Starter templates wordpress что это

ТОП-5: Лёгкие и быстрые темы WordPress

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Ищете самые быстрые и лёгкие темы (шаблоны) WordPress? Скорость является одним из наиболее важных аспектов вашего сайта. Никто не любит медленные веб-ресурсы. Посетители не захотят снова посещать ваш сайт просто потому, что загрузка веб-сайта занимает слишком много времени. При выборе темы WordPress для вашего веб-проекта важно учитывать не только её привлекательность, но и скорость загрузки, и производительность. Предлагаю вам рассмотреть супер быстрые темы WordPress для своего блога/сайта. Они не только быстрые, но и самые популярные.

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Самые быстрые темы WordPress

Выбор хорошей темы WordPress так же важен, как и выбор быстрого веб-хостинга. Оба играют важную роль в скорости загрузки вашего сайта. Как основа вашего веб-проекта, ваша тема всегда будет играть большую роль на время загрузки сайта или блога.

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ТОП-5 быстрых тем для WordPress сайта

Вот пятёрка самых лёгких и быстрых отзывчивых тем WordPress, которые рекомендую вам. Большинство представленных тем доступны в официальном репозитории Обратите внимание, все темы WordPress бесплатны и на русском языке.

Astra – быстрая и легкая тема WordPress

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Тема Astra для WordPress сайта

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Настройка темы Astra для блога

Мало того, что ваш сайт/блог будет быстрым, но вы сможете сделать так, чтобы он выглядел именно так, как вы хотите с визуальной настройкой темы. Быстро и легко!

Тема WordPress создана с учетом SEO, она поставляется с интегрированным кодом и готова к использованию AMP. И поэтому поисковым системам понравится ваш сайт.

В Astra доступна бесплатная библиотека стартовых шаблонов. Чтобы импортировать бесплатные шаблоны сайтов, установите плагин Starter Templates:

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Плагин Starter Templates – Elementor, Beaver Builder, Gutenberg & Brizy Templates

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Выберите предпочитаемый вами конструктор страниц

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Просмотрите доступные шаблоны и выберите понравившийся сайт

Вы можете просто импортировать готовые демонстрационные сайты, добавлять контент, изображения и подготовить сайт за минимальное время.

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WordPress тема GeneratePress

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Настройка GeneratePress. Скриншот блога

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Скорость для мобильных

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Обе темы (GeneratePress и Astra) равны по скорости. Это одни из самых быстрых тем для WordPress.

WordPress тема OceanWP

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WordPress тема OceanWP

Создавайте красивые сайты с помощью OceanWP. Как и Astra, тема WordPress OceanWP также предлагает бесплатные готовые демонстрационные сайты, которые можно импортировать, если вы не хотите начинать всё с нуля. Установив бесплатные дополнения Ocean Demo Import и Ocean Extras с, вы можете импортировать демонстрационный контент, виджеты и настройки одним щелчком мыши, прямо из панели управления WordPress:

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Импортировать готовый дизайн, включая настройки WordPress Customizer

Как только вы закончите установку, ваш сайт должен выглядеть точно так же, как и демонстрационный. OceanWP идеальная тема для вашего проекта.

Быстрая тема Kava для WordPress

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Бесплатная тема WordPress Kava

Бесплатная многоцелевая тема Kava идеально подходит для ведения блога, предоставляя множество вариантов блога и еще больше настроек стиля, позволяя каждому настроить его внешний вид. 50 стильных макетов страниц блога в рамках одной темы. WordPress тема Kava проста в использовании и настройке.

Множество вариантов настройки всегда под рукой и могут быть реализованы без программирования:

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Визуальная настройка блога с темой Kava

Простая и легкая тема создана специально для конструктора страниц Elementor. Тема легче, чем большинство тем, потому что она практически не содержит стилей и скриптов, что делает ее идеальной стартовой темой.

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Hello тема ВордПресс

В заключение

Какую тему выбрать? На первый взгляд, все эти темы кажутся довольно схожими, но при ближайшем рассмотрении, есть тонкие различия, которые могут сделать одну более подходящей, чем другие, когда речь заходит о вашем веб-проекте. Все темы хороши, решение зависит от ваших личных предпочтений и потребностей вашего сайта.

Лучшая тема WordPress для вашего сайта не обязательно должна дорого стоить. На самом деле, бесплатные шаблоны WordPress могут оказаться столь же эффективными, как и премиальные, и часто предоставляют вам большинство или даже все функции, которые вам понадобятся.

Шаблоны оптимизированы для SEO и поэтому вы можете получить высший рейтинг в поисковых системах. Представленные темы поставляются с подробной документацией, поэтому вы можете легко с ними справиться.

До новых встреч и удачи всем без исключения. Есть вопросы? Какую тему, по вашему мнению, стоит добавить в данный пост. Оставляйте комментарии.


Установка темы, установка плагинов урок №4

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Установка темы, установка плагинов урок №4 поможет вам установить, настроить тему и необходимые плагины для вашего сайта WordPress. В этом уроке будет рассматриваться установка и настройка популярной темы «Astra» с демо контентом.

Установка и настройка темы

Для установки и настройки темы авторизуйтесь в панели управления сайтом Вордпресс. Для авторизации введите в строке браузера ваш-сайт.ru/wp-admin введите логин и пароль. В панели управления в меню нажмите на «Внешний вид». Подсказывающие картинки ниже.

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У темы «Astra» есть готовые шаблоны с демо контентом. После активации темы вверху появится окно с предложением установить плагин для просмотра и установки готовых шаблонов. Нажмите «Начать», далее появится окно с выбором конструкторов страниц. Нажмите на первое изображение конструктора с подписью внизу «Elementor». Подсказывающие картинки ниже.

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Перед вами появятся шаблоны с демо контентом.

Бесплатных шаблонов много, можно подобрать под любую тематику сайта. Каждый шаблон можно просмотреть перед установкой в полноценной браузерной версии. Предлагается два варианта установки демо контента

Единственный минус, все шаблоны с контентом на английском языке, но суть установки демо контента в том, что вы сможете увидеть как будет выглядеть ваш сайт наполненным страницами и записями. При желании можете перевести тексты при помощи онлайн переводчиков. Далее я буду описывать настройку шаблона «Cleaning Services». Выбираем установку всего сайта «Import Complete Site». Подсказывающая картинка ниже.

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После того, как нажмете «Import» дождитесь установки шаблона, необходимых плагинов для темы, демо контента. Далее, прежде чем перейти к настройкам темы уже готового вашего сайта, перейдем к установке и настройке необходимых плагинов для сайта.

Установка и настройка плагинов

Установка и настройка плагинов необходимых для сайта на WordPress я специально публикую именно после установки темы с демо контентом. Обычно советуют плагины устанавливать сразу после установки Вордпресс, но в нашем случае мы сперва устанавливаем тему с демо контентом у которого требуются обязательные плагины для задуманной функциональности. С демо контентом уже идут необходимые плагины, и нам остается добавить только необходимые для любого сайта на Вордпресс. Кстати, обратите внимание, что у нас в меню управления появились новые пункты, о чем я писал в предыдущем уроке №3. Это меню установленных плагинов с своими настройками. Перейдем непосредственно к установке, активации и настройкам необходимых плагинов.

Нажмите в меню управления сайтом «Плагины». В консоли появится блок с установленными плагинами. Здесь можно добавлять, активировать, деактивировать, удалять, обновлять и переходить к настройкам плагинов. Разберем сперва уже установленные.

Устанавливаем другие необходимые плагины для сайта на WordPress. В меню пункта «Плагины» в левом верхнем углу нажмите «Добавить новый». В поисковой строке вводим Cyr-To-Lat. Находим, устанавливаем,активируем. Подсказывающие картинки ниже.

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Плагин установился, жмем активировать. Далее все плагины по списку находятся, устанавливаются, активируются аналогично.


Starter Templates — Elementor, Gutenberg & Beaver Builder Templates



Create professional designed pixel perfect websites in minutes with the Starter Templates plugin.

This plugin gives you access to 280+ pre-made full website templates and individual pages for your favorite page builder such as Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy and the WordPress default editor Gutenberg.

All you need to do is select the demo that suits your needs, import, tweak and go live!

I love the fact that the Astra Starter Sites plugin comes with dozens of pre-built sites that were built using Elementor and that can be used to create a full website with one click. – Ben Pines, CMO at Elementor

Astra Sites allows anyone to have a beautiful website in under 5 minutes while using all open source software. The theme is free, the plugin is free, it’s almost unbelievable. You have to see it with your own eyes. – Adam Preiser, WPCrafter


The Astra Starter Sites plugin allowed you to import complete website demos, tweak them and build professional websites.

With Starter Templates 2.0, you can now do that by importing specific pages, complete websites or even Elementor blocks that give you lots of flexibility to import only what you need.




Businesses like restaurants, lawyers, agencies, interior designers, artist shops, brandstore, pet services, charity, plumber, dental clinic, construction, fitness trainer, gardening, makeup artist and a lot more. You can take a look at all of them built with different page builders.

You can extend this library with premium ready-to-use website demos by purchasing one of the Astra Bundles, i.e. either the Essential Bundle or the Growth Bundle.


Over 1+ million users are empowering their websites with Astra! From beginners to industry experts, everyone is loving Astra for its performance and ease of use.


Faster Performance – Built with speed and performance in mind, Astra follows the best coding standards and lets you build faster loading and better performing websites.

Easy Customization – With all the settings managed through the customizer, Astra keeps it simple and gives you lots of options to customize everything with a few clicks.

Pixel Perfect Design – Astra reduces your design time by giving you pixel-perfect FREE ready-to-use websites demos within a huge library of starter sites.

Deeper Integrations – Astra works seamlessly with all WooCommerce plugins, LifterLMS, LearnDash etc. This means that you can create and beautify eCommerce websites and those that offer online courses in minutes.

Fetch the website, tweak images and content and go live!

Use this imported site as a base for your project and don’t waste time starting from scratch!




Will the Starter Templates plugin work with my theme?

We’ve certainly used Astra to build all our starter templates and recommend you to do so. However, in Starter Templates 2.0 onward all the starter sites or individual page templates you import are theme independent and blend well with the theme you have.

Are all the starter templates FREE?

You get over 90+ FREE ready-to-use websites as of now. There are many more premium website demos that can be accessed when you purchase one of our Agency Bundles – (i.e. either the Mini Agency or the Agency Bundles)

How can I install and import starter templates?

Here is an article that will help you install and import Starter Templates on your website.

Can I import a website / page demo on an existing website?

It is recommended to install and import a website demo on a fresh WordPress installation or a blank website to avoid overriding of settings and page design.

A page template can however be imported on an existing website as well.

Can I deactivate the Starter Templates plugin after importing a website?

Yes! The Starter Templates plugin acts as a medium through which you can import and install a website from our cloud server. Once you have the website at your end, you can go ahead and deactivate the plugin.

Do I need to install any other plugin before importing a website?

All you need to do is install the Starter Templates plugin and select the website demo you wish to import. While the site is being imported, you will come across a step in which the plugin asks you to click on a button that says Install plugins. This step will install and activate the necessary plugins.

Will you add more website demos?

Yes! We are working on many more free website demos built using Elementor, Beaver Builder, Gutenberg and Brizy.

What if I do not find a website for the topic I am looking for?

We are open to suggestions and would love to work on topics that our users are looking out for. Please feel free to drop your suggestions through the [form here].(


easy and nice!


Nice and easy to use

Fantastic templates and support

very efficient


Contributors & Developers

“Starter Templates — Elementor, Gutenberg & Beaver Builder Templates” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

“Starter Templates — Elementor, Gutenberg & Beaver Builder Templates” has been translated into 10 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Interested in development?


v2.7.5 – 27-October-2021
– Fix: Elementor blocks not being imported due to missing required plugins.

v2.7.4 – 26-October-2021
– Fix: Fixed the issue with Elementor blocks contact form not being imported due to invalid form JSON file URL.

v2.7.3 – 19-October-2021
– Improvement: Validate the whitelisted host’s URLs from the import process.

v2.7.2 – 7-October-2021
– Fix: No route was found matching the URL and request method.

v2.7.1 – 7-October-2021
– Security Improvement: Validate the site URL before processing the import request.
– Security Improvement: Updated right file upload permission before importing images.

v2.7.0 – 4-October-2021
– New: Wireframe blocks for Gutenberg – Doc

v2.6.22 – 7-September-2021
– Fix: Contact Forms not appearing after the import process is complete.

v2.6.21 – 13-August-2021
– Improvement: Rectified the condition to load the scripts in other screens.
– Fix: Starter template button not visible when gutenberg plugin is activated.

v2.6.20 – 8-August-2021
– Improvement: Better handling of 500 errors on the import screen.

v2.6.19 – 2-August-2021
– Fix: Fixed the “Customizer data is empty!” AJAX failed request while importing.
– Fix: The Pixabay image library not visible for the multiple image instances.

v2.6.18 – 28-July-2021
– Improvement: Avoided loading a few scripts in the customizer screen.
– Improvement: Free Images from Pixabay can be downloaded from the main grid too with the use of a download icon.
– Fix: Updated the Quick Links to Upgrade the plugin, page builder wise.

v2.6.17 – 22-July-2021
– Improvement: Avoided loading the Gutenberg Blocks scripts in the customizer screen.
– Fix: Fixed the missing ‘Create Gallery’ button in Media Popup for Elementor editor.

v2.6.16 – 19-July-2021
– Fix: Fixed the issue where Free Images by Pixabay were not available on Elementor Editor.

v2.6.15 – 15-July-2021
– Fix: Rectified the failing import process on multisite due to an issue introduced in v2.6.14
– Fix: Fixed the broken invalid license document links.

v2.6.14 – 13-July-2021
– Improvement: Compatibility to WordPress 5.8.
– Improvement: Improved the import process by reducing the body size of the AJAX calls for better performance.
– Improvement: Added support for dark and light support for block patterns with improved sidebar UI.
– Fix: Handle the white label support.

v2.6.13 – 30-June-2021
– Improvement: Updated the widget reset logic in which old widget moved to the inactive list.
– Improvement: Quick Links UI improvements.
– Improvement: Premium Templates UI improvements.

v2.6.12 – 9-June-2021
– Fix: Single pages not getting imported when no required plugin is associated to it.

v2.6.11 – 3-June-2021
– Improvement: Gutenberg Template library auto-syncs at regular intervals.
– Improvement: Updated image download functionality.
– Improvement: Added common functionality for extracting URLs from content.
– Improvement: Added filter for debug logs generation.

v2.6.10 – 24-May-2021
– Fix: Starter Templates popup opens by default on every page load on Gutenberg pages.

v2.6.9 – 22-May-2021
– Fix: PHP Fatal error on ‘Getting Started’ page.

v2.6.8 – 21-May-2021
– Improvement: Added the dark and light mode support for the Elementor popup.
– Improvement: Added retry import option for few cases.
– Improvement: Improved error messages for AJAX requests.

v2.6.7 – 19-May-2021
– Improvement: Changed ‘Agency’ tag with ‘Premium’ for templates in library Screenshot
– Improvement: Get Agency Bundle button text will now be ‘Get Access’ Screenshot
– Improvement: All strings with Agency Bundle will now be Growth Bundle. Screenshot
– Improvement: All strings with Mini Agency Bundle will now be Essential Bundle.

v2.6.6 – 18-May-2021
– Fix: Avoided the HTML being printed in one of the error message screens.
– Improvement: Improved error message when the requests fail to reach Starter Templates’ servers.

v2.6.5 – 18-May-2021
– Improvement: Added better error messages to the failed import process.

v2.6.4 – 11-May-2021
– Improvement: Added Quick links for a few important documents.
– Improvement: Added dynamic category support for the Gutenberg templates.
– Improvement: Removed color filter from Elementor block.
– Improvement: Change the Block Editor name with Gutenberg.
– Fix: Sync complete notice not closing on click.
– Fix: Elementor demo does not import if we try to import multiple times.

v2.6.3 – 4-May-2021
– Improvement: Advanced Options UI improvement.
– Improvement: Admin UI improvements.
– Improvement: Added SVG image support.
– Fix: Image duplication after site import in few cases.
– Fix: Upload directory hidden for the white-labeled website.
– Fix: Prevented clicking on import buttons while import is already in progress.
– Fix: Issue with localization of the script was not called correctly.

v2.6.1 – 17-February-2021
– Fix: Version file was missing due to Auto-Release command.

v2.6.0 – 17-February-2021
– New: Added the single pages and blocks for the Gutenberg. Read more

v2.5.1 – 1-February-2021
– Improvement: Improved the admin notice first view logic.
– Improvement: Improved the experience while subscribing to Starter Templates’ news.

v2.5.0 – 29-January-2021
– New: Added an ability to subscribe to Starter Templates’ updates.
– Improvement: Added new API to support asynchronous import for the Starter Templates.

v2.4.0 – 30-December-2020
– Improvement: Additional compatibility with WordPress 5.6.

v2.3.9 – 9-December-2020
– Improvement – Compatibility to WordPress 5.6.

v2.3.8 – 23-October-2020
– Fix: LearnDash grid CSS not loading after site import.

v2.3.7 – 28-September-2020
– Fix: Prefixed all Starter Templates Icon classes in order to avoid 3rd party conflicts.

v2.3.6 – 23-September-2020
– Improvement: Added the Pixabay images support for new post, pages, and custom post type screen.
– Improvement: Better handling of notices in the case of sync process.

v2.3.5 – 27-August-2020
– Improvement: Added Safe Search checkbox for Pixabay Image Search.
– Fix: Elementor 3.0.0 and above import compatibility.
– Fix: Resolved hotlink issue with Single page import.
– Fix: Resolved edit permission issue while importing on Elementor page.

v2.3.4 – 13-August-2020
– Improvement – Compatibility to WordPress 5.5.

v2.3.3 – 7-August-2020
– Improvement: Minor code changes.

v2.3.2 – 29-June-2020
– Improvement: Added CartFlows Landing page compatibility to LeadDash courses.
– Improvement: Handle the LearnDash add-ons links if LearnDash is installed and activated.
– Fix: Resolve an invalid response from the site import complete AJAX request.

v2.3.1 – 17-June-2020
– Fix: Fixed the user role and capability issue for WP CLI demo import.

v2.3.0 – 15-June-2020
– New: Users can now share non-personal usage data to help us test and develop better products.

v2.2.5 – 15-June-2020
– Improvement: Performance enhancements in order to improve the TTFB (time to first byte).
– Improvement: Now users can see better error messages (if any) while import.
– Improvement: Handled the multisite plugin install/activate capability issue for standard administrator user.
– Fix: Resolved a conflict with Groundhogg plugin.
– Fix: Resolved a conflict between 3rd party plugins and Pixabay Images.
– Fix: Fixed latest Brizy page builder related issues.
– Fix: Fixed the repeated content import issues.

v2.2.4 – 04-May-2020
– Improvement: Demo data is stored Network Wide for Multisite instance.
– Improvement: Users can opt-out from Elementor Theme Kit if needed while importing the site.
– Fix: Double slash for REST endpoint removed.
– Fix: Changed user permissions for a few actions.

v2.2.3 – 29-April-2020
– Fix: Handled duplicate data being imported due to Imagick image editor.

v2.2.2 – 22-April-2020
– Improvement: Added missing slash to the website preview URL.
– Improvement: Added Elementor Theme Kit Compatibility.

v2.2.1 – 15-April-2020
– Improvement: Improved the file permissions check functionality.

v2.2.0 – 6-April-2020
– Improvement: Added an Update Button for un-updated plugin list popup.
– Improvement: Used text-domain astra-sites to make translation ready strings.
– Improvement: Imported all the hotlink images from Astra theme customizer settings.
– Improvement: WP 5.4 compatibility issue.
– Fix: The category not visible in the dropdown list from the Elementor Popup.

v2.0.2 – 07-March-2020
– Fix: Plugin not activated after importing from WP CLI command.

v2.0.1 – 02-March-2020
– Hot Fix: Removed wp-editor dependency.

v2.0.0 – 20-February-2020
– New: Astra Sites is now Starter Templates
– New: Added favorite or unfavorite the demo site.
– New: Improve the sites and pages loading time speed.
– New: Added block import support with 200+ blocks in the Elementor editor window.
– New: Added single page import as Elementor template in the Elementor editor window.
– New: Added single page import support from any demo site with 1800+ pages.
– Improvement: Showing all Astra sites with more user-friendly and interactive UI.
– Improvement: Updated the Astra Notices library.

v1.4.5 – 21-November-2019
– Improvement: Added missing font awesome icons support for the Elementor sites.

v1.4.4 – 14-November-2019
– Improvement: Added the old browser compatibility in which Astra Sites not loading.
– Improvement: Used gmdate() function instead of date() which affected by runtime timezone changes.

v1.4.3 – 7-November-2019
– Fix: Installing premium plugin from the WP CLI import.
– Fix: WP CLI command wp astra-sites list showing the old result.
– Fix: PHP error Astra_Sites_Batch_Processing_Elementor does not exist from WP CLI import.
– Improvement: Some Elementor templates broken due to the missing wp_slash() from WP CLI import.

v1.4.2 – 4-November-2019
– Fix: Correctly added nonce to allow notice to be dismissed.
– Fix: Restore the timeout time to be 300 seconds which is the default for download_url()

v1.4.1 – 31-October-2019
– Fix: PHP Error on PHP Versions below 7.0 due to usage of a PHP reserved function name.

v1.4.0 – 30-October-2019
– New: Added the WP CLI command wp astra-sites list to list the demo sites.
– New: Added the WP CLI command wp astra-sites import to import the demo with ID.
– New: Added the WP CLI command wp astra-sites page_builder list to list all page builders.
– New: Added the WP CLI command wp astra-sites page_builder set to set the default page builder by page builder slug.

v1.3.21 – 25-October-2019
– Security Fix: XSS vulnerability fixed by adding nonce verification and capability checks.

v1.3.20 – 15-October-2019
– Fix: Updated Astra Notice library to v1.1.4.

v1.3.19 – 12-September-2019
– Improvement: Allow extra query parameters to be added to the API calls for Astra Sites using filters.

v1.3.18 – 5-September-2019
– Improvement: Error handling while getting import data from API request.

v1.3.17 – 28-June-2019
– Improvement: Minor changes in Links

v1.3.16 – 21-June-2019
– Fix: WooCommerce onboarding setup blocked issue fixed.

v1.3.15 – 20-June-2019
– Fix: Importing pages, post twice from the import process.

v1.3.14 – 14-June-2019
– Improvement: Added Support for Learndash WooCommerce integration plugin.

v1.3.13 – 5-June-2019
– New: Added LearnDash plugin support for the LearnDash demo sites.

v1.3.12 – 14-May-2019
– Improvement: Added compatibility for below WordPress 5.1.

v1.3.11 – 13-May-2019
– Improvement: Added compatibility to WordPress 5.2.

v1.3.10 – 13-May-2019
– Improvement: Added LarnDash plugin support for LarnDash demos.
– Fix: SVG images are not importing in media library.
– Fix: Images not uploaded due to timeout issue.

v1.3.9 – 29-April-2019
– Fix: Fatal error for below WordPress version 5.1.0.

v1.3.8 – 26-April-2019
– Improvement: Improve logic for importing images.
– Fix: Implemented better caching technique for Astra Sites.

v1.3.7 – 23-April-2019
– Fix: Compatibility to WP Forms in Header and Footer of the demo site for Elementor.

v1.3.6 – 19-April-2019
– Fix: After Import UAG – Post Grid categories do not retain issue fixed
– Fix: Premium Sites not importing due to invalid URL error.

v1.3.5 – 18-April-2019
– Improvement: Updated page builder selection screen UI.
– Improvement: Showing import process on separate window. In which we can see all the current import process.
– Improvement: Added one time welcome notice after plugin install and activate.
– Improvement: Used fetch() instead of AJAX to load the Astra Sites. Also, Caching the Astra sites response and initially showing 30 sites.

v1.3.4 – 16-April-2019
– Hot Fix: Sites not visible for import.

v1.3.3 – 2-April-2019
– Improvement: Added compatibility for WP Forms pro version.
– Fix: PHP error while importing customizer settings.

v1.3.2 – 1-April-2019
– Improvement: One click install and activate Astra theme on click on admin notice.

v1.3.1 – 28-March-2019
– Improvement: Set the max height for the website image from the website preview window.

v1.3.0 – 26-March-2019
– New: Improve the user experience by removing unnecessary steps required in importing a site. Now an Astra site can be imported with just one click.
– New: Display page builder selection only once on the first load of Astra Sites.
– New: Take a backup of customizer options before importing new settings.
– New: Allow to reset the previously imported site when importing multiple Astra sites.

v1.2.15 – 14-March-2019
– Improvement: Admin page UI improvements.
– Improvement: Added filter astra_sites_page_title to change the page title.

v1.2.14 – 13-March-2019
– Improvement: Added support for the WPForms plugin.

v1.2.13 – 12-March-2019
– Improvement: Improved logic to download images in the Elementor templates.
– Improvement: Added description of the Agency sites when license is not activated.
– Fix: Incorrect images was set after batch process complete.

v1.2.12 – 29-Jan-2019
– Fix: Gutenberg render markup is invalid due to encoded characterless e.g. are decoded into HTML tag.

v1.2.11 – 24-Jan-2019
– Improvement: Display a maintenance message if the Astra Sites API is unreachable.
– Fix: EventSource abort the import process if default charset is not UTF-8.

v1.2.10 – 4-Jan-2019
– Fix: Astra Sites not accessible due to incorrect query parameters.

v1.2.9 – 17-Dec-2018
– Fix: XML not import due to getting different MIME file types on different PHP versions.

v1.2.8 – 14-Dec-2018
– Improvement: Added admin notice if XMLReader is not installed. XMLReader is required to import the XML of the website.
– Fix: XML not import due to improved verification of MIME file types in WordPress v5.0.1.

v1.2.7 – 12-July-2018
– Improvement: Added page builder and category filter support to show selected page builder with selected categories.
– Improvement: Added filter astra_sites_show_filters to enable/disable the filter list from admin page.

v1.2.6 – 9-July-2018
– Fix: We have added wp_slash to normalize the Elementor post meta. Elementor have also normalize it. So, We have avoided wp_slash while importing sites.

v1.2.5 – 5-July-2018
– Fix: Normalize Elementor post meta by using wp_slash to avoid the unslashing data.

v1.2.4 – 29-June-2018
– Improvement: Removed custom license validation form and used Graupi in-build license validation form.
– Improvement: Set default page builders depends on the packaged purchase.

v1.2.3 – 13-June-2018
– Improvement: Added windows EDGE browser support for importing the sites.
– Improvement: The log file was not created if server does not support the file handling functions.
– Fix: Load WXR importer on init to avoid redirect loop when loading WooCommerce importer.
– Fix: Clear the Astra Pro plugin cache after site import.

v1.2.2 – 26-March-2018
– Fix: Correctly load the Elementor Pro 2.0 compatibility class for beta versions.

v1.2.1 – 23-March-2018
– Improvement: Clear the Astra Pro plugin cache after site import.

v1.2.0 – 22-March-2018
– Improvement: Added compatibility for Elemetor version 2.0.0. Older versions throw the PHP warning for function process_element_export_import_content().

v1.1.9 – 12-March-2018
– Fix: String Select Your Favorite Page Builder jerk while loading the sites.

v1.1.7 – 2-February-2018
– Improvements: Some users reported confusion in the default option of choosing page builder. We have made UX improvements so users now must select the Page Builder first before selecting any website.

v1.1.6 – 22-January-2018
– New: Added filter astra_sites_xml_import_options to change the XML import options.
– Fix: Astra Pro plugin ‘Custom Layouts’ & ‘Page Headers’ not setting right display location due to different page, tax, category ids.
– Fix: WooCommerce shop, checkout cart page ids not setting issue.
– Fix: After site import updated demo url from the nav menus.

v1.1.5 – 11-January-2018
– New: Added SVG file support for importing the SVG images.

v1.1.4 – 28-Dec-2017
– Improvement: Importing WooCommerce product category images.
– Improvement: Retain WooCommerce cart, checkout & my account pages when importing the ready WooCommerce sites.
– Fix: Disabled WooCommerce plugin setup wizard after plugin install & activate.

v1.1.3 – 20-Dec-2017
– Improvement: Retain WooCommerce shop page when importing the ready WooCommerce sites.

v1.1.2 – 24-Nov-2017
– Fix: Handling plugin installation errors.

v1.1.1 – 23-Nov-2017
– New: Change the api url for Astra sites to from

v1.1.0 – 21-Nov-2017
– New: Import the site content using Event Source (SSE) which ensures faithful imports.
– New: Divided the site import process in separate AJAX calls to reduce the possibility of timeouts.
– New: Generated the import log file. It will be displayed in the UI if the import fails.
– Improvement: Validate all the possible errors.
– Improvement: Updated Astra sites HTML grid structure for WordPress v4.9 compatibility.
– Enhancement: Updated plugin name from Astra Sites – Lite with Astra Starter Sites.

v1.0.14 – 9-Nov-2017
– New: All the linked images on the Astra Sites will be downloaded to your site, No more loading images from external URLs.
– New: Added suggestion box at as the last column in when listing sites so that you can add a suggest the sites you want.
– New: Added site responsive preview buttons.
– Improvement: Search string will not be removed when switching the page builder when scrolling through sites.
– Improvement: Loading 15 sites instead of 6 Astra sites in the first load.
– Improvement: Removed LazyLoad which is not useful in admin back-end for showing Astra Sites.

v1.0.13 – 9-Oct-2017
– New: Browsing the Astra Sites in the Admin panel is not faster with JS rendering.

v1.0.12 – 29-Sept-2017
– New: Added White Label support from Astra Pro.
– Improvement: Don’t display sites from both the page builders in the same view.
– Fix: Astra Sites admin area not working in the Firefox.

v1.0.11 – 22-Sept-2017
– New: Single click Install & activate required plugins.
– New: Added filter astra_sites_menu_item for adding extra tabs in admin page.
– New: Added back image import feature for elementor page builder. In batch image import we import all images from astra site into client site.
– Improvement: Updated JS code with object prototype.
– Fix: Screen bounce on retina devices.

v1.0.10 – 11-Sept-2017
– Improvement: Added support for retina logo import.
– Fix: Site logo image not displayed in customizer.
– Fix: Updated Astra Agency purchase link.

v1.0.9 – 8-Sept-2017
– New: Added page builder categories for listing sites as per page builder.

v1.0.8 – 6-Sept-2017
– Fix: Beaver Builder option import.
– Enhancement: Disabled dismiss-able notice visible once for each user.
– Enhancement: Showing error message for for user who have not manage_plugins capability.

v1.0.7 – 1-Sept-2017
– Fix: Custom Menu widget not setting imported widget.

v1.0.6 – 30-Aug-2017
– New: Addd custom menu for Astra Sites.
– Fix: Validate site options before storing in database.

v1.0.4 – 21-Aug-2017
– New: Added filter astra_sites_api_params for adding extra params in api call.
– New: Added filter astra_sites_api_args for adding extra arguments in api call.
– New: Added filter astra_sites_category_hide_empty for showing categories which are not set for any site.

v1.0.3 – 11-Aug-2017
– Fix: Avoided Astra users from site import process.

v1.0.2 – 09-Aug-2017
– Fix: Listing appropriate next and previous Astra sites.
– Enhancement: Listing Astra sites though AJAX API call.

v1.0.1 – 04-Aug-2017
– New: Added Elementor plugin options support.
– New: Added Customizer CSS support.
– Enhancement: Avoided Lite Plugin version if Pro version is Installed. Now added support for Beaver Builder Plugin (Lite Version).
– Enhancement: Astra sites API call validated before import.
– Enhancement: Site logo imported from Astra sites.
– Fix: Bug where widgets created with SiteOrigin plugin were not being imported.


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