Synthetic phonics что это
Synthetic Phonics
Research shows that to get every child reading and spelling we need to teach phonics with a systematic and explicit approach. In the United Kingdom this approach is known as synthetic phonics. We’re a global team, but it’s the UK’s recommendations that have informed Phonics Hero; it’s thorough, comprehensive and well-tested.
Learning to read with our synthetic phonics games.
What Characterises a Synthetic Phonics Approach?
Synthetic phonics is a strange, technical name that has nothing to do with being artificial! The ‘synthetic’ name comes from the synthesising or blending of sounds to make a word and enable children to read. The teaching reading and spelling with synthetic phonics will have the following characteristics:
1) A simple to complex logic
The English language has 26 letters but 44 unique sounds, each with lots of different ways to spell them. A synthetic phonics approach will teach these 44 sounds from the simple to the more complicated logic.
First off, children are taught that each alphabet letter has its own unique sound. For example:
Once children have this concept, the logic is made a little harder. Two (or sometimes three) letters can also come together to make a new sound. For example:
The next layer of complexity is where you really start to see spelling improve. Children learn that a sound can be represented in many ways. For example the /ee/ sound:
Finally, children will learn that a letter or group of letters can represent different sounds. For example:
2) Decoding is the first strategy to read and it should happen quickly
As soon as children have learned between 6-8 alphabet sounds, they must start blending to read words. Many programs will wait until children know all 26 alphabet sounds. This is completely unnecessary – it should be done much earlier. By doing it earlier, we demonstrate to children why we are learning the sounds; to blend words to read.
The process of reading involves decoding or ‘breaking’ words into separate sounds, which can then be blended together to read an unknown word. Children tackle each word with four steps:
Click here to download this image as a poster for your classroom.
3) Spelling is taught alongside with reading
The process of spelling is the reverse to reading. It requires children to identify the sounds in a word and then to match a letter (or letters) with that sound to essentially ‘make’ the word. This takes a five step process:
Click here to download this image as a poster for your classroom.
4) Children practise their skills with decodable texts
Let’s assume that children have learned eight sounds:
The texts children practise and apply their knowledge with, should only use the sounds the children have been taught. Many phonics books and apps make the mistake of giving words which, yes, are simple and use the target sound, but throw in sounds which the children simply have not learned yet. For example:
The /oo/ in ‘moon’, the /u/ in ‘mud’ and the /e/ in ‘men’ haven’t been taught yet (remember the child has only learned: satpinmd, so far). It is therefore unfair to expect a child to read these words if they don’t have the knowledge of all the sounds. In synthetic phonics, children only read words which use the sounds they have learned – they will be entirely decodable. Look at all the words they could read with only these 8 sounds:
At a Glance, Synthetic Phonics Teaches Children:
Learn More about Synthetic Phonics:
Watch our introductory video
For more reading on synthetic phonics, check out:
Синтетическая акустика относится к семейству программ, направленных на обучение чтению и письму с помощью следующих методов:
Программы синтетической акустики обладают некоторыми или всеми из следующих характеристик:
Программы синтетической акустики не обладают следующими характеристиками:
Типовая программа
Систематическая акустика
Аналитическая акустика
Синтетическая акустика
Synthetic Phonics использует понятие «синтез», что означает «соединение» или «смешивание». Проще говоря, звуки, вызываемые буквами, синтезируются (соединяются или смешиваются) для произнесения слова.
Общая терминология
Некоторые общие термины, используемые в этой статье, включают:
Некоторые из выводов отчета:
В Канаде государственное образование находится в ведении провинциальных и территориальных органов власти. Нет никаких доказательств того, что систематическая фоника (включая синтетическую) была специально принята какой-либо из этих юрисдикций.
С другой стороны, очевидны некоторые практики целого языка, такие как: «использовать навыки предсказания языка для определения неизвестных слов»; «использование трех систем подсказок: смысловой, структурной и визуальной»; «читать дальше, пропускать слова, перечитывать и делать замены»; «прогнозировать, исходя из того, что имеет смысл»; и «широкий выбор слов для обозрения».
Тем не менее, систематическая фоника и синтетическая фоника привлекли внимание в следующих публикациях:
Объединенное Королевство
Критики отчета
События после отчета Rose Report
Компания Education Scotland обнаружила, что четкие, систематические программы по звуку, обычно встроенные в среду с богатой грамотностью, дают дополнительный четырехмесячный прогресс по сравнению с другими программами, такими как все языковые программы, и особенно полезны для молодых учеников (в возрасте от 4 до 7 лет). Есть свидетельства, хотя и менее надежные, что программы синтетической акустики могут быть более полезными, чем программы аналитической акустики ; однако более важно систематически учить детей.
Критики отчета утверждают, что результаты были преувеличены и связаны не только с синтетической акустикой.
Пятилетнее наблюдение за исследованием пришло к выводу, что положительный эффект был длительным, фактически, прирост чтения увеличился.
Соединенные Штаты
Другие выводы этого отчета:
В 2015 году система государственных школ штата Нью-Йорк начала процесс пересмотра своих Стандартов изучения английского языка. Стандарты были пересмотрены в 2017 году и призывают к обучению, включающему « навыки чтения или грамотности», а также фонематическую осведомленность от дошкольного возраста до 1-го класса и навыки фонетики, распознавания слов и анализа слов при декодировании слов с 1-го по 4-й класс. вступает в силу в начале 2020-2021 учебного года.
В 2019 году Международная ассоциация грамотности выпустила отчет, озаглавленный «Решение проблем, связанных с обучением начальному обучению грамоте. для некоторых». Он также предлагает мнение о десяти наиболее распространенных причинах неуспеваемости в акустике, а именно: недостаточное время, потраченное на освоение нового акустического навыка, такого как смешивание (рекомендуется 4–6 недель); отсутствие приложения к реальной инструкции чтения; неподходящие материалы для чтения для отработки навыков; слишком много инструкций учителя и слишком мало чтения учеником; потерянное время во время учебных переходов; отношение учителя и знание учебного материала по фонетике; уроки, которые не являются быстрыми и строгими; отсутствие оценок в течение длительного периода времени; слишком долго ждать перехода к многосложным словам; и чрезмерный акцент на акустических упражнениях за счет других аспектов, таких как словарный запас.
Synthetic Phonics
What is synthetic phonics?
Synthetic phonics is a method of teaching where words are broken up into the smallest units of sound (phonemes). Children learn to make connections between the letters of written texts (graphemes, or letter symbols) and the sounds of spoken language. Synthetic phonics also teaches children how to identify all the phonemes in a word and match them to a letter in order to be able to spell correctly.
Children are taught how to break up words, or decode them, into individual sounds, and then blend all the way through the word.
Example: In the word bat, children learn to identify three individual phonemes using the synthetic phonics method: /b/ /a/ /t/ that can be blended back together to produce a word. The вЂsynthetic’ part of this particular phonics instruction derives from the process of synthesizing or blending sounds to create words.
New sounds are not introduced in alphabetical order, and they are introduced quickly. Synthetic phonics means that children are able to read a range of easily decodable words sooner.
This means that if a child is introduced to the sounds /m/ /s/ /a/ /t/ they can quickly read the words at, mat, sat, am, Sam etc.
Reading Eggs uses a synthetic phonics method to teach children how to read. Learning is made fun, easy and highly intuitive for young kids. Free trial
Synthetic phonics vs analytic phonics
There are two main types of phonics: synthetic phonics and analytic phonics. The difference between them is substantial enough to affect the gains in literacy that young readers make.
Synthetic phonics is a more accelerated form of phonics. Children are taught letter sounds upon starting school, before they learn to read, and even before they are introduced to books.
With analytic phonics, children are taught to recognize whole words by sight, and later to break down the word into the smaller units of sound. Letter sounds are taught after reading has begun. The uncertainty is how much later this knowledge of letter sounds will follow. It does not always follow that children will be able to pick up these skills using analytic phonics. With analytic phonics, children differ widely in their ability to pick up all the implicit rules of the English alphabet.
Of course, the use of synthetic phonics does not exclude the use of analytic phonics. There are some words that cannot be learned by breaking them into smaller parts and children must learn them by sight. These are often referred to as вЂsight words’.
How Reading Eggs teaches synthetic phonics
The Reading Eggs program focuses on a core reading curriculum of synthetic phonics and sight words. Additionally, it builds vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
The program comprises highly structured, systematic and sequential skills-based lessons and activities that match an individual letter, or letter combination, with its appropriate sound. Children are taught to blend sounds all the way through a word in order to read it, as well as how to spell. They learn this through a variety of fun and interactive games and activities.
Reading Eggs introduces the technique of reading words from left to right and blending all the way through the word from the very first lesson. вЂSound Buttons’ are introduced in the early stages of the program to encourage children to make letter-sound correspondences and to teach them how to blend individual phonemes to read words.
Reading Eggs teaches children how to hear individual phonemes and blend them all the way through to create a word. Free trial
Early lessons and activities help children to identify how many phonemes they can hear within a word. Other activities prompt them to listen to individual phonemes and to identify the initial, middle, and final sound within the word.
Building on from initial phonemic awareness and simple letter-sound recognition, children learn how one phoneme can sometimes be represented by two or more letters, such as /sh/ or /igh/. It also shows children how a single phoneme can be represented in several ways, such as /ee/ as in see, /ea/ as in sea, and /ie/ as in field. Children also learn how a single letter can represent more than one phoneme, such as /o/ in go, and /o/ in top.
See how Reading Eggs works with a free trial now.