Spriterenderer unity что это
Spriterenderer unity что это
The Sprite Renderer component renders the Sprite and controls how it visually appears in a Scene for both 2D and 3D projects.
When you create a Sprite (GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite), Unity automatically creates a GameObject with the Sprite Renderer component attached. You can also add the component to an existing GameObject via the Components menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer).
Property | Function |
Sprite | Define which Sprite texture the component should render. Click the small dot to the right to open the object picker window, and select from the list of available Sprite Assets. |
Color | Define the vertex color of the Sprite, which tints or recolors the Sprite’s image. Use the color picker to set the vertex color of the rendered Sprite texture. See the Color section below this table for examples. |
Flip | Flips the Sprite texture along the checked axis. This does not flip the Transform position of the GameObject. |
Material | Define the Material used to render the Sprite texture. |
Draw Mode | Define how the Sprite scales when its dimensions change. Select one of the following options from the drop-down box. |
Simple | The entire image scales when its dimensions change. This is the default option. |
Sliced | Select this mode if the Sprite is 9-sliced. |
Size (‘Sliced’ or ‘Tiled’) | Enter the Sprite’s new Width and Height to scale the 9-sliced Sprite correctly. You can also use the Rect Transform Tool to scale the Sprite while applying 9-slicing properties. |
Tiled | By default, this mode causes the middle of the 9-Sliced Sprite to tile instead of scale when its dimensions change. Use Tile Mode to control the tiling behavior of the Sprite. |
Continuous | This is the default Tile Mode. In Continuous mode, the midsection tiles evenly when the Sprite dimensions change. |
Adaptive | In Adaptive mode, the Sprite texture stretches when its dimensions change, similar to Simple mode. When the scale of the changed dimensions meets the Stretch Value, the midsection begins to tile. |
Stretch Value | Use the slider to set the value between 0 and 1. The maximum value is 1, which represents double the original Sprite’s scale. |
Sorting Layer | Set the Sorting Layer of the Sprite, which controls its priority during rendering. Select an existing Sorting Layer from the drop-down box, or create a new Sorting Layer. |
Order In Layer | Set the render priority of the Sprite within its Sorting Layer. Lower numbered Sprites are rendered first, with higher numbered Sprites overlapping those below. |
Mask Interaction | Set how the Sprite Renderer behaves when interacting with a Sprite Mask. See examples of the different options in the Mask Interaction section below. |
None | The Sprite Renderer does not interact with any Sprite Masks in the Scene. This is the default option. |
Visible Inside Mask | The Sprite is visible where the Sprite Mask overlays it, but not outside of it. |
Visible Outside Mask | The Sprite is visible outside of the Sprite Mask, but not inside it. The Sprite Mask hides the sections of the Sprite it overlays. |
Sprite Sort Point | Choose between the Sprite’s Center or its Pivot Point when calculating the distance between the Sprite and the camera. See the section on Sprite Sort Point for further details. |
The image below demonstrates the effect of changing the RGB values on the Sprite Renderer’s Color setting. To change a Sprite’s opacity, change the value of its Color property’s Alpha (A) channel.
Left: The original Sprite. Right: The Sprite with its RGB colors set to red.
Use a Material’s Material and Shader settings to control how Unity renders it. Refer to Materials, Shaders & Textures for further information on these settings.
Mask Interaction
Mask Interaction controls how the Sprite Renderer interacts with Sprite Masks. Select either Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu. The examples below demonstrate the effect of each option with a square Sprite and a circle Mask:
To interact with a Sprite Mask, select Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu.
Sprite Sort Point
This property is only available when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Simple.
In a 2D project, the Main Camera is set to Orthographic Projection mode by default. In this mode, Unity renders Sprites in the order of their their distance to the camera, along the direction of the Camera’s view.
Orthographic Camera: Side view (top) and Game view (bottom)
By default, a Sprite’s Sort Point is set to its Center, and Unity measures the distance between the camera’s Transform position and the Center of the Sprite to determine their render order.
To set to a different Sort Point from the Center, select the Pivot option. Edit the Sprite’s Pivot position in the Sprite Editor.
Spriterenderer unity что это
Компонент Sprite Renderer позволяет вам отображать изображения в виде спрайтов( Sprites ), чтобы использовать их и в 2D и в 3D сценах.
Add it to a GameObject via the Components menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer or alternatively, you can just create a GameObject directly with a Sprite Renderer already attached (menu: GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite).
Свойство: | Функция: |
Sprite | Спрайт, который надо рендерить. Спрайты можно создать из текстур используя настройку Sprite в импортере текстур (Texture importer). |
Color | Цвет меша, который рендерится. |
Flip | Flip the sprite in the X or Y planes. |
Material | Материал, используемый для рендера спрайта. |
Sorting Layer | Слой, используемый для задачи приоритета наложения во время рендеринга. |
Order In Layer | Приоритет наложения спрайта в рамках его слоя. Чем ниже число, тем раньше будет рендериться спрайт, а спрайты с числами повыше, будут рисоваться поверх тех, что ниже. |
В 3D графике внешний вид объекта может быть разным в соответствии с освещением и с точкой обзора на объект. А вот в 2D изображение просто отображается на экране без каких-либо трансформаций, кроме базовых перемещения, масштабирования и вращения. Позиция спрайта задаётся 2D координатами, таким образом здесь нету концепта “глубины” или расстояния от камеры.
Тем не менее, важно иметь способ определения приоритета наложения разных спрайтов(т.е, какие спрайты будут рисоваться поверх других, в случае пересечения). Например, в игре с вождением, автомобиль должен быть виден при проходе по плоским объектам на дороге. Unity использует концепт слоёв сортировки ( sorting layers ), чтобы позволить разделять спрайты на группы с приоритетами наложения. Спрайты, с более низким сортировочным слоем будут рисоваться под спрайтами с более высоким сортировочным слоем.
Иногда, два или более объекта в одном и том же сортировочном слое могут накладываться (например, 2 персонажа в сайд-скроллере). Свойство order in layer может быть использовано, чтобы задать приоритеты спрайтам в одном и том же слое. Так же, как и со слоями сортировки, применяется правило, что сначала рендерятся объекты с более низким значением номера и перекрываются объектами с более высоким значением. Для деталей о редактировании слоёв сортировки см.layer manager.
Sprite Renderer использует текстуру указанную в свойстве Sprite, но использует шейдер и другие свойства из свойства Material (это выполняется используя за сценой MaterialPropertyBlock). Это значит, что вы можете использовать один и тот же материал для рендера разных спрайтов не трогая каждую текстуру по отдельности.
Спрайт рендерится на меше, который использует позицию, цвет и UV на каждой вершине, но у него нет вектора нормали. Если ваш материал требует векторы нормалей, то вы можете рассчитать их используя вертексный шейдер (см. Surface Shader Examples.
Стандартные шейдеры, используемые для спрайтов:
The SpriteRenderer flipping feature provides a lightweight alternative which doesn’t affect any other components or GameObjects. It simply flips the rendered sprite on x or y axis and nothing else.
Sprite Renderer
The Sprite Renderer component renders the Sprite A 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More info
See in Glossary and controls how it visually appears in a Scene A Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
See in Glossary for both 2D and 3D projects.
When you create a Sprite (GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite), Unity automatically creates a GameObject with the Sprite Renderer component attached. You can also add the component to an existing GameObject via the Components A functional part of a GameObject. A GameObject can contain any number of components. Unity has many built-in components, and you can create your own by writing scripts that inherit from MonoBehaviour. More info
See in Glossary menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer).
The image below demonstrates the effect of changing the RGB values on the Sprite Renderer’s Color setting. To change a Sprite’s opacity, change the value of its Color property’s Alpha (A) channel.
Left: The original Sprite. Right: The Sprite with its RGB colors set to red.
Use a Material’s Material and Shader settings to control how Unity renders it. Refer to Materials, Shaders & Textures for further information on these settings.
Mask Interaction
Mask Interaction controls how the Sprite Renderer interacts with Sprite Masks. Select either Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu. The examples below demonstrate the effect of each option with a square Sprite and a circle Mask:
To interact with a Sprite Mask, select Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu.
Sprite Sort Point
This property is only available when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Simple.
In a 2D project, the Main Camera is set to Orthographic Projection mode by default. In this mode, Unity renders Sprites in the order of their their distance to the camera, along the direction of the Camera’s view.
Orthographic Camera: Side view (top) and Game view (bottom)
By default, a Sprite’s Sort Point is set to its Center, and Unity measures the distance between the camera’s Transform position and the Center of the Sprite to determine their render order.
To set to a different Sort Point from the Center, select the Pivot option. Edit the Sprite’s Pivot position in the Sprite Editor.
Sprite Renderer
The Sprite Renderer component renders the Sprite and controls how it visually appears in a Scene for both 2D and 3D projects.
When you create a Sprite (GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite), Unity automatically creates a GameObject with the Sprite Renderer component attached. You can also add the component to an existing GameObject via the Components menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer).
Property | Function |
Sprite | Define which Sprite texture the component should render. Click the small dot to the right to open the object picker window, and select from the list of available Sprite Assets. |
Color | Define the vertex color of the Sprite, which tints or recolors the Sprite’s image. Use the color picker to set the vertex color of the rendered Sprite texture. See the Color section below this table for examples. |
Flip | Flips the Sprite texture along the checked axis. This does not flip the Transform position of the GameObject. |
Material | Define the Material used to render the Sprite texture. |
Draw Mode | Define how the Sprite scales when its dimensions change. Select one of the following options from the drop-down box. |
Simple | The entire image scales when its dimensions change. This is the default option. |
Sliced | Select this mode if the Sprite is 9-sliced. |
Size (‘Sliced’ or ‘Tiled’) | Enter the Sprite’s new Width and Height to scale the 9-sliced Sprite correctly. You can also use the Rect Transform Tool to scale the Sprite while applying 9-slicing properties. |
Tiled | By default, this mode causes the middle of the 9-Sliced Sprite to tile instead of scale when its dimensions change. Use Tile Mode to control the tiling behavior of the Sprite. |
Continuous | This is the default Tile Mode. In Continuous mode, the midsection tiles evenly when the Sprite dimensions change. |
Adaptive | In Adaptive mode, the Sprite texture stretches when its dimensions change, similar to Simple mode. When the scale of the changed dimensions meets the Stretch Value, the midsection begins to tile. |
Stretch Value | Use the slider to set the value between 0 and 1. The maximum value is 1, which represents double the original Sprite’s scale. |
Sorting Layer | Set the Sorting Layer of the Sprite, which controls its priority during rendering. Select an existing Sorting Layer from the drop-down box, or create a new Sorting Layer. |
Order In Layer | Set the render priority of the Sprite within its Sorting Layer. Lower numbered Sprites are rendered first, with higher numbered Sprites overlapping those below. |
Mask Interaction | Set how the Sprite Renderer behaves when interacting with a Sprite Mask. See examples of the different options in the Mask Interaction section below. |
None | The Sprite Renderer does not interact with any Sprite Masks in the Scene. This is the default option. |
Visible Inside Mask | The Sprite is visible where the Sprite Mask overlays it, but not outside of it. |
Visible Outside Mask | The Sprite is visible outside of the Sprite Mask, but not inside it. The Sprite Mask hides the sections of the Sprite it overlays. |
Sprite Sort Point | Choose between the Sprite’s Center or its Pivot Point when calculating the distance between the Sprite and the camera. See the section on Sprite Sort Point for further details. |
The image below demonstrates the effect of changing the RGB values on the Sprite Renderer’s Color setting. To change a Sprite’s opacity, change the value of its Color property’s Alpha (A) channel.
Left: The original Sprite. Right: The Sprite with its RGB colors set to red.
Use a Material’s Material and Shader settings to control how Unity renders it. Refer to Materials, Shaders & Textures for further information on these settings.
Mask Interaction
Mask Interaction controls how the Sprite Renderer interacts with Sprite Masks. Select either Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu. The examples below demonstrate the effect of each option with a square Sprite and a circle Mask:
To interact with a Sprite Mask, select Visible Inside Mask or Visible Outside Mask from the drop-down menu.
Sprite Sort Point
This property is only available when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Simple.
In a 2D project, the Main Camera is set to Orthographic Projection mode by default. In this mode, Unity renders Sprites in the order of their their distance to the camera, along the direction of the Camera’s view.
Orthographic Camera: Side view (top) and Game view (bottom)
By default, a Sprite’s Sort Point is set to its Center, and Unity measures the distance between the camera’s Transform position and the Center of the Sprite to determine their render order.
To set to a different Sort Point from the Center, select the Pivot option. Edit the Sprite’s Pivot position in the Sprite Editor.
Spriterenderer unity что это
The Sprite Renderer component lets you display images as Sprites for use in both 2D and 3D scenes.
Add it to a GameObject via the Components menu (Component > Rendering > Sprite Renderer or alternatively, you can just create a GameObject directly with a Sprite Renderer already attached (menu: GameObject > 2D Object > Sprite).
Property: | Function: |
Sprite | The Sprite object to render. Sprite objects can be generated from textures by using the Sprite setting on the Texture importer. |
Color | Vertex color of the rendered mesh. |
Flip | Flip the sprite in the X or Y planes. |
Material | Material used to render the sprite. |
Draw Mode | Select an option from the Draw Mode drop-down box to define how the Sprite scales when you change its dimensions. |
Simple | This is the default Sprite Renderer behavior. The image scales in all directions when its dimensions change. |
Sliced | Use Sliced if you intend to apply 9-slicing to an image, and you want the sections to stretch. In Sliced mode, the corners stay the same size, the top and bottom of the Sprite stretch horizontally, the sides of the Sprite stretch vertically, and the centre of the Sprite stretches horizontally and vertically to fit the Sprite’s size. See documentation on 9-slicing Sprites for more information. |
Size | Use this to change the horizontal and vertical size of the Sprite. You must use this to change the size of the Sprite if you want the 9-slicing to work; the default Transform component only applies a default scale. |
Tiled | Use Tiled if you intend to apply 9-slicing to an image, and you want the sections to repeat. In Tiled mode, the sprite stay the same size, and does not scale. Instead, the top and bottom of the Sprite repeat horizontally, the sides repeat vertically, and the centre of the Sprite repeats in a tile formation to fit the Sprite’s size. See documentation on 9-slicing Sprites for more information. |
Size | Use this to change the horizontal and vertical size of the Sprite. You must use this to change the size of the Sprite if you want the 9-slicing to work; the default Transform component only applies a default scale. |
Tile Mode | When the Draw Mode is set to Tiled, use the Tile Mode property to control how the sections repeat when the dimensions of the Sprite change. |
Continuous | Tile Mode is set to Continuous by default. When the size of the Sprite changes, the repeating sections repeat evenly in the Sprite. |
Adaptive | When Tile Mode is set to Adaptive, the repeating sections only repeat when the dimensions of the Sprite reach the Stretch Value. |
Stretch Value | Use the Stretch Value slider to set the value between 0 and 1. Note that 1 represents an image resized to twice its original dimensions, so if the Stretch Value is set at 1, the section repeats when the image is stretched to twice its original size. |
Sorting Layer | The layer used to define this sprite’s overlay priority during rendering. |
Order In Layer | The overlay priority of this sprite within its layer. Lower numbers are rendered first and subsequent numbers overlay those below. |
In 3D graphics, an object’s appearance will vary according to lighting and the position from which it is viewed. In 2D, by contrast, an image is simply displayed onscreen with no transformations other than basic position, scale and rotation. A sprite’s position is given by a 2D coordinate, so there is no concept of “depth” or distance from camera when rendering.
However, it is still very important to have some way to determine the overlay priority of different sprites (ie, which sprites will obscure others when they cross paths). For example, in a driving game, a car should be seen to pass over flat objects on the road surface. Unity uses the concept of sorting layers to allow you to divide sprites into groups for overlay priority. Sprites with a sorting layer lower in the order will be overlaid by those in a higher sorting layer.
Sometimes, two or more objects in the same sorting layer can overlap (eg, two player characters in a side scrolling game). The order in layer property can be used to apply consistent priorities to sprites in the same layer. As with sorting layers, the rule is that lower numbers are rendered first and can be obscured by the higher numbers rendered later. See the layer manager page for details of editing sorting layers. If sorting layers are not used, standard depth-based sorting can be used.
A Sprite Renderer uses the texture supplied in the Sprite property but uses the shader and other properties from the Material property (this is actually accomplished using a MaterialPropertyBlock behind the scenes). This means that you can use the same material to render different sprites without worrying about which texture is assigned on the material.
The sprite is rendered on a mesh that uses position, color and UV at each vertex but no normal vector. If your material requires normal vectors then you can calculate them using a vertex shader (see the Surface Shader Examples page for further details).
The default shaders used for sprites are:
The SpriteRenderer flipping feature provides a lightweight alternative which doesn’t affect any other components or GameObjects. It simply flips the rendered sprite on x or y axis and nothing else.
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