Skse memory fix is not active что делать

«SKSE memory fix is not active» Help

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. post offline. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-post offline. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка post offline

i run my modded skyrim through vortex but Whenever i try to start a game it says

«Warning: SKSE Memory Fix is not active on your game! Make sure «Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini» has defaultheapinitialallocMB=768 or higher under [Memory]. If using mod orgnizer try adding- Forcesteamloader to skse startup options. You can disable this warning from «data/SKSE/plugins/crashfixplugin.ini» by setting «warnSKSEmemorypatch» to 0″

Does anyone know a way how i might fix this?

Awake at stupid o’clock

Do you have SKSE.ini in your » data/SKSE/plugins/» with your other skse plugins and ini files?

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. post offline. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-post offline. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка post offline

No, I just have it in my SKSE folder.

I can move it though

Awake at stupid o’clock

No, I just have it in my SKSE folder.

I can move it though

Yes, try moving it to the plugin folder

my plugins folder doesn’t have the ini. and my skse simply says that vortex manages this folder. now what?

I’m in this exact situation. The file does not exist anywhere, apparently. Creating it in any of the mentioned locations has no effect. Help please?

Awake at stupid o’clock

my plugins folder doesn’t have the ini. and my skse simply says that vortex manages this folder. now what?

You don’t have SKSE installed correctly, follow the installation instructions included in the SKSE 7z file

I’ve installed Skyrim. Skyrim is stable. I’ve installed Requiem. Requiem is stable. I ran the SKSE executable and since you mentioned following the 7z instructions, I’ve additionally created a blank skse.ini where directed and copied the pex files. Still the message persists.

Per other instructions, I’ve now added the following text to the ini file, still the error message persists:


Please disregard the above post. I’ve solved this issue. First of all, the SKSE data I posted was incorrect, the variable names were not written case-sensitive as they should have been. Additionally, what made this work was adding -forcesteamloader to Vortex SKSE Command Line. That’s all it took.


Увелечение используемой оперативной памяти для Скайрима

Все таки я не понял:

У меня легендарное официальное издание Скайриме в стиме. 64х операционная система с 4 гигами оперативки

Скай 32 битный, а значит не может пользоваться полноценно 4 гигами, ну или чуть меньше.

И все вроде понятно, но в обсуждениях наткнулся на такой параметр как:

Теперь второй вариант расширения используемой памяти для ская:

Этот способ я нашел благодаря моду RCRN, а точнее команде разрабов, которая на своем сайте разместили пост об настройках ская через ini файл ( а про эту статью узнал, благодаря моду на фикл болчных теней и лагов с
другого сайта ).

Пишут они примерно следующее:

Bethesda выпустила «4gb патч» более 8 месяцев назад, но он не имеет большого значения, так как это было просто LAA исправление в целях обеспечения правильной обработки памяти под 64-битных систем. Но это не обязательно означает, ваша система будет автоматически использовать более 4 Гб оперативной памяти!

Для того, чтобы принудить Skyrim использовать ​​правильный объем системной ( оперативной ) памяти, вы должны применить следующий твик:

Откройте Skyrim.ini, который, как правило, находится по пути: C:\Users\Имя Пользвателя\Documents\My Games\Skyrim и найдите строку в разделе [Papyrus]:

Затем измените значение с пометкой «*******» на значение, соответствующее количеству вашей оперативной памяти в системы, путем консультаций на вкладку ниже:

(если строки там нет, просто добавьте соответствующую строку)

Эта настройка обычно хорошо помогает, мы обнаружили, что игра становится на 20% более гладкой, когда установлено правильное значение памяти!

Так вот последний вопрос:

3.Вопрос: вы знаете про это? Пользовались? Если да, то что лучше?

Ссылки на источники информации, которыми пользовался при написании данного поста:

Спасибо за внимание!

Вообщем один человек мне ответил:

1. Это уже окончательный вариант, так как именно в SKSE такой параметр как 768 пишется, так нужно,потому что 512 множит ещё прибавку 256 и в итоге
должно быть 768 чтобы по сути было 512, 256 не изменять!

3. Это уже не актуально, так как сам SKSE 1.07.00 и выше делает тоже самое только по другому, но принцип тот же, так что это не нужно.

Раз такая ситуация, то интересно по-пробывать связку:

SKSE без настроек для оперативы + настройки от RCRN.

Желательно в сравнении с решением от SKSE

У меня skse вылетает с ошибкой из-за строчки

Запуск через сам стим, не запускает версию Ская с SKSE.

Решил свою проблему следующим способом:

1. Переименовал TESV.exe в Skyrim.exe

2. Переименовал SKSE_loader.exe в TESV.exe

3. Создал в skse.ini следующую строку:

P.s.: Долго мне пришлось догадываться, почему не работает. Как работает стим со Скаем:

Вот и все. Наконец то.

Спасибо за внимание))

Привет. У меня есть проблема. После добавления в skse.ini строчек:

Появляется лого, а меню нет. Т.е. там нет «начать новую игру» и т.п. Но! Если вместо 768 поставить 512 (или вообще убрать эти строчки), то всё становится нормально. Что с этим делать?

Оперативной у меня 10г, по диспетчеру если смотреть, то он особо и не «жрёт»

Привет. У меня есть проблема. После добавления в skse.ini строчек:

Появляется лого, а меню нет. Т.е. там нет «начать новую игру» и т.п. Но! Если вместо 768 поставить 512 (или вообще убрать эти строчки), то всё становится нормально. Что с этим делать?

Оперативной у меня 10г, по диспетчеру если смотреть, то он особо и не «жрёт»

Оказалось что проблема была не в патче, а в модах. Порядок не тот был. Но как-то странно, когда я ещё не поставил патч, то он запускался спокойно, но когда поставил, тогда и появилась проблема. Но, в общем, я решил уже проблему.

У меня skse вылетает с ошибкой из-за строчки

Запуск через сам стим, не запускает версию Ская с SKSE.

Решил свою проблему следующим способом:

1. Переименовал TESV.exe в Skyrim.exe

2. Переименовал SKSE_loader.exe в TESV.exe

3. Создал в skse.ini следующую строку:

P.s.: Долго мне пришлось догадываться, почему не работает. Как работает стим со Скаем:

Вот и все. Наконец то.

Если вы хотите, чтобы все было как у меня, то просто следуйте моей инструкции. Только одно но: после это замены все автоматические сортировщики начнут путаться и не изменять списки модов, поэтому применяем переименовывание только в конце сборки нужных модов.

а вот мне пишет типа при добавлении этих строк skyui начинает лагать


Skse memory fix is not active что делать

My settings for the SKSE.ini file are as follows,

I am running Skyrim with,
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor @ 4.01Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 4GB
1TB Sandisk SSD

Thank you for your time.

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка d34d6320d02281f7c2876178250f5388a7e31dc8

I am not familiar with that, so I can not help. Do you use LOOT to sort your load order? After running LOOT be sure to click on the button in the upper right that says «Sort» when hovered over, then click «Apply» once it appears.

Post your load order. We will get this figured out.

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. e95fdeb7c9ae630c089e1d3399b01feaa947dc27. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-e95fdeb7c9ae630c089e1d3399b01feaa947dc27. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка e95fdeb7c9ae630c089e1d3399b01feaa947dc27

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 936c3bc0974098809de684da1f5dc7a4b4074639

Thanks folks, I will post my load order, I have used LOOT to sort my load order, no issues with crashing on start up. If there is any other information you folks need to fix this issue, I’ll do my best to provide. Thanks again.


Skse memory fix is not active что делать

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 5. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-5. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 5

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 18. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-18. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 18

We have a bunch of new players here. I see that same questions keep popping up, our support posts are a bit spread out and (as usual) peoples do not seem to pay much attention to pinned topics. I decided to write a short post to cover most questions.

First things first.
— Stay calm. Basic modding is not hard. Bugs are annoying, but most of them are fixable. You should be able to finish the game in it’s vanilla form, but game may toss you some game breaking bugs. Patches below are meant to deal with them.

Skyrim LE has been removed from Steam. It was later known as Skyrim Bundle and was available from Skyrim Steam store page. Bundle has now been removed from Steam store page.

This post has sister post in Skyrim SE discussions.

There are no «must have mods» for Skyrim. If you wish to find most popular mods, then visit Skyrim Nexus and search files to your liking. Note that not all the categories are visible, until you sign in to page.

What we consider as «must have» mods is Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. Patch fixes plenty of pointless bugs, save bloat and resource heavy loops from the game.

Wrye Bash comes with an installer. This executable should find your Skyrim folder automatically, when ran. If this does not happen, then use it’s own browser to locate your . SteamApps/common/Skyrim folder and run the installer.

GamerPoets video about how to create TES5Merged.

5.5. BodySlide
This application allows you to generate female bodies and conform supported clothes according to presets that you have installed or made. It supports Calientes Beutiful Bodies Edition (CBB) and Unified UNP (UUNP). BodySlide is a good projects for body and clothing conversions, but you also need armors and clothes with slider support for both BodySlide and the body you are using.

SKSE stands for Skyrim Script Extender. As the name suggests, it extends the script resources available for mod authors and players. SKSE resources only work when called. It doesn’t to a thing on it’s own, so most questions about «SKSE problems» are usually just misunderstandings.

It is important to note that SKSE does not interfere with Steam. It does not prevent your hours from getting recorded, or disable your achievements. SKSE launcher only replaces the default launcher. The game itself is run and tracked normally through Steam.

SKSE is used by several mods. Most notable is SkyUI that has Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) included with it. MCM allows players to configure mods in game. Not all mods have MCM and those mods do not need to be configured in game.

If you have installed SKSE from Steam, then the app will run directly with launcher. This requires that Steam overlay is active. Otherwise you need to run SKSE from launcher, like in standalone installation.

Following gives more detailed explanation about how to install SKSE to your game.

Using SKSE is recommended, even if you do not use any SKSE related mods in your game. It allows you to use the main memory fix for Skyrim, helping you to deal with lengthy or stuck loading screens and ingame loading event crashes. Instructions how to set memory fix + other tweaks can be found from the link below.

What we often need is your load order from LOOT. This is the good method of getting it, with both NMM and MO.

Mod Ogranizer has this and your Mod List (see Load order and resource priorities above) in your . Mod Organizer\profiles\

. If you are posting MO load order spesific questions, then provide the Mod List as well.

About Papyrus logs
What we do not usually need is your Papyrus log, unless especially asked for by us, or mod author. Players often mistaken it as a crash log. It is not. The log rarely even records the script that was ran before game crashing to desktop. It does record all the events and not just errors, so it can easily lead player to wrong conclusions.

Papyrus logs are mostly useful only to mod authors, when troubleshooting behaviour of their own mods. It rarely tells them what exactly happened, but it does display if the important scripts were ran, failed, or stuck and spamming the Papyrus.

You need to provide to log for mod author, if he/she especially asks for it either in pinned post/mod description or replying to your question. You can activate the log by following these instructions.

Activate it only for the time you are creating the log and disable it after that.

. Set following as 1. Replace them to 0, after log has been made.

These logs can be found from Documents > My Games > Skyrim > Logs. The one marked with «0» is the most recent one.

How to make Skyrim vanilla again?
Sometimes you just can’t find the solution and reinstalling the game does not seem to work. Then it is time to start from the scratch and make Skyrim vanilla again. Instructions from grimus can be found from here:

Nexus is free. Just scroll down through purely optional membership choices and sign in, without selecting any of them.

You may notice that many of us currently recommend using Nexus instead of Workshop. This does not mean that peoples are Nexus advocates, or have bias toward Skyrim Workshop. It is simply that Workshop got messed up during the spring 2015. It looses data and has problems with subscriptions. So far neither Valve or Bethesda has taken steps to fix it.

Nazenn wrote good guides about tools we use. He also gave advanced tips for peoples, who are already more familiar with the game.

* = Your Windows Folder Options may hide file extensions. In this case, INI-files are displayed as configuration files, if file type is shown. You can set file extensions visible from the list that opens under Control Panel > Folder Options.

Windows 10 in File Explorer > View Tab to the right are check boxes for File Extensions and Hidden Files.

I recommend doing this any way, because most games that can be modded require that user can see file extensions, to pick the proper file.

. Make sure that resolution of the game matches with your screen resolution.


Skse memory fix is not active что делать

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка eaa58e953a4c4b3d3f4ade850caa1a3d30e3041a

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 5. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-5. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 5

Skse memory fix is not active что делать. 18. Skse memory fix is not active что делать фото. Skse memory fix is not active что делать-18. картинка Skse memory fix is not active что делать. картинка 18

We have a bunch of new players here. I see that same questions keep popping up, our support posts are a bit spread out and (as usual) peoples do not seem to pay much attention to pinned topics. I decided to write a short post to cover most questions.

First things first.
— Stay calm. Basic modding is not hard. Bugs are annoying, but most of them are fixable. You should be able to finish the game in it’s vanilla form, but game may toss you some game breaking bugs. Patches below are meant to deal with them.

Skyrim LE has been removed from Steam. It was later known as Skyrim Bundle and was available from Skyrim Steam store page. Bundle has now been removed from Steam store page.

This post has sister post in Skyrim SE discussions.

There are no «must have mods» for Skyrim. If you wish to find most popular mods, then visit Skyrim Nexus and search files to your liking. Note that not all the categories are visible, until you sign in to page.

What we consider as «must have» mods is Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch. Patch fixes plenty of pointless bugs, save bloat and resource heavy loops from the game.

Wrye Bash comes with an installer. This executable should find your Skyrim folder automatically, when ran. If this does not happen, then use it’s own browser to locate your . SteamApps/common/Skyrim folder and run the installer.

GamerPoets video about how to create TES5Merged.

5.5. BodySlide
This application allows you to generate female bodies and conform supported clothes according to presets that you have installed or made. It supports Calientes Beutiful Bodies Edition (CBB) and Unified UNP (UUNP). BodySlide is a good projects for body and clothing conversions, but you also need armors and clothes with slider support for both BodySlide and the body you are using.

SKSE stands for Skyrim Script Extender. As the name suggests, it extends the script resources available for mod authors and players. SKSE resources only work when called. It doesn’t to a thing on it’s own, so most questions about «SKSE problems» are usually just misunderstandings.

It is important to note that SKSE does not interfere with Steam. It does not prevent your hours from getting recorded, or disable your achievements. SKSE launcher only replaces the default launcher. The game itself is run and tracked normally through Steam.

SKSE is used by several mods. Most notable is SkyUI that has Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) included with it. MCM allows players to configure mods in game. Not all mods have MCM and those mods do not need to be configured in game.

If you have installed SKSE from Steam, then the app will run directly with launcher. This requires that Steam overlay is active. Otherwise you need to run SKSE from launcher, like in standalone installation.

Following gives more detailed explanation about how to install SKSE to your game.

Using SKSE is recommended, even if you do not use any SKSE related mods in your game. It allows you to use the main memory fix for Skyrim, helping you to deal with lengthy or stuck loading screens and ingame loading event crashes. Instructions how to set memory fix + other tweaks can be found from the link below.

What we often need is your load order from LOOT. This is the good method of getting it, with both NMM and MO.

Mod Ogranizer has this and your Mod List (see Load order and resource priorities above) in your . Mod Organizer\profiles\

. If you are posting MO load order spesific questions, then provide the Mod List as well.

About Papyrus logs
What we do not usually need is your Papyrus log, unless especially asked for by us, or mod author. Players often mistaken it as a crash log. It is not. The log rarely even records the script that was ran before game crashing to desktop. It does record all the events and not just errors, so it can easily lead player to wrong conclusions.

Papyrus logs are mostly useful only to mod authors, when troubleshooting behaviour of their own mods. It rarely tells them what exactly happened, but it does display if the important scripts were ran, failed, or stuck and spamming the Papyrus.

You need to provide to log for mod author, if he/she especially asks for it either in pinned post/mod description or replying to your question. You can activate the log by following these instructions.

Activate it only for the time you are creating the log and disable it after that.

. Set following as 1. Replace them to 0, after log has been made.

These logs can be found from Documents > My Games > Skyrim > Logs. The one marked with «0» is the most recent one.

How to make Skyrim vanilla again?
Sometimes you just can’t find the solution and reinstalling the game does not seem to work. Then it is time to start from the scratch and make Skyrim vanilla again. Instructions from grimus can be found from here:

Nexus is free. Just scroll down through purely optional membership choices and sign in, without selecting any of them.

You may notice that many of us currently recommend using Nexus instead of Workshop. This does not mean that peoples are Nexus advocates, or have bias toward Skyrim Workshop. It is simply that Workshop got messed up during the spring 2015. It looses data and has problems with subscriptions. So far neither Valve or Bethesda has taken steps to fix it.

Nazenn wrote good guides about tools we use. He also gave advanced tips for peoples, who are already more familiar with the game.

* = Your Windows Folder Options may hide file extensions. In this case, INI-files are displayed as configuration files, if file type is shown. You can set file extensions visible from the list that opens under Control Panel > Folder Options.

Windows 10 in File Explorer > View Tab to the right are check boxes for File Extensions and Hidden Files.

I recommend doing this any way, because most games that can be modded require that user can see file extensions, to pick the proper file.

. Make sure that resolution of the game matches with your screen resolution.


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