Signal light что означает

signal light

1 signal light

контрольная лампа
сигнальная лампа

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]



сигнальная лампа

Каждая медицинская система IT должна иметь устройство для звуковой и световой аварийной сигнализации, которое устанавливают так, чтобы оно находилось под постоянным контролем медицинского персонала и было оборудовано:
зеленой сигнальной лампой (лампами) для индикации нормальной работы;
желтой сигнальной лампой, которая загорается, когда сопротивление изоляции достигает минимально допустимого значения.
[ ГОСТ Р 50571.28-2006]


сигнальный огонь

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


2 signal light

indicating light — индикаторная лампа; индикатор

3 signal light

4 signal light

5 signal light

6 signal light

7 signal light

8 signal light

9 signal light

10 signal light

11 signal light

12 signal light

13 signal light

14 signal light

15 signal light

16 signal light

17 signal light

18 signal light

19 signal light

20 signal light

См. также в других словарях:

signal light — Synonyms and related words: Very flare, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, flare, flare up, fusee, lighthouse, lightship, magnesium flare, occulting light, pharos, rocket, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, skyrocket, watch… … Moby Thesaurus

signal light — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal fire • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire … Useful english dictionary

signal light — The small lights which blink on either side of the front of the vehicle and either side of the rear of the vehicle. Some early cars (like the Austin and Flying Standard) had small illuminated arms that flipped out from the B post instead. The… … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light warning light — A light on the instrument panel which flashes when the signal lights are operating. Usually this light is in the shape of a green arrow. On some cars, like Cadillac, a secondary light is mounted in a pod on the upper edge of each front fender and … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light lamp — flashlight used for sending signals … English contemporary dictionary

Signal passed at danger — (SPAD), in railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British … Wikipedia

signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus

light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal fire — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal light • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire * * * signal fire, a fire used in giving a signal … Useful english dictionary

light warning light — See signal light warning light … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal gun — n. device which shoots a bright signal light … English contemporary dictionary


signal light

1 signal light

контрольная лампа
сигнальная лампа

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]



сигнальная лампа

Каждая медицинская система IT должна иметь устройство для звуковой и световой аварийной сигнализации, которое устанавливают так, чтобы оно находилось под постоянным контролем медицинского персонала и было оборудовано:
зеленой сигнальной лампой (лампами) для индикации нормальной работы;
желтой сигнальной лампой, которая загорается, когда сопротивление изоляции достигает минимально допустимого значения.
[ ГОСТ Р 50571.28-2006]


сигнальный огонь

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


2 signal light

indicating light — индикаторная лампа; индикатор

3 signal light

4 signal light

5 signal light

6 signal light

7 signal light

8 signal light

9 signal light

10 signal light

11 signal light

12 signal light

13 signal light

14 signal light

15 signal light

16 signal light

17 signal light

18 signal light

19 signal light

20 signal light

См. также в других словарях:

signal light — Synonyms and related words: Very flare, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, flare, flare up, fusee, lighthouse, lightship, magnesium flare, occulting light, pharos, rocket, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, skyrocket, watch… … Moby Thesaurus

signal light — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal fire • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire … Useful english dictionary

signal light — The small lights which blink on either side of the front of the vehicle and either side of the rear of the vehicle. Some early cars (like the Austin and Flying Standard) had small illuminated arms that flipped out from the B post instead. The… … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light warning light — A light on the instrument panel which flashes when the signal lights are operating. Usually this light is in the shape of a green arrow. On some cars, like Cadillac, a secondary light is mounted in a pod on the upper edge of each front fender and … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light lamp — flashlight used for sending signals … English contemporary dictionary

Signal passed at danger — (SPAD), in railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British … Wikipedia

signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus

light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal fire — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal light • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire * * * signal fire, a fire used in giving a signal … Useful english dictionary

light warning light — See signal light warning light … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal gun — n. device which shoots a bright signal light … English contemporary dictionary


signal light

контрольная лампа
сигнальная лампа

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]



сигнальная лампа

Каждая медицинская система IT должна иметь устройство для звуковой и световой аварийной сигнализации, которое устанавливают так, чтобы оно находилось под постоянным контролем медицинского персонала и было оборудовано:
зеленой сигнальной лампой (лампами) для индикации нормальной работы;
желтой сигнальной лампой, которая загорается, когда сопротивление изоляции достигает минимально допустимого значения.
[ГОСТ Р 50571.28-2006]


сигнальный огонь

[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]



Смотреть что такое «signal light» в других словарях:

signal light — Synonyms and related words: Very flare, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, flare, flare up, fusee, lighthouse, lightship, magnesium flare, occulting light, pharos, rocket, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, skyrocket, watch… … Moby Thesaurus

signal light — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal fire • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire … Useful english dictionary

signal light — The small lights which blink on either side of the front of the vehicle and either side of the rear of the vehicle. Some early cars (like the Austin and Flying Standard) had small illuminated arms that flipped out from the B post instead. The… … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light warning light — A light on the instrument panel which flashes when the signal lights are operating. Usually this light is in the shape of a green arrow. On some cars, like Cadillac, a secondary light is mounted in a pod on the upper edge of each front fender and … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light lamp — flashlight used for sending signals … English contemporary dictionary

Signal passed at danger — (SPAD), in railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British … Wikipedia

signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus

light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal fire — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal light • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire * * * signal fire, a fire used in giving a signal … Useful english dictionary

light warning light — See signal light warning light … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal gun — n. device which shoots a bright signal light … English contemporary dictionary


signal light

Смотреть что такое «signal light» в других словарях:

signal light — Synonyms and related words: Very flare, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, flare, flare up, fusee, lighthouse, lightship, magnesium flare, occulting light, pharos, rocket, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, skyrocket, watch… … Moby Thesaurus

signal light — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal fire • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire … Useful english dictionary

signal light — The small lights which blink on either side of the front of the vehicle and either side of the rear of the vehicle. Some early cars (like the Austin and Flying Standard) had small illuminated arms that flipped out from the B post instead. The… … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light warning light — A light on the instrument panel which flashes when the signal lights are operating. Usually this light is in the shape of a green arrow. On some cars, like Cadillac, a secondary light is mounted in a pod on the upper edge of each front fender and … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light lamp — flashlight used for sending signals … English contemporary dictionary

Signal passed at danger — (SPAD), in railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British … Wikipedia

signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus

light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal fire — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal light • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire * * * signal fire, a fire used in giving a signal … Useful english dictionary

light warning light — See signal light warning light … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal gun — n. device which shoots a bright signal light … English contemporary dictionary


signal light

light pen — световое перо

light year — световой год

light table — световой стол

light bath — световая ванна

light stylus — световое перо

Смотреть что такое «signal light» в других словарях:

signal light — Synonyms and related words: Very flare, balefire, beacon fire, beacons, flare, flare up, fusee, lighthouse, lightship, magnesium flare, occulting light, pharos, rocket, signal beacon, signal flare, signal lamp, signal rocket, skyrocket, watch… … Moby Thesaurus

signal light — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal fire • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire … Useful english dictionary

signal light — The small lights which blink on either side of the front of the vehicle and either side of the rear of the vehicle. Some early cars (like the Austin and Flying Standard) had small illuminated arms that flipped out from the B post instead. The… … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light warning light — A light on the instrument panel which flashes when the signal lights are operating. Usually this light is in the shape of a green arrow. On some cars, like Cadillac, a secondary light is mounted in a pod on the upper edge of each front fender and … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal light lamp — flashlight used for sending signals … English contemporary dictionary

Signal passed at danger — (SPAD), in railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British … Wikipedia

signal — Synonyms and related words: ALGOL, COBOL, CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, EDP, FORTRAN, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Roman candle, Teletype, Wirephoto, aid to navigation, alarm, alert, alphabetic data, alphanumeric code, amber light,… … Moby Thesaurus

light — [1] Something that is easy to operate. [2] Something that has relatively little weight. [3] A vehicle window. See backlight. [4] An illumination device. [5] A British term for window. Also see auxiliary brake light auxiliary driving light back up … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal fire — noun a fire set as a signal • Syn: ↑signal light • Hypernyms: ↑beacon, ↑beacon fire * * * signal fire, a fire used in giving a signal … Useful english dictionary

light warning light — See signal light warning light … Dictionary of automotive terms

signal gun — n. device which shoots a bright signal light … English contemporary dictionary


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