Team crew в чем разница
Squad Vs Team Vs Crew
Senior Member
This question arised while talking about a pool of professionals involved in a task. We are facing a legal issue, in order to deal with this we have engineers, lawyers and patent attorneys working together each in his/her field.
In this case, which term do I have to use?
Let’s suppose the sentence is: «the team/squad/crew dealing with this issue comprises engineers, lawyers and patent attorneys».
The context is not very formal, let’s assume this sentence is part of an email that will be sent to some colleagues of mine.
Thank you in advance,
Sixties Mod
The word «team» is very commonly used nowadays in business, to refer to a group of people working together on a project or task of some sort.
While «squad» or «crew» could be used colloquially amongst themselves, I wouldn’t personally use it in a business email (unless it was the firm’s ‘house style’ to be particularly informal).
Senior Member
Senior Member
Senior Member
For sake of argument: can you please tell me if there is any difference, generally speaking, between this three terms?
Senior Member
Squad is more often used for an athletic team or a military team. It generally implies some form of physical activity.
Crew is the specific word for the members who work on a boat or on an airplane or on other transportation. It can also be used more generally but in that usage, at least in the US, it’s very casual. If you talk about your «crew» you’re talking about your immediate circle of friends. It’s almost slang in that usage.
Team means any group of people working together, whether it’s a physical activity or a mental activity. It’s very generic and is useable in many situations, including being appropriate for business situations.
A «working group» can be a synonym in business for a team.
The difference between Crew and Team
When used as nouns, crew means any company of people, whereas team means a set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage.
When used as verbs, crew means to be a member of a vessel’s crew, whereas team means to form a group, as for sports or work.
check bellow for the other definitions of Crew and Team
Crew as a noun (obsolete):
A group of people together Any company of people; an assemblage; a throng. A group of people (often staff) manning and operating a large facility or piece of equipment such as a factory, ship, boat, airplane, or spacecraft. A group of people working together on a task. The group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the cast. A close group of friends. A set of individuals lumped together by the speaker. A group of Rovers. A hip-hop group A rowing team manning a single shell.
«If you need help, please contact a member of the crew.»
«The crews of the two ships got into a fight.»
«The crews competed to cut the most timber.»
«There are a lot of carpenters in the crew!»
«The crews for different movies would all come down to the bar at night.»
«I’d look out for that whole crew down at Jack’s.»
Crew as a noun (plural: crew):
A person in a crew A member of the crew of a vessel or plant. A worker on a dramatic production who is not part of the cast. A member of a ship’s company who is not an officer.
«One crew died in the accident.»
«There were three actors and six crew on the set.»
«The officers and crew assembled on the deck.»
«There are quarters for three officers and five crew.»
Crew as a noun (sports, rowing, US, uncountable):
The sport of competitive rowing.
Crew as a verb (transitive, _, and, _, intransitive):
To be a member of a vessel’s crew
«We crewed together on a fishing boat last year.»
«The ship was crewed by fifty sailors.»
Crew as a verb:
To be a member of a work or production crew
«The film was crewed and directed by students.»
Crew as a verb:
To supply workers or sailors for a crew
Crew as a verb (nautical):
To do the proper work of a sailor
«The crewing of the vessel before the crash was deficient.»
Crew as a verb (nautical):
To take on, recruit (new) crew
Crew as a verb (British, archaic):
To have made the characteristic sound of a rooster.
«It was still dark when the cock crew.»
Crew as a noun (British, dialectal):
A pen for livestock such as chickens or pigs
Crew as a noun:
The Manx shearwater.
Team as a noun:
A set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage.
Team as a noun:
Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially sports or work.
«We need more volunteers for the netball team.»
«The IT manager leads a team of three software developers.»
Team as a noun (obsolete):
A group of animals moving together, especially young ducks.
Team as a noun (UK, legal, obsolete):
A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto.
Team as a verb (intransitive):
To form a group, as for sports or work.
«They teamed to complete the project.»
Team as a verb (intransitive, by extension):
To go together well; to harmonize.
Team as a verb (transitive):
To convey or haul with a team.
Team as a verb (transitive):
To form together into a team.
Team as a verb (transitive):
To give work to a gang under a subcontractor.
Team as a verb:
Правила использования слов crew, team
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
Team- команда, упряжка Правило употребления: Группа людей или животных, выполняющих общее дело.
Crew-экипаж, бригада, команда Правило употребления: Команда самолета, корабля за исключением командира. Несколько человек, производящих совместные работы.
Пример: When his car was broken hе sent for repair crew. – Когда сломалась его машина, он вызвал бригаду ремонтников. Пояснение к примеру: В данном примере подразумевается группа людей, которая будет производить ремонтные работа, т.е. занимается общей деятельностью.
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Team crew в чем разница
There is no difference.
«Crew» is more likely to be used on a ship
«Team» is more likely to be used in sports
Both can refer to a group of people at a business.
If I had to decide on a difference, it would be that a «crew» is more likely to mean a group that does physical labor.
The difference between Crew and Team. When used as nouns, crew means any company of people, whereas team means a set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage. When used as verbs, crew means to be a member of a vessel’s (ship, aircraft, etc) crew, whereas team means to form a group, as for sports or work.
crew = labourers working for a common cause
team = individuals united for a common cause
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Team crew в чем разница
They both generally mean the same thing, but «crew» is most commonly used when talking about the people who work on boats. For example, «the boat captain and his crew.»
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