Setting an array element with a sequence что значит
ValueError: установка элемента массива с последовательностью
этот код:
выдает это сообщение об ошибке:
может ли кто-нибудь показать мне, что делать, чтобы исправить проблему в сломанном коде выше, чтобы он перестал выдавать сообщение об ошибке?
EDIT: Я сделал команду печати, чтобы получить содержимое матрицы, и вот что он распечатал:
выглядит как 5 строк на 13 столбцов матрицы для меня, хотя количество строк является переменной, когда различные данные запускаются через скрипт. С этими же данными, которые я добавляю в этом.
EDIT 2: однако скрипт выдает ошибку. Поэтому я не думаю, что ваша идея объясняет проблему, что здесь происходит. Спасибо. Есть еще идеи?
FYI, если я заменю эту проблемную строку из кода:
тогда этот раздел скрипта отлично работает без ошибки, но затем эта строка кода дальше по строке:
таким образом, вы можете видеть, что мне нужно указать тип данных, чтобы иметь возможность использовать ylim в matplotlib, но все же указание типа данных вызывает сообщение об ошибке, которое инициировало этот пост.
5 ответов:
из кода, который Вы нам показали, единственное, что мы можем сказать, это то, что вы пытаетесь создать массив из списка, который не имеет формы многомерного массива. Например
выдаст это сообщение об ошибке, потому что форма входного списка не является (обобщенной) «коробкой», которую можно превратить в многомерный массив. Так что наверное UnFilteredDuringExSummaryOfMeansArray содержит последовательности разной длины.
Edit: другой возможной причиной этого сообщения об ошибке является попытка использовать строку в качестве элемента в массиве типа float :
Не зная, что ваш код будет выполнять, я не могу судить, если это то, что вы хотите.
Значение Python ValueError:
означает именно то, что он говорит, вы пытаетесь втиснуть последовательность чисел в один номер слот. Его можно бросить при различных обстоятельствах.
1. Когда вы передаете кортеж python или список для интерпретации как элемент массива numpy:
2. Пытаясь втиснуть длину массива numpy > 1 в элемент массива numpy:
в пакете numpy массив создается, и numpy не знает, как втиснуть многозначные кортежи или массивы в одноэлементные слоты. Он ожидает, что все, что вы даете ему для оценки одного числа, если это не так, Numpy отвечает, что он не знает, как установить элемент массива с последовательностью.
в моем случае, я получил эту ошибку в Tensorflow, причина была в том, что я пытался кормить массив с разной длиной или последовательностями:
тогда я получу ошибку:
но если я сделаю отступ после :
теперь все работает.
в моем случае, проблема была в другом. Я пытался преобразовать списки списков int в массив. Проблема заключалась в том, что был один список с разной длиной, чем другие. Если вы хотите доказать это, вы должны сделать:
в моем случае, ссылка длина-560.
для тех, кто испытывает проблемы с подобными проблемами в Numpy, очень простое решение будет:
определение dtype=object при определении массива для присвоения ему значений. например:
Valueerror: Setting an array element with a sequence
In this Python tutorial, we will be discussing the concept of setting an array element with a sequence, and also we will see how to fix error, Valueerror: Setting an array element with a sequence:
What is ValueError?
ValueError is raised when a function passes an argument of the correct type but an unknown value. Also, the situation should not be prevented by a more precise exception such as Index Error.
Setting an array element with a sequence
valueerror setting an array element with a sequence python
An array of a Different dimension
Here is the code of an array of a different dimension
You can easily see the value error in the display. This is because the structure of the numpy array is not correct.
In this solution, we will declare the size and length of both the arrays equal and fix the value error.
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix value error by setting an array element with a sequence python.
Setting an array Element with a sequence Pandas
In this example, we will import the Python pandas module. Then we will create a variable and use the library pandas dataframe to assign the values. Now, we will print the input, Then it will update the value in the list and got a value error.
Here is the code of value error from pandas
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
In this solution, if you want to solve this error, You will create a non-numeric dtype as an object since it only stores numeric values.
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix the error, value error: setting an array element with sequence pandas.
ValueError Setting An Array Element with a Sequence in Sklearn
Here is the code of value error setting an array element with a sequence
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix the error, valueerror setting an array element with a sequence sklearn.
Valueerror Setting An Array Element with a Sequence in Tensorflow
Here is the code of value error array element with a sequence in Tensorflow.
In this example, we will import a TensorFlow module then create a numpy array and assign values with different sizes of lengths. Now we create a variable and use the function tf. multiply.
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix the error value error by setting an array element with a sequence TensorFlow.
valueerror setting an array element with a sequence np.vectorize
Here is the Code of the array element with a sequence in np.vectorize.
In the above code, this error happens when there are more precise and conflicts with NumPy and python. If the dtype is not given the error may display.
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix the error, value error setting an array element with a sequence np.vectorize.
Valueerror Setting An Array Element with a Sequence in binary text classification with tfidfvectorizer
Here is the code of binary text classification with tfidfvectorizer
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
Here is the Screenshot of the following given code
This is how to fix the error, Valueerror Setting An Array Element with a Sequence in binary text classification with tfidfvectorizer.
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In this tutorial, we learned how to fix the error, value error setting an array element with a sequence python.
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ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence
This Python code:
Throws this error message:
Can anyone show me what to do to fix the problem in the broken code above so that it stops throwing an error message?
EDIT: I did a print command to get the contents of the matrix, and this is what it printed out:
Looks like a 5 row by 13 column matrix to me, though the number of rows is variable when different data are run through the script. With this same data that I am adding in this.
EDIT 2: However, the script is throwing an error. So I do not think that your idea explains the problem that is happening here. Thank you, though. Any other ideas?
FYI, if I replace this problem line of code:
Then that section of the script works fine without throwing an error, but then this line of code further down the line:
So you can see that I need to specify the data type in order to be able to use ylim in matplotlib, but yet specifying the data type is throwing the error message that initiated this post.
8 Answers 8
From the code you showed us, the only thing we can tell is that you are trying to create an array from a list that isn’t shaped like a multi-dimensional array. For example
will yield this error message, because the shape of the input list isn’t a (generalised) «box» that can be turned into a multidimensional array. So probably UnFilteredDuringExSummaryOfMeansArray contains sequences of different lengths.
Another possible cause for this error message is trying to use a string as an element in an array of type float :
Without knowing what your code is supposed to accomplish, I can’t tell if this is what you want.
[Solved] ValueError: Setting an Array Element With A Sequence Easily
In python, we have discussed many concepts and conversions. In this tutorial, we will be discussing the concept of setting an array element with a sequence. When we try to access some value with the right type but not the correct value, we encounter this type of error. In this tutorial, we will be discussing the concept of ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence in Python.
What is Value Error?
A ValueError occurs when a built-in operation or function receives an argument with the right type but an invalid value. A value is a piece of information that is stored within a certain object.
What Is Valueerror: Setting An Array Element With A Sequence?
In python, we often encounter the error as ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence is when we are working with the numpy library. This error usually occurs when the Numpy array is not in sequence.
What Causes Valueerror: Setting An Array Element With A Sequence?
Python always throws this error when you are trying to create an array with a not properly multi-dimensional list in shape. The second reason for this error is the type of content in the array. For example, define the integer array and inserting the float value in it.
Examples Causing Valueerror: Setting An Array Element With A Sequence
Here, we will be discussing the different types of causes through which this type of error gets generated:
1. Array Of A Different Dimension
Let us take an example, in which we are creating an array from the list with elements of different dimensions. In the code, you can see that you have created an array of two different dimensions, which will throw an error as ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
Solution Of An Array Of A Different Dimension
If we try to make the length of both the arrays equal, then we will not encounter any error. So the code will work fine.
2. Different Type Of Elements In An Array
Solution Of Different Type Of Elements In An Array
If we try to make the data type unrestricted, we should use dtype = object, which will help you remove the error.
3. Valueerror Setting An Array Element With A Sequence Pandas
In this example, we will be importing the pandas’ library. Then, we will be taking the input from the pandas dataframe function. After that, we will print the input. Then, we will update the value in the list and try to print we get an error.
Solution Of Value Error From Pandas
If we dont want any error in the following code we need to make the data type as object.
4. ValueError Setting An Array Element With A Sequence in Sklearn
Sklearn is a famous python library that is used to execute machine learning methods on a dataset. From regression to clustering, this module has all methods which are needed.
Using these machine learning models over the 2D arrays can sometimes cause a huge ValueError in the code. If your 2D array is not uniform, i.e., if several elements in all the sub-arrays are not the same, it’ll throw an error.
Example Code –
Here, the last element in the X array is of length 1, whereas all other elements are of length 2. This will cause the SVC() to throw an error ValueError – Setting an element with a sequence.
Solution –
The solution to this ValueError in Sklearn would be to make the length of arrays equal. In the following code, we’ve changed all the lengths to 2.
5. ValueError Setting An Array Element With A Sequence in Tensorflow
In Tensorflow, the input shapes have to be correct to process the data. If the shape of every element in your array is not of equal length, you’ll get a ValueError.
Example Code –
Here the last element of the x1 array has length 2. This causes the tf.multiple() to throw a ValueError.
Solution –
The only solution to fix this is to ensure that all of your array elements are of equal shape. The following example will help you understand it –
6. ValueError Setting An Array Element With A Sequence in Keras
Similar error in Keras can be observed when an array with different lengths of elements are passed to regression models. As the input might be a mixture of ints and lists, this error may arise.
Example Code –
Here the array X contains a mixture of integers and lists. Moreover, many elements in this array are not fully filled.
Solution –
The solution to this error would be flattening your array and reshaping it to the desired shape. The following transformation will help you to achieve it. keras.layers.Flatten and pd.Series.tolist() will help you to achieve it.
In this tutorial, we have learned about the concept of ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence in Python. We have seen what value Error is? And what is ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence? And what are the causes of Value Error? We have discussed all the ways causing the value Error: setting an array element with a sequence with their solutions. All the examples are explained in detail with the help of examples. You can use any of the functions according to your choice and your requirement in the program.
However, if you have any doubts or questions, do let me know in the comment section below. I will try to help you as soon as possible.
1. How Does ValueError Save Us From Incorrect Data Processing?
We will understand this with the help of small code snippet:
Firstly, we will pass 10.0 as an integer and then 10 as the input. Let us see what the output comes.
Now you can see in the code. When we try to enter the float value in place of an integer value, it shows me a value error which means you can enter only the integer value in the input. Through this, ValueError saves us from incorrect data processing as we can’t enter the wrong data or input.
2. We don’t declare a data type in python, then why is this error arrises in initializing incorrect datatype?
In python, We don’t have to declare a datatype. But, when the ValueError arises, that means there is an issue with the substance of the article you attempted to allocate the incentive to. This is not to be mistaken for types in Python. Hence, Python ValueError is raised when the capacity gets a contention of the right kind; however, it an unseemly worth it.
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence()
Before downvoting this question and marked as duplicate, let me just explain the issue, i tried all the possible solutions with similar question here on stack, but none of them worked. i also checked, setting an array element with a sequence» error could be improved. #6584
So am training a random forest classifier on 3 different features, all with different dimensions but i reshaped them to to (-1,1), which can fit for training the RF(random forest) model, but it keep on giving the same error again and again as i have tried all the possible things, here are the list of feature functions am using,
in the following function i only computed histogram values from different color spaces again RGB,LAB,HSV color spaces used. as every histogram here performed on single color channel, so depth of every histogram feature will always be 1.
finally i stacked all the three features to form single feature vector,
here i have manually cheked the elements in all three feature vectors, in order to confirm the dtype, dimensions of array are not ambiguous to trigger the error, but everything looks fine to me.
this is the first one, location feature
this is color feautre vector
and this is histogram feature vector
as it can be seen the datatype and dimensions of all three arrays are same, but still getting the error while training with RF or SVC classifier, also when i don’t use location feature and train only with color and histogram features, then it doesn’t generate the error, and both the training and prediction program works fine. but only when all the three features stacked it geves the error.
the error is throwned when RF classifier is set for _data is a list of feature vectors(
) that are computed previously. and _labels are curresponding lables either 1 or 0, for each data(image) samples respectively.