Sigcorp minisode 1 что это

(СПОЙЛЕРЫ!) Мнение о концовке игры To The Moon и DLC Sigmund Minisode 1-2

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В потрясающей интерактивной истории To The Moon концовка у вас наверняка вызвала множество вопросов. Постараюсь поделиться своим мнением относительно сложившейся ситуации. Действительно, основной финал предугадать легко, а вот сцена после титров способна всё перевернуть вверх дном.

И ещё раз предупрежу: НИЖЕ БУДУТ СПОЙЛЕРЫ! И по оригинальной игре, и по двум рождественским DLC. Итак, поехали…

Как выбить достижение в To The Moon?

Если вы играли на русском языке, то ачивку в Steam получить не удастся. Достижение в игре всего одно. Как его заработать? Переключите в свойствах игры (в клиенте Steam) язык на английский, после чего загрузите последнее сохранение. После эффектной концовки и просмотра титров с именами разработчиков достижение Wish Granted будет вручено.

Что случилось в финале?

Основная история с Джонни получила логическое завершение, но в To The Moon финал на это не заканчивается. После титров Ева Розалин и Нил Уоттс стоят на обрыве у маяка, Еве поступает входящий звонок на мобильный телефон.

Из разговора мы понимаем, что сотрудникам компании «Зигмунд» пора отправиться к новому пациенту. НО…В самый последний момент экран перед Нилом вспыхивает красным светом. Во время этой сцены я вспомнил фильм «Начало», где в самом конце зрители гадали, остановится ли волчок. Если да – мы в реальности, если нет – во сне.

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Нечто похожее наблюдается и здесь. У меня две версии происходящего, подтверждённые и в DLC Sigmund Minisode 1-2. Первый вариант – Нил Уоттс сам является умирающим человеком, последним желанием которого была работа в организации, умеющей изменять воспоминания.

Не исключено, что он действительно проработал в «Зигмунде» всю свою жизнь, а теперь хотел вспомнить самые яркие моменты. Воспоминания могут быть тесно привязаны к Еве Розалин, которая являлась для Нила не просто другом, а куда более близким человеком.

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Второй вариант: всё действие является неким аналогом «Матрицы» (что видно по последней сцене Sigmund Minisode 2, где Нил сидит в кресле со шлемом на голове). Также не исключено, что он страдает психическим расстройством, из-за чего вынужден употреблять сильнодействующие препараты. Помните, в момент подхода к машине (за контейнером для белки) Ева увидела эти таблетки выпадающими из бардачка.

Рецензия на видео:

В любом случае, на начало 2017-го года намечена дата выхода Finding Paradise – прямого сиквела To The Moon. Уже сейчас в Steam доступен короткий эпизод-предыстория A Bird Story. Он давно куплен и лежит у меня в библиотеке, в ближайшие дни пройду и поделюсь впечатлениями…


Sigmund Minisode 1

Sigmund Minisode 1 is the first of the Sigmund Minisodes, which are spin-off adventure games developed by Freebird Games based on the characters of To the Moon. It was launched on December 31st, 2013 on Steam and GOG, for Windows, macOS and Linux, as a free downloadable content (DLC) to the base game.

The minisode occurs some time after the conclusion of To the Moon. It focuses on the Sigmund Corporation, the company running the wish-fulfillment service in the series. It adds more characterization to the series’ two playable characters, Eva Rosalene and Neil Watts, while showcasing the public’s negative opinion regarding the practices of the company’s business.

Sigcorp minisode 1 что это. Sigmund protesters. Sigcorp minisode 1 что это фото. Sigcorp minisode 1 что это-Sigmund protesters. картинка Sigcorp minisode 1 что это. картинка Sigmund protesters

Protesters surrounding the Sigmund Corporation office building.

The holiday season sees the Sigmund Corporation office building surrounded by protesters standing up against the company’s practices. Most of the employees are oblivious to the commotion, as inside the building, they are throwing a party of their own. Two of them, however—Robert Lin and his technician, Roxanne Winters—are confronted by tomatoes thrown at them when they exit the building.

On the offices floor, Neil Watts is about to show his partner, Eva Rosalene, something he has been working on. As Eva waits for it to be finished, she goes down to the party. On her way, Neil calls her on the phone, but hangs up mid-call. Eva then encounters Roxanne, who tells her about the riots. They agree not to tell the others to prevent tension.

Neil’s game, To the Moon.

After talking to Winters and Lin at the party about the protesters, Eva gets a call from Neil telling her to come to his office. There, he lets her play around with his creation: a retro video game that chronicles the events of To the Moon. Several employees, presumably passing by the office, covertly huddle behind them to watch. Neil shoos them, and then goes outside, thereby leaving Eva alone. At a certain point in the game, Eva too leaves Neil’s office.

Neil sets out to find Eva upon finding his office empty and the game unfinished. He finds her in the meeting room, looking out the window. At first he assumes she was mad at him about the game, until she shows him the crowd outside the window. Eva then reveals her conflicting emotions about her job at Sigmund. Neil tries to cheer her up, reminding her that there are people like their clients who support them.

In the end, Neil receives a call, which he first dismisses as a telemarketer. But then he tells Eva he was joking, and they have a new job to do, before rushing out the door. Eva calls out to him, asking if he was serious, to no answer. She starts to follow him, but takes a last look out the window.


Sigmund Corporation

Sigcorp minisode 1 что это. SigCorp. Sigcorp minisode 1 что это фото. Sigcorp minisode 1 что это-SigCorp. картинка Sigcorp minisode 1 что это. картинка SigCorp

Picture of Sigmund Corporation’s building exterior, from the SigCorp Holiday Special.

The company employs a technology capable of altering one’s memories; however, doing so on living patients would cause conflict between their new memories and their real lives. Therefore, the procedure is only legal to perform on people on the verge of death. The company utilizes it to offer a wish-fulfillment service for people who aren’t satisfied with their lives and would like to remember a better one before they die.


Method [ ]

The company allows anyone to sign up for their service, and signing up can be done at any time. Clients choose how they want to live their second life, and the company will send their employees to perform the procedure when the client becomes comatose with only a little time left to live. Clients who are undergoing the procedure are called patients presumably for this reason.

The technology itself manifests in the form of the Memory Editor, a machine which is able to read the patient’s memories and generate new ones based on those memories. The way it works is by transferring the patient’s wish to their younger self to motivate them according to it. It then attempts to generate a whole new lifetime of memories where the wish comes true, based on the newly motivated version of that younger self along with real world data in the public domain. If successful, the memories will be transferred to the patient’s present self, and they will remember that they’ve lived a happy and satisfying life before they draw their last breath. However, the machine may fail to motivate the patient, as with Johnny in To the Moon, and in those cases the machine’s operators would have to intervene and try to make a change that would trigger the motivation in the younger self.

The company’s employees who are assigned to the patients are specialized doctors licensed to operate the machine. The doctors work in pairs, and it seems that each pair consists of a Senior Memory Traversal Agent (who is trained in the ins-and-outs of traversing someone’s memories) and a Technician Specialist (who understands and maintains the machine’s code). Their main task is to traverse the patient’s memories to find mementos, which are objects that exist in two or more memories and allows separate memories to be linked. Only after the memories are linked can the machine transfer the patient’s motivations to their younger self. The doctors are generally dressed in white coats with a gold trim. They operate on a per-call basis, and as a result, their work hours are hectic and unpredictable. At times a patient who are originally assigned to one pair would be delegated to another due to unavailability, as is the case with Colin in Finding Paradise.

On specific days of the year, the Sigmund Corporation refers all calls and assignments to their competitor, the Hermann Corporation, as per contract, allowing employees of the Sigmund Corporation some much-needed time off. This contract also works the other way around, with the Herman Corporation referring all assignments to the Sigmund Corporation on specific days. This is possible either via mutual agreement between companies or as per regulation via a parent company.

The Sigmund Corporation’s work appears to be highly controversial, due to the appearance of protesters in front of the building.

Trivia [ ]

The name Sigmund Corporation seems to be a reference to the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud who believed the function of dreams is to preserve sleep by representing as fulfilled wishes that would otherwise awaken the dreamer.


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