Smelling salts что это такое
smelling salts
Смотреть что такое «smelling salts» в других словарях:
Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia
smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English
Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary
smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary
smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary
smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary
smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary
smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Что такое нюхательная соль?
Как сообщает нам Большая медицинская энциклопедия
НЮХАТЕЛЬНАЯ СОЛЬ (англ. smelling-salts), лекарственная форма для вдыхания летучих лекарственных средств, предложенная в 17 в. Ф. Сильвиусом (Frangois de le Воё Sylvius). Аммиачные Н. с. состоят из кусков углеаммониевой соли (Ammonium carbonicum), увлажненных крепким («тройным») нашатырным спиртом, с добавлением летучих ароматных веществ (скипидара, лавандового, бергамотного масла, терпинеола, ментола, камфоры); «кислые» Н. с. содержат куски уксуснонатриевой или же уксус-нокалиевой соли, смоченные ледяной уксусной кислотой (5—6% от веса соли), с добавлением вышеупомянутых летучих ароматных веществ. Отпускаются в хорошо закупоренных склянках. Употребляются (главным образом в Англии и Америке) при обмороке, опьянении и т. п. В СССР и странах центр. Европы эта форма вышла из употребления. Другие близкие формы: нюхательный порошок—смесь, предназначенная для применения «понюшками» наподобие нюхательного табака; обычный состав (в мельчайших порошках): борная кислота, кофе, донник, иногда нюхательный табак и т. п. с примесью ментола, тимола, бетола. Имеются смеси с салициловой к-той и даже с вератрином; эти смеси могут оказаться опасными (см.Вератрьн). Применяются при насморке. Для вдыханий служит также форма «холодных папирос»: в трубке в длинном мундштуке помещается | между двумя слоями ваты (или марли и т. п.) небольшое количество ментола или других сильно пахучих веществ. При вдыхании сквозь такую трубку воздух насыщается запахом помещенных в трубке средств. Употребляется также пропитанная летучими лекарственными веществами вата, которая вводится в нос (при болезнях носоглотки) и действует газообразной частью. Такая вата— сФорман», пропитанная смесью формалина и ментола или же сложным эфиром (хлормети-ловым эфиром ментола), полученным из этих инп>едиентов, приготовляется, разными заводами в СССР. Все эти нюхательные формы (как и газообразные лекарственные формы вообще) страдают неточностью дозировки действующих начал и поэтому применяются там, где имеется в виду их качественное действие, а колич. отношения несущественны.
smelling salts
1 smelling-salts
2 smelling salts
3 smelling salts
4 smelling salts
pepper-upper bath salts — соли для ванны, поднимающие тонус
vegetation of salts — выцветание соли; солевые выцветы
5 smelling salts
6 smelling-salts
7 smelling salts
8 smelling salts
9 smelling-salts
10 smelling-salts
11 smelling salts
12 smelling salts
13 smelling salts
См. также в других словарях:
Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia
smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English
Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary
smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary
smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary
smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary
smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary
smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
smelling salts
1 нюхательная соль
2 привести (кого-л.) в сознание нюхательной солью
3 раствор нашатырного карбоната аммония с добавлением душистого вещества
4 раствор нашатырного спирта аммония с добавлением душистого вещества
5 раствор нашатырного спирта или карбоната аммония с добавлением душистого вещества
6 привести в сознание нюхательной солью
7 соль
поваренная соль — (common) salt, sodium chloride
♢ соль земли — the salt of the earth
ключ соль — treble clef, G clef
8 нюхательная соль
Smelling salts will often bring a fainting person to. — Нюхательная соль часто приводит человека в сознание.
9 соль
пова́ренная соль — (common) salt, sodium chloride
столо́вая соль — table salt
ка́менная соль — rock salt
морска́я соль — sea salt
ню́хательная соль — smelling salts pl
в анекдо́тах заключена́ соль его́ расска́за — jokes are the salt of his narrative
в э́том вся соль — that’s the whole point
соль земли́ — the salt of the earth
насы́пать соли на хвост кому́-л — create trouble for smb; ≈ play a mean trick on smb
соль дие́з — G sharp
соль бемо́ль — G flat
ключ соль — treble clef, G clef
10 нюхательная соль
11 нюхательная соль
12 Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts
13 Magnesium salts of fatty acids
14 Saccharin and its Na, K, and Ca salts
15 Sweet Smelling Toilet
16 heat stable amine salts
17 heat transfer salts
18 oral rehydration salts
19 total dissolved salts
20 total soluble salts
См. также в других словарях:
Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia
smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English
Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary
smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary
smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary
smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary
smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary
smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
1 smelling-salts
2 smelling salts
3 smelling salts
4 smelling salts
pepper-upper bath salts — соли для ванны, поднимающие тонус
vegetation of salts — выцветание соли; солевые выцветы
5 smelling salts
6 smelling-salts
7 smelling salts
8 smelling salts
9 smelling-salts
10 smelling-salts
11 smelling salts
12 smelling salts
13 smelling salts
См. также в других словарях:
Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia
smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English
Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary
smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary
smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary
smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary
smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary
smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English