Speech onecore что это

Два способа отключить Распознавание голоса в Windows 10.

Публикация: 21 October 2018 Обновлено: 7 August 2019

Windows предоставляет функцию распознавания речи на основе устройств (доступную как с помощью приложения Windows Recech Recognition Desktop), так и с помощью облачной службой распознавания речи на тех рынках и регионах, где доступна Cortana. Microsoft может использовать голосовые данные, взаимодействия с компьютером, чтобы улучшить услуги распознавания речи.

Чтобы использовать распознавание речи, необходимо включить параметр «Знакомство с вами» (параметр конфиденциальности в разделе «Персонализация рукописного ввода и ввода с клавиатуры»), поскольку голосовые службы существуют как в облаке, так и на вашем устройстве. Информация, которую Microsoft собирает с их помощью, позволяет их улучшить. Речевые службы, которые не передаются в облако и присутствуют только на вашем устройстве, такие как «Диктор» и «Распознавание речи Windows», по-прежнему будут работать, если этот параметр отключен, но Microsoft уже не будет собирать данные.

Если для параметра «Диагностика и использование данных» («Параметры» → «Конфиденциальность» → «Диагностика и отзывы») установлено значение «Полные», входящие данные для рукописного ввода и ввода текста отправляются в Microsoft, и компания использует эти данные в совокупности, чтобы улучшить платформу для всех пользователей.

Чтобы отключить распознавание голоса в Windows 10, выполните следующие действия.

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Теперь функция отключена.

Кроме того, вы можете применить настройки реестра.

Отключить распознавание речи в сети с помощью настройки реестра.

Чтобы отменить изменение при необходимости, используйте файл On-Online Speech Recognition.reg.

Файлы реестра, выше, изменяют ветвь реестра

Они изменяют параметр DWORD (32 бита) с именем HasAccepted.

Наконец, вы можете отключить распознавание речи в сети на странице конфиденциальности программы установки Windows во время установки ОС с нуля.


Ошибка ActiveX/COM LocalServer32 (SpeechRuntime.exe) как исправить в Windows 10

Всем известна популярная программа-чистильщик CCLeaner. В ней есть множество функций, основные из которых — это удаление ненужных файлов и очистка реестра. Наверняка она есть на компьютерах большинства среднестатистических пользователей, которые периодически запускают её, чтобы очистить компьютер, чтобы он начал работать быстрее.

Мнение о том, что такие программы ускоряют компьютер и помогают продлить жизнь Windows и даже железу, бытует уже давно среди большинства пользователей. И такая уверенность в функциональности CCLeaner и подобных инструментов порой приводит к вопросам, решить которые самостоятельно затруднительно.

В данной статье рассматриваем один из таких вопросов. Что делать, если после проверки реестра на ошибки остаётся один не удалённый пункт — ошибка ActiveX/com LocalServer32 или SpeechRuntime.exe, и надо ли её исправлять, и если да, то как?

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Что такое SpeechRuntime.exe

SpeechRuntime.exe — это один из файлов ядра системы Windows 10. Впервые он появился в составе официальной сборки 29 июля 2015 года и с тех пор присутствует в каждом обновлении.

Достоверно не известно, за что именно в Windows отвечает данный файл. Однако с уверенностью можно сказать две вещи. Во-первых, это точно не какой-то посторонний файл от установленной ранее программы. Во-вторых, это точно не вирус.

Speech onecore что это. Windows 10. Speech onecore что это фото. Speech onecore что это-Windows 10. картинка Speech onecore что это. картинка Windows 10

Завершение процесса, который выполняет SpeechRuntime.exe, или его удаление с определённой вероятностью может привести к неработоспособности Windows.

Что означает ошибка ActiveX/com в CCLeaner

Начать следует с того, что CCLeaner и все подобные программы — это коммерческие проекты. Несмотря на то, что этот инструмент бесплатный, у него есть платный тарифный план, который обещает больше возможностей. Зарабатывают такие проекты на уверенности большинства пользователей в том, что со временем компьютер засоряется какими-то файлами и его реестр увеличивается в объёме, что мешает работе системе. И исправить это безопасно можно только с помощью этих программ. И что, будто, после этого компьютер начинает работать быстрее.

Если вы хоть раз пользовались чистильщиками реестра, то наверняка замечали, что после очистки компьютер не начинает работать быстрее, загружаться быстрее или меньше зависать. Ниже вы можете видеть разницу загрузки системы на примере Windows 7 до и после использования CCLeaner и подобных программ. Разницы в работе компьютера нет. В Windows 10 всё точно так же.

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Кроме того, даже ранние версии Windows абсолютно не используют те части реестра, которые не нужны в данный момент. Говоря простыми словами, если на компьютер была установлена программа, а потом запущенна, Windows использует ключи реестра, которые необходимы для этой программы. Когда программу закрыли, эти ключи больше не используются. Если эту программу позже удалили, в реестре остался балласт — ключи, которые не будут использоваться. Эти ключи никогда не активируются, пока программа не будет снова установлена и запущенна. А не используемые ключи реестра абсолютно никак не влияют на скорость работы компьютера.

Вам может быть это интересно: Код ошибки 0x80072F76 — 0x20017 в Media Creation Tool Windows 10.

Отсюда можно сделать вывод что периодическая очистка реестра не даёт системе никаких преимуществ. От этого не будет работать быстрее. Обратите также внимание на то, что Microsoft не поддерживает использование программ, которые очищают реестр. Об этом можно прочитать в «Политике поддержки Майкрософт для использования утилит очистки реестра». Поэтому нет смысла обращаться в поддержку Microsoft с вопросом об ошибке SpeechRuntime.exe при сканировании CCLeaner.

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Подробнее об очистке реестра вы можете узнать на видео ниже.

Не редки случаи, когда после чистки реестра программами, подобным CCLeaner, система выходила из строя до такой степени, что компьютер нельзя было загрузить, и всё заканчивалось переустановкой Windows. Такие инструменты работают по своим алгоритмам, которые не всегда соответствуют идеям разработчиков Windows. Поэтому могут возникать конфликты.

Ради справедливости нужно заметить, что иногда чистка реестра всё-таки необходима. В некоторых случаях можно наблюдать невозможность установки драйверов или программ. Это может происходить как раз из-за того, что в реестре сохранились какие-то ключи, которые могут препятствовать инсталляции. Тогда данные ключи нужно удалить, чтобы новая программа могла записать их заново. Удалить ключи можно вручную, но только тем, кто точно знает что делает. Также можно применить CCLeaner и подобные программы. Но в этом случае, во-первых, удалится много других ключей реестра (возможно тоже не нужных), а во-вторых, может быть программе всё-таки не удастся обнаружить ошибочный ключ реестра.

Когда вы после проверки CCLeaner видите не удаляемую ошибку ActiveX/com LocalServer32 (SpeechRuntime.exe), вы можете смело её игнорировать. Её не надо удалять, не надо искать причин её появления. Собственно, как и не надо было и чистить реестр, поэтому пользы от этого никакой нет. То, что CCLeaner увидел в этом ключе ошибку, вовсе не означает, что это действительно проблема. Данный ключ должен присутствовать в системе.

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Категорически нельзя открывать реестр и искать найденную ошибку ActiveX/COM и удалять её, если у вас нет необходимых знаний. Это может привести к неработоспособности Windows. Вообще открывать и редактировать реестр следует только с уверенностью в своих действиях, иначе переустановка Windows будет неизбежна.

От чего компьютер может работать медленно

Наверняка, вы запускали CCLeaner для того, чтобы хоть немного ускорить работу компьютера, в надежде что очистка реестра поможет вам. И теперь после прочтения этой статьи вам стало понятно, что это не выход. И на практике вы, скорее всего, в этом уже убедились.

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Так от чего же компьютер работает медленно и что можно сделать:


Что это C: Windows SysWOW64\Speech_OneCore\Common\SpeechRuntime.exe?

Проверяя систему на наличие мусорных файлов с помощью «ССleaner» и других аналогичных программ, вы можете наткнуться на странный файл SpeechRuntime.exe, который появился в системе совсем недавно. При попытке его удаления через некоторое время он появляется вновь, а процесс с данным именем может существенно подгружать систему в Диспетчере Задач. Что же это за процесс SpeechRuntime.exe, который находится по пути C: Windows SysWOW64\Speech_OneCore\Common\, каково его предназначение, стоит ли его удалить – обо всём расскажем в нашем материале

Что это за файл SpeechRuntime.exe?

Обычно файл SpeechRuntime.exe расположен по пути C:\Windows\System32\Speech_OneCore\common\, но также можно найти его по пути C: Windows\SysWOW64\Speech_OneCore\Common. Это зависит от типа вашей операционной системы и соответствующего ему релевантного обновления.

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Данный файл является частью весеннего обновления ОС Виндовс 10 (21H1), и может появиться в операционной системы ещё до официальной установки указанного обновления. Это связано со спецификой установки последнего, при котором часть вспомогательных файлов и входов в системный реестр подготавливаются разработчиками заранее (так называемый «Пакет поддержки»). Установка таких файлов делает процесс апгрейда системы значительно более быстрым и надёжным.

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Не удаляйте ссылки в реестре на данный файл и сам файл – он понадобится для стабильной работы вашей системы. В случае его удаления Виндовс придётся скачивать и устанавливать его заново, что приведёт к лишним тратам системного времени.

Что это за обновление 21H1?

Как мы уже упоминали выше, файл SpeechRuntime.exe является одним из файлов пакета поддержки будущего (май 2021 года) обновления 21H1 для Виндовс 10. Предварительная сборка Windows 10 версии 21H1 вышла еще в феврале 2021 года, а окончательные форматы сборок планируются в майском, а также октябрьском апдейтах 2021 года.

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Выход 21H1 станет главным активатором ряда пока еще спящих (неактивных) функций на вашем ПК, добавляющихся в систему путём установки мелких обновлений для вашего компьютера. К примеру, такой функцией станет «Windows Hello», позволяющая получить доступ к устройствам Виндовс 10 с помощью распознавания лица или отпечатков пальцев пользователя.

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Также к функциям данного обновления относят:

Speech onecore что это. robocopy. Speech onecore что это фото. Speech onecore что это-robocopy. картинка Speech onecore что это. картинка robocopy

Что произойдёт если удалить процесс SpeechRuntime.exe

Разобравшись, что за файл SpeechRuntime.exe, разберём также ситуации, при которой данный файл существенно грузит систему. В этом случае некоторые пользователи переходят в Диспетчер устройств (нажмите на Win+R, введите там taskmgr и нажмите ввод), находят там во вкладке процессы SpeechRuntime.exe и закрывают данный процесс.

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После этого первое время данный процесс не появляется, и пользователь решает, что устранил проблему с загрузкой системы файлом SpeechRuntime.exe.

Сразу укажем, что это не работает. Поскольку данный процесс является системным, Виндовс обязательно перезапустит его, и вы вновь увидите его в Диспетчере задач. Специалисты Майкрософт рекомендуют не трогать данный файл, и позволить ему работать в обычном режиме. Препятствия в его работе вызовут нестабильность и сбои в работе системы, что отрицательным образом скажется на её общей функциональности.

Это может помочь: код ошибки 0x8007000d при установке Виндовс 10 – что делать.


Микрософт Виндус 10 и Леново шпионят

Микрософт Виндус 10 и Леново шпионят
Микрософт Виндус 10 и Леново шпионят за покупателями их продукта
На русском.

Детали насильственного доминантного шпионства в Виндус 10:

2. Another spying Windows programm

Host Process for Windows Task
access webcam
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

3. Another spying Windows programm:

Device Census
access webcam;
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

01.07.2018 08.24.39;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;Windows Shell Common Dll;
Windows Shell Common Dll;
C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll ;
07/01/2018 08:24:39
attempts to receive audio stream
Windows Shell Common Dll;
прослушка потоковой звукозаписи
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

5. Lenovo spied on Webcam
«KSN information»

C://Programs/Files (x86)/Lemon/ImController/Plugin Host
/Lenovo.Modern.Imcontroller.Plugin Host
«Companion App.exe»
access webcam;
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

6) Photos while i had not opened them, spended their time to access to Internet
App Photo в Windows 10 Home Microsoft Lenovo compruter
Что-то шлёт кому-то куда-то подключаясь сам к Интернету.
Отключить не удаётся.
Зато просмотр фото в принципе невозможен и неудобен.
Программисты увлекались писать шпионские добавки больше, чем создавать софт
для самой работы на компьютере для пользователей, кто купил.

7). Movie Maker программа в Windows 10 исчезла.

8). Window Photo Viewer в Windows не присутствует. А Photo само шлёт что-то кому то куда-то сама подключаясь к Интернету.

10). Отключить «Кортана» не получается. Съедает много ресурсов, что делает непонятно. В Интернет лазит. Не остановить.

12). Это всё с новеньким только что купленным в британском магазине Curry в Великобритании компьютере PC Lenovo Device Ideacentre A10 310-20IAP

13) 4Гигабайта памяти в итоге компьютеру мало, работает с замедленниями, буксуя и замораживаясь, порой отключается.

15) Пропадают файлы на носителях USB флешках, подключённых к компьютеру

— Lloyds Bank, британский банк, отключил мне доступ к своей Интернет странице Internet Banking на 72 часа. Позвонила туда в технический отдел, сотрудница сказала, им не нравится мой IP и они попросили меня отключить антивирусник, когда я делаю Интернет Банкин (смотрю состояние счёта или делаю платежи). Я отказалась.

— Ллойадс Банк, британский банк останавливал платёжки счетов через Интернет, даже на суммы 74 пенса и 4 фунта. Мне устраивали допросы насчёт я ли заплатила 4 фунта в британском магазине Теско Экспресс у моего дома (Но я не жаловалась о краже банковской карточки?). Такой тотальный контроль и травля начались после отключения программ слежжки Виндус 10.

— Вы пойдёте отнесёте комп в магазин и людям, кто продали Вам новенький комп с массой шпионских программ? Нет? Так и я нет. Пришла домой и закрыла эти платёжки. Утрата доверия к британским продуктам в частных британских магазинах и к британским профессионалам, утратившими заботу о клиентах на интерес шпионства за клиентами. Атрофия.

— Странно совпало это с покупкой нового компа в Карри в британском, и с отключением шпионских программ в нём.

— Мир тотального контроля, где они уже даже и не стесняются делать это по наглому, не стесняются нагличать в открытую, показывать свою силу тотального контроля (включая требования британских банковских работников отключить антивирусник) (*а то их шпионские программы не могут шарить, как хотят).

— При этом, альтернативы нет. США задавил всех конкурентов американских продуктов. Но при исчезновении альтернатив и конкуренции, компании уже не думают о клиентах: куда денутся?

Желание одно. Взять кувалду и хорошо поколотить помесь комп в пыль. И больше никогда вжизни электроники и софта и компов не покупать

Желание суинцида в итоге. Прослушку и подслушивание остановить просто невозможно.

Американская компания с Америки Миксофот с Виндус 10 Хоум создала свободным людям тюремные американские камеры.

Люди в положении преступников, а следят тюремщики.

Т.е. все секреты в компе кому-то куда-то?

А как авторское право? А никак? Какое авторское право на личное у преступников заключённых в камеры, перед тюремными надзирателями, устраивающие шмон и подглядывание?

Микрософт Виндус 10 и Леново шпионят
Микрософт Виндус 10 и Леново шпионят за покупателями их продукта

Если коротко. Касперский выловил множественные попытки
работы программа Микрософта Виндус 10 и Леново
к веб камере
создание аудио трансляций.

1. прослушка через микрофон в компе
2. подглядыевание и прослужка через установленную камеру в компе.

удалить программы Виндус 10 не даёт
даже для системного администратора компа по статусу.

Т.е. остаётся тогда сделать что?

физически заблокировать создав барьер,
— отключить удалить камеру и микрофон с компа
— другой путь залепить это всё.и много раз.не гарантия что звук не пройдёт.

Ниже подробнее на Английском
где есть программы, испытывающие нездоровую тягу к веб-камере и к мирофону и аудио стриму с моего дома.

нельзя иметь как физически иметь в компе лаптопе
вэб камеру и микрофон.

должно быть какое то отдельное устройство. вне компа.

И возможность его включить и отключить от компа
с программой кодировки отправления сообщением.

Тоmько полная блокирвание как физическое даёт безопасность.

Грубо говоря, вырвать с мясом устанновленное, чтобы не было инструмента,
который используют шпионить за тобой.

Знаете? Это тюрьма. Тюрьма, как система организации с глазком тюремного надзирателя, где тюремный надзиратель имеет право подсматривать за арестантом и заключённым в камере.

Программа Видус 10 американская американского монополиста Микрософтю

Переводить всё, что я на английском там налопатала, не буду.

Windows and American Spying on users and customers, Issies 2018 Jun

I just had bought a new comp Lenovo Idea Center. 1st i did i had disable all these collection information official option which gave their values for the official spying on users off.

I had installed anti virus program Kasperski 2018 to protect my privacy.

But I have found this huge manual official way is not working as Windows and Lenovo company collection the information while European Laws not permit this and some me was not and Kaspeski had allowed some attempts, not giving me way to delete programs, spying on me or to froxen their activity by a putting them in the quarranteen.

I did not wanted their Cortana, Speech Recognition and ets. I am not able to deleted them, they give no choice for customers here.

These program are taking a space on a computer memory and the register too.

But here are not any choice to uninstall what you do not wish and not use,
Windows does not permit this, forcing to keep.

While I saw as Windows and Lenovo spied on me^

How this worked? This is not worked.

1. Spying Windows programm

Speech Runtime Executable
wish constanly, repeatedly to do what?
to receive audio stream

(I switched off, i do not use the speech recognizing facility,
i switched off the access, but this had not stopped,

this impossible to stop or to delete

I do not use this, i do not wish to have this
Microsoft Windows 10 do not give me rights to delete it

including as to System Administrator of my computer, too
«- Not, we need TO LISTEN so to make audio streams»

I feel as i hate Americans,
they have a really bad dominant bad country of dominant monopoly.

Their American Microsoft Windows 10 is a typical way of deal with people
as to spy on themand to dominate.

It was a mistake to buy :((

I just upset what i received as a new American product for my money.

America is a really bad ountry as they produced so bad product as Windows 10
without Windows Photo Viewer but with spying via camera,microphone, etc
— they spend their working time to wrote this mess of spying prohrams,
not to improve what was good or save this good.

01.07.2018 07.08.25;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;
Speech Runtime Executable;
Speech Runtime Executable
(the antivirus granted to spy,so, as Kaspersky but some any)
07/01/2018 07:08:25
==== 4 attempts ==== repeatedly continued during a day
=== what they try to do?they try to make a record secretly from the user,
they try to spy on the user and the customer whom spent own money to buy their product.

This all on a way when i said NO I DO NOT PERMIT TO SPY ON ME

But this way not working.

2. Another spying Windows programm

Host Process for Windows Task
access webcam

01.07.2018 06.57.31;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;
07/01/2018 06:57:31
access webcam
(there plenty attempts) during day, really often.

30.06.2018 22.47.15;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;Host Process for Windows Tasks;
C:\Windows\System32\taskhostw.exe ;
06/30/2018 22:47:15
access webcam

It is not possible to stop to delete.

3. Another spying Windows programm:

Device Census

01.07.2018 04.43.28;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Device Census;
Device Census;
07/01/2018 04:43:28
tried to access to webcam

01.07.2018 08.24.39;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;Windows Shell Common Dll;
Windows Shell Common Dll;
C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll ;
07/01/2018 08:24:39

== they used something to make the audio stream of sounds here by a force as i had not opened nothing ====

5) Lenovo spied on Webcam
«KSN information»

C://Programs/Files (x86)/Lemon/ImController/Plugin Host
/Lenovo.Modern.Imcontroller.Plugin Host
«Companion App.exe

6) Photos while i had not opened them, spended their time to access to Internet

I put no permit but this is not working.

So,the best solution would be just

1. To extract web-camera and microphone physically from a laptop
2. there must be NO any recording technology.

3. To use the external devices and some special protected stream shortly for needs and to extract all straight after the use, keeping locked blocked, screened.

I am really fed up with this expensive product, which is not work properly, spying.

I liked the old Window Photo Viewer, and Windows 10 had not provided such as people liked to use as their habits.

Each their new Windows more small and provided less.

I sure this was wrong for USA to keep just 1 (the one) American company Microsoft sponsored in the competitors as already the business market from «just one company».

This dominant way to stay just one company had not pushed to be better for customer.

Look, what we do all?

we spent our money to keep this spying on all us?

and to help to keep just 1 American company Microsoft to be richest?

But their American traditional English-speakers «Thanks» to spy, to blame, to may things worse.

This is a wrong thing not to have competitors.

The American company Microsoft had stopped to work for customers.

This is because they just one company on the market for system and essential software..

See, Russians and Chinese and Indians could not develop somethings nice comfortable. This why all messed.

Windows and American Spying on users and customers, Issies 2018 Jun

I just had bought a new comp Lenovo Idea Center from CURRY PC WORLD CENTER in Masfield.

They charged me the price of LENOVO AID 310, Ideacentre comp,

They (CURRY in Mansfield) charged me their own local charge as the additional charge ;5. 99/monthly Direct Debit installation charge
«Repair and Support Plan Monthly ;5.99/month»
(for their new product).

I asked them if the warranty product term is not worked for this new product LENOVO AIO 310?

*As for all each electrical and electronic and other goods in sale in UK? by Trade Laws protecting CUSTOMERS in UK?

Their female staff asked me her really strange question if I am a dissability person?
(this looked regarding to my choice of a product with a big screen).

I had replied not really not but I have a health issues with osteoarthrit on my anckle on my right leg and a pain in my back too, making me hard to walk to use free computers in Sutton or Mansfield Libriries now while my old 1997 year ASUS Laptop with 17» screen 1997 year had broken complitly at this time, leaving me without any technoilogy to work at home.

I had not said that I had not any TV at home or any radio at home, saving on TV Licence which huge amount money for my budget of unemployment peron low income as ;147/year.

I have not any TV from about 2009 year when my home TV (bought in UK as British good product with British quality check) had eplosed suddenly in the living room of my property, I was the owner of my 3 bed-roomed house, 5 rooms, 2 gardens till January 2013, where I lived alone one from 2007 as my British husband worked abroad. But I enjoyed a life on the full charge of our family bank account, which supported me to have 3 nice holidays per year, so I had not bought any new TV at 1st just as I had a strongest stress to find a huge explosive of British product British TV from British supplyer bought in Great Britian store from British «specialized specialists».

When you spend a lot money to have the explosive in your home, as the huge shock and stress.
It was a loud explosive noise and a black foggy with black marks on new wall paper (really expensive new wall paper, we just finished the decoration).

When I bought my old 1997 year Laptop in Riga, Latvia, abroad, their technical advicer consultant adviced me their product lines so my sale of the product 2007 year worked fine till end of June 2018, over 11 years, the advice was for good for a client and a customer purpuses as the protection of a client and a customer. But some company put their own goal to sold and to sold the expensive products without the goal of satisfaction of clients needs and opinions.

So, some products will work for a longer some for less. Some people like to change all what they have, to upgrade their car, furnitures, electronic equipment, TV, mobiles, computers, upgrating wives for new model wives, upgrating kids (adapting the best clever intelligent nice looking polite kids on market as their own kids to show them to others to stay proud of their new property). But some other people like to keep all what they owe as their, the some, so, always looking for the real quality of the product to work for much longer.

I am the old fashion classic person whom liked to keep all mine as mine without changes.

If my computer or laptop is working well, I am satisfied, so i would not buy any new to change.

Foreign people laughed on our habit to like to wear the some clothes.

Yes, I did. I had just 1 nice cashmier dress wgich i liked towear just this, as my beloved 1st husband presented me this as his present to me in 1981 as I was a pregnant young woman and shamed to go to buy a dress for pregnant woman and to wear it too.

He bought it himself and he presented me this (just one present from him to me for a lime of our relations 1979-1997, and our marriage 1981-1997 was).

I so liked this thinnest cashmier dress! It was a thinnest and warm in a winter or cold days and not hot for a hot days as so big sizes making air inside.

I weared just this one dress always, putting my cross stiches patterns on holes as the time did the thinnest fabric into some holes.

I weared some skirt, sues, we had no idea to divorce to change to upgrade our wives or our husband, we keep all what was ours. We lived in some home, flat or a house, from the time to move to here as to a new flat or a new house till our deathes.

So, Azian Soviet Citizens were being pro-British, pro-British with their strongest value this «My House, My Property, My Wife, My Kids».

When plenty people abroad of USSR had their strong brain-washes against Soviet Union, nobody said the real truth to them that:

1. Soviet Union is the Soviet Empair, The Empair, by a huge size of their terrotory as their own area and the areas they dominated by a political and economical influences.

We see examples of Empairs:
— Rome Empair
— German Empair
— British Empair
— Soviet Union Empair, as pro-Russian Empair
— pro-American pro-USA Empair
— Vyzantia
— Old Greece, as pro-Old Greece prior-Empair influences
— Persian Empair, The Kir The Greatest
— the hidden history facts, about
— The Hidden Empair
before the Great Flood/Flood/Wars/Nuclear Bombing)
(this hidden history facts just started to open with the help of openning hidden resources as

The open fact photos evedences of existing hidden floors levels in a buildings of 19 centuries with
the fact that
these 1st levels floors
had been hidden by some type of
a mix
river soils as from a huge flood,
taking plenty water
with souls and covering first level floors in old buildings and churches.

The additional analysis of buildings on the planet had oppened facts the old old buildings with the some style of archichecture on the planet The Earth, in different countries, making the evidence of some style for buildings as the connection of power to be presented visual the some standards.

For example, the center of British town Nottingham in England, Great Britian, UK, is theold building of Notthingham Theare with nice highest collones is the copy of visual look the some looking old building in a center of Russian town Peterburgh Issakiev Cachedral Building with collones, just in Russia.

If we would do a collection of photos of similar looking tallest old building with colones on the planet The Earth and to use a map to connect all by lines to visual connections between areas, we will see the evedences of the influences or a possible juridical presentations of this hidden old Empair which existed in the past on the planet and which history had been hidden.

If you will see more here, as 5-Stars Shaped Old Walls, surrounded aerea in the center of towns near a water, a river, with buildings inside as some old Castles with 5Stars Walls for the protetions, and if to put such places on a map of a planet and to connect them by lines to visual this in links of the some style architecture, this all put links places and aereas on the planet.

This huge work had been done by Russian speakers and some English speakers too.

They put a hidden fact of some hidden technology, producing stones in a nice looking tallest colones (the automatic rotation and automatic cutter of stone of a hugest size).

In Russia, in Peterburg, here the old rounded stone bath tank for Russian Tsar, this had been done by one Russian man by the official Russian history for public but then the profeccionals in a cutting stones looked this, they put the fact of the use some automatic cutter machine of the huge size which are not existing now yet to be able to repeat the some work on stones or mramor. The some as just plenty modern heavy specialized building or military heavy duty cars would able to move so heavy weigth stone to this place of the installation.

This fact of the existing some technology in the past which had their knowledges and levels in a more high level of technology.

The old technique used to make any color to look as any color and any natural stone look.

To make this as a stone work by a cutter would be possible with the automatic 3D computerising programms (similar to some computerized programm ACAD CAD or Automatic Wood/Stone/Glass Cutters programms for 3D projects with the optical 3D control orientation), where a problem for projects of so heavy items of a so tallest wides items and the needs in a special cutters for hardest stones, on a laser or diamond cutters, mixing use control to cut any segment of any length os a smallest in micrones/mm to tens meters segments in any shapes.

Another possible way is the making items for some self-hardness liquids inside forms (as people use to do false teeth, tooth, etc etc), similar to this, with the additional top secrets of producing composite matherials which looked as natural stones, so, as natural stones work (by cutters on natural stones) with some extra top ability to make any color of any natural stones look.

So, some visual looking natural stone work,
as colones, bricks, sculptures, or just natural stones in any shape and shapes,
may be a results of work

1A Manual by humans with manual technique and cutters

1B Automatic 3D computerized special programs, on fabrics, where automatic cutters work with objects (natural stones, compsosite stones, wood, glass) as a program work technology
(ACAD,CAD, etc programms, they exists now)
(a problem of size/weight objects here only as a space dimention of work and a control of process)

1D some as mix of this and with extras to make colors or imitation on natural stones, etc.

This way used the chemical knowledges on chemicals and their abilities to change colors.

1E some mix and the special pressure (a high pressure, a high pressure oven, a low pressure low temperatures oven) as an automatic programmed/manual extra technique
To make glass
To make false stones looking as natural stones (diamonts, pearls, etc)
To make fossels (false wood fossels for jewerry).

Our official history of science, technology, countries had not such details of the existing such technology in the past.

Here is no word about the use of computers and special automatic computerized cutters 3D technique in 19 century on our planet in our official history as our school and University education.

But soon as people «open eyes» «to see the technology» as this look like, they look traces as evedences of existing this technology in the past with the fact of a silince of official history education and the explanations as a fact of a hidden history of our planet and the technology science history too from all us.

Just ONE BOOK as BIBLE as «the religious book» evidences SAID THIS FACT if to open eyes and the heart to read this.

Do you remember this words from BIBLE about towns Soddoma and Homor which existed BEFORE THE GREAT FLOOD WAS?

Do you remember words as all people living before started to be «a salt stone» items??

The color of salt? is a pure white color? some pure white color as a natural stone «Italian white marbol. The white chack is some pure white color too,

I try to say that if a person whom said words about «salt stutues copy» againts each alive human whom lived before, might use this word «salt» for a «pure white» as «salt» color while he/she/they saw a white sculptures copy (looking as white Italien marble, marbled sculptures).

And if some people in the past might not knew knowledge of a marble stone (white), using «salty stones» to point on a pure white color of marble stone sculptures of humans whom lived before us until The Great Flood and all was.

Or «salty stone» could be about the taste of this stone on the taste as «salty».

The Officil History had not named BIBLE as The Official History item, but as «a religious folklor old book» and so, probbaly, why just 1 item as some religous books as Bible or Indian religious book might saved real history real facts of the past.

Indian religius books saved words about a terrible wars with fightings of flying objetcs and their weapons technology in the past.

When people are reading religious books as Bible, Indian religious book, any, their mind put them to see this as «a religious», «some mystic fantasies mix from the past,probably», and plenty people never read religious book, preffering to read just the official permitted book as the official history from the official Historians as the education from the Official State Officials and They Official Political Power of This Moments.

If to see this «The Official Histoty» in Wikipedia, we may noticed the extractions of the information if some official political modern power disliked to others to know this.

If you try to look the history o some place and town, in Wikipedia, we see some extraction of the information of the «Free Resources» as someone disliked some facts to be known or mention.

Plenty people said as their videos on YOUtube had been extracted deleted as someone pressure «to dislike» or «the pressure of others to have just their rights to show from their point of view».

For example, British freelance Journalist Graham Williams Phillips did his name mark on the show his videos «as they are locally facts look at a present time». His work in his channels were as some additional eyes for public to find the local information from the area which he visited to see, as any, as a bd or a good or neightral, just «as it was now and as it is now» level.

As British Journalist Graham Phillips provided the informational resources from a civil war conflicts, sometimes, too, as from European civil war conflict in Ukraine, where Christian people of white race of one some Ukrainian Russian Orthodox Church Religious.

When freelance British Journalist Graham Phillips applied to receive the ofiaicl accomodation in The World Football Game in Russia, he had not been granted, making less journalist to present the game in Russia, while he had came to Russia before and he did a lot of a job inspectiong all moments as preparations, hotels, accomodation, food, etc.

Graham Phillips, so, came to see games as the ordinary witness as other visitors and he filmed his own memorable moments some way as others. But his video which had already 50,000 watchers on Youtube (making a mark of the huge interest to his information from over 50,000 people around the World just for couple hours he had put itas his «home type video as a witness» «as a British tourist in Russia», and FIFA pushed Youtube to delete this his video, blaming him, so, for the free providing information, regarding his personnel experiences.

So, if here a Freedom of the information rule to be free to provide the information and to receive to see the information, which would interesting for you now, as always someone may stop any access to any information in any level just as «disliked» you ot your information.

Plenty others had put their home videos as their experiences as their videos may be still here on Youtube.

FIFA put their rules on the rules just they have rights to provide the information and just Journalists whom had the oficial permit from FIFA. But the point of this that not all each Journalist had this permit on the ask. Graham Phillips had not been granted on his apply for the official permit.

So, here the censure point to give permit to provide the information for some circle of choosed people only.

This mean the real censure of the access to the information and to the providing the information.

This is not The Freedom Of The Information, so, «just some circle of CHOOSED people granted as the official provider of their information on their opinions and rules».

So, here not The Freedom of The Speech too, as the censure fact of the close mouth «of whom should be not from the official permitted circle of the provider of the information».

This mean «a head brain wash».

This mean we see «news» from just «the official circle of official permitter «Journalists»».

Look, but if the person as «The Official permitted provider of the information» has the obligation of the company rules and instrucations and recommendations, they never provide any information against their company rules as they are employee and so they are obligated slaves on rules of company to do what their company said to do from this till this borders.

Plenty people had their experiences if they saw some important events for them to company this in the news that different company put the information differently. Some may not say news which the opposite for the official doctrina. In this case, people do not know and have not any access to the information to know things at all. Other company may say but not in the full access.

When a murder kill someonein UK, all newspapers put a lot information as the advert of this murder, his girlfriend, their thoughts, their life.

British newsmakers sure people would interesting to know opinions of murders and opinions of their women or lovers.

Victims had not such publicity sometimes as murders and their women have here in UK.

British newsmakers blamed Russian as murders in Ukraine.

Look, here a huge civil war in Ukraine, in Donbass, from 2014 and not ending.

Plenty Christian women and Christian kids, Christian men had been killed, their properties, their houses, their flats, their churches, their schools, their kinder gardens, their towns and their villages had been bombed, plenty died and plenty wounded, having noleg, or no arm, or no eyes.

People lived on their land, in their town, in their village, some one came to them to kill locals, to bomb properties.

If to see CNN as I saw, trying to receive the information about this, CNN female staff said somethings looking as this «Hi! Do not worry! All they here are pro-Russians!».

No one American Journalist CNN came to Donbass to film to know the truth about events in Europe as a mass genocide event.

So, the official American new providers as CNN had not enough staff to make news about events, see, straight, if these events would not right events to know.

Can imagine the huge «newsmakers» channels which censured the information to show or not to show as «this news event would be opposite our other news events and rules of our company’es filter on news».

So, people whom noticed this, they stopped to see «the official providers of news», they stopped to trust to «the official newsproviders» with their filters on the information, what to show and what not».

So, people moved to find sime freelance Journalists information as not censured information «all as it is now here».

Speech Recognizing,
Speech Runtime Executable

SpeechRuntime.exe receives audio stream
so, spying to listen your home and you
not 1 time perday, but couple times per day,
so, just spying.

If you listen as someone unseen suddenly switch on somethings sounding,
suprizing you a lot
by the remote access to your property computer/laptop,
they checked that their audio recording technology is working properly
to record sounds
as they had not any sound on their record as just a silence.

Micrisoft Host Host Process for Windows Tasks

collecting and receiving
the access to Web Camera

Device Census

Device Census.exe
collecting and receiving
the access to Web Camera

Windows Shell Common Dll

Windows Shell Common Dll

Windows Shell Common Dll
audio stream;

collecting and receiving
the access to Web Camera

Lenovo spied on Webcam

«Companion App.exe
«KSN information»

C://Programs/Files (x86)/Lemon/ImController/Plugin Host
/Lenovo.Modern.Imcontroller.Plugin Host
«Companion App.exe

collecting and receiving
the access to Web Camera

Microsoft Privacy is not working
they sold their product with patterns inside
for spying on their clients and customer
via audio streem
via Web Camera
via using special code access
to see all what you type in your computer.

to buy this great American product of a monopoly
to buy some dominant, spying on you, yours, your family, your friends.

They installed plenty spying patterns programms.

Windows 10 have not Window Photo Viewer which Windows 7 and Windows 8 had.

Microsoft is not thinking to satisfy clients whom bought their product to be happy to have it.

Microsoft is the great biggest company but they are the MONOPOLY
not worrying about any «bussness trade compition to satisfy customers».

Americans did all to stay just as The Monopoly, dictating their rules not worrying you have not choice.

When you go to a shop, there are plenty shops from biggest stories tilll kiddle and small shop, they are competitors for customers.

There are plenty company, plenty items and the competitors for customers to satisfy customers.

Just American Company Microsoft has not any competitors.

See, the results of this:

1. they took off their old feature Windows Photo Viewer (was in Windows7, Windows 8, the new modern Windows 10 have not Windows Photo Viewer.

Customers used to search Internet to find the solution to see photos as they bought their laptop, computer with big screen to see this.

So, Microsoft people deal with customer as sadists enjoying to do worse for customers.

2. People have a fear to upgrade as any upgrade may take their programms which they use and needed as not working any more and the absent service and programs.

3. I do not need any «camera» and «microphon» in my computer or laptop as this technology just spying secretly on me, «their owner whom bought this laptop-computer», as a stupid idiot to spend own money to receive THE SPY and The SPY ACCESS TO YOUR HOME AND PRIVATE LIFE,
collecting private information.

5. For security reasons, the Web Camera and Microphon must be not connected to your laptop or computer never. As just this way is the security way.

6. What had stopped plenty «private» companies to design new style devices where the camera and microphon is not connected as the physical connection to a computer?

7. If you need this, this may be another separate device, having the switch connector and the streaming cryptography, when this came via a special channel.

8. Plenty people when they buy their new computer or laptop do at 1st what?

They qlue their camera and their microphone.

I see as the absence of competitors did the sadistic monopoly rules practice to leave their customers unhappy, criening, stressed, shocked, having the loss of their private information.

Why so plenty «updates» for this product?

People buy laptop and computers to sit to look photos on their big screens.


for YOU TO SEE photos by this camera too.

This look like terrible and sadistics.

People are not Angels,

but the fight for customer and their money do some companies so nice, so friendly, so polite,
so looking for customers and their needs.

We look the Western market.

There are plenty digital cameras on sale
so, we see Microsoft people wrote their programs spying on your via their access to the camera and the microphone inside your laptop/computer,

they extracted the program Windows Photo VIEWER to SEE PHOTOS HERE FOR YOU.


Plenty people said their opinions and thoughts now that our planet and we all here are CACHED by some evil ALIENS and so all OFFICIALS in all countries are THEIR EVIL ALIENS’ES MANAGER, SERVANTS, PROVIDERS.

USA built their great economy on the fight of the competitors to make the best product and to provide the best services for clients.

USA state created THE AMERICAN MONOPOLY MICROSOFT as the dominant.

Are you happy with this their American monopoly product?

So, I hate Americans now.

American Citizens USA created their state as it is by their choices of their Political Power and so rules.

How many American Presidents USA had created somethings really nice for people in their country? for all?

— they used to put a fire on the police,
— they used to threw stones to a police
— they used a green hot chilli liqiod «zeljonka» strongest desinfector to threw on faces of women and men if these «political sabotagees» disliked their opinions.

They had took the political power in Ukraine, in European country.

Their 1st new Laws was the stop of the use of native languages for Ethnic Groups of Ukraine on the areas where these Ethnic Groups lived compact (over 50%).

Canada is the nearest American neigbor,
Canada have two state languages as English and French to respect their own Ethnic Communities and their native languages.

Belgia had French and Belgian languages as the state languages., Belgia is in the Europe.

British Govertment of David Cameron had not blamed Scottish Ethnic Community to have their thoughts and their political ideas to stay separate from UK, on own.

See, David Cameron had not ordred the some for Scotland, but David Cameron had supported as RIGHT DECITION TO BOMB CIVILINAS IF THEY DISAGREE WITH THE FORCED CHANGE OF THEIR POLITICAL POWER IN UKRAINE.

In my opinion, some spies, military spies, undercover, helped to kill civilians here in Ukraine.

One state is busy with a brain washes.

Look, how would you name someone whom kill children and women and pensioners? whom bombed buses? whom bombed schools with kids here?

This what was here in Ukraine in Donbass and what American «news» channels had not said as CNN, BBC, had not sent their Journalists to show this to public to know whom was and is the state as Politics on the full American-British «English-speaking» support,which task had been fully supported by American Politicians and British Politicians.

Look, Plenty of this Top Politicians are really old people in age of pensioners, some had a dementia or a mental break of old age problems, probably, and thoughts about the death and deathes and died people as they are near to a border of THE DEATH THEMSELVES BY THEIR AGE GROUP.

But what is to be suprised here if people near to their death are thinking about died, the death, died, the deathes, looking for died people as a curiosity and ordering for youngers to go to wars to be died, so, for Oldest Top Politicians to enjoy their lives to stay alive while so plenty young age people died or wounded badly.

Plenty people diliked Bush, but it was the one good thing with Bush:

there were not the mass genocide killings of white race Christian children and women on Ukraine as started on a time of the American President Barak Obama.

See, he was a mix race man, his father left his white skinned mother and his child, for a child to blame his mother and women in this, probably.

Barak Obama was a man in charge supporting the full process of the political civil war in Ukraine and the taking the political power by the force, by thrpwing stones and fire to Ukrainian Police in 2014 in Kiev.

What would American Police Officers or British Police Officers did if some men would started to threw stones and a fire on the Police Officers in UK/in USA? shouting «we are Politician Sabatagees! We wish to take a power in a country TO RULE!»??

I doubt such people would not arrested to keep them in a prison? for the attacking the Police Officers.

I do not doubt that Police Officers would opened the fire to kill any man whom would started attack them by throwing stones and a fire to Police Officers if this would be in America or in Great Britian as English-speaking countries.

But when the some events were in Kiev in Ukraine in 2014?

British Politicians and American Politicians provided their FULL SUPPORT, as the moral, political, informational, economical, military to whom?? to whom? to CRIMINALS WHOM TOOK A POLITICAL POWER IN UKRAINE BY FIGHT WITH UKRAINIAN POLICE, BY THROWING STONES AND FIRE TO UKRAINIAN POLICE IN KIEV.

The some activity would named as a serious crime of crimers in USA/UK land,
but when this serois crime was far away in Ukraine,

What would serois criminals do, taking a political power in any country?

as they are criminals, they would use the political power to make their seriois crimes, killings, just on the state level and the support, are not they??

Obama disliked what? American Govertment disliked what?


If you would be Ukrainian Citizen, living in Ukraine, would you vote for pro-American Lady July Timoshenko with her ideas plans to use Nuclear Bombs on Ukrainian Citizens Ukraine and to Ukrainian Land?

People had not choosed July Timoshenko as their Leader as their vote was, so, another person, a man, pro-Russian man started to be Ukrainian Leader, and American man Barak Obama had not respect this as the result of democratic vote day in Ukraine.

American President Barak Obama said publicly that this change of power by a force was some hidden American military andAmerican spies cooperation and operation as their succes of USA plans for Ukraine and Ukrainian land.

See, America support the democraticy and the democratic vote results just if this final result would be «this and this! not that!»

Lands, where took Americans troops stepped, started to be lands with the political power of criminals, whom dislikes all and civilians of their own country too.

So, do American Govertment support THE DEMOCRATICY?

No, they do not, they like to force other to do things.

American Top Politicians used to make a bloody mess of bodies of Ukrainian civilians as they disliked the way to accept the change of the political power in their country as they voted for their Ukrainian President on the vote day.

This means that the way of thinking and the way of valuetion of American Top Politicians (Presidents and Congress) are NOT THE DEMOCRATIC.

Just American teachers in American schools used their bla-bla-bla brain washes about
The Democraticy, The Freedom of The Information, The Freedom of Speech,

American Congress prefer to support bloody revolutions resukts and a mass genocide results and never other people democratic vote results and choices.

Look, some about American rules to other countries.

You may think as you think, but IF YOU WILL THINK WHAT WE DISLIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU,



You bought your laptop to see photos on a big screen?

hi-hi, haha-ha from American SADISTS MICROSOFT to you!

They EXTRACTED Windows Photo Viewer from their product Windows 10 for you!

Their new PHOTO is taken the catalog of all your photos, and you may see as this their app PHOTO suddenly connected with Internet to send some information to someone.

Do you think this is right?

This is so dirty way of spying on own clients.

Microsoft had not worried to do things for clients whom BOUGHT their product,
they worried to creat their product with plenty spying programms,
collectiong audia stream, voices, taclks, chats, photos, pictures, documents.



Look, WHY do AMERICAN CITIZENS USA created such state with their top politicians whom can not respect other people democratic vote results? with top politicians acting as a serios criminals murders? supporting politics ordering to bomb civilians? women? children?

If Barak Obama would respect and love his mother of white race and her parents, his grandparents, he would never signed papers which moved to a genocide of women of white race and children of white race in Ukraine in Donbass, while he said as a proud in this he was in charge, ordering this change of political power in Ukraine by a force with throwing stones and a fire to Ukrainian Police.

American CNN had not show this to Americans?

Why had American Citizens USA had not choosed some man, having his birth and the growth in America?

Why had American Citizens USA had put someone outside of USA, educated by some African tribe in Africa man on the top, as more HIGHEST rather they all, living in USA, having their birth, their education, their friends, knowns, relatives in USA?

So, American Citizens USA do not trust to each another? prefering someone from abroad? from Africa?

European and Russian people of white race never had slavory of African people, to hateto blame them in crimes of white race people as English-speaking, etc.

I try to say as nobody had offended Barak Obama’s ancestry to hate women and children of Donbass Ukraine in Europe so strong to kill them all.

People said Barak Obama was a Devil. a Devil whom hate others and signed the activity to kill.

Children of Barak Obama are children of murder.
the wife of Barak Obama Michelle is a wife of the murder.

Barak Obama was in charge as the politician, signing the start of all this bloody mess of white race women and chilldren in Ukraine,

American Congress USA spend a huge amount of American money from American budget in transh abroad to support a war in Ukraine.

American Congress USA are MURDERS IN POWER.



Ukrainian Top Politicians ordered to bomb properties of civilians, schools, buses.

Why had this so hard for American and British and European Police Officers TO RECOGNICE THESE DEATHS OF CIVILIANS AS A BLOODY MASS DEATHS AS A SERIOUS CRIME, SERIOUS CRIMES?&

See, we have a really strange American and British and European Police Officers whom are on the full support MURDERS IN POLITICAL POWER.

American President Barak Obama said openlky as this was HIS ORDER to make the start of this bloody mess in Ukraine as «American military operation».

This means, America attacked Ukraine, not named this openly as THE WAR WITH UKRAINE NOW!

I am a honest person to see Russia could stopped this bloody mess straight in 2014
as just Russia was this country as a military provider for a petrol, oil, for Ukrainian planes, tanks, cars,

Russia sold their gas, pertol, oil to 2 sides of this civil war conflict in Ukraine.

The stop of sake of gas, petrol, oil, till the stop of a civil war, would frozen the situation, saving lives.

Russia prefer to earn money on sale to 2 sides of a conflict.

So, Russia had supported a genocide mass killing women and children of Donbass.

To provide thepetrol for military plane, flying to bomb?

the sanctions to stop to do thiswould frozen the conflict, saving lives from 2 sides of this civil war on Ukraine.

Secondary. Russia had not provided the free humanitarian buses for the equacuation and guards to save lives during the evaquation process.

No, I can not be pro-Russian here.

This look like Leader of Ukraine, America, Russia, Great Britian, Germany, EU had agreemnet to reduce number of local population of white race. They started from Ukraine in 2014.

Plenty people are thinking our planet cached by evil aliens with their managers as our Top Politicians.

Some are thinking we died all and we live in the hell or prior-hell where plenty Devils as TOP POLITICIANS and OFFICIALS to tourture to humilate us to cry.

Look, American inhabitants were hundreds of billions, and so, they could not think all as the one permitted official style of thinking.



3. or the change for the copy biorobots robots ot the alincetookthe lokk, «eating humans»,covering themselves

4.or a special technolody of brain washes

5. or Americans had been cached by aliens and their technology

7. or Americans are cowards to havetheir opinions or to say them if they are thinking different.

8. this would be impossible each of hundred billlions would think the some? what American Top Politicians said to think for others.

Feedback 1A part. Optional Look, the optional use of keyboad and mouse

*I picked their cheapest comp with the large 21′ inch screen computer.
* I picked a white nice color, was so happy for a look of this product with a large screen

* Feedback on the keyboad: this is not so sensitive as was my old keyboad from ASUS laptope, produced in 2007 year, this need to press more hard or it will be a missed letter /sign.
* Feedback on their mouse 2018 year sale: this is quite big and not so comfortable as the old technology which i had, too
* So, all as more worse quality as a really old fashion technology
*So, it will be need to change the original new keyboad and mouse to another «oldest» more sensitive easy use equipment.

1st i did i had disable all these collection information official option which gave their values for the official spying on users off.

I had installed anti virus program Kasperski 2018 to protect my privacy.

But I have found this huge manual official way is not working as Windows and Lenovo company collection the information while European Laws not permit this and some me was not.

I did not wanted their Cortana, Speech Recognition and ets.

These program are taking a space on a computer memory and the register too.

But here are not any choice to uninstall what you do not wish and not use,
Windows does not permit this, forcing to keep.

While I saw as Windows and Lenovo spied on me^

1. Spying Windows programm Speech Runtime Executable
01.07.2018 07.08.25;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;
Speech Runtime Executable;
Speech Runtime Executable
(the antivirus granted to spy,so, as Kaspersky but some any)
07/01/2018 07:08:25
==== 4 attempts ==== repeatedly continued during a day
=== what they try to do?they try to make a record secretly from the user,
they try to spy on the user and the customer whom spent own money to buy their product.

This all on a way when i said NO I DO NOT PERMIT TO SPY ON ME

But this way not working.

2. Another spying Windows programm Host Process for Windows Task

01.07.2018 06.57.31;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;
07/01/2018 06:57:31
(there plenty attempts) during day, really often.

30.06.2018 22.47.15;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Host Process for Windows Tasks;Host Process for Windows Tasks;
C:\Windows\System32\taskhostw.exe ;
06/30/2018 22:47:15

It is not possible to stop to delete.

3. Another spying Windows programm: Device Census

01.07.2018 04.43.28;
Application is not allowed to access webcam;
Device Census;
Device Census;
07/01/2018 04:43:28

01.07.2018 08.24.39;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;
Windows Shell Common Dll;
Windows Shell Common Dll;
C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll ;
07/01/2018 08:24:39

== they used something to make the audio stream of sounds here by a force as i had not opened nothing ====

5) Lenovo spied on Webcam
«KSN information»

C://Programs/Files (x86)/Lemon/ImController/Plugin Host
/Lenovo.Modern.Imcontroller.Plugin Host
«Companion App.exe

6) Photos while i had not opened them, spended their time to access to Internet

I put no permit but this is not working.

So,the best solution would be just

1. To extract web-camera and microphone physically from a laptop
2. there must be NO any recording technology.

3. To use the external devices and some special protected stream shortly for needs and to extract all straight after the use, keeping locked blocked, screened.

I am really fed up with this expensive product, which is not work properly, spying.

I liked the old Window Photo Viewer, and Windows 10 had not provided such as people liked to use as their habits.

Each their new Windows more small and provided less.

I sure this was wrong for USA to keep just 1 (the one) American company Microsoft sponsored in the competitors as already the business market from «just one company».

This dominant way to stay just one company had not pushed to be better for customer.

Look, what we do all?

we spent our money to keep this spying on all us?

and to help to keep just 1 American company Microsoft to be richest?

But their American traditional English-speakers «Thanks» to spy, to blame, to may things worse.

This is a wrong thing not to have competitors.

The American company Microsoft had stopped to work for customers.

This is because they just one company on the market for system and essential software..

See, Russians and Chinese and Indians could not develop somethings nice comfortable. This why all messed.

a quite mess of everything here.I tried as I could.

Это заказная статья скрывает

Детали насильственного доминантного шпионства в Виндус 10:

2. Another spying Windows programm

Host Process for Windows Task
access webcam
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

3. Another spying Windows programm:

Device Census
access webcam;
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

01.07.2018 08.24.39;
Application is allowed to receive audio stream;Windows Shell Common Dll;
Windows Shell Common Dll;
C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll ;
07/01/2018 08:24:39
attempts to receive audio stream
Windows Shell Common Dll;
прослушка потоковой звукозаписи
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

5. Lenovo spied on Webcam
«KSN information»

C://Programs/Files (x86)/Lemon/ImController/Plugin Host
/Lenovo.Modern.Imcontroller.Plugin Host
«Companion App.exe»
access webcam;
подключение к веб-камере (подглядывание)
Отключить Видус это запрещает даже в режиме администратор
It is not possible to stop to delete.

6) Photos while i had not opened them, spended their time to access to Internet
App Photo в Windows 10 Home Microsoft Lenovo compruter
Что-то шлёт кому-то куда-то подключаясь сам к Интернету.
Отключить не удаётся.
Зато просмотр фото в принципе невозможен и неудобен.
Программисты увлекались писать шпионские добавки больше, чем создавать софт
для самой работы на компьютере для пользователей, кто купил.

7). Movie Maker программа в Windows 10 исчезла.

8). Window Photo Viewer в Windows не присутствует. А Photo само шлёт что-то кому то куда-то сама подключаясь к Интернету.

10). Отключить «Кортана» не получается. Съедает много ресурсов, что делает непонятно. В Интернет лазит. Не остановить.

12). Это всё с новеньким только что купленным в британском магазине Curry в Великобритании компьютере PC Lenovo Device Ideacentre A10 310-20IAP

13) 4Гигабайта памяти в итоге компьютеру мало, работает с замедленниями, буксуя и замораживаясь, порой отключается.

15) Пропадают файлы на носителях USB флешках, подключённых к компьютеру

Желание одно. Взять кувалду и хорошо поколотить помесь комп в пыль. И больше никогда вжизни электроники и софта и компов не покупать

Желание суинцида в итоге. Прослушку и подслушивание остановить просто невозможно.

Американская компания с Америки Миксофот с Виндус 10 Хоум создала свободным людям тюремные американские камеры.

Люди в положении преступников, а следят тюремщики.

Т.е. все секреты в компе кому-то куда-то?

А как авторское право? А никак? Какое авторское право на личное у преступников заключённых в камеры, перед тюремными надзирателями, устраивающие шмон и подглядывание?

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин


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