Shenzhen dragon rise macro technology limited company что это
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Спустя фактически год, с вашей стороны посыпались обвинения в нашу сторону, что мы пытаемся сорвать работу над вашим проектом. Хотя, если подумать логически, мы заинтересованы как никто другой в скорейшем выполнении вашего заказа (Так как работу по проверке груза мы провели. Расчет с нами клиенты производят только после расчета за товар с производителями, и потерять свою прибыль, проделав всю работу с вашим заказом, потратив столько времени и сил на общение с вами, мы, разумеется, не хотели).
После длительных переговоров с вами, наше руководство приняло решение прекратить работу (мы видели безысходность ситуации и нежелание с вашей стороны подтверждать товар). Предоплату по товару, от которого вы отказались, нам, все-таки, удалось вернуть, и мы в полном объеме передали ее вам. Вас мы уведомили, что готовы передать вам все документы по заказам и сумму, которую удалось вернуть. Вот прилагаем фотографию, где вы подписываете бумагу о том, что не имеете к нашей компании никаких претензий, находясь в нашем офисе.
А теперь вопрос, кто в таком случае мошенник?
Мы не скрываемся и открыто еще раз пытаемся выйти с вами на диалог: без оскорблений и обвинений, но, к сожалению, видим от вас уйму недостоверной информации и клеветы в адрес компании, а также наших сотрудников в интернете).
Did you just download a file that has a digital signature from Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company and wonder if the file is safe? If so, please read on.
You’ll probably notice Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company when running the file. The publisher name shows up as the «Verified publisher» in the UAC dialog as the screenshot shows:
You can view the additional details from the Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company digital signature with the following steps:
Here’s a screenshot of a file that has been signed by Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company:
As you can see in the screenshot above, the Windows OS states that «This digital signature is OK». This means that the file has been published by Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company and that no one has tampered with the file.
If you click the View Certificate button shown in the screenshot above, you can see all the details of the certificate, such as when it was issued, who issued the certificate, how long it is valid, etc. You can also view the address for Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company, such as the street name, city and country.
VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA has issued the Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company certificates. You can also examine the details of the issuer by clicking the View Certificate button shown in the screenshot above.
Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company Files
These are the Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company files I have gathered, thanks to the FreeFixer users.
Detection Ratio | File Name |
0/55 | USB Gamepad.exe |
* How the Detection Percentage is Calculated
The detection percentage is based on the fact that I have gathered 55 scan reports for the Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company files. 0 of these scan results came up with some sort of detection. If you like, you can view the full details of the scan reports by examining the files listed above.
Analysis Details
The analysis is done on certificates with the following serial numbers:
Shenzhen dragon rise macro technology limited company что это
Hi devs, I have been trying to connect my game controller with use in BattleBlock but I am still failing even after following all those faqs and troubleshooting.
I done mapping in Steam Big Picture mode.
I done checking all the drivers up and running (including checking dxdiag DInput).
But the game still doesn’t detect anything of the buttons I pressed on my controller during «Press Any Key. «
So what am I going to do?
However I do able use the controller with Castle Crasher it seems, rumble all working.
Is there any technical difference between these two games when connecting controllers?
Castle Crashers seems to be better in compatibility with setting up controllers.
SIde note: Seems like I’m the only one in GMT+8 timezone area who play your games. 😛
No matchmaking, duh.
Yes, the controller support for Castle Crashers and BattleBlock is different! So working on one does not necessarily mean working on the other.
Are you on Linux or Windows? What kind of controller do you have, and do you plug it in with a USB? Are there any third-party drivers or managers you are using (like x360ce?, Tattibogle, or Motioninjoy)?
Have you tried hosting a game? Our game does not use servers or automatically create hosted rooms. You have to choose to host for a room to be made.
Hmm. I’m on Windows 7.
For the controller, I could say it’s a Generic Game Controller since the brand is not well known.
However, the driver software that came included was made and signed by
Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company
which as you can guess it, I couldn’t Google it’s official site and info elsewhere.
No I don’t think I’m using any third-party software, just plain driver software from the manufacturer’s CD.
For additional info:
It’s not wireless.
Windows reports its Hardware IDs as:
Oh I see. So the game doesn’t use servers.
I’m not quite sure hosting a game would be a good idea, since I don’t even know if there’s anybody out there searching co-op session (and don’t even know anyone DO own the game near here 😛 )
Hmm. I’m on Windows 7.
For the controller, I could say it’s a Generic Game Controller since the brand is not well known.
However, the driver software that came included was made and signed by
Shen Zhen Dragon Rise Macro Technology Limited Company
which as you can guess it, I couldn’t Google it’s official site and info elsewhere.
No I don’t think I’m using any third-party software, just plain driver software from the manufacturer’s CD.
For additional info:
It’s not wireless.
Windows reports its Hardware IDs as:
Oh I see. So the game doesn’t use servers.
I’m not quite sure hosting a game would be a good idea, since I don’t even know if there’s anybody out there searching co-op session (and don’t even know anyone DO own the game near here 😛 )
Hi there! Unfortunately, without knowing the make and model of the controller, I can’t provide a ton of guidance beyond our official troubleshooting guide:
I did a quick Google search for your manufacturer, but didn’t find any controllers.
We only support USB controllers that use the DirectInput or XInput API, that are supported by their manufacturer for the PC platform you are using. Does it tell you whether the controller meets these requirements in any support booklets or on the CD you are using?
Ok. But when I mention it’s a Generic Game Controller, I «mean» it because the game controller model was being reused and rebranded by other companies to resale it.
Something like the situation of «a nVidia Graphic Card being manufactured by MSI PC company and not nVidia itself but the driver still from nVidia».
That said, after searching Google again I finally found the site:
However, it seems the site is half dead (80% broken links) dated back to 2009.
News section still can be dated back to 2013 but lack of info.
English section is not well maintained either (with Chinese characters all over the place).
Support section is the worst. No link work at all.
There are however some, no, a lot mentions of Dinput and Xinput related stuffs on their respective hardware but their hardware pictures are misleading.
So yeah, I don’t think it can help you to help me 🙁
and yeah I know I should have given you this site earlier, but the driver all points to that website.
The reseller company doesn’t provide game controller drivers so the driver I can rely is the one that came bundled in the CD.
Then again, why does Castle Crasher managed to detect the controller whereas BattleBlock fails? This is frustrating LOL
Ok. But when I mention it’s a Generic Game Controller, I «mean» it because the game controller model was being reused and rebranded by other companies to resale it.
Something like the situation of «a nVidia Graphic Card being manufactured by MSI PC company and not nVidia itself but the driver still from nVidia».
That said, after searching Google again I finally found the site:
However, it seems the site is half dead (80% broken links) dated back to 2009.
News section still can be dated back to 2013 but lack of info.
English section is not well maintained either (with Chinese characters all over the place).
Support section is the worst. No link work at all.
There are however some, no, a lot mentions of Dinput and Xinput related stuffs on their respective hardware but their hardware pictures are misleading.
So yeah, I don’t think it can help you to help me 🙁
and yeah I know I should have given you this site earlier, but the driver all points to that website.
The reseller company doesn’t provide game controller drivers so the driver I can rely is the one that came bundled in the CD.
Then again, why does Castle Crasher managed to detect the controller whereas BattleBlock fails? This is frustrating LOL
Yeah, you might want to look into an emulator or third party program like Motioninjoy. just use caution because those can cause other issues.
Castle Crashers has the same «supported controller» restrictions, but sometimes games can detect a particular «unsupported» controller. «Supported» mainly means that we guarantee the controller will work if it has those characteristics.
информацию подготовил(-a): Анна Белова
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