Super cigarette holder что это
Мундштук с ловушкой для смолы. Впечатления
Доброго времени всем, товарищи!
Решил я тут прикупить мундштук ( дабы протестировать его чудодейственные свойства.
Насторожил факт отсутствия каких-либо сменных фильтров. Как же он тогда дым фильтровать будет? Но да ладно-в силу наличия некоторого запаса боеприпасов встал он мне в 25 с небольшим рублей. Не велика потеря за бесполезный девайс.
Пессимизма добавила упаковка с иероглифами. Хоть и ожидаемо, но все же была небольшая надежда на пару русских слов.
Ниже приведу фотографию внутренностей с обозначениями «пути» дыма. Оговорюсь, что небольших отверстий сверху 3 штуки.
Как можно видеть, конструкция весьма проста. Чтож, пора испытать в деле. В качестве отравляющего вещества была применена Ява Золотая, красная. Должен сказать, что данный мундштук непривычно удлинняет сигарету, особенно странное ощущение когда только прикуриваешь.
Вкус несколько меняется. Хорошо это или плохо сказать затрудняюсь. Стряхивать пепел можно привычным для себя способом-сигарета не пытается сбежать и сидит вполне крепко.
2 сигареты спустя решил открыть девайс и убедиться в его бесполезности.
Вот это поворот! А он и в правду что-то фильтрует!
Я был крайне удивлен таким обстоятельством. Простая конструкция оказалась действенной. Скопилось довольно большое количество смолы, не ожидал такого. Так что смело рекомендую данный мундштук всем курящим товарищам!
cigarette holder
Смотреть что такое «cigarette holder» в других словарях:
cigarette holder — cigarette holders also cigarette holder N COUNT A cigarette holder is a narrow tube that you can put a cigarette into in order to hold it while you smoke it. He puffed constantly through an elegant cigarette holder … English dictionary
Cigarette holder — A cigarette holder A cigarette holder is a fashion accessory, a slender tube in which a cigarette is held for smoking. Most frequently made of silver, jade or bakelite (popular in the past but now wholly replaced by modern plastics), cigarette… … Wikipedia
cigarette holder — noun a tube that holds a cigarette while it is being smoked • Hypernyms: ↑holder, ↑tube, ↑tubing • Part Meronyms: ↑mouthpiece * * * a mouthpiece of plastic, ivory, etc., for holding a cigarette while it is being smoked. [1920 25] * * * cigarette… … Useful english dictionary
cigarette-holder — see cigarette holder … English dictionary
cigarette holder — a mouthpiece of plastic, ivory, etc., for holding a cigarette while it is being smoked. [1920 25] * * * … Universalium
cigarette holder — device into which a cigarette is placed and smoked … English contemporary dictionary
cigarette holder — noun (C) a narrow tube for holding a cigarette … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cigarette-holder — /sɪgəˈrɛt hoʊldə/ (say siguh ret hohlduh) noun a tubular mouth piece, often having an ornate pattern, through which the smoke of a cigarette is drawn … Australian-English dictionary
Cigarette — For other uses, see Cigarette (disambiguation). Cig redirects here. For other uses, see Cig (disambiguation). Two unlit, filtered f6 brand cigarettes from Germany. A cigarette (from Mayan Siyar; to smoke rolled tobacco leaves [1] … Wikipedia
Cigarette filter — Filters in a new and used cigarette A cigarette filter has the purpose of reducing the amount of smoke, tar, and fine particles inhaled during the combustion of a cigarette. Filters also reduce the harshness of the smoke and keep tobacco flakes… … Wikipedia
*Сигаретный мундштук/super cigarette holder «JZIY» JY023
Краткое описание
Индивидуальный мундштук для сигарет стандартного размера Ø9мм, являются незаменимыми для защиты вашего здоровья. Служит для фильтрация токсичных канцерогенных веществ, таких как никотин, смола и т. д.. Способствует удал. Читать далее.
Оптовый отдел
Чтобы добиться оптимального эффекта меняйте фильтр через 15-20 сигарет!
• Уменьшает количество табачной смолы.
• Не влияет на вкус и температуру.
• Система рециркуляции фильтров
• Подходит для обычных сигарет.
• Дым чистый и прохладный
• Компактный размер, легкий вес и удобство переноски.
• Продукт хорошего качества
*курение вредит Вашему здоровью!
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Работу на рынке сувенирной продукции можно сравнить с продажей предметов искусства на аукционах. Умение быстро сориентироваться в меняющихся вкусах покупателей приходит с опытом. У компании “ART-UA” опыт есть. За 16 лет работы мы приобрели опыт работы с клиентами, продвижения новых брендов, научились проводить мониторинг рынка сувенирной продукции. Опыт позволяет нам ориентироваться на рынке «опережая события». Мы смело делаем завоз новых товаров, и с началом сезона наши коллекции становятся хитами продаж.
How to Use a Cigarette Holder
Whether it’s to add some pizazz to your smoking or to simply keep your fingers from being plagued with nicotine stains, you may one day decide to use a cigarette holder. While it’s not a difficult endeavor, it is one that takes a little getting used to so your cigarette does not fall out, get smashed or fly across the room. You can use a cigarette holder with a little precaution and a few simple steps.
Make sure the holder is clean. If the holder unscrews, unscrew it to make sure the center is not jammed with any tobacco, grime or lint from being thrown in your pocket or purse. You can blow through it to dislodge any debris that’s not stuck on. Otherwise, clean it with a pipe cleaner.
Insert the cigarette into the holder. Gently grasp the holder in one hand and the cigarette in the other. Place the tip of the cigarette’s filter into the holder’s opening, turning very gently to secure into place. Do not pinch or disfigure the cigarette or you won’t be able to smoke it.
Light the cigarette. Make sure you keep the holder and cigarette pointing upwards so the cigarette does not fall out and light as you normally would.
Keep the holder pointing slightly upwards while smoking. Try not to point the holder down at the ground or the cigarette may fall out or at least get loose. Also try not to wave your hand around while smoking, which can also loosen the cigarette. Ash with care.
Dispose of the cigarette when through. This is done by simply grasping the cigarette butt and slightly twisting it to remove it from the holder. If you stub out the cigarette while it’s still in the holder, you may mash it further in.
Clean out the holder periodically. You’ll know when the holder needs cleaning by simply looking at it or finding it harder to smoke through. Cleaning out a holder is pretty grotesque if left neglected for too long, as it gets caked with clumps of tar. Try to clean our your holder at least once a week, even once a day for best results. Simply unscrew the holder if it unscrews and stick a pipe cleaner into it. Have a paper towel handy to wipe all the gunk off.
Different types of holders are on the market for cutting down the amount of tar and nicotine that gets into your system.
Antique holders are the best, but sterilize them before use by boiling in hot water so you don’t get any germs from wherever it’s been laying around for enough years to make it antique.
Rent some old Bettie Davis or other movies where actresses used to use holders to you can pick up some stylish tips on using them with a added finesse.
How to Use a Cigarette Holder
Whether it’s to add some pizazz to your smoking or to simply keep your fingers from being plagued with nicotine stains, you may one day decide to use a cigarette holder. While it’s not a difficult endeavor, it is one that takes a little getting used to so your cigarette does not fall out, get smashed or fly across the room. You can use a cigarette holder with a little precaution and a few simple steps.
Make sure the holder is clean. If the holder unscrews, unscrew it to make sure the center is not jammed with any tobacco, grime or lint from being thrown in your pocket or purse. You can blow through it to dislodge any debris that’s not stuck on. Otherwise, clean it with a pipe cleaner.
Insert the cigarette into the holder. Gently grasp the holder in one hand and the cigarette in the other. Place the tip of the cigarette’s filter into the holder’s opening, turning very gently to secure into place. Do not pinch or disfigure the cigarette or you won’t be able to smoke it.
Light the cigarette. Make sure you keep the holder and cigarette pointing upwards so the cigarette does not fall out and light as you normally would.
Keep the holder pointing slightly upwards while smoking. Try not to point the holder down at the ground or the cigarette may fall out or at least get loose. Also try not to wave your hand around while smoking, which can also loosen the cigarette. Ash with care.
Dispose of the cigarette when through. This is done by simply grasping the cigarette butt and slightly twisting it to remove it from the holder. If you stub out the cigarette while it’s still in the holder, you may mash it further in.
Clean out the holder periodically. You’ll know when the holder needs cleaning by simply looking at it or finding it harder to smoke through. Cleaning out a holder is pretty grotesque if left neglected for too long, as it gets caked with clumps of tar. Try to clean our your holder at least once a week, even once a day for best results. Simply unscrew the holder if it unscrews and stick a pipe cleaner into it. Have a paper towel handy to wipe all the gunk off.
Different types of holders are on the market for cutting down the amount of tar and nicotine that gets into your system.
Antique holders are the best, but sterilize them before use by boiling in hot water so you don’t get any germs from wherever it’s been laying around for enough years to make it antique.
Rent some old Bettie Davis or other movies where actresses used to use holders to you can pick up some stylish tips on using them with a added finesse.