Straight pride что это
Calls for a ‘Straight Pride Parade’ cause stir
By Patrick Evans
BBC News
A lively discussion has kicked off on Twitter over the merits of straight people having their own Pride events.
A plan by a group in Boston, US, to hold a ‘»straight pride» march in August has sparked more than 45,000 tweets in the last 24 hours.
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Three men behind the event include John Hugo, who was the Republican candidate for Massachusetts’ 5th Congressional District in the 2018 mid-term election.
On the organiser’s website, Hugo is quoted as saying: «Straight people are an oppressed majority. We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate.»
Another organiser, Mark Sahady, is a member of a group called Resist Marxism which in 2018 held a «free speech» rally that was outnumbered by counter-demonstrators.
In a statement to the BBC, the Mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh said: «Every year Boston hosts our annual Pride Week, where our city comes together to celebrate the diversity, strength and acceptance of our LGBTQ community.
«This is a special week that represents Boston’s values of love and inclusion, which are unwavering. I encourage everyone to join us in celebration this Saturday for the Pride Parade and in the fight for progress and equality for all.»
Although the straight pride event has not yet been confirmed, it has not stopped many people weighing in to criticise the idea.
«Every day is a straight pride parade,» wrote author Craig Rozniecki, arguing that heterosexuals’ privileged position over gay people renders the concept of their needing pride events redundant.
Every day is a Straight Pride Parade, as regardless of intent, heterosexuals parade privilege across the country/world, not understanding that members of the LGBT community have continually fought and sacrificed for what they take for granted.#StraightPrideParade
«You all want a straight pride parade but where’s your straight stonewall?,» asked another user, who added: «Where are the families throwing you out for being straight? Where are the police raiding your bars, invading your privacy, fining and locking you up for existing? You want the fun part, but can’t handle the worst part.»
This year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots which led to the birth of the US gay rights movement in June 1969.
Former Minnesota State Senate candidate, Shawn Olson, suggested that rather than be aggrieved by the lack of straight pride events, heterosexuals should «be grateful you don’t need one».
For those seeking a Straight Pride Parade: read this
Comedian Eva Victor’s humorous video response to straight pride has been viewed more than two million times.
me explaining to my boyfriend why we’re going to straight pride
While most comments mocked a straight pride event, others have stepped in to defend the idea. «I’m gay and I’m ok with a straight pride parade,» wrote one user on Twitter. «Don’t be hypocrites. So much for being a tolerant and accepting community.»
«If you are against the #StraightPrideParade you are just as bad as any homophobic person,» wrote another.
The BBC has approached Super Happy Fun America for comment.
There’s Finally a ‘Straight Pride’ Pin for Proud Heterosexuals Who Want to Be Gross and Obnoxious
Believe it or not, there are some heterosexuals who are so resentful of LGBTQ Pride that they think Heterosexual Pride needs to be a thing. After all, don’t straight people deserve to be celebrated? (You know, just like they are everyday throughout all of history and media?) So in honor of straight pride a company called 1000 Flags began selling a straight pride flag pin on Amazon. It costs about six dollars, and the unimpressed one-star reviews for it are pretty great.
There’s the Beetlejuice black-and-white striped flag, two versions of grey gradients and a half-blue/half-pink flag with a white heart that’s actually colored a lot like the transgender Pride flag — get your own colors, cis hets!
For some reason the 1000 Flags “Straight Heterosexual Pride Wavy Gold Plated Flag Pin Badge” on Amazon looks like a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich with six stripes ranging from chocolate and strawberry to vanilla. Heteronormativity has never looked so delicious!
The 1000 Flags straight pride flag pin
But the Amazon reviewers differ in their opinions of the pin.
A one-star reviewer named Zollypop said, “May I ask what struggles straight people have overcome that they are proud of?” Another wrote, “*Face palm* Some people just don’t get it, do they?”
But one over-enthusiastic five-star reviewer, whose review is entitled (in all-caps), “IM HERE, IM STRAIGHT, GET USED TO IT,” wrote, “Fantastic. As soon as I saw … that these were being sold, I snapped up one instantly. Looks amazing, ‘I’m straight and I’m proud.’ Thank you 1000 Flags.”
Keep in mind that there might actually be a very small market for these pins as a tiny subset of heterosexuals are so supportive of straight pride that they’ve actually thrown (unsuccessful) straight pride parades.
But let us remember the above quote explaining why Straight Pride isn’t actually a thing: “Gay Pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a Straight Pride movement, be thankful you don’t need one.”
Update: 1000 Flags has apparently removed the flag from its Amazon store. Mark Horler, one of the company’s directors said:
In no way [was the pin] produced as an anti-LGBT item and we take offense with that suggestion. These are not hate symbols. Our extensive range of LGBT flags, pin badges and embroidered patches has helped spread LGBT pride across the world.
Хочу все знать
Никогда такого не было а тут опять снова. Власти города Модесто раскритиковали активистов за гомофобию и расизм, но причину для отказа выдумали техническую: дескать, проведение такого парада в парке города просто неуместно. Да и страхования гражданской ответственности у группы не было.
В Бостоне то же шествие заявлено на 31 августа, там вроде бы всё должно быть окей. Пока.
Парадами ЛГБТ-сообщества ни в Европе, ни в Америке никого не удивишь. В странах процветает культ терпимости и тщательно оберегается право быть не таким как все. Вот только натуралы в этой среде постепенно становятся изгоями и лишаются тех же преференций, что и лица нетрадиционной ориентации. Так, власти города Модесто в Калифорнии запретили проведение парада в честь гетеросексуальности, христианства, а также вклада белой расы в развитие Западной цивилизации.
Мероприятие под названием «Straight Pride» планировалось провести в городском парке 24 августа, о чем организаторы этого действа сообщили в своей группе в Фейсбук. Они попросили поделиться этой информацией «с семьей, друзьями и церковью». Еще раньше с подобной инициативой выступили активисты Бостона, которые планировали провести антигей-марш 31 августа. Его организатор Марк Сэхади назвал это мероприятие «настоящим парадом патриотов, которые гордятся своей гетеросексуальностью».
Однако эти инициативы оказались слишком смелыми для нынешней Америки. Кристи А Ю, член городского совета Модесто, заявила каналу CBS Sacramento, что если это зависело от нее, разрешение на подобное мероприятие активисты никогда бы не получили. «Я не думаю, что разумно разрешать событие, на странице которого говорится о белом превосходстве и западной цивилизации. Это не выглядит мирным посланием», — сказала чиновница.
И вот теперь стало известно о том, что власти Модесто отклонили заявку на парад гетеросексуалов. Представитель города Томас Ривз сообщил, что в запросе на разрешение было отказано по соображениям безопасности, потому что инициативная группа не имет страховки ответственности, обязательной для проведения массовых мероприятий, а отдел парков города решил, что предстоящее событие нельзя проводить в зеленой зоне. Впрочем, если группа успеет оформить страховку к будущему вторнику (что вряд ли, учитывая предстоящий уикэнд), то ей разрешат проведение митинга, а не парада на площади города. Собственно, это все, что нужно знать о толерантности и свободе прав в США.
Не думаете, что это чем то похоже на наши недавние протесты? Хотя бы вспомнить формулировки, по которым отказывали проводить митинги.
А теперь интересное. Командовать парадом собирается Майло Яннопулос сиятельный — скандальный журналист, правый активист, виртуозный тролль и, как он себя сам называет, «гейсерватор», то есть консервативный гей.Зная Майло, нетрудно предположить, что вся движуха задумывалась именно ради этого идеального постмодернистского кульбита: ГЕЙ ХОЧЕТ ПРОВЕСТИ ГЕТЕРОСЕКСУАЛЬНЫЙ ПАРАД, И ЕГО ЗАПРЕЩАЮТ. Собственно, реальность, созданная леволиберальными элитами, прекрасно укладывается в эту формулу.
А вот новость из 2015 года:
Парад натуралов в США провалился
Житель американского Сиэтла Энтони Рибелло задумал провести в городе парад гетеросексуалов. Начало шествия он назначил на 11:00 24 июля, местом встречи выбрал Капитолийский холм.
Чтобы собрать народ, Энтони создал в Facebook сообщество и отправил через него примерно 2400 приглашений. Однако лишь 168 человек ответили, что намерены посетить мероприятие. И еще 48 отозвались, что, возможно, придут.
Описывая цели и задачи своей акции, Рибелло намеренно использовал обороты речи, которые характерны для организаторов гей-парадов: «Мы все имеем право гордиться образом жизни, который выбрали для себя. Во имя равенства и равных прав я создал эту акцию, чтобы провозгласить наше право на гетеросексуальность и убедить молодых гетеросексуалов, что они должны гордиться своей гетеросексуальностью».
Однако все усилия пропали даром: единственным участником парада был сам организатор. Он промаршировал по Сиэтлу со связкой черных и белых шаров и плакатом «Гетеропарад».
В том, что акция провалилась, американец обвинил геев, о чем написал в Facebook: «Многие натуралы не желают, чтобы их фотографировали, поскольку боятся ЛГБТ-сообщества».
Он также пожаловался на большое количество негативных комментариев, которые оставили в его сообществе приверженцы нетрадиционных отношений.
В ответ своим многочисленным оппонентам Рибелло написал: «Есть много отрицательных факторов влияния представителей ЛГБТ-сообщества. Во-первых, двойные стандарты в семье. Мы не хотим никого обидеть, устраивая эту акцию. Мы просто отдаем дань тому, во что мы верим. Мы никого не подвергаем дискриминации, мы просто отстаиваем наше право быть гетеросексуальными».
Calls for a ‘Straight Pride Parade’ cause stir
By Patrick Evans
BBC News
A lively discussion has kicked off on Twitter over the merits of straight people having their own Pride events.
A plan by a group in Boston, US, to hold a ‘»straight pride» march in August has sparked more than 45,000 tweets in the last 24 hours.
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Three men behind the event include John Hugo, who was the Republican candidate for Massachusetts’ 5th Congressional District in the 2018 mid-term election.
On the organiser’s website, Hugo is quoted as saying: «Straight people are an oppressed majority. We will fight for the right of straights everywhere to express pride in themselves without fear of judgement and hate.»
Another organiser, Mark Sahady, is a member of a group called Resist Marxism which in 2018 held a «free speech» rally that was outnumbered by counter-demonstrators.
In a statement to the BBC, the Mayor of Boston, Marty Walsh said: «Every year Boston hosts our annual Pride Week, where our city comes together to celebrate the diversity, strength and acceptance of our LGBTQ community.
«This is a special week that represents Boston’s values of love and inclusion, which are unwavering. I encourage everyone to join us in celebration this Saturday for the Pride Parade and in the fight for progress and equality for all.»
Although the straight pride event has not yet been confirmed, it has not stopped many people weighing in to criticise the idea.
«Every day is a straight pride parade,» wrote author Craig Rozniecki, arguing that heterosexuals’ privileged position over gay people renders the concept of their needing pride events redundant.
Every day is a Straight Pride Parade, as regardless of intent, heterosexuals parade privilege across the country/world, not understanding that members of the LGBT community have continually fought and sacrificed for what they take for granted.#StraightPrideParade
«You all want a straight pride parade but where’s your straight stonewall?,» asked another user, who added: «Where are the families throwing you out for being straight? Where are the police raiding your bars, invading your privacy, fining and locking you up for existing? You want the fun part, but can’t handle the worst part.»
This year is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots which led to the birth of the US gay rights movement in June 1969.
Former Minnesota State Senate candidate, Shawn Olson, suggested that rather than be aggrieved by the lack of straight pride events, heterosexuals should «be grateful you don’t need one».
For those seeking a Straight Pride Parade: read this
Comedian Eva Victor’s humorous video response to straight pride has been viewed more than two million times.
me explaining to my boyfriend why we’re going to straight pride
While most comments mocked a straight pride event, others have stepped in to defend the idea. «I’m gay and I’m ok with a straight pride parade,» wrote one user on Twitter. «Don’t be hypocrites. So much for being a tolerant and accepting community.»
«If you are against the #StraightPrideParade you are just as bad as any homophobic person,» wrote another.
The BBC has approached Super Happy Fun America for comment.
«Straight pride» posters spark anger amongst Irish LGBT communities
Images of the posters first circulated on social media at the beginning of the week and feature an image of a heterosexual couple alongside a «straight pride» caption.
Several homophobic «straight pride» posters were recently placed throughout Waterford City, sparking outrage among the local LGBT community.
Images of the posters first circulated on social media at the beginning of the week and feature an image of a heterosexual couple alongside a «straight pride» caption, which claims that «it’s natural, it’s worked for thousands of years, and you can make babies.»
Read more
Twitter user Michelle Byrne, who highlighted the issue on social media, told that the posters were «all around town» and «all along the Quay».
«They were A4 sized posters, printed quality, all over the inner city. People are getting in touch to say they’ve seen them, but we think we have most of them down now,» Byrne told
The incident comes just days after flags celebrating pride were cut down and burned outside the offices of Waterford City & County Council.
The flags were set alight on June 6 just two days after they were raised. They were cut down again last Saturday after the council had replaced them.
Mayor of Waterford Cllr Damien Geoghegan described the burning of Pride flags as a «despicable act» and said that the matter had been reported to An Garda Síochána.
People often ask “Why does Pride take place?”
Here’s why—
Someone lowered the Pride Flags overnight & burned them. The majority of Waterford people will be disgusted by this act.
I won’t be deterred and it’s my intention to replace those flags. Waterford is a warm/inclusive place
— Mayor Damien Geoghegan (@damiengeoghegan) June 7, 2021
Geoghegan said that the council would be raising more Pride flags throughout the city in the coming days.
A man in his 40s has been arrested in connection with the burning of Pride flags outside the Menapia building on the Mall on June 6.
Moninne Griffith, the chief executive of BeLong to Youth Services, told the Sunday Times that the burning of Pride flags and the appearance of «straight pride» posters was causing distress for the local LGBT community.
«We work with a support group in Waterford where a lot of the young people were involved in getting the pride flag up, so this is really upsetting for them to see. Even though it is just a handful of people, or maybe one person doing this, it creates a chilling effect for many young people who already struggle to come out,» Griffith told the Times.
Read more
Paul Fagan, chief executive of LGBT Ireland, said that he hoped the recent homophobic incidents would increase public support for the LGBT community.
«What we want to see now is people coming out in support of the LGBT community — buying Pride flags and hanging them outside homes so that LGBT people know the majority support them,» Fagan told the Times.
Fagan said that the majority of Irish people did not support the straight pride posters or the burning of Pride flags but said that there had been an increase in far-right ideologies recently. He urged people to take action and keep fighting for progress.
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