Sold out что это
Автоматический перевод
Перевод по словам
Sorry, we’re sold out.
Извините, у нас всё продано. ☰
Wow! Those cakes sold out fast.
Ничего себе! Как быстро распроданы эти пирожные! ☰
The album was sold out within minutes.
Альбом был распродан в течение нескольких минут. ☰
Have you sold out all the tickets yet?
Вы уже все билеты распродали? ☰
Tonight’s performance is completely sold out.
Билеты на сегодняшнее представление полностью распроданы. ☰
We’ve completely sold out of those shirts in your size, sir.
Мы полностью распродали те рубашки в вашем размере, сэр. ☰
The book sold out the first day, and the store reordered 500 copies.
Книгу раскупили в первый же день, и магазин дозаказал ещё пятьсот экземпляров. ☰
The concert took place in a 1000 seat theater and the performance was sold out.
Концерт проводился в театральном зале на 1000 мест, и все билеты были распроданы. ☰
The band sold out its faithful followers, abandoning its edgy style for a more commercial sound.
Группа предала своих верных поклонников, отказавшись от свойственной ей дерзкой музыки в пользу более коммерческого звучания. ☰
He sold out and heat’s on. *
Он выдал всех, так что полиция нас ищет. ☰
He was a good writer who sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for money. *
Он был хорошим писателем, но изменил своему художественному кредо и стал писать просто за деньги. ☰
The play was a sell-out.
Пьеса прошла с аншлагом. ☰
Next week’s final looks like being a sell-out.
Похоже, на финальный матч, который состоится на следующей неделе, все билеты будут распроданы. ☰
Wyman says he’ll sell out if business doesn’t pick up.
Уайман говорит, что продаст свою долю, если бизнес не пойдёт вгору. ☰
This has always been a nation willing to sell out its past for putative progress.
Эта нация всегда была готова предать своё прошлое ради мнимого прогресса. ☰
She would sell out her mother. *
Она мать родную не пожалеет. ☰
How could you pull such a sell-out? *
Как ты мог меня так подвести? ☰
How could you sell me out like that? *
Как ты мог меня так предать? ☰
The meeting broke up amidst cries of «Sell-out!». *
Ход митинга был нарушен возгласами «Предали!». ☰
He shot the rock star because he thought that he became a sell-out. *
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
The concert was expected to be a sell-out. ☰
The new ballet that debuts next months at Covent Garden, is already sold out ☰
The T-mail Co. has sold out to San Jose-based DMX Inc for an undisclosed sum. ☰
The CD, released in October, sold out a first pressing of 1,500 in just four months. ☰
“I managed to get a ticket!” “Lucky you! They were all sold out by the time I got there.” ☰
. there are lots of good reasons we can’t go to the concert, but the fact that the tickets are all sold out is the topper. ☰
. far removed from the noontime of their popularity, when they had performed at sold-out arenas, the band now played at small clubs. ☰
sold out
1 sold-out
Момент, когда все билеты проданы.
[ Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов ]
Having all tickets completely sold.
[ Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов ]
2 sold-out
3 sold-out
sold-out notice — аншлаг; объявление о том, что все билеты проданы
4 sold out
5 sold out
6 sold out
7 sold out
8 sold out
9 sold
См. также в других словарях:
sold out — adj sold out 1.) if a concert, performance etc is sold out, all the tickets for that show have been sold ▪ The group will play three sold out shows at Wembley Stadium. 2.) if a shop or store is sold out of a particular product, it has sold all of … Dictionary of contemporary English
sold out — adjective if an event is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sold-out — sold′ out′ adj. tht sbz having all tickets sold: a sold out matinée[/ex] • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
sold-out — [sōld′out′] adj. having all tickets or accommodations sold, esp. in advance … English World dictionary
sold out — UK US adjective if an event is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold Thesaurus: ticketssynonym units of moneyhyponym … Useful english dictionary
sold-out — adjective 1. having taken a bribe or bribes (Freq. 1) a sold out politician • Similar to: ↑corrupt 2. sold completely in advance had a sold out house for both performances • Similar to: ↑sold … Useful english dictionary
sold out — 1) ADJ: v link ADJ If a performance, sports event, or other entertainment is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold. The premiere on Monday is sold out. 2) ADJ: v link ADJ, oft ADJ of n If a shop is sold out of something, it has sold all … English dictionary
sold-out — adjective Date: 1903 having all available tickets or accommodations sold completely and especially in advance; also of or relating to a sold out event … New Collegiate Dictionary
sold out — UK / US adjective if an event is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold … English dictionary
ˌsold ˈout — adj if an event is sold out, all the tickets for it have been sold … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
sold out — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. out of, all sold, out of stock, not in stock, gone, depleted … English dictionary for students