Sloppy toppy что значит
неряшливый, небрежный (о работе и т. п.)
покрытый лужами, мокрый (о дороге) ;
забрызганный, залитый (о столе, скатерти)
Смотреть что такое «sloppy» в других словарях:
Sloppy — Slop py, a. [Compar.
sloppy — 1727, muddy, from SLOP (Cf. slop) (q.v.). Meaning loose, ill fitting is first recorded 1825, influenced by slop loose outer garment (1376), which is probably from M.Du. slop. Hence, also, slop shop (1723). Sloppy Joe was originally loose fitting… … Etymology dictionary
sloppy — index careless, repulsive, slipshod Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sloppy — slovenly, unkempt, disheveled, *slipshod Analogous words: *negligent, neglectful, slack, remiss, lax: mawkish, maudlin, soppy, slushy (see SENTIMENTAL): *slatternly, dowdy, frowzy, blowsy Contrasted words: *careful, meticulous, scrupulous,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sloppy — [adj] messy awkward, bedraggled, botched, careless, clumsy, dingy, dirty, disheveled, inattentive, mediocre, muddy, not clean, poor, slapdash, slipshod, slovenly, sludgy*, slushy*, splashy*, tacky*, unkempt, unthorough, untidy, watery, wet;… … New thesaurus
sloppy — ► ADJECTIVE (sloppier, sloppiest) 1) (of semi fluid matter) containing too much liquid; watery. 2) careless and unsystematic. 3) (of a garment) casual and loose fitting. 4) weakly or foolishly sentimental. DERIVATIVES sloppily … English terms dictionary
sloppy — [släp′ē] adj. sloppier, sloppiest 1. consisting of or covered with slop; wet and splashy; muddy; slushy 2. splashed or spotted with liquids 3. a) very untidy; showing lack of care; slovenly or messy b) careless; slipshod … English World dictionary
sloppy — UK [ˈslɒpɪ] / US [ˈslɑpɪ] adjective Word forms sloppy : adjective sloppy comparative sloppier superlative sloppiest 1) done in a very careless way a sloppy performance 2) sloppy clothes are loose and informal a sloppy sweatshirt 3) expressing… … English dictionary
sloppy — sloppily, adv. sloppiness, n. /slop ee/, adj., sloppier, sloppiest. 1. muddy, slushy, or very wet: The field was a sloppy mess after the rain. 2. splashed or soiled with liquid. 3. careless; loose: sloppy writing. 4. untidy; slovenly: sloppy… … Universalium
sloppy — slop|py [ˈslɔpi US ˈsla:pi] adj 1.) not done carefully or thoroughly = ↑careless ▪ sloppy work ▪ His written reports are incredibly sloppy. 2.) sloppy clothes are loose fitting, untidy, or dirty ▪ Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater. 3.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sloppy — [[t]slɒ̱pi[/t]] sloppier, sloppiest 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone s work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way. He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues. His… … English dictionary
1 sloppy
2 sloppy
3 sloppy
4 sloppy
5 sloppy
He did sloppy work. — Он небрежно выполнил работу.
6 sloppy
7 sloppy
неряшливый, небрежный (о работе и т. п.)
покрытый лужами, мокрый (о дороге) ;
забрызганный, залитый (о столе, скатерти)
8 sloppy
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13 sloppy
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15 sloppy
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19 sloppy
20 sloppy
См. также в других словарях:
Sloppy — Slop py, a. [Compar.
sloppy — 1727, muddy, from SLOP (Cf. slop) (q.v.). Meaning loose, ill fitting is first recorded 1825, influenced by slop loose outer garment (1376), which is probably from M.Du. slop. Hence, also, slop shop (1723). Sloppy Joe was originally loose fitting… … Etymology dictionary
sloppy — index careless, repulsive, slipshod Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sloppy — slovenly, unkempt, disheveled, *slipshod Analogous words: *negligent, neglectful, slack, remiss, lax: mawkish, maudlin, soppy, slushy (see SENTIMENTAL): *slatternly, dowdy, frowzy, blowsy Contrasted words: *careful, meticulous, scrupulous,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sloppy — [adj] messy awkward, bedraggled, botched, careless, clumsy, dingy, dirty, disheveled, inattentive, mediocre, muddy, not clean, poor, slapdash, slipshod, slovenly, sludgy*, slushy*, splashy*, tacky*, unkempt, unthorough, untidy, watery, wet;… … New thesaurus
sloppy — ► ADJECTIVE (sloppier, sloppiest) 1) (of semi fluid matter) containing too much liquid; watery. 2) careless and unsystematic. 3) (of a garment) casual and loose fitting. 4) weakly or foolishly sentimental. DERIVATIVES sloppily … English terms dictionary
sloppy — [släp′ē] adj. sloppier, sloppiest 1. consisting of or covered with slop; wet and splashy; muddy; slushy 2. splashed or spotted with liquids 3. a) very untidy; showing lack of care; slovenly or messy b) careless; slipshod … English World dictionary
sloppy — UK [ˈslɒpɪ] / US [ˈslɑpɪ] adjective Word forms sloppy : adjective sloppy comparative sloppier superlative sloppiest 1) done in a very careless way a sloppy performance 2) sloppy clothes are loose and informal a sloppy sweatshirt 3) expressing… … English dictionary
sloppy — sloppily, adv. sloppiness, n. /slop ee/, adj., sloppier, sloppiest. 1. muddy, slushy, or very wet: The field was a sloppy mess after the rain. 2. splashed or soiled with liquid. 3. careless; loose: sloppy writing. 4. untidy; slovenly: sloppy… … Universalium
sloppy — slop|py [ˈslɔpi US ˈsla:pi] adj 1.) not done carefully or thoroughly = ↑careless ▪ sloppy work ▪ His written reports are incredibly sloppy. 2.) sloppy clothes are loose fitting, untidy, or dirty ▪ Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater. 3.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
sloppy — [[t]slɒ̱pi[/t]] sloppier, sloppiest 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone s work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way. He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues. His… … English dictionary
Я получу / Ты получишь
Я получу / Ты получишь (Деловое предложение, Trade offer, I receive / You receive) – мем, пародирующий торговую сделку в играх или спорте. Но герой шаблона, как правило, делает предложение, выгодное только ему или бессмысленное вообще.
Мем Trade offer появился в Тиктоке 18 марта 2021 года. Его автор – пользователь c ником @bradeazy. Оригинальный ролик не сохранился, только его перезалив в инстаграме.
Герой мема стоит в деловом костюме, сомкнув пальцы обеих рук. Над ним плашка с надписью Trade offer (“Деловое предложение”). И ниже пояснение: I receive sloppy toppy / You receive nothing. Переводится это так: “Я получу слоппи топпи (вид орального секса), ты получишь ничего”.
Именно шаблоны с кадрами из роликов bradeazy стали каноническими. Но до них похожий формат уже существовал в соцсетях. Наиболее ранний ролик, который можно назвать первоисточником, вышел 12 ноября 2020 года.
Тогда видео не стало особенно популярным. Но уже в марте 2021 года в Тиктоке начали делать новые мемы в стиле Trade offer или Trade proposal (чаще всего люди обращались к богу).
На волне этого тренда выстрелили аккаунт @bradeazy. Сейчас он активно копирует свои же мемы на самые разные темы. А скрины из его видео расходятся на других площадках.
Мем “Я получу / Ты получишь” или Trade offer иронично иллюстрирует несправедливость жизни. Порой мы получаем совсем не то, чего ждем или заслуживаем. Формат пародирует сделки в компьютерных играх или спортивные трансферы. Правда, в этих мемах сделка не выгодна одной из сторон, и от нее почти всегда нельзя отказаться.
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Мои примеры
He did sloppy work.
Он небрежно выполнил работу.
His written reports are incredibly sloppy.
Его письменные отчёты невероятно небрежны.
They upbraided him for his sloppy work.
Они отругали его за небрежную работу.
Your work has been very sloppy lately.
В последнее время вы работали очень небрежно.
I couldn’t decipher his sloppy handwriting.
Я не мог разобрать его небрежный почерк.
The movie is a mess, as sloppy in concept as it is in execution.
В этом фильме полнейшая неразбериха. Он столь же небрежен по замыслу, сколь и по исполнению.
Listen, you sloppy article, who was on guard from twelve to two last night?
Послушай, ты, грязный тип, кто был вчера ночью в карауле с двенадцати до двух?
He’s always been a sloppy writer.
Он всегда пишет очень неряшливо.
The film is a sloppy romance.
Этот фильм — слезливая мелодрама.
Ann was dressed in a sloppy brown sweater.
Энн была одета в замызганный /мешковатый/ коричневый свитер.
His boss criticized him for his sloppy work habits.
Начальник раскритиковал его за привычку халтурно работать.
The band’s sloppy playing produced only catcalls from the crowd.
На корявое исполнение группы публика отреагировала лишь пренебрежительным свистом.
Sloppy toppy что значит
A simple Prop Hunt map. Its like a little street with two houses and some random stuff.
Only hl2 required to play (no css, tf2. )
Experience Prop Hunt in this brand new de_dust inspired hotel-themed map!
After years of making Source maps for fun, this is my first PROPerly-published map. I hope you all enjoy it.
Requires CS:Source
map name: ph_dustyhotel
Credit to Purpl.
Проп Хант на русском!
Пока что, аддон дорабатывается, НО!
Добавлены только звуки (F3 кнопка) самые смешные русские звуки:)
Потом будет ПОЛНЫЙ перевод!
Ждите новых обновлений!
— Добавлен перевод (не полный)
— Пофикшены баги!
Compact map set in and around a courtyard stuck between apartment buildings.
Features a courtyard, drainage tunnel and apartment.
Requires CS:S to work properly.
Official map for the Cinema Gamemode.
Trying something different.
Give me feedback about this type of map, tell me if it works.
And as always,
Have fun!
Update (14/10/2018):
-Fixed occluder issue;.
Exam is in 4 days and yet I wasted 8 hours on this, procrastination pls.
A Prophunt map based on some parking lot in bulgaria
Includes Random Prop Spawning! Which means some props you see in one round might be gone in the next one. This hopefully helps to combat pe.
«I was saying Boo-Urns»
The man getting hit by a football is now in GMOD.
Includes: Playermodel, Faceposes, Ally & Enemy NPCs.
Here’s Mr Burns. This model also has face and finger posing!
I also tried something new with the shading to make it look like how the original model looks in The Simpsons Game.
Here’s this unholy abomination, Hank Hill as Marge Simpson.
Includes: Playermodel & Ally and Enemy NPCs
Includes: Playermodel, Face and Eyeposing, & Ally & Enemy NPCs
I don’t take requests.
«Hey Lois, Remember the time that I was a Playermodel in Garry’s Mod?»
I don’t take requests, Dont ask for anything please for the love of god. I’m sick of it.
This model pretty much took an entire day to fix up and rig.
Includes: Playermodel, Ey.
There I did rehydrated SpongeBob.
Now can you stop bugging me for Rehydrated models?
I got a life that isn’t just this you know.
Includes: Playermodel, Faceposes ripped from the game, and Ally & Enemy NPCs.
Giggity Giggity Goo!
Quagmire from Family Guy is now in GMOD. One quick warning don’t look at him from the front. (its pretty disturbing)
Contains Player Model, Ally & Enemy NPCS, and Viewmodel Hands. (Real proud of those they actually turned out w.
Springfield’s #1 Police Chief now in GMOD!
Contains Player Model, Ally & Enemy NPCS, and Viewmodel Hands.
Ripped and Rigged by Hell Inspector
Model ripped from The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Here’s Super Nintendo Chalmers for GMOD along with Skinner!
It’s the last addon I made of the year/decade. (even though I haven’t been around the whole decade)