Sussy baka что это значит
Что означает Сусси Бака на Тик Ток?
Социальные сети всегда в курсе того или иного. Нет ни одного дня, когда бы не было чего-то, что могло бы подбодрить одних и обидеть других.
Это самая интересная часть всей этой сцены социальных сетей: в них всегда есть что-то для людей. В некоторые дни может быть тенденция, которая поднимет вам настроение и рассердит других, или наоборот.
Поскольку количество людей в социальных сетях увеличивается с каждым днем, становится все интереснее. С новыми людьми, которые приходят разделить пространство с людьми, которые уже там, мы становимся свидетелями удивительных вещей почти каждый день.
То же самое и с языком и со всем, что нужно для его создания. Мы слышим новые слова, сокращения и фразы.
Иногда мы расшифровываем их мгновенно, иногда кажется, что термин или аббревиатура, с которыми мы столкнулись, непроницаемы.
Такой термин часто встречается в социальных сетях, и пользователи недоумевают по поводу его происхождения и значения.
Сусси Бака Значение TikTok:
Значение Сусси Бака на TikTok окутано тайной. Мы можем видеть, что это в тренде на TikTok, но мы можем быть такими же невежественными, как и сегодня, если кто-то не расскажет нам, о чем идет речь.
Тысячи, а может и больше, нашли в Сюсси Бака новый способ самовыражения. Они не уклоняются от использования его, чтобы вызвать волнение в умах людей, которые его читают.
Если вам довелось увидеть, как это слово ощущается в разделе ваших комментариев, и вы задавались вопросом, о чем идет речь, вы попали в нужное место.
В этом посте я расскажу обо всем, что связано с этим популярным термином. Сначала я скажу вам, чего на самом деле стоит это слово. Во-вторых, я также приведу несколько примеров, чтобы вам все было понятно. Наконец, я также скажу вам, следует ли вам использовать его или воздерживаться от слишком непристойного слова.
Что означает Сусси Бака на TikTok?
Разные люди из разных мест имеют разные мнения в социальных сетях. То же самое с культурой и языками.
Сусси взята из видеоигры «Среди нас». В этой игре кого-то подозревают в злонамеренных действиях. Это сокращенная версия слова «подозреваемый».
Этот термин довольно широко используется пользователями социальных сетей, в частности пользователями TikTok.
Вы можете использовать его, когда сочтете нужным. Это не влечет за собой непристойности.
Dean Norris ‘Sussy Baka’ Meme
Dean Norris ‘Sussy Baka’
Dean Norris ‘Sussy Baka’ refers to Dean Norris from Breaking Bad saying Sussy Baka in which he gets a request on his Cameo [1] telling him to say that and wish them a happy birthday.
On May 12 2021, Dean Norris posted the video on his Cameo which the person requested Dean Norris to say the line. On May 14 2021 Youtuber [2] will peridot posted the video to YouTube and hit 1.2 million views in 2 months (shown below.)
Well I don’t know man, You’ve been seeming sus lately. It’s almost like we have an imposter among us. I saw that you wanted don’t lie to me wall, you sussy baka.
The clip of him saying it was shared on YouTube and Twitter. By May and June, the video created memes using the Vine Thud, When the Imposter Is Sus and using the video in Breaking Bad scenes.
On 16 May 2021, Youtuber [3] thebirdy74 posted a video called «Hank finds out Walt is sus» (shown below.) The video hit 35,000 views in 2 months.
On the same day, Youtuber [4] itsnotthat posted a video called «Hank is sus and sussy baka» (shown below.) The video hit 1,000 views in 2 months.
Sussy Baka Meme
Sussy Baka
Sussy Baka, made up of the terms «sussy,» meaning suspicious (originating from the video game Among Us), and «baka,» meaning «fool» in Japanese, refers to a number of videos by TikToker Akeam Francis in which he says variations of the phrase, «you’re such a sussy baka.» A number of Francis’ videos have inspired popular Original Sounds on TikTok and seen use in video edits and memes across social media platforms, becoming a well-known catchphrase on its own.
Why You Acting Like Such A Baka?
On March 9th, 2021, TikToker [1] @nyatsumii posted a video taken from one of @akeamfrancis2’s TikTok live streams in which he yells, «Baka! Deku! Why are you acting such like a baka? Deku, why you acting like such a baka?» taking big breaths in-between each word (shown below). The video gained over 1.7 million views in just over a month.
In the clip, Francis is referencing the character Izuku Midoriya, or Deku, from the anime series My Hero Academia. On March 10th and 11th, Francis lip-dubbed to the sound (shown below, left and right), which also inspired over 1,900 videos on the platform, although not sparking any specific trend.
Francis continued to capitalize on the success of the video by creating similar content and regularly yelling the word «baka» in future videos [2] (example shown below).
Say You Are My Baka
On March 13th, 2021, YouTuber [15] iiiStrawberryTeaiii posted a clip from one of Francis’ TikTok live streams in which he repeats, «say you are my baka» in a snarling voice while stomping his foot, garnering over 447,000 views in a month (shown below).
Why Do You Gotta Be Such A Sussy Baka?
On March 15th, 2021, TikToker [3] @akeamfrancis2 posted a video replying to a comment requesting he say «sussy baka,» in which he says, «why you gotta be such a sussy baka? Like, seriously, Deku, you’re such a sussy baka. You’re a sussy baka. You sussy baka,» while a sticker of an Among Us crewmate flossing plays overtop. The video garnered over 1.2 million views in a month (shown below).
The sound inspired a number of popular videos on TikTok, [4] [5] mostly lip-dub videos (most popular examples shown below).
On April 1st, 2021, Instagram [6] user @scar.nyb posted a Fandom Generalization style video featuring the top-text, «you got caught lackin in 4k lmao get ratiod you simp sussy baka,» mocking common internet slang, garnering over 6,800 views in three weeks (shown below). The post was shared by Instagram [7] user @pooods that day, garnering over 21,000 views and 3,500 likes in the same span of time.
On April 2nd, Instagram [8] user @a11iens posted an image macro of a custom emoji with buck-teeth and the text, «ur such a sussy baka,» garnering over 9,900 likes in three weeks (shown below, left). On April 7th, Instagram [9] user @cursedmojiman posted a similar image macro with the text, «me when you’re acting like a sussy baka,» garnering over 8,800 likes in two weeks (shown below, right). On April 8th, Instagram [10] page @cursed.emoge posted the meme, garnering over 60,000 likes in a comparable span of time.
On April 9th, Instagram [11] user @stdabbers posted a 21st Century Humor compilation using a clip of Francis saying the line, garnering over 37,000 views and 9,100 likes in two weeks (shown below).
On April 12th, YouTuber [12] and voiceover artist Gianni Matragrano posted a video voicing over @a11iens image macro in a British accent, garnering over 380,000 views in two weeks (shown below).
It’s Just A Sussy Baka And It Cannot Be That Bad
On April 14th, 2021, TikToker [13] @miaormoa posted a parody version of Princess Chelsea’s song «The Cigarette Duet,» [14] a popular sound at the time, featuring the lyrics, «it’s just a sussy baka and it cannot be that bad,» and a number of Among Us crewmates over the video (shown below). The video gained over 1.1 million views in under two weeks.
The original sound for the video went viral on TikTok, inspiring over 16,000 videos in under two weeks (examples shown below, left and right). Many of these are shitposts and lip dub videos joking about Among Us.
Hank (Dean Norris) Accuses Walt Of Being A Sussy Baka Video
In May 2021, a Cameo video of Breaking Bad actor Dean Norris accusing Walk of being a sussy baka and using a number of Among Us terms started going around. For example, a post to YouTube on May 15th garnered over 1.3 million views in just over a week. On May 19th, 2021, YouTuber [16] Mcdonald Ronald posted the original (shown below). In the description, the uploader writes that the video was a gift from his father.
On May 16th, YouTuber fishnchipss posted an edit mashing up a scene from Breaking Bad with the audio and visuals of the Dean Norris Cameo, garnering over 900,000 views in just over a week (shown below).
On the same day, Instagram [20] user @largetrap posted a new edit featuring the Cameo set to a different Breaking Bad scene and making use of the Vine Thud sound effect, garnering over 194,000 likes in just over a week (shown below).
Continued Spread
On June 25th, 2021, the Genshin Impact Twitter [17] page used the term «sussy baka» in response to a tweet [18] from @DarkcatOwO, garnering over 31,000 likes and 20,000 retweets in under 12 hours (shown below).
Sussy baka что это значит
Sussy = Suspicious (Among Us reference)
Baka = fool (Japanese)
Символ показывает уровень знания интересующего вас языка и вашу подготовку. Выбирая ваш уровень знания языка, вы говорите пользователям как им нужно писать, чтобы вы могли их понять.
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What is “Sussy Baka” on TikTok? Among Us & anime trend goes viral
Published: 5/May/2021 20:46
A new TikTok trend blends the lines of anime and Among Us as “Sussy Baka” has begun popping up across the platform and social media. For those who are, understandably, confused — here’s a rundown.
If you’ve played or watched any Among Us this year, you know that calling people “sus” is very popular. If you’ve watched any anime, you probably know that “baka” means something along the lines of “idiot.” And, finally, if you’ve been on TikTok, you know that trends often pop out of the nether with zero explanation or rationale.
TikTok trends are confusing and their origins can often be hard to pin down. But not “Sussy Baka,” that one has been figured out by internet sleuths curious about its growing power. From a random, bizarre TikTok to YouTube videos galore, people are finding out that they are not just bakas, but sussy as well.
And all the momentum started rolling with TikTok’s akeamfrancis2, who responded to someone by creating an iconic sound that mixes Japanese with “sussy.”
What does “Sussy Baka” mean?
Basically, this trend just combines a bunch of silly insults into one. “Sussy” comes from “sus,” which is popular slang for “suspicious” or “suspect” and was mightily popularized in Among Us as players pointed out people they thought might be imposters.
As for “baka” and “deku,” the former essentially means “idiot” (as we mentioned earlier) and the latter, which akeamfrancis tosses into his video, essentially equates to “useless person.”
But, by now, the phrase has taken on a life of its own as what was originally a niche inside joke gets spread across the internet.
If you click on akeamfrancis’ sound on TikTok, there are now around 2,000 videos using his response to call anyone and everyone a sussy baka. And these videos, which range from anime edits to lip-syncers to cosplayers to Harry Styles montages, often have hundreds of thousands of views.
And yet, it doesn’t even stop there, as YouTube and Twitter seem to have caught wind of the term and are now using it relentlessly. (Yes, those include memes with the creepy little grey face seen in this article’s header.)
In the end, while no one can know exactly why sussy baka has become so popular, we do at least know where it comes from. Hopefully, that research means that, even if we’re “sussy bakas,” we’re not entirely “dekus.”