Smelling salts что это

smelling salts

Смотреть что такое «smelling salts» в других словарях:

Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia

smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English

Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary

smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary

smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary

smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary

smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary

smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang

smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium

smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


Что такое нюхательная соль?

Как сообщает нам Большая медицинская энциклопедия

НЮХАТЕЛЬНАЯ СОЛЬ (англ. smelling-salts), лекарственная форма для вдыхания летучих лекарственных средств, предложенная в 17 в. Ф. Сильвиусом (Frangois de le Воё Sylvius). Аммиачные Н. с. состоят из кусков углеаммониевой соли (Ammonium carbonicum), увлажненных крепким («тройным») нашатырным спиртом, с добавлением летучих ароматных веществ (скипидара, лавандового, бергамотного масла, терпинеола, ментола, камфоры); «кислые» Н. с. содержат куски уксуснонатриевой или же уксус-нокалиевой соли, смоченные ледяной уксусной кислотой (5—6% от веса соли), с добавлением вышеупомянутых летучих ароматных веществ. Отпускаются в хорошо закупоренных склянках. Употребляются (главным образом в Англии и Америке) при обмороке, опьянении и т. п. В СССР и странах центр. Европы эта форма вышла из употребления. Другие близкие формы: нюхательный порошок—смесь, предназначенная для применения «понюшками» наподобие нюхательного табака; обычный состав (в мельчайших порошках): борная кислота, кофе, донник, иногда нюхательный табак и т. п. с примесью ментола, тимола, бетола. Имеются смеси с салициловой к-той и даже с вератрином; эти смеси могут оказаться опасными (см.Вератрьн). Применяются при насморке. Для вдыханий служит также форма «холодных папирос»: в трубке в длинном мундштуке помещается | между двумя слоями ваты (или марли и т. п.) небольшое количество ментола или других сильно пахучих веществ. При вдыхании сквозь такую трубку воздух насыщается запахом помещенных в трубке средств. Употребляется также пропитанная летучими лекарственными веществами вата, которая вводится в нос (при болезнях носоглотки) и действует газообразной частью. Такая вата— сФорман», пропитанная смесью формалина и ментола или же сложным эфиром (хлормети-ловым эфиром ментола), полученным из этих инп>едиентов, приготовляется, разными заводами в СССР. Все эти нюхательные формы (как и газообразные лекарственные формы вообще) страдают неточностью дозировки действующих начал и поэтому применяются там, где имеется в виду их качественное действие, а колич. отношения несущественны.


smelling salts

Смотреть что такое «smelling salts» в других словарях:

Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia

smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English

Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary

smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary

smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary

smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary

smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary

smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang

smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium

smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


smelling salts

Смотреть что такое «smelling salts» в других словарях:

Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia

smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English

Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary

smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary

smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary

smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary

smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary

smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang

smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium

smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


smelling salts

1 smelling-salts

2 smelling salts

3 smelling salts

4 smelling salts

pepper-upper bath salts — соли для ванны, поднимающие тонус

vegetation of salts — выцветание соли; солевые выцветы

5 smelling salts

6 smelling-salts

7 smelling salts

8 smelling salts

9 smelling-salts

10 smelling-salts

11 smelling salts

12 smelling salts

13 smelling salts

См. также в других словарях:

Smelling salts — are chemical compounds used to arouse consciousness. One such compound is ammonium carbonate, a colorless to white, crystalline solid ((NH4)2CO3.H2O). Smelling salts release ammonia [NH3] gas, which irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and… … Wikipedia

smelling salts — n [plural] a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again when they have ↑fainted … Dictionary of contemporary English

Smelling salts — Smell ing salts An aromatic preparation of carbonate of ammonia and, often, some scent, to avoid or relieve faintness, headache, or the like. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

smelling salts — n pl but sing or pl in constr a usu. scented aromatic preparation of ammonium carbonate and ammonia water used as a stimulant and restorative * * * aromatized ammonium carbonate: stimulant and restorative … Medical dictionary

smelling salts — ► PLURAL NOUN chiefly historical ▪ ammonium carbonate mixed with perfume, sniffed by someone who feels faint … English terms dictionary

smelling salts — n. an aromatic mixture of carbonate of ammonium with some fragrant scent, used as an inhalant in relieving faintness, headaches, etc … English World dictionary

smelling salts — noun a pungent preparation of ammonium carbonate and perfume; sniffed as a stimulant to relieve faintness • Hypernyms: ↑formulation, ↑preparation • Substance Meronyms: ↑spirits of ammonia, ↑sal volatile * * * noun [plural] : a chemical that has a … Useful english dictionary

smelling salts — N PLURAL A bottle of smelling salts contains a chemical with a strong smell which is used to help someone recover after they have fainted … English dictionary

smelling salts — smell′ing salts n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang

smelling salts — a preparation for smelling, essentially of ammonium carbonate with some agreeable scent, used as a stimulant and restorative. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium

smelling salts — noun (plural) a strong smelling chemical that you hold under someone s nose to make them conscious again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English


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