Something went wrong geometry dash что делать
Something went wrong geometry dash что делать
Часто задаваемые вопросы.
Q: Я получаю сообщение «Something went wrong», когда я пытаюсь загрузить уровни, отправлять комментарии, проверять рекорды и т.д.
A: Убедитесь, что ваш пароль правильный. Откройте «Geometry Dash» и перейдите в раздел «Параметры / Аккаунт / Дополнительно / Обновить вход».
Если вы можете войти, но все равно получаете сообщение об ошибке, обратитесь в службу поддержки.
Q: Как я могу изменить свой пароль?
A: Перейдите к странице: Управление учетными записями.
Нажмите «Забыли пароль»
Вы получите электронное письмо со ссылкой, в которой вы можете изменить свой пароль.
После изменения пароля вам нужно будет обновить свое имя входа в систему. «Параметры / Учетная запись / Дополнительно / Обновить вход»
Q: При попытке зарегистрироваться я получаю сообщение об ошибке «Недействительная электронная почта»!
A: Сначала убедитесь, что вы ввели правильный адрес электронной почты. Если вы уверены, что письмо верное, выполните следующие действия.
Перейдите к этой странице: Управление учетными записями
Нажмите «Недействительный адрес электронной почты»
Введите адрес электронной почты и нажмите «Добавить адрес электронной почты».
Теперь вы можете зарегистрироваться с использованием этой электронной почты.
Q: Я не вижу своего глобального ранга, меня забанили?
A: Прямо сейчас минимальные звезды, имеющие глобальный ранг, равны 100. Если у вас меньше 100 звезд, и вы не видите глобального ранга, значит вы не заблокированы. Если же больше 100 звёзд, то скорее всего сервера просто не обновились.
Q: Как тут попасть в админосостав?
A: Есть разные варианты, победить в наборе на статус модера/редактора, активить и убедить админосостав, чтобы тебе доверялись и много других.
Q: Можно ли предлагать идеи для группы?
A: Конечно да! 🙂 Админсостав могут прочитать вашу идею и принять её!
Q: А что делать если меня забанили за просто так?
A: Такое бывает крайне редко, но если вас всё равно забанили за просто так, обратитесь к любому из админсостава, в крайнем случае к Денису Столярчуку
Q: Как попасть в беседу, и воспримут меня как там?
А: Попасть туда легко, просто кинь одному из админсостава заявку в беседу, человек которому ты её кинул перенаправит тебя на Дмитрия Шевцова (Клубнику) и тебя добавят, только пытайся себя вести нормально, а то будут тебя бесконечно унижать и оскорблять 🙂
Something went wrong geometry dash что делать
This is a very common problem, happens especially to people who have enjoyed this game for a while.
When I press play, absolutely nothing happens:
If you press play, and nothing happens, steam shows that you are playing for 3 seconds and the returns to normal state. No error message, nothing.
This is most likely a problem with your save file. Here’s how to fix this!
When I press play, game crashes and «Geometry Dash has stopped working» pops up!
This is likely caused by faulty drivers or corrupted game files.
Possible fixes:
1. Reinstall Geometry Dash
2. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Geometry Dash\_CommonRedist\vcredist and install all the files in folders «2010» and «2013».
3. Update your graphics card drivers (or if they are up to date try downgrading them)
4. Update your windows
5. Delete some random folders and files inside Geometry Dash directory, like «fonts»
6. Put «-windowed» in steam start options
7. Wait for update 2.1
Custom music doesn’t download/work
This depends on your computer/hardware.
In this case:
1. Check your firewall
2. Update/downgrade your internet drivers
3. Try option «change custom songs location»
4. Wait for update 2.1
My game is in slow motion :O
This happens especially when you are recording or doing some heavy activity in background.
1. Go to ingame graphics settings
2. Press gear icon in upper right corner
3. Disable «Smooth fix»
I have screen tearing D:
This occurs when the game renders more frames than your monitor can handle. Screen tearing is different from lag.
If you are on windowed mode:
1. Go to ingame graphics settings
2. Press gear icon in upper right corner
3. Make sure vsync option is not checked
If you are on fullscreen:
1. Go to ingame graphics settings
2. Press gear icon in upper right corner
3. Make sure vsync option is checked
I hope these might solve your problems! If you have any friends who have these problems link this post to them 🙂
Something went wrong geometry dash что делать
You need to check a few things first.
Are you running in windowed mode, or fullscreen?
Screen tearing is caused by the use, or mis-use of the Vertical-Sync (V-Sync) setting in the game, or by your graphics card (or both). The ingame setting should NOT be enabled if your game is in windowed mode, but should be enabled if you are running in fullscreen.
Nvidia or AMD or Neither?
If you’re running an Nvidia graphics card, you’ll need to make an alteration in the Nvidia Control Panel (See ‘Nvidia Cards’ Page). *Note: Running multiple cards in SLI seems to have a worsened effect, I experience that myself*
If you’re running an AMD graphics card, you’ll need to make the same alteration in the AMD Control Panel ‘Catalyst Control Center/Vision Engine Control Center’ (See ‘AMD Cards’ Page)
If you don’t have a graphics card and simply use an intergrated chipset on the motherboard (Common in laptops, usually Intel) then you probably won’t have to change anything. If, for example, its an Intel chipset, look in the Graphics Properties Panel and look for options about ‘V-Sync’ or ‘Vertical Sync’. If so, try and turn it off, or atleast turn it to ‘Adaptive’ if possible. You can also try looking through your monitors OSD (On Screen Display) to see if there is an option in there, although not very likely.
So you, like myself, are an Nvidia user (Yay). I myself have 2 x Geforce GTX660ti’s running in SLI posing a huge problem in Geometry dash as I have it windowed on 1 of my 4 monitors.
If you are experiencing screen tearing problems, you’ll probably have it windowed (As it usually runs fine in fullscreen). So if your game is windowed, follow the instructions below.
Turning off V-Sync in the Nvidia Control Panel
If it has worked, congrats! Enjoy your ‘tear free‘ gaming experience and smash those demons!
If it hasn’t worked, visit the ‘I’ve followed the instructions, but it hasn’t worked?‘ page for a few other options.
Please comment below if I’ve missed anything out, spelt anything wrong, or just messed something up so I can correct it 🙂
AMD Users! I personally am using Nvidia Cards (Please don’t hate!) so forgive me if I’m not 100% accurate with the instructions for Catalyst (PC Enthusiasts will be used to using the Control Panel for their card anyway)
Turning off V-Sync in the Catalyst Control Center/Vision Engine Control Center
If it has worked, congrats! Enjoy your ‘tear free‘ gaming experience and smash those demons!
If it hasn’t worked, visit the ‘I’ve followed the instructions, but it hasn’t worked?‘ page for a few other options.
Please comment below if I’ve missed anything out, spelt anything wrong, got the AMD instructions wrong, or just messed something up so I can correct it 🙂
Unfortunatley, there’s a plethora of factors that come into play.
In the program settings, in the column showing the different settings available for the game, choose «Integrated Graphics», as doing so will make it so the GAME can choose the display settings, (V-Sync and Smooth Fix), and not the graphics processor. This minimizes all overrides between the game settings and the Graphics card settings, and has worked for many people, including myself and @Error502:Original name not found.
Something went wrong. (GDPS 2.11) #128
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 22, 2017
Well uhhh i made a gdps in 2.11 and uhhh yeah when i tried to register it just said «Something went wrong.»
Please help! i think this is because im on 2.112 but i dont know!
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
AnubisTDG commented Nov 22, 2017
Did you edit connection.php?
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 23, 2017
Yes i edited connection.php
KadeDev commented Nov 23, 2017
Are you sure you did the base64 encode. Did you check the file perms. Are you 100% That Your Domain Is As Long As
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 23, 2017
yes i did the base 64enode and yes im 100000000% sure that my domain is as long as
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 23, 2017
also im using free web hosting area so that might also be the problem but i dont really know
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 23, 2017
Alright so IT IS NOT because of 2.112 i tried with 2.11 and still Something went wrong.
KadeDev commented Nov 25, 2017 Use this guide and yes that dosent work iv tried it
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 25, 2017
uhhh. thanks ill try it
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 25, 2017
I did literally everything that it asked me to do and still Something went wrong. Then i tried AlterVista for the gdps and uhhhh when i got onto importing the database part it just said an error
I’m gonna try another host i guess.
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Nov 25, 2017
Anyone have a recommendation for a host that i could use? Or maybe this is some kind of bug. I don’t really know leave me a host i could use tho
TehDANKESTMemeLord commented Dec 1, 2017
I give up. I’ve tried over and over and over and over and over and over AGAIN! I am done! I can not create a GDPS anymore. This only started happening when I made the 2.11 GDPS. Before that it was fine. I don’t know what happened but i just can’t fix it. I’ve tried searching and searching. Literally no one else has this issue. I am confused.
EMREOYUN commented Jan 10, 2018
Go to /database/accounts/registerGJAccount.php on your web browser.
Did you get mysql errors?
EndNation commented Feb 9, 2018
@TehDANKESTMemeLord You can still host your own website using WampServer. Thats what I did at least
EndNation commented Feb 18, 2018
You can’t perform that action at this time.
You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
Про Geometry Dash Пробую зарегистрироваться, но пишет: Something Went Wrong,что делать?? Играю на телефон, интернет включён.
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tetatl6umgbmtv27.onion — чат со случайным человеком.
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Чтобы попасть в I2P, нужно скачать клиент с и настроить веб-браузер на использование HTTP-прокси Интересные ипсайты:
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tracker2.postman.i2p — анонимный торрент-трекер, работающий внутри I2P.
http://forum.i2p — основной форум. Есть раздел на русском.
http://flibusta.i2p — Флибуста есть и в I2P.
Даже если никакие из данных ресурсов у вас интереса не вызвали, то установить Tor будет все равно полезно. Во-первых, он поможет вам обойти Интернет-цензуру, а во-вторых — массовую слежку.
Anton Nesterov 260
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Ну, если разсуждать логически, то нужно попробывать всё, если я вас правильно понял.