Strong by zumba что это
Зумба – это не просто тренировка, это вечеринка
Зумба – это групповой урок, больше напоминающий танцы в клубе, чем обычные степы, аэробика и тай-бо. Секрет – в современной музыке, простой хореографии и качественно обученных инструкторах. Зумба наверняка есть в вашем ближайшем фитнес-клубе. Но кому подойдут подобные тренировки?
Особенности зумбы
Автор зумбы Альберто Перес очень спешил на работу, потому забыл свой диск с музыкой. Он трудился инструктором групповых программ, и ничего не оставалось, кроме как поставить первый попавшийся латино-поп, который валялся в машине. А раз музыка неформальна, то и движения тоже можно сделать попроще. Так появился новый тренд.
Зумба – это групповой фитнес-урок, сочетающий в себе простые элементы латино, хип-хопа, шаги из классической аэробики и базовую хореографию. Справится любой человек, даже если он никогда не занимался подобным.
Самая главная проблема других групповых уроков – сложная хореография. Человек приходит похудеть и взбодриться, а вместо этого – просто стоит в заднем ряду и пытается понять, куда прыгать, как ставить ноги и не столкнуться с девушкой рядом. Пара таких занятий, и «спортивная карьера» завершается, так как кажется, что научиться всему этому нельзя. Что же такое дает новичку зумба, что он возвращается снова? Простоту и возможность двигаться так, как ему нравится.
Преимущества такого вида тренинга
Чисто физиологически – это один из видов высокоинтенсивных аэробных уроков. Зумба поднимает пульс до аэробной зоны и повышает расход калорий. Сколько именно сожжет конкретный человек, зависит от его возраста, веса и того, как активно он будет двигаться. Но в среднем за час можно потратить 400-600 ккал. Это почти столько же, сколько расходует любитель быстрой ходьбы в горку.
Преимущества занятий зумбой такие:
Что означает девиз «зумба – это не тренировка, это вечеринка»? То, что это фитнес для развлечения и здоровья. Единственное, что потребуется – это кроссовки, спортивная форма и абонемент в спортклуб. Какие-то уроки по технике, занятия для новичков или персональные тренировки не нужны. Каждый класс рассчитан на любого человека. Нагрузка тем больше, чем интенсивнее танцуешь.
Совет: попробовать зумбу совершенно бесплатно можно, найдя любое тематическое видео на Youtube. Пример также приведен ниже.
Для любого провинциального города три занятия зумбой в неделю в течение месяца обойдутся в стоимость одних джинсов в масс-маркете или двух походов в приличный ночной клуб с выпивкой и закусками.
Существенный плюс в том, что в Москве, Киеве, Владивостоке или Балаково клиент получит одинаковый зажигательный урок. Инструкторов зумбы обучают централизовано, они работают по готовым планам. Музыку также подбирает компания Zumba Inc, поэтому вы не будете слушать надоевший микс для аэробики 2001 года выпуска.
Минусы и противопоказания
Основной минус зумбы – это не сам урок, а завышенные ожидания от него. Все хотят быть похожими на девушек из Инстаграма с прессом, накачанными ягодицами, ровными спинами и выделяющимися плечами. А получается только похудевшая версия себя, пусть и более счастливая.
Танец зумба – это кардио, урок, направленный на развитие выносливости и повышение расхода калорий. Он не предназначен для коррекции фигуры, то есть накачки ягодиц и бедер. И с вялым трицепсом он справится в одиночку, только если девушка относительно молодая и стройная.
Посещая зумбу три раза в неделю, мы создаем дефицит порядка 1200 ккал. Этого достаточно для сжигания «жалких» 150 г жира. Если такие темпы похудения не устраивают, потребуется немного ограничить рацион, создать ежедневный дефицит калорий.
В общем, фитнес-девушкой за месяц посещения групповых занятий не станешь. А еще урок имеет противопоказания:
© Monkey Business —
Несколько вариантов движений из зумбы
Базовых движений – множество. Вот некоторые из них:
Для более полного понимания посмотрите примеры базовых шагов для начинающих:
Зумба непохожа на другие групповые уроки, здесь инструктор не командует шаги, а просто показывает.
Советы для начинающих
Новичкам важно определиться с приоритетами:
Нужно ли покупать какую-то специальную форму? Хоть в продаже и есть брендированные лосины и маечки, они совершенно необязательны. Можно пойти в любых удобных штанах и футболке, которые отводят пот, а вот кроссовки и спортбра обязательны.
Самый главный совет – не относитесь к происходящему слишком серьезно. Расслабьтесь, чем более амплитудными и свободными будут движения, тем больше пользы вы извлечете из занятия.
Strong Nation™ / Strong Nation™
Strong Nation™ — это новая высоко интенсивная фитнес-программа на 100% синхронизированная с музыкой.
Занятие ведут:
Анжелика Силкина (ZIN™)
Strong Nation™ – это хардкор в мире танцевального фитнеса! Если классическая Зумба больше напоминает танец, чем спортивную тренировку, то Стронг – это чередование кардио и силовых упражнений под музыку с небольшими вкраплениями танцевальных шагов.
Как это выглядит?
Изначально Strong Nation™ зародилась как усиленная модификация популярной программы Zumba Fitness, но в дальнейшем развилась как отдельный вид спорта. Тренировка проходит не только под латиноамериканские ритмы – любая зажигательная энергичная песня может войти в плейлист для занятия. Тренер выбирает треки, под которые тело само пускается в пляс, а затем разрабатывает последовательность упражнений, полностью синхронизированных с плейлистом. Такой подход позволяет проводить довольно интенсивную тренировку весело и непринужденно. Мелодия сама подсказывает ритм движений, а музыкальные акценты помогают найти силы для высоких прыжков и глубоких выпадов.
Кому понравится этот курс?
Наша школа танцев рекомендует Strong Nation™, если вы:
Воздержаться от Strong Nation™ стоит тем, кому высокоинтенсивный интервальный тренинг противопоказан по состоянию здоровья. Если у вас проблемы с сердцем, позвоночником или суставами – лучше предварительно проконсультироваться с врачом. Тем, кто никогда не занимался спортом, мы рекомендуем начать с классической Зумбы или более деликатной Зумба Голд.
Как проходит занятие?
Что взять с собой на тренировку?
Многочисленные поклонники разработали целую линейку одежды специально для Zumba. Однако для знакомства с этим видом спорта достаточно той одежды, в которой вы привыкли заниматься спортом. В приоритете удобство: чтобы штаны не падали во время прыжков, но и не стесняли движений. Так же рекомендуем взять обувь с хорошей амортизирующей подошвой. И не забудьте бутылочку с водой – она вам непременно пригодится!
See it.
Believe it.
Total Body Transformation
Leaner. Fitter. Stronger.
Consistently crushing your STRONG Nation ™ workouts at least 3 times per week for just 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet can result in an overall leaner, more toned body with inches lost in the waist, abs, hips, thighs, and calves. ***
The real students below did just that. Show off your gains! Get tips from the Before and After Photo Guide and tag your photos with #SBZresults.
Individual results appearing below were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Before and after photos
My thighs really toned and firmed up. I haven’t seen these type of results in my legs in a long time. Angel Tanksley
STRONG is more fun with the empowering music to work out to. I can hike with no huffing and puffing and pounding heart. Precious McCall Phairas
* Eight healthy men and women participated in the indirect measurement of caloric expenditure during STRONG Nation ™ classes with and without music through the use of a metabolic cart which analyzes continuous breath-by-breath VO2 and VCO2. The results were analyzed using paired T tests. Participants burned an average of 438 calories in a STRONG Nation ™ class with music and an average of 390 calories in a STRONG Nation ™ class without music. Participants burned on average 48 calories more with music in a STRONG Nation ™ class than without. The highest caloric count a participant burned was 680 calories.
*** Twenty-three healthy study participants (20 females, 3 males) attended 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for a period of 12-weeks and ate a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh, and 0.23 inches in the calves.
Stephanie Potter
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Shauna Freidenber
“STRONG was really intense. One of the hardest workouts I have ever done but so worth it. My favorite part of the program were my results. I feel stronger. I have more energy and I feel more confident in knowing that with hard work I can transform my body.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Stephanie Lewis
“STRONG by Zumba is awesome! It’s great energy, great music and fun moves. Loved the energy the music brought to the class. Great rhythms and beats. It definitely kept the energy up and gave clear cues to upcoming moves. I feel much more in tune with my body and able to calm my mind more easily. I can do way more push ups, squats and lunges. My planks are way stronger and longer.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Precoious McCall Phairas
“STRONG is more fun with the empowering music to work out to. I can hike now with no huffing and puffing and pounding heart.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Lauren Vally
“I have a more positive attitude about my strength levels. Before SbZ I felt my injuries and weakness held me back. Now I feel I am more in tune with my body and I am able to push myself without hurting myself. I can comfortably run a mile now and I could never do that before. It’s fun, different, and I love that the music is synchronized to the movements. It kept me pushing even when I wanted to quit. STRONG by Zumba is revolutionary!”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Jodi Skeris
“Since I’m crossing into my 40’s, I wasn’t sure if my body would be able to handle the workout. I did modifications early on in the training, but now I can do the difficult levels. I’m confident in my own strength again. STRONG by Zumba is for people who want to become real life superheroes. For people who want to gain strength and endurance back into their body.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Eric Feliciano
“Naturally, I feel cardiovascular endurance. My legs feel stronger from all the squats and burpees.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Barbara Roy
“I love how the music syncs with the movement. It helps you remember the steps and gives you more motivation to hit each move/step. STRONG by Zumba is fun, challenging, invigorating, sweat-inducing, and results-oriented! I have more energy, my body feels leaner and I feel more confident!”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Bailey Grizzle
“My body is stronger and more lean. I have more energy and the endorphins are always high! I don’t get sleepy during the day anymore. Nothing has strengthened my core, butt, and arms as much as STRONG by Zumba has. STRONG by Zumba is intense, fun, challenging and rewarding!”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Brittani Ebert
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Travis Goodman
“STRONG by Zumba is great for anyone at any fitness level. The music was great for the movements that were incorporated into it. It definitely helped to stay motivated and jump right back in a section where you would normally struggle. I’ve definitely noticed increased cardio endurance. I’ve been able to jog farther with less effort since starting this program. I sleep better and my general mood has been better.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Sarina Mirsky
“I have gained back strength, posture, lost body fat, toned up and overall feel as good as I did back in my 20’s now turning 48 in 2 months! This strengthening workout was a body, mind and soul experience. I felt after every single class like my endorphins were jumping and dancing about!! With each class I sweat and felt cleansed and refreshed, restored and energized. It’s INNOVATIVE and I love the Quadrants. STRONG by Zumba is ELECTRIC ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Roni Binshtock
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Katie Hall
“I love the cardio aspect. It was a great workout. I sweated A LOT (which doesn’t normally happen) and it was also fun 🙂 It’s a fantastic workout with lots of burpees and fast movements and great music to keep you motivated. STRONG by Zumba is empowering. Hard yet amazing when it’s done.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Kathleen Curly
“This is a tough program but I seriously enjoy a great workout and that is exactly what this is. This has been the most effective exercise regime I’ve ever done. Now when I go to other classes I barely break a sweat. I’ve also signed up for a triathlon and my training has felt much easier than for half marathons I’ve done in the past. STRONG by Zumba is a challenge, a blast, and a surefire way to a better stronger you.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Julia Wong
“The high intensity of the cardio leaned me out more than other strength training I’ve done that focused on muscle building. I’m definitely stronger. It’s easier to do push-ups in proper form. My squats are lower. Each time I did the workout, I found that I could go further along before losing my breath.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Jade Pondella
“STRONG by Zumba is a very fun, exciting and beneficial workout. I’m excited to come to class to see how hard I can push myself. You will enjoy it more than any other workout. Most of all it works! I get results.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Angel Tanksley
“My thighs really toned and firmed up. I haven’t seen these type of results in my legs in a long time.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Frances Vega
“STRONG by Zumba an incredibly challenging workout that is also fun and motivates you through music. I’ve never taken a class that combined my love of music and rhythm with an extremely tough workout. It’s much more challenging than any other workouts I’ve done. My muscles get tired and I’m out of breath during the cardio portion. I don’t usually get both from one class. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my aerobic endurance. I can do significantly more burpees than I used to. I can workout longer.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Cindy Fanara
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Elsa Galvan
“This is a tough program but I seriously enjoy a great workout and that is exactly what this is. This has been the most effective exercise regime I’ve ever done. Now when I go to other classes I barely break a sweat. STRONG Nation is a challenge, a blast, and a surefire way to a better stronger you.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Asif Sayyad
“Naturally, I feel cardiovascular endurance. My legs feel stronger from all the squats and burpees.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Dara Johnson
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.
Sara Marjanovic
“STRONG was really intense. One of the hardest workouts I have ever done but so worth it. My favorite part of the program were my results. I feel stronger. I have more energy and I feel more confident in knowing that with hard work I can transform my body.”
Individual results were achieved by study participants attending 60-minute STRONG Nation ™ classes 3 times per week for 12-weeks and eating a sensible diet. On average, the participants lost 1.39 inches in the waist, 1.88 inches in the abs, 1.67 inches in the hip, and 1.68 inches in the mid-thigh. Results may vary depending on starting point, goals, effort, and diet.