Space haven что нового
Игра в раннем доступе
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Примечание: Данная игра в раннем доступе находится на стадии разработки. Она может измениться в будущем, а может остаться в текущем состоянии, так что, если вам не по вкусу то, что игра может предложить сейчас, рекомендуем дождаться её дальнейшего развития. Узнать больше
Почему ранний доступ?
“За плечами Space Haven долгий путь, и уже сейчас за игрой можно провести немало увлекательных часов, однако нам ещё только предстоит раскрыть её полный потенциал. Мир игры может стать разнообразнее, и нам важно знать ваше мнение. Мы верим, что создать по-настоящему культовую игру способен только тот, кто прислушивается к своим игрокам.
Мы приглашаем вас отправиться с нами в это удивительное приключение и помочь нам превратить Space Haven в нечто действительно особенное.”
Сколько примерно эта игра будет в раннем доступе?
“Мы намерены работать над Space Haven до тех пор, пока игра не станет настоящим шедевром инди-жанра. И мы планируем развивать её, дополняя новыми возможностями и материалами, пока не достигнем поставленной цели.
По нашей предварительной оценке на это уйдёт 1-2 года. Однако мы искренне верим, что быстро достичь качественного результата нельзя, и мы готовы уделить нашей игре столько времени, сколько потребуется.”
Чем планируемая полная версия будет отличаться от версии в раннем доступе?
“Мы планируем не только развивать то, что уже есть в игре, но и добавлять в неё новые идеи. Наша цель — постоянно расширять игровые возможности и вселенную Space Haven, чтобы добиться максимально насыщенного и разнообразного игрового процесса.
Кроме того, мы хотим облегчить процесс вхождения в игру и сделать Space Haven более доступной. И, конечно же, нам очень интересно узнать, какие изменения, по вашему мнению, улучшат качество игры.”
Каково текущее состояние версии в раннем доступе?
“Версия игры в раннем доступе отлично работает, и в неё можно полноценно играть. Мы делаем всё возможное, чтобы даже на этом этапе вы могли наслаждаться игрой, не сталкиваясь с критическими ошибками, но, в случае их возникновения, мы стараемся немедленно исправить ситуацию.
Мы вкладываем в Space Haven всю душу, и мы уверены, что при первом же знакомстве с игрой вы сможете оценить весь её потенциал. Однако нам ещё есть куда расти, а игру со всеми её возможностями ещё предстоит довести до совершенства — этим мы и планируем заниматься.
В дальнейшем мы намерены прислушиваться к вам, членам нашего сообщества, и постепенно развивать Space Haven, шаг за шагом приближаясь к созданию игры нашей мечты.”
Изменится ли цена игры после выхода из раннего доступа?
Как вы планируете вовлекать сообщество в разработку игры?
“Мы всегда стараемся ориентироваться на наших игроков. Мы очень ценим наше сообщество, и, несмотря на наше видение того, какой должна быть игра, мы стараемся внимательно прислушиваться ко мнению игроков.
Когда мы решаем, что именно добавить в игру, мы стараемся руководствоваться формулой соотношения проделанной работы и вознаграждения за неё, где работа — это время, потраченное на реализацию задумки, а вознаграждение — удовлетворённость игроков и радость, которую им доставляет игровой процесс.
Мы подготовили множество каналов для ваших отзывов — в самой игре и в социальных сетях — и нам не терпится узнать ваше мнение. Начните играть в раннем доступе и отправляйтесь в своё звёздное путешествие уже сегодня!”
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Проектирование и строительство
Симуляция газовой среды
Глубокая проработка персонажей
Сражения между командами и инопланетяне
Битвы между кораблями
Здоровье экипажа
Галактики и фракции
Интересные вещи, которые могут произойти в Space Haven
Space haven что нового
If you find any issues let us know at the forums:
Stay tuned and enjoy the new update! =)
If you find any issues let us know at the forums:
We will soon begin developing the next big update for Space Haven, and there will be a longer pause. We will keep you updated by posting progress reports along the way! =)
Stay tuned and enjoy the new update!
If you find any issues let us know at the forums:
Enjoy the new update!
If you find any issues let us know at the forums:
Enjoy the new update!
The Alpha 13 Update takes inspiration from Apollo 13, where accidents happen and research is imperative to survival! In the spirit of Apollo 13 we wanted to invest more time into the Research System and incentivize exploration by creating research bonuses from dismantling facilities on board other spaceships and stations.
We also wanted to tie Research with examining alien life forms and experimentation with resources, where some research modules will require the crew to carry out experiments on resources to discover new technologies.
To add to the emergent storytelling component of the game we have expanded upon the accidents system, and tied it together with research experiments and other crew member activities. We have created some new facilities to make all of this possible.
Note that since the Research Tree has been modified old Alpha 12 saved games will have a few facilities locked, which should not be locked. You can research them again to unlock them.
Also, if you like to start new games using your own custom difficulty settings: It is best to create a new custom game from one of the default difficulties. As the old settings might not be completely compatible with the new changes.
The new research tree organizes research modules into their own categories.
We’ve decided to do some modifications to the research tree. The new structure for the Research Tree removes a lot of the complexity seen in the first research tree, and places research modules in their own categories. Some crossover connections are possible but less used than before.
Let’s see how the research tree shapes with time. We are ready to iterate more on it until it feels good.
Research might now require experimenting with resources, dissecting bodies or disassembling items.
The new research system features multi-staged research modules, where exploration, examinations, experiments and spending time at the classic research lab can all be tied together. We can now create research modules that may require dissecting alien bodies, disassembling items or experimenting with a resource to discover a new technology.
Many players were also wishing for a way to acquire some type of bonus to research when high-tech facilities are found and dismantled aboard other spaceships and stations. The new research system supports this, we will see how the balance between each element of research is weighted with time.
All in all the multi-staged research is intended to allow us to come up with many ways on how to incentivize exploring derelict spaceships and stations, as well as other possible things like gathering resources.
We’ve added the same style of tooltips as seen in the build menu, with detailed information about the facility or item you are about to unlock. This was lacking in the Research tree and made it a bit hard to see what the unlocked facility does.
We’ve also implemented a research queue, so you can queue up many different research modules all at once. The system tries to utilize both the Research Lab and the Research Workbench at optimal capacity, so the different facilities are able to work on all the modules in the queue as needed.
You encounter a research station in a distant part of the galaxy.
We are adding a research station to the galaxy of Space Haven. You will be able to order basic research as a service to aid your efforts to unlock new technology.
The new start scenario allows the player to jump in and start playing with a small hyperspace capable spaceship.
We’ve added a new start scenario to the game, aimed to give you a quick start without having to build your own ship from scratch. Pick this scenario if you want to jump right in on the exploration phase of the game!
As things were getting desperate on Earth you remembered your old friend, now a rich baron. You convinced them to spare you one of their older ships and some essential supplies. You’ve been given a small hope, but you have to build up from there and give yourself a chance to survive.
We’ve added a new difficulty level, a brutal difficulty aimed to give a challenge for experienced players. We aim to keep the «Harsh» and «Brutal» difficulty levels as the harder ones and look to modify these and all other difficulty levels according to player feedback.
We’ve also implemented adverse side effects for crew members from making interstellar travels (Between star system clusters) without a hypersleep chamber. These effects are minor for the peaceful, builder and medium difficulty levels and have more of an impact on Harsh and Brutal difficulty levels.
We’ve made it possible to turn this feature off completely if you so desire, so remember to check the game difficulty customization menu when starting a new game.
All NPC factions have gotten a new ship addition to their fleet. These small ships will greet you on your space adventures!
We’ve added new small ships for the NPC factions. These ships will be present early on in the game and will generally be without ship-to-ship combat weaponry. Instead, they will try to board your ships if they plan to attack.
Medical service will come handy when you don’t have medical beds of your own.
We’re adding and expanding on available services in addition to the research service available at the research station mentioned above.
One of these will be the medical service, where you can ask other factions for help if they happen to have medical beds and a doctor. This service will work similarly to the build/repair hull service available at the repair station.
Haleigh doing some experiments with Energium. Turns out this stuff is pretty volatile!
The new expanded Accidents system works well with the new Research system. Research Experiments may go wrong at times and cause interesting situations. Accidents have been present before, but only ever lead to a broken part or a fire. Now there are more possibilities, and also a range of conditions they may lead to in crew members.
The goal is to create more opportunities for interesting events and emergent storytelling, where a cascade of random events may have the player witness something new and interesting.
We’ve added a feature, where you can find a new crew member trapped in an alien wall cocoon aboard a derelict ship. You can free them, but they may be hiding a unpleasant surprise within.
A new crew member is valuable, so you might want to take the risk. However, there might be a risk that the crew member is carrying an alien infection, which can with some bad luck spread among your crew members with time.
Hey Jeslyn! You alright there? Was it something you ate!? What is this weird stuff happening here!
Alien infections may spread among your crew, especially if you are unlucky to have an unfortunate crew member have a special type of seizure right in the kitchen. This is bound to spoil the meal and then some!
The Crawler now has its own data sheet, cute!
Inspired by the X-COM series UFOpaedia we wanted to create something similar for the aliens encountered in Space Haven. You can now gain more information about the various alien entities through research.
You can now build cover objects to create good defense positions against enemy intruders
We’ve added cover objects to the game, which can be used to create good defense positions against enemy intruders. The AI also uses these cover objects to defend their own ships from enemy intruders.
Store your human and alien bodies here.
The body storage is a facility used for the storage of human and alien corpses awaiting to be further processed.
Store your robot and android remains here.
The robot storage is a facility used for the storage of robot and android corpses awaiting to be further processed.
The robot workbench where your crew member can disassemble robots and androids. Food tray shows the spot where the robot/android remains are placed.
The robot workbench is a facility used to pick apart robot and android remains, and scrap them for any usable resources that can be found.
The Research workbench allows your crew members to experiment with resources, dissect bodies and disassemble items. For science! Food tray shows where the item is placed.
The Research workbench is used for reverse engineering purposes, supporting research efforts to discover new technologies. Crew members can disassemble mechanical items, dissect biological entities and experiment with various resources to find out valuable information.
Some research modules require a research workbench to be unlocked.
Oops! Karl being a bit clumsy once again, burned his hands in the process!
Aksel is a hard working game developer!
Our kitchen looks a bit brighter today!
We’re adding a new type of light to the Space Haven lights arsenal! You will be able to build in-floor lights in addition to the existing wall light and lamp.
Hey! These look new. We got some new lamps, nice!
We also reworked the looks of the standard standing lamps. They got a new look and look less like a street lamp. =)
You can now write something in the search bar to search for a facility!
We have added a highly advanced feature to the Build Menu, which allows you to search for facilities to build simply by writing their name! =)
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Technical Support:
Enjoy the new update, Spacefarer! =) We will continue on to develop the next big update for Space Haven, stay tuned for more news!
Space Haven Alpha 13 is now available to play in the experimental branch. As a reminder, the update process is as follows:
Please do not join the experimental branch if you don’t want to risk breaking your save or have the game break on you in midst of play! If you want to play a more stable version please wait for the official release of the update.
Note! Old Alpha 12 saves should work. However, since the Research Tree has been changed a few technologies that should be unlocked will not be unlocked, you will need to research them. Also, a few new features might be set to not be in use, like the Interstellar Travel Threat setting.
Here is how you join The Experimental Starfarer crew:
Let us know what you think of the new features and if something should be altered or tweaked in your mind. Perhaps something makes the game too hard or something is too annoying, let us know so we can get a feel for how the new features feel! =)
You can read up on many of the new features in more detail in the previous post:
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We will gather feedback for Alpha 13 in the experimental branch and tweak as needed. Once everything is looking solid enough we will publish the update to the main branch.
Thanks for reading and see you again in the next update!
The Upcoming Alpha 13 Update takes inspiration from Apollo 13, where accidents happen and research is imperative to survival! In the spirit of Apollo 13 we wanted to invest more time into the Research System and incentivize exploration by creating research bonuses from dismantling facilities on board other spaceships and stations.
We also wanted to tie Research with examining alien life forms and experimentation with resources, where some research modules will require the crew to carry out experiments on resources to discover new technologies.
To add to the emergent storytelling component of the game we have expanded upon the accidents system, and tied it together with research experiments and other crew member activities. We have created some new facilities to make all of this possible.
The new research tree organizes research modules into their own categories.
We’ve decided to do some modifications to the research tree. The new structure for the Research Tree removes a lot of the complexity seen in the first research tree, and places research modules in their own categories. Some crossover connections are possible but less used than before.
Let’s see how the research tree shapes with time. We are ready to iterate more on it until it feels good.
Research might now require experimenting with resources, dissecting bodies or disassembling items.
The new research system features multi-staged research modules, where exploration, examinations, experiments and spending time at the classic research lab can all be tied together. We can now create research modules that may require dissecting alien bodies, disassembling items or experimenting with a resource to discover a new technology.
Many players were also wishing for a way to acquire some type of bonus to research when high-tech facilities are found and dismantled aboard other spaceships and stations. The new research system supports this, we will see how the balance between each element of research is weighted with time.
All in all the multi-staged research is intended to allow us to come up with many ways on how to incentivize exploring derelict spaceships and stations, as well as other possible things like gathering resources.
We’ve added the same style of tooltips as seen in the build menu, with detailed information about the facility or item you are about to unlock. This was lacking in the Research tree and made it a bit hard to see what the unlocked facility does.
You encounter a research station in a distant part of the galaxy.
We are adding a research station to the galaxy of Space Haven. You will be able to order basic research as a service to aid your efforts to unlock new technology.
Enjoy the placeholder description text for the medical service offered by some kind Civilians!
We’re adding and expanding on available services in addition to the research service available at the research station mentioned above.
One of these will be the medical service, where you can ask other factions for help if they happen to have medical beds and a doctor. This service will work similarly to the build/repair hull service available at the repair station.
Haleigh doing some experiments with Energium. Turns out this stuff is pretty volatile!
The new expanded Accidents system works well with the new Research system. Research Experiments may go wrong at times and cause interesting situations. Accidents have been present before, but only ever lead to a broken part or a fire. Now there are more possibilities, and also a range of conditions they may lead to in crew members.
The goal is to create more opportunities for interesting events and emergent storytelling, where a cascade of random events may have the player witness something new and interesting.
We’ve added a feature, where you can find a new crew member trapped in an alien wall cocoon aboard a derelict ship. You can free them, but they may be hiding a unpleasant surprise within.
A new crew member is valuable, so you might want to take the risk. However, there might be a risk that the crew member is carrying an alien infection, which can with some bad luck spread among your crew members with time.
Hey Jeslyn! You alright there? Was it something you ate!? What is this weird stuff happening here!
Alien infections may spread among your crew, especially if you are unlucky to have an unfortunate crew member have a special type of seizure right in the kitchen. This is bound to spoil the meal and then some!
The Crawler now has its own data sheet, cute!
Inspired by the X-COM series UFOpaedia we wanted to create something similar for the aliens encountered in Space Haven. You can now gain more information about the various alien entities through research.
Store your human and alien bodies here.
The body storage is a facility used for the storage of human and alien corpses awaiting to be further processed.
Store your robot and android remains here.
The robot storage is a facility used for the storage of robot and android corpses awaiting to be further processed.
The robot workbench where your crew member can disassemble robots and androids. Food tray shows the spot where the robot/android remains are placed.
The robot workbench is a facility used to pick apart robot and android remains, and scrap them for any usable resources that can be found.
The Research workbench allows your crew members to experiment with resources, dissect bodies and disassemble items. For science! Food tray shows where the item is placed.
The Research workbench is used for reverse engineering purposes, supporting research efforts to discover new technologies. Crew members can disassemble mechanical items, dissect biological entities and experiment with various resources to find out valuable information.
Some research modules require a research workbench to be unlocked.
Oops! Karl being a bit clumsy once again, burned his hands in the process!
Aksel is a hard working game developer!
Our kitchen looks a bit brighter today!
We’re adding a new type of light to the Space Haven lights arsenal! You will be able to build in-floor lights in addition to the existing wall light and lamp.
You can now write something in the search bar to search for a facility!
We have added a highly advanced feature to the Build Menu, which allows you to search for facilities to build simply by writing their name! =)
We don’t have a specific date yet. As always we will first push the new update to the Experimental Branch. We will post news when the time has come!
Meanwhile, join our social channels to chat with us and others playing Space Haven:
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Technical Support:
Exciting times ahead, Spacefarer. Stay tuned for more news soon! =)
We have also worked on fixing bugs you are reporting to us. Keep the feedback flowing. Thank you for reporting and enjoy the new version. =)
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Remember! If you need help with technical issues (Game not working) please create a thread in the Help/Technical forum mentioned above. We will help you as soon as possible.
Before we move on to develop the next big Alpha update (Alpha 13) we wanted to spend some time to implement improvements, which could have a big impact on game play. Our priority is to always leave the current Alpha in a solid state before moving on to a longer period of development time on a new Alpha iteration.
Tooltips for Character skills and attributes have been requested by many and we’re happy to include them in this new update along with many tweaks to their effects! Read on to see what’s new in this update.
We were able to spend time implementing the much requested tooltips for Character Skills, Attributes and other information. In conjunction with this we tweaked the character skills and attributes to have a more meaningful impact on the jobs they are related to.
We also gave hand guns their own accuracy values. The Shotgun is less accurate than the Assault Rifle for example. All these factors make accuracy a cocktail of different things.
Things affecting accuracy:
We added some new indicators to the character info boxes, giving information on the current whereabouts of the character. We also made the boxes themselves change color based on the whereabouts of the character.
All of this should make it a bit more clear to know who is where simply by looking at the info boxes. =)
The isometric view takes some time to get used to. It is not always easy to know where the cursor is actually positioned. To make this easier, we created a tile-sized cage as a mouse selector in drafted mode.
This will hopefully make it easier to navigate derelict ships and stations and to target those crawling aliens.
We also modified the transfer menu when transferring resources between ships. We noticed players would often select all resources but never give the command to actually transfer them. So we rearranged the transfer menu to hopefully make it more clear that the transfer command should also be given using the +- buttons or the arrow buttons.
Tooltips for Resources now have some additional information on how to produce more or acquire more of them. Remember that besides production there is always a chance to find resources on derelict ships and stations, and you can also acquire more by trading for them.
We spent time rewriting many of the more complex scenario hints. We made them more detailed and tried to make them easier to read, by having clear steps where needed. User on-boarding is something we want to improve with time as we find opportunities to do so.
We hope new players will find these helpful beginning their Spacefarer journeys! =)
We added a sound for hyperspace jumps. The sound will be played as an ambient type of sound, both when player ships and NPC ships jump into sectors. This will also give a hint to a ship entering or leaving the sector even if the player is focused on tasks elsewhere.
We also added a sound for the Jukebox, which now plays a short tune when characters turn it on. Beep boop! More sounds will come in the future.
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Remember! If you need help with technical issues (Game not working) please create a thread in the Help/Technical forum mentioned above. We will help you as soon as possible.