Tax avoidance что такое
tax avoidance
Смотреть что такое «tax avoidance» в других словарях:
tax avoidance — legally reducing tax liability. Tax planning is the activity by which a taxpayer seeks to arrange his affairs so that his tax liability is minimised; avoidance of tax within the limits of tax law is perfectly legitimate; tax evasion is the… … Law dictionary
Tax Avoidance — The use of legal methods to modify an individual s financial situation in order to lower the amount of income tax owed. This is generally accomplished by claiming the permissible deductions and credits. This practice differs from tax evasion,… … Investment dictionary
tax avoidance — noun the minimization of tax liability by lawful methods • Hypernyms: ↑minimization, ↑minimisation * * * ˈtax avoidance [tax avoidance] noun uncountable … Useful english dictionary
tax avoidance — The minimization of one s tax liability by taking advantage of legally available tax planning opportunities. Tax avoidance may be contrasted with tax evasion which entails the reduction of tax liability by using illegal means Compare tax evasion … Black’s law dictionary
tax avoidance — N UNCOUNT Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax … English dictionary
tax avoidance — tax planning Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. Compare tax evasion … Big dictionary of business and management
tax avoidance — tax a.voidance n [U] the practice of trying to pay less tax in legal ways →↑tax evasion … Dictionary of contemporary English
tax avoidance — tax a,voidance noun uncount the use of legal ways to pay less tax ─ compare TAX EVASION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tax avoidance — Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. See: tax planning Compare: tax evasion … Accounting dictionary
tax avoidance — noun The legal exploitation of the tax rules to minimize tax payments … Wiktionary
tax avoidance
Смотреть что такое «tax avoidance» в других словарях:
tax avoidance — legally reducing tax liability. Tax planning is the activity by which a taxpayer seeks to arrange his affairs so that his tax liability is minimised; avoidance of tax within the limits of tax law is perfectly legitimate; tax evasion is the… … Law dictionary
Tax Avoidance — The use of legal methods to modify an individual s financial situation in order to lower the amount of income tax owed. This is generally accomplished by claiming the permissible deductions and credits. This practice differs from tax evasion,… … Investment dictionary
tax avoidance — noun the minimization of tax liability by lawful methods • Hypernyms: ↑minimization, ↑minimisation * * * ˈtax avoidance [tax avoidance] noun uncountable … Useful english dictionary
tax avoidance — The minimization of one s tax liability by taking advantage of legally available tax planning opportunities. Tax avoidance may be contrasted with tax evasion which entails the reduction of tax liability by using illegal means Compare tax evasion … Black’s law dictionary
tax avoidance — N UNCOUNT Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax … English dictionary
tax avoidance — tax planning Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. Compare tax evasion … Big dictionary of business and management
tax avoidance — tax a.voidance n [U] the practice of trying to pay less tax in legal ways →↑tax evasion … Dictionary of contemporary English
tax avoidance — tax a,voidance noun uncount the use of legal ways to pay less tax ─ compare TAX EVASION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tax avoidance — Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. See: tax planning Compare: tax evasion … Accounting dictionary
tax avoidance — noun The legal exploitation of the tax rules to minimize tax payments … Wiktionary
tax avoidance
Смотреть что такое «tax avoidance» в других словарях:
tax avoidance — legally reducing tax liability. Tax planning is the activity by which a taxpayer seeks to arrange his affairs so that his tax liability is minimised; avoidance of tax within the limits of tax law is perfectly legitimate; tax evasion is the… … Law dictionary
Tax Avoidance — The use of legal methods to modify an individual s financial situation in order to lower the amount of income tax owed. This is generally accomplished by claiming the permissible deductions and credits. This practice differs from tax evasion,… … Investment dictionary
tax avoidance — noun the minimization of tax liability by lawful methods • Hypernyms: ↑minimization, ↑minimisation * * * ˈtax avoidance [tax avoidance] noun uncountable … Useful english dictionary
tax avoidance — The minimization of one s tax liability by taking advantage of legally available tax planning opportunities. Tax avoidance may be contrasted with tax evasion which entails the reduction of tax liability by using illegal means Compare tax evasion … Black’s law dictionary
tax avoidance — N UNCOUNT Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax … English dictionary
tax avoidance — tax planning Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. Compare tax evasion … Big dictionary of business and management
tax avoidance — tax a.voidance n [U] the practice of trying to pay less tax in legal ways →↑tax evasion … Dictionary of contemporary English
tax avoidance — tax a,voidance noun uncount the use of legal ways to pay less tax ─ compare TAX EVASION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tax avoidance — Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. See: tax planning Compare: tax evasion … Accounting dictionary
tax avoidance — noun The legal exploitation of the tax rules to minimize tax payments … Wiktionary
tax avoidance
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2 tax avoidance
минимизация налогообложения
использование законных средств уменьшения налоговых обязательств компании (предприятия) – напр., перенос части производства и регистрации фирм в офшоры, налоговые убежища, в страны с более мягким налоговым режимом, чем в стране пребывания и т.п.
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18 tax evasion
19 tax evasion (vs tax avoidance)
См. также в других словарях:
tax avoidance — legally reducing tax liability. Tax planning is the activity by which a taxpayer seeks to arrange his affairs so that his tax liability is minimised; avoidance of tax within the limits of tax law is perfectly legitimate; tax evasion is the… … Law dictionary
Tax Avoidance — The use of legal methods to modify an individual s financial situation in order to lower the amount of income tax owed. This is generally accomplished by claiming the permissible deductions and credits. This practice differs from tax evasion,… … Investment dictionary
tax avoidance — noun the minimization of tax liability by lawful methods • Hypernyms: ↑minimization, ↑minimisation * * * ˈtax avoidance [tax avoidance] noun uncountable … Useful english dictionary
tax avoidance — The minimization of one s tax liability by taking advantage of legally available tax planning opportunities. Tax avoidance may be contrasted with tax evasion which entails the reduction of tax liability by using illegal means Compare tax evasion … Black’s law dictionary
tax avoidance — N UNCOUNT Tax avoidance is the use of legal methods to pay the smallest possible amount of tax … English dictionary
tax avoidance — tax planning Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. Compare tax evasion … Big dictionary of business and management
tax avoidance — tax a.voidance n [U] the practice of trying to pay less tax in legal ways →↑tax evasion … Dictionary of contemporary English
tax avoidance — tax a,voidance noun uncount the use of legal ways to pay less tax ─ compare TAX EVASION … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tax avoidance — Minimizing tax liabilities legally and by means of full disclosure to the tax authorities. See: tax planning Compare: tax evasion … Accounting dictionary
tax avoidance — noun The legal exploitation of the tax rules to minimize tax payments … Wiktionary
• The law has never prevented clever lawyers from finding ways of tax avoidance for their clients.
— compare tax evasion
The Inland Revenue estimates that it is losing at least £10 billion a year because of tax avoidance.
tax avoidance measures/schemes
Смотреть что такое TAX AVOIDANCE в других словарях:
гос. фин. избежание налогов, уход от налогообложения (снижение суммы выплачиваемых налогов законными средствами, в отличие от прямого уклонения от упл. смотреть
tax avoidance: übersetzung tax avoidance Steuerumgehung f, Steuervermeidung f
<͵tæksəʹvɔıd(ə)ns>уменьшение (плательщиком) суммы налога без нарушения закона (путём перерасчёта и т. п.)
[͵tæksəʹvɔıd(ə)ns]уменьшение (плательщиком) суммы налога без нарушения закона (путём перерасчёта и т. п.)
Минимизация налоговых обязательств законным путем и посредством предоставления полной информации налоговым органам. Сравни: tax evasion (уклонение от уплаты налогов). смотреть
зниження суми оподаткування (законнім чином); мінімізація суми оподаткування; мінімізація податків
tax avoidance [͵tæksəʹvɔıd(ə)ns] уменьшение (плательщиком) суммы налога без нарушения закона (путём перерасчёта и т. п.)
использование «законных» лазеек для минимизации налогов ; минимизация налогов в рамках закона ;
зниження суми оподаткування (законнім чином); мінімізація суми оподаткування; мінімізація податків
использование «законных» лазеек для минимизации налогов ; минимизация налогов в рамках закона ;
ухилення від сплати податків
tax avoidance уменьшение в результате перерасчета суммы налога
Уклонение от налога
уход от налогового обложения
Ухилення від сплати податків
ухилення від сплати податків
система (схема) ухилення від сплати податків
система (схема) ухилення від сплати податків