Software must be updated to the latest version что это

The Difference Between Software Updates and Upgrades

They sound alike, but there’s a big difference

A software update, which is sometimes called a software patch, is not the same thing as a software upgrade. An update is generally an enhancement to the current version of the software or application, while an upgrade is a whole new version of it. Updates are usually free and simple to install. Often, you must pay for upgrades, and they’re more complicated to install.

Software Updates

A software update or patch is a free download for an application, operating system, or software suite that provides fixes for features that aren’t working as intended or adds minor software enhancements and compatibility.

Software updates are released to address security issues when they occur, address minor bugs discovered in the software, improve the operation of hardware or peripherals, and add support for new models of equipment. These small, incremental updates improve the operation of your software.

A common operating system update is a security update, which is issued to protect your computer against vulnerabilities that might be exploited by hackers and viruses. It is wise to install security updates when they are released to ensure your system is as protected as possible against constantly changing threats.

Software Updates Aren’t Limited to Computers

The operating system and apps that run on your phone and tablet, the smartwatch on your wrist, and any peripherals that live stream video to your TV use software that occasionally needs to be updated. In most cases, unless you have chosen a setting that allows automatic updates, the device notifies you when a software update is available and gives you information on why the update is important. Then, you decide whether to allow the update to go forward. The majority of software updates are applied over the internet, so an internet connection is often a requirement.

In the case of smartphones and tablets, the software takes the form of apps. When an updated version of an app is available, you’re notified either by message or by a visual indicator on the app icon. App updates are almost always no-cost and occur over a Wi-Fi connection after you give your permission.

Operating system updates for smartphones and tablets are usually made through the devices’ settings. In some cases, the mobile device must be connected to a power outlet during the installation of an operating system update, because the process takes longer than an app download.

If you subscribe to an internet application or a suite of apps, such as Microsoft 365, software updates may take place automatically. You may not realize the software has been updated. This is because the internet applications may not need to place a software update on your computer or device to work properly. In other cases, such as with Adobe Creative Cloud, you are notified when an update is available for the applications you previously downloaded, and you choose when to apply the update.

The Importance of Software Updates

Although they are typically small and free, software updates play important roles often related to solving or preventing a problem. For example, software updates:

Understanding Software Version Numbers

All software applications have version numbers associated with them. This number helps track iterations of the software, including updates and upgrades. It is represented as a series of numbers separated by periods.

The leftmost number in a software’s version number represents major upgrades to the software. For example, going from version 1.0 to 2.0 in software is a major upgrade. These upgrades may also have version names associated with them such as Windows 10 or macOS Catalina.

The rightmost number in a software’s version number generally represents minor updates. Going from version 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 is usually a small change and is usually delivered as a free update.

Software Upgrades

A software upgrade is a new version of the software that offers a significant change or major improvement over the current version. In many cases, a software upgrade requires the purchase of the newest version of the software, sometimes at a discounted price if you own an older version of the software.

If you bought your software recently and an upgrade is released soon after that, some software companies offer the upgrade to the latest version for free. Be sure to register the software when you install it so that you know if you qualify for these types of deals.

Before you install any update or upgrade, back up your device. Read the information issued with the update and upgrade announcements to make sure your computer or mobile device and its operating system are compatible and won’t suffer any repercussions.

Operating System Upgrades

Operating system (OS) upgrades are large and have significant effects on your computer. These upgrades can make important changes to your system in functionality, user interface, and general appearance over the previous version.

Examples of operating system upgrades include upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8 or Windows 10, or on Macs, to upgrading from OS 9 to OS X or macOS.

Software manufacturers usually offer free software updates for their products to make them compatible with new versions of operating systems. However, these updates may not be immediately available when the new OS software is released.


How to uninstall iOS or iPadOS beta software

Members of the Apple Beta Software Program, Customer Seed Program, and Apple Developer Program can try iOS or iPadOS beta releases. This article explains how to go back to the latest publicly-released version of iOS or iPadOS if you installed a version of iOS beta and no longer want it.

Remove the public beta

Remove the developer beta

Update when new iOS or iPadOS is available

Remove the public beta by deleting the beta profile

If you used a computer to install an iOS or iPadOS beta, you need to restore iOS or iPadOS to remove the beta version.

The easiest way to remove the public beta is to delete the beta profile, then wait for the next software update. Here’s what to do:

When the next public version of iOS or iPadOS is available, install it to move back to a non-beta version of iOS or iPadOS. If an update is already available, you can install it by going to Settings > General > Software Update, but the iOS or iPadOS version must be later than the version you have.

If you don’t want to wait for a software update to install a non-beta version of iOS or iPadOS, follow the steps to restore iOS or iPadOS.

Software must be updated to the latest version что это. spacer. Software must be updated to the latest version что это фото. Software must be updated to the latest version что это-spacer. картинка Software must be updated to the latest version что это. картинка spacer

Remove the developer beta by restoring your device

To remove the developer beta immediately, you need to erase and restore your device. Then—if you have an archived backup—you can set up your device again from that backup.

Note that backups created while using beta software might not be compatible with older versions of iOS or iPadOS. If you don’t have an older backup that was made using the current version of iOS or iPadOS, you might not be able to restore your device with your most recent backup.

After the restore finishes, you can set up your device from your archived backup, which must be from an earlier version of iOS or iPadOS.

If you back up a device that has iOS or iPadOS beta to iCloud or your computer, the backup won’t work with earlier versions of iOS or iPadOS. For example, if you go back to iOS 11.4.1 from iOS 12 beta, a backup you made while using iOS beta won’t restore. Instead, restore from a backup that you made before you installed iOS or iPadOS beta.


Активизируем английский

Сайт для тех, кто хочет научиться свободно говорить по-английски

Активизируем английский

Сайт для тех, кто хочет научиться свободно говорить по-английски


✓ We should update our soft­ware.

(ударение в глаголе – ˌʌpˈdeɪt)

✓ We should update the data­base be­fore using it.

✓ The records are constant­ly up­dat­ed with new in­for­ma­tion.

✓ Can you update me on the lat­est de­vel­op­ments?

✓ Could you update us on how the work is go­ing?

✓ The report gave us a brief up­date on how the pro­ject was go­ing.

(согласование времён!)
(ударение в существительном – ˈʌpdeɪt)

✓ You can download up­dates man­u­al­ly.

(ударения – ˌdaʊnˈləʊd ˈʌpdeɪts)


1. Глагол [ˌʌpˈdeɪt] име­ет зна­че­ние «об­но­вить», «ак­ту­а­ли­зи­ро­вать», на­при­мер:

We should update the data­base be­fore using it – Нам сле­ду­ет об­но­вить ба­зу дан­ных, преж­де чем поль­зо­вать­ся ею

В некоторых контекстах, в част­но­сти при ис­поль­зо­ва­нии пред­ло­га with, мы мо­жем так­же си­ту­а­тив­но ска­зать «по­пол­нять чем-ли­бо», на­при­мер:

The records are constant­ly up­dat­ed with new in­for­ma­tion – За­пи­си по­сто­ян­но об­нов­ля­ют­ся с учё­том но­вой ин­фор­ма­ции = За­пи­си по­сто­ян­но попол­ня­ют­ся но­вой ин­фор­ма­ци­ей

2. Глагол update можно при­ме­нять не толь­ко к не­оду­шев­лён­ным пред­ме­там, но и к лю­дям, на­при­мер:

Can you update me on the lat­est de­vel­op­ments? – Ты мо­жешь рас­ска­зать мне о по­след­них со­бы­ти­ях?

Используемое здесь вы­ра­же­ние озна­ча­ет «вве­сти ко­го-л. в курс по­след­них со­бы­тий на­счёт че­го-л.», «дать ко­му-л. по­след­нюю ин­фор­ма­цию о чём-л.».

Следует, однако, учиты­вать, что это вы­ра­же­ние от­но­сит­ся глав­ным об­ра­зом к раз­го­вор­но­му сти­лю.

Судите сами: дослов­ный пе­ре­вод этой фра­зы – «ак­ту­а­ли­зи­ро­вать ко­го-л. на­счёт че­го-л.». На­при­мер, при­ве­дён­ный вы­ше при­мер до­слов­но пе­ре­во­дит­ся так: Ты мо­жешь ак­ту­а­ли­зи­ро­вать ме­ня на­счёт по­след­них со­бы­тий? По­доб­ная фра­за бу­дет, ко­неч­но же, но­сить до­ста­точ­но раз­го­вор­ный ха­рак­тер. Имей­те это в ви­ду.

Пользуемся также случаем, что­бы на­пом­нить о по­лез­но­сти «дет­ской» иг­ры «А зна­ешь, как ан­гли­ча­не го­во­рят…?». На­ша фра­за «ак­ту­а­ли­зи­ро­вать ко­го-л. на­счёт че­го-л.» от­но­сит­ся как раз к это­му слу­чаю.

Ста­рай­тесь все­гда до­ка­пы­вать­ся до пря­мо­го, глу­бин­но­го смыс­ла и син­так­си­са ан­глий­ской фра­зы, что­бы ос­но­ва­тель­но «про­чув­ство­вать» её. Ес­ли вы бу­де­те ре­гу­ляр­но де­лать это, то со вре­ме­нем у вас по­явит­ся ве­ли­ко­леп­ное чув­ство язы­ка, вплоть до то­го что ан­глий­ский язык не бу­дет вос­при­ни­мать­ся ва­ми как ино­стран­ный. Для боль­шин­ства из вас род­ным он не ста­нет, но и ино­стран­ным уже не бу­дет, как бы па­ра­док­саль­но это ни зву­ча­ло.

3. Управление глагола up­date:

to update smth
(обновить что-л., актуали­зи­ро­вать что-л.)

to update smth with smth
(обновить что-л. чем-л., по­пол­нить что-л. чем-л.)

to update smth to the lat­est ver­sion of the soft­ware
(обновить что-л. до последней вер­сии ПО)

to update smb on smth
(ввести кого-л. в курс послед­них со­бы­тий на­счёт че­го-л., рас­ска­зать ко­му-л. о по­след­них со­бы­ти­ях)

4. Существительное [ˈʌpdeɪt] озна­ча­ет – в об­щем слу­чае – «об­нов­ле­ние», «ак­ту­а­ли­за­ция».

Это исчисляемое суще­ст­ви­тель­ное (an up­date, the up­date, up­dates, the up­dates).

Полезные словосочета­ния и пред­ло­ги с су­ще­ст­ви­тель­ным up­date:

a news update
(сводка последних ново­стей)

an update on smth
(последняя инфома­ция о чём-л.)

an update of this software
(обновление этого ПО)

an update to this software
(обновление к этому ПО)

5. Обратите внимание: ударе­ние в гла­го­ле и су­ще­ст­ви­тель­ном up­date ста­вит­ся по-раз­но­му:

to updàte – an ùpdate

Повторяйте многократно на про­тя­же­нии не­сколь­ких дней «to up­dàte – an ùp­date», что­бы от­ра­бо­тать уда­ре­ние до ав­то­ма­тиз­ма.

6. Существительное [dɪˈveləpmənt] во мно­же­ст­вен­ном чис­ле, т.е. de­vel­op­ments, мы пе­ре­во­дим как «со­бы­тия».

Разумеется, это не букваль­ный пе­ре­вод, но он пра­виль­ный. Де­ло в том, что в рус­ском язы­ке мы не го­во­рим «раз­ви­тия» в зна­че­нии «то, как раз­ви­ва­лись со­бы­тия», а но­си­те­ли ан­глий­ско­го язы­ка го­во­рят.

Вообще, «события» по-ан­глий­ски – это events [ɪˈvents].

Следует, однако, понимать, что de­vel­op­ments и events пол­ны­ми си­но­ни­ма­ми не яв­ля­ют­ся: de­vel­op­ments – это не про­сто events, а new events – но­вые, по­след­ние со­бы­тия, то, как со­бы­тия раз­ви­ва­лись за по­след­нее вре­мя.

Дело в том, что оно может пе­ре­во­дить­ся дву­мя аб­со­лют­но раз­ны­ми ан­глий­ски­ми сло­ва­ми – last и lat­est.

В чём же разница между при­ла­га­тель­ны­ми last и lat­est?

Разница в следующем:

Если «последний» – это дей­ст­ви­тель­но по­след­ний и дру­гих боль­ше ни­ко­гда не бу­дет, то по-ан­глий­ски мы го­во­рим last, на­при­мер:

the last version of this soft­ware – по­след­няя вер­сия это­го про­грамм­но­го обес­пе­че­ния
(дру­гих боль­ше не бу­дет)

Если «последний» – это по­след­ний по вре­ме­ни, но бу­дут ещё и дру­гие, то по-ан­глий­ски мы го­во­рим lat­est, на­при­мер:

the latest version of this soft­ware – по­след­няя вер­сия это­го про­грамм­ного обес­пе­че­ния
(че­рез не­ко­то­рое вре­мя по­явят­ся но­вые, об­нов­лён­ные вер­сии)

8. Проверьте правильность про­из­но­ше­ния сле­ду­ю­щих слов [BrE || AmE]:


Update your operating system to work with Adobe apps

Adobe products are designed for the latest operating systems and browsers. Learn how to keep your operating system and software up to date.

Why did I get a warning to update my operating system or browser?

Adobe products require the latest operating system and browser updates—both for your security and to ensure that Adobe products function as intended. If you are not using the latest operating system or browser, you may see a warning when you try to sign in to Adobe software.

Software must be updated to the latest version что это. warning install latest updates.png.img. Software must be updated to the latest version что это фото. Software must be updated to the latest version что это-warning install latest updates.png.img. картинка Software must be updated to the latest version что это. картинка warning install latest updates.png.img

Software must be updated to the latest version что это. error message install latest updates.png.img. Software must be updated to the latest version что это фото. Software must be updated to the latest version что это-error message install latest updates.png.img. картинка Software must be updated to the latest version что это. картинка error message install latest updates.png.img

If you see such a warning, ensure that you install the latest updates of the operating system you are using.

If you are a Windows user

Starting August 2020, only Internet Explorer version 11 and later are supported for signing in. Adobe software uses Internet Explorer during the sign-in process. If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, you need to move to the latest one before July 14, 2021. After this date, you will no longer be able to sign in to your Adobe account, and will be redirected to this page.

Once you install the latest updates to your operating system, a supported version of Internet Explorer is automatically installed.

How to keep your operating system current?

Install the latest updates for your operating system including Internet Explorer 11. For information about updating Windows, see Windows Update: FAQ. ​

Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft or Adobe. We recommend upgrading your operating system. ​

Install the latest updates for your operating system. For information about updating macOS, see the Apple Software Update site.​

Updated your browser or operating system but still see a warning or error?

If you see a warning even after you’ve updated the browser or operating system, ensure that you’re running the latest versions of your Adobe software. ​

If you are running the latest Adobe software and still see issues, make sure that Internet Explorer 11 is not set to Compatibility Mode, Legacy Emulation Mode or a document mode prior to Internet Explorer 11. Learn more about Internet Explorer Document Modes.

If your organization isn’t able to turn off compatibility mode, you can create a per-product exception using the registry keys below. The example below will force Acrobat into Internet Explorer 11 mode; you can add additional keys for other Adobe products as needed.

Download the file with the registry entries below.


Some versions of Windows 10 display a notification to install the latest version

Versions with automatic Update Assistant

If you’re currently running Windows 10, version 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, or version 1803, you can expect to receive a notification that states that your device must have the latest security updates installed and then offers to update your device.

Software must be updated to the latest version что это. eea50680 d10a e626 5dd7 6bb15fc79b91. Software must be updated to the latest version что это фото. Software must be updated to the latest version что это-eea50680 d10a e626 5dd7 6bb15fc79b91. картинка Software must be updated to the latest version что это. картинка eea50680 d10a e626 5dd7 6bb15fc79b91

To check your version of Windows 10 in the search box on the taskbar, type winver and then select Winver to open About Windows. To learn how to update to the latest version of Windows, or learn more about the “end of service” status for these versions of Windows 10, see the frequently asked questions.

After you receive the update notification, be sure to leave your PC plugged in and powered on while the download completes. Restart your PC when prompted.

This update notification is also offered directly to Windows Update Client for some devices that have not installed the most recent updates.

Responding to the notification

We recommend updating all of these earlier versions to the Windows 10, version 20H2 to continue receiving security and quality updates, ensuring protection from the latest security threats.

Windows 10, version 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, and 1803 are currently at end of service. This means that devices running these operating systems no longer receive the monthly security and quality updates that contain protection from the latest security threats.

If your installation stops before completion, see Troubleshoot problems updating Windows 10. If you’d like to get info about any error codes that appear, see Get help with Windows 10 upgrade and installation errors.

Removing Update Assistant

If update 4023814 is listed in View installed update history or the Windows 10 Update Assistant is shown in Programs and Features, your computer has already installed update 4023814 or a standalone version of the Windows 10 Update Assistant.

To uninstall Windows 10 Update Assistant, use one of the following methods:

Right-click Start, click the Apps and Features item in Settings, click Update Assistant, and then click Uninstall.

Run the following command from an administrative command prompt:

Note It can take a few minutes for the uninstall process to complete.

Run the following two commands from an administrative command prompt to remove the Windows 10 Update Assistant folders:

Removing these two folders uninstalls the Windows 10 Update Assistant from the system.

If you cannot remove the folders by using these commands, start Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) and end the Windows10UpgraderApp.exe process. Then, try the commands again.

If you are a Windows Update for Business customer and wish to prevent a feature update, see Deploy updates using Windows Update for Business.

Known issues

In August 2018, update 4023814 was installed by Windows Update as the Allow Telemetry group policy for Windows Update for Business devices wasn’t honored by the Windows Update service.

The issue has already been resolved. You can block the detection of the update 4023814 by setting the Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates received policy. See Deploy updates using Windows Update for Business for more information.

File information

The English (United States) version of this software update installs files that have the attributes that are listed in the following tables. The dates and times for these files are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The dates and times for these files on your local computer are displayed in your local time together with your current daylight saving time (DST) bias. Additionally, the dates and times may change when you perform certain operations on the files.


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