Subscription fee что это
subscription fee
Смотреть что такое «subscription fee» в других словарях:
subscription fee — Entry fee, generally calculated as a percentage of the invested amount, that investors pay each time they buy shares or units in a fund. There are actually two types of fee: a commission charged by the fund to ensure that all unit holders or… … Financial and business terms
Fee-for-carriage — Fee for carriage, value for signal,[1] negotiation for value, or the TV tax all refer to a proposed Canadian television regulatory policy which would require cable and satellite television companies to compensate conventional, over the air… … Wikipedia
Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… … Wikipedia
Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… … Wikipedia
subscription — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, monthly, yearly, etc. ▪ one month, one year, etc. ▪ a one year subscription to this service … Collocations dictionary
Fee — For other uses see Fee (disambiguation) A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a… … Wikipedia
fee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, fat (informal), hefty, high, huge, large, substantial ▪ I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers … Collocations dictionary
subscription — subscriptive /seuhb skrip tiv/, adj. subscriptively, adv. /seuhb skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc. 2. the right to receive a periodical for a sum paid, usually for an agreed number… … Universalium
subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the … Useful english dictionary
subscription library — noun : a lending library to which borrowers pay a membership fee either instead of or in addition to a specific charge for books borrowed * * * subscription library noun A lending library run commercially and funded by members subscriptions • • • … Useful english dictionary
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus
subscription fee
Смотреть что такое «subscription fee» в других словарях:
subscription fee — Entry fee, generally calculated as a percentage of the invested amount, that investors pay each time they buy shares or units in a fund. There are actually two types of fee: a commission charged by the fund to ensure that all unit holders or… … Financial and business terms
Fee-for-carriage — Fee for carriage, value for signal,[1] negotiation for value, or the TV tax all refer to a proposed Canadian television regulatory policy which would require cable and satellite television companies to compensate conventional, over the air… … Wikipedia
Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… … Wikipedia
Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… … Wikipedia
subscription — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, monthly, yearly, etc. ▪ one month, one year, etc. ▪ a one year subscription to this service … Collocations dictionary
Fee — For other uses see Fee (disambiguation) A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a… … Wikipedia
fee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, fat (informal), hefty, high, huge, large, substantial ▪ I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers … Collocations dictionary
subscription — subscriptive /seuhb skrip tiv/, adj. subscriptively, adv. /seuhb skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc. 2. the right to receive a periodical for a sum paid, usually for an agreed number… … Universalium
subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the … Useful english dictionary
subscription library — noun : a lending library to which borrowers pay a membership fee either instead of or in addition to a specific charge for books borrowed * * * subscription library noun A lending library run commercially and funded by members subscriptions • • • … Useful english dictionary
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus
subscription fee
1 subscription fee
2 subscription fee
3 subscription fee
4 subscription fee
См. также в других словарях:
subscription fee — Entry fee, generally calculated as a percentage of the invested amount, that investors pay each time they buy shares or units in a fund. There are actually two types of fee: a commission charged by the fund to ensure that all unit holders or… … Financial and business terms
Fee-for-carriage — Fee for carriage, value for signal,[1] negotiation for value, or the TV tax all refer to a proposed Canadian television regulatory policy which would require cable and satellite television companies to compensate conventional, over the air… … Wikipedia
Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… … Wikipedia
Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… … Wikipedia
subscription — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, monthly, yearly, etc. ▪ one month, one year, etc. ▪ a one year subscription to this service … Collocations dictionary
Fee — For other uses see Fee (disambiguation) A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a… … Wikipedia
fee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, fat (informal), hefty, high, huge, large, substantial ▪ I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers … Collocations dictionary
subscription — subscriptive /seuhb skrip tiv/, adj. subscriptively, adv. /seuhb skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc. 2. the right to receive a periodical for a sum paid, usually for an agreed number… … Universalium
subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the … Useful english dictionary
subscription library — noun : a lending library to which borrowers pay a membership fee either instead of or in addition to a specific charge for books borrowed * * * subscription library noun A lending library run commercially and funded by members subscriptions • • • … Useful english dictionary
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus
Что означает перевод Subscription fee?
Несмотря на то, что онлайн-платформы большинства банков продукты отечественных разработок, в детализациях платежей все еще можно встретить английские формулировки напротив транзакций. Теоретически, происходит это в двух случаях, если учреждение пользуется англоязычными платежными системами или является дочерним предприятием зарубежной финансово-кредитной корпорации. Больше всего вопросов у клиентов вызывает списание subscription fee.
Суть операции subscription fee
В дословном переводе с английского языка выражение «subscription fee» означает абонентскую плату, регулярно вносимую за пользование какими-либо благами.
Отдельное значение слов:
С технической точки зрения система автоматически определяет список активных клиентов (с подключенной подпиской или тех, у которых подошел очередной срок погашения абонентской платы). С их счетов списывается предусмотренная тарифом сумма с пользу поставщика продукта или услуги. В случае нехватки средств, клиент блокируется до момента погашения долга. Часть компаний, взимающих subscription fee, оставляет за собой право взимания штрафов и пеней с пользователей, нарушивших график платежей.
В российской экономике термин применяют компании, работающие в разных отраслях. Наиболее популярна формулировка среди:
Однако наряду и с этой популярной трактовкой понятия, существует другой перевод, распространенный в торгово-промышленной сфере. Согласно ему subscription fee – это частичная оплата (или предоплата) при оформлении заказа.
Subscription fee в Райффайзенбанке
Владельцы пластиковых карт Райффайзенбанка вынуждены получать выписки со счетов, в которых типы проведенных операций указаны на английском языке. Людям, не владеющим им, бывает тяжело разобраться, на что именно были потрачены деньги.
Никаких мошеннических схем за subscription fee не стоит. Оплату взимает финансово-кредитное учреждение (в данном случае Райффайзенбанк) за определенный вид обслуживания клиента. Причина, по которой компания продолжает придерживаться английских формулировок, – принадлежность к австрийской финансовой структуре. Райффайзен – это дочернее предприятие группы Raiffeizen Bank International.
Банк применяет и другие, близкие к subscription fee, английские финансовые термины:
Интересный момент состоит в том, что в случае потери или кражи карты за перевыпуск нового пластика с клиента удерживается определенная сумма. Она будет включать комиссию за изготовление новой карточки и очередную абонентскую плату. Произойдет это, даже если по заблокированному пластику уже ранее был оплачен год обслуживания.
Перевод subscription fee – стандартная операция, обозначающая взимание комиссии или абонентской платы. Большая часть российских компаний не применяет английские формулировки и сокращения, чтобы сделать более прозрачными условия обслуживания для клиентов. Иностранных терминов продолжают придерживаться организации и сервисы, вынужденные одновременно вести операции на территории РФ и за рубежом.
subscription fee
1 плата абонентская
2 абонементный
абонеме́нтная пла́та — subscription fee
См. также в других словарях:
subscription fee — Entry fee, generally calculated as a percentage of the invested amount, that investors pay each time they buy shares or units in a fund. There are actually two types of fee: a commission charged by the fund to ensure that all unit holders or… … Financial and business terms
Fee-for-carriage — Fee for carriage, value for signal,[1] negotiation for value, or the TV tax all refer to a proposed Canadian television regulatory policy which would require cable and satellite television companies to compensate conventional, over the air… … Wikipedia
Subscription business model — Subscription redirects here. For the subscription process for shares etc., see Subscription (finance). The subscription business model is a business model where a customer must pay a subscription price to have access to the product/service. The… … Wikipedia
Subscription library — A subscription library (also membership library or independent library) is a library that is financed by private funds either from membership fees or endowments. Unlike a public library, access is often restricted to members, but access rights… … Wikipedia
subscription — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, monthly, yearly, etc. ▪ one month, one year, etc. ▪ a one year subscription to this service … Collocations dictionary
Fee — For other uses see Fee (disambiguation) A fee is the price one pays as remuneration for services. Fees usually allow for overhead, wages, costs, and markup. Traditionally, professionals in Great Britain received a fee in contradistinction to a… … Wikipedia
fee — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ exorbitant, fat (informal), hefty, high, huge, large, substantial ▪ I expect you had to pay a fat fee to your divorce lawyers … Collocations dictionary
subscription — subscriptive /seuhb skrip tiv/, adj. subscriptively, adv. /seuhb skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. a sum of money given or pledged as a contribution, payment, investment, etc. 2. the right to receive a periodical for a sum paid, usually for an agreed number… … Universalium
subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the … Useful english dictionary
subscription library — noun : a lending library to which borrowers pay a membership fee either instead of or in addition to a specific charge for books borrowed * * * subscription library noun A lending library run commercially and funded by members subscriptions • • • … Useful english dictionary
subscription — Synonyms and related words: John Hancock, OK, X, acceptance, accommodation, accordance, affirmance, affirmation, alms, alms fee, approbation, approval, authentication, authorization, autograph, award, awarding, bestowal, bestowment, certification … Moby Thesaurus