements and finding your own.
After you’ve chosen your destination, take a look at where you are now. As the definition indicates, a personal growth plan requires reflection and self-awareness. Lots of it. To decide how to get from A to B and on what areas to focus, you need to know your current location. What are your skills? What does the gap between you and your vision consist of?
Assessing these sorts of information and becoming aware of your own set of skills is crucial for mastering the next steps in your personal growth plan.
Now that you know where you are and where you want to go, it’s time to define the milestones on your way. By definition, a milestone is a “scheduled event that indicates the completion of a major deliverable event of a project.”
To set up your milestones, follow the SMART technique so they’re.
A milestone from chubby to a vision of athleticism could be “ running the NYC marathon ”; one from feeling under-qualified to a vision of education could be “ getting an MBA ”. To ensure growth, it should not be mere challenging, but highly ambitious. Stretch yourself to your limits.
In accordance with the example mission statement above, mine could look like this:
Milestone: Land a guest contribution at a prestigious business blog (e.g.
But that milestone is probably too far away. To get there, I’ll first need to improve my writing skills. This goes through practice and learning, so an earlier milestone could be:
Milestone: Write 10 posts for the Userlike Blog.
Up until this point, many people manage to construct a simplified plan in their head – mostly when New Year’s is coming up. But that’s where the majority stops, dooming their good intentions to an existence in limbo. With only milestones, you still don’t know where to start, how to get there, or how long it will take you.
Shoot for greatness. But greatness doesn’t always come from dramatic leaps. Sometimes it comes from small, persistent steps.
You need a system of supporting habits that will bring you closer to your goal. One habit toward the milestone of writing 10 posts for the Userlike Blog, for example, would be to write 500 words daily. Another one would be to read 15 pages of a relevant book every day (e.g. 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing ). Don’t add too many at once; focus on one habit at a time.
You’ll see the benefits of habit goals in several ways. First, they force you to break your milestones down into specific actions. Second, as these repeating tasks turn into habits, they will start to become effortless. Once a habit has formed, you can move on to the next one.
Modern workplaces are full of distractions. For some things, you’re well aware that they’re hijacking your productivity, like scrolling through your Facebook timeline or heading to the cafeteria whenever you feel like chatting. Still, we often underestimate how much time we actually spend on doing them.
And then there’s other activities you’re not even aware they’d be disturbing your flow, which might even seem productive at first glance (e.g. checking your emails) or happens more unconsciously (e.g. jumping back and forth between open tabs).
The reason is simple: What you don’t do determines what you can do.
When setting up your personal growth plan, instead of focusing only on what you want to do, look at the process in reverse. Keep track of what you don’t want to do by setting up a ‘not-to-do list’. For example:
Think of cues as a GPS guiding you the way, telling you where to go next. The benefit is two-folded:
For example, if your goal was to become fit, you could bring your gym bag to work ( cue ) to remind you of your planned action. It can also be as simple as using calendar notifications as a reminder. Everything that gets the thought out of your head so you don’t have to remember it yourself.
The classic ‘carrot and stick’ is the other side of the same coin. In order for your cues to hit target, you need to have a set of rewards/ punishments in place as well. When it comes to sticking to our plans, we’re really not too different from guinea pigs. Rewards are important to keep up motivation and build new behaviors.
7 Discussion Techniques to Get Closer to Truth and Understanding
It’s difficult to have a fruitful discussion. One that changes minds, instead of hardening them.
If you’ve reached your goal, reward yourself. Possible rewards could be playing foosball with your colleagues after you’ve completed your tasks for the day, 10 minutes of scrolling through Instagram, spoiling yourself with a piece of Swiss chocolate, 5 minutes of gossiping at the watercooler, etc.
And if you didn’t manage to pull it off? Well, there comes the stick. If you didn’t write 500 words today, you’ll have to make up for it and write 1,000 words tomorrow. If you didn’t work out, no chocolate for you. You get the point.
People are all different and so are cues and rewards. Find out what motivates you to go the extra mile for your growth project.
You can only follow your estimation of what processes will be necessary when setting up your goals. For example, if your milestone was to lose 20 pounds within the next six months and your weight still hasn’t changed an ounce after half the time has passed, you need to consider changing your approach, e.g. exercising four times per week instead of just twice, or cutting carbs out of your diet.
To use another one of Peter Drucker’s wisdoms: “ You can’t manage what you don’t measure. ” In other words, to know if your plan is working, you need to measure your progress. Measuring helps holding yourself accountable and can reveal weaknesses in your plan.
At Userlike, we have quarterly feedback reviews with our team lead to ensure our projects are going in the right direction and to change course in time, if necessary. Treat your personal growth project like you would treat a project at work. Who said you can’t have a meeting with yourself? Set aside a fixed date for your reviews, say, 30 minutes every month, where you only focus on evaluating your progress and anticipating your next steps.
In these reviews, you should ask yourself the following questions:
Depending on your answers, you’ll get the chance to adjust your plan. Also, taking your time to look at the process will make your growth progress more visible, boosting your motivation.
All planning aside, you’ll only rock your personal growth project by taking action. A musician perfects her technique through constant practice – not through simply thinking about compositions. Young parents fill their role in nurturing their kids by taking care of them every day – not by solely reading parenting magazines.
At a certain point, you just need to stop planning and start doing. What’s your next project?