The mesh is composed of multiple subdivision levels zbrush что это
About Subdivision
Subdivision is probably familiar to most users of modeling programs; it increases the polygon count of a model by replacing each polygon with multiple polygons. The most commonly used subdivision scheme is the Catmull-Clark method, which also moves vertices as it subdivides, so that a low-resolution cage can give a high-resolution smooth surface.
ZBrush offers an additional powerful feature when using subdivision with polymeshes; a polymesh retains a “subdivision history.” To put it another way, each time a polymesh is subdivided, the geometry from the previous polymesh is remembered, all the way back to the original polymesh. So a subdivided mesh can have multiple levels of subdivision, equal to the number of times it was subdivided plus one for the original level.
You can move back and forth between these subdivision levels as you model; if you need to make ‘large-scale’ changes to an object, such as raising a significant portion of the surface, you can do it at a lower subdivision level where the model’s polygons are relatively large (more of a ‘cage’) while fine details can be sculpted at a high subdivision level. In either case, changes will be propagated across all levels, so sculpting geometry at one level does not lose the work you’ve done at another level.
To understand the power of this ability, consider the following example. At a low subdivision level, you sculpt a polymesh plane so it appears as rolling hills. Then, at a high subdivision level, you add a “bumpiness” that gives the appearance of rocks, dirt, etc. But it then turns out that instead of rolling hills, you need a flat plain. What to do? Well, you go back to the low subdivision level and use the sculpting tools of ZBrush to smooth out the hills. Finally, when you return to the high subdivision level, you’ll find that all of the fine “bumpiness” detail is still there. That work wasn’t wasted!
Subdivision levels are also used to generate bump, displacement, and normal maps. Detail is added to an object at a very high subdivision level (possibly with many millions of polygons). That detail can then be compared against a lower subdivision version of the same model to generate a displacement or similar map. Once generated, that map can be taken to an external program and applied to the lower-poly-count model to give a detail effect almost indistinguishable from the high-level sculpting in ZBrush.
Example Workflow
An example workflow is as follows:
Smoothing UVs
If the Smooth UV switch is turned on then any UV coordinates will be smoothed when the next Divide or Edge Loop action is performed.
Subdivision controls
The Subdivision controls are in the Tool > Geometry sub-palette.
Using Mesh Fusion to Replace Parts of a Model
ZBrush is able to literally fuse different models together, creating clean topology to connect them. This Mesh Fusion operation will only affect the polygons located at the connecting borders while the rest of the model will remain unchanged. The process can seem similar to how DynaMesh can merge volumes, except that with this process your model will retain as much of its original topology as possible. It is important to note that while this process may look like a boolean operation, it is not. It is simply a bridging operation and so it cannot be used to create differences or negative insertions. For those effects, you must use the Remesh All function. This feature allows you to quickly and easily create an advanced base mesh with only a few clicks, simply by bridging various pre-existing mesh elements together.
Note: If there is a significant difference in polygon density between the support mesh and the replacement mesh, ZBrush may subdivide as necessary to ensure a clean polygon structure.
Creating a Connection
The process to create a connection is simple and is based on polygroups:
1. Create a PolyGroup on the support model, where you want to create the connection. The fastest way to do this is to hold CTRL and paint a mask on the area you wish to change into a new PolyGroup. Now click Tool >Polygroups > Group Masked Clear Mask or use its CTRL+W hotkey. ZBrush will convert the masked area into a new PolyGroup. (To display the PolyGroups, don’t forget to turn on PolyFrame (Shift+F hotkey).
The two PolyGroups which will receive an inserted mesh
2. Select an InsertMesh brush with the geometry that you wish to insert. Click on the new PolyGroup that you just created to add this new mesh to the model. It is really important to do the insertion by clicking on the PolyGroup of the support which will be used to create the connection because this is used to define the border of the polygon bridge. Please also remember that this new geometry must have an open surface; the Mesh Fusion feature cannot work with volumes.CTRL+click+drag on any open area of the document.
The meshes have been inserted on top of the new PolyGroups
3. ZBrush will now connect the two meshes and weld the difference with quad geometry
The bridging connection between the inserted meshes and the PolyGroups border
An alternative is to tap first on an existing PolyGroup and then doing a CTRL+click+drag on any open area of the document to create the bridge. This method allows you to do a Mesh Fusion when working with PolyGroups which have been created previously.
Note: If your Insert brush is composed of more than one part, you must create a PolyGroup which will have the same number of parts. When inserting the mesh, you must click on the polygons of one part of this split PolyGroup.
Instead of masking you can use ZBrush’s mesh visibility controls. Hide everything except the polygons that will define the border of the bridge. Use InsertMesh on the visible polygons. Upon restoring full mesh visibility, ZBrush will weld the two surfaces together.
Notes: In addition to preparing the support mesh, it is advised to prepare your inserted mesh (the one that will be added via the MeshInsert brush) by creating a PolyGroup to define its connection area.
The model must have open topology (unattached edges) at the bridge location. Otherwise you will get topology problems such as non-manifold surfaces. Do not use Mesh Fusion to insert a solid object!
As with the DynaMesh update operation, holding CTRL while clicking and dragging on a portion of the empty document is what tells ZBrush to calculate the new mesh and bridge between the PolyGroups.
If part of your model has been masked, you first need to clear the mask. In this case you can CTRL+Click+Drag twice (once to clear the mask and a second time to complete the Mesh Fusion) or by pressing CTRL+Shift+A before executing the remesh command.
If you used hidden polygons instead of PolyGroups, the model will be restored to full visibility upon executing the remesh operation.
It is best to not be in DynaMesh mode when using the Mesh Fusion technique. If in DynaMesh mode, ZBrush will weld everything together but will not maintain the geometry of the inserted mesh.
Transferring high polygon detail to a remeshed model
There will be times that you wish to retopologize your model while keeping all the detail that has been sculpted on the model. There are two approaches to achieve this. Choose the one that best fits your model:
Freeze Subdivision Levels
Note: The projection quality is controlled by the various settings in the Tool >> SubTool >> Project All UI group.
Advantage of this technique:
You are able to retain your subdivision levels and details with just a couple mouse clicks. This feature prioritizes your original polygon count over how many subdivision levels your model originally had. If your new topology has a very different polygon count compared to the original base subdivision level, your final model after using ZRemesher may have more or fewer subdivision levels.
Duplicating your SubTool
Note: It’s recommended that after each projection you turn off the detailed SubTool and check to ensure that you are happy with the projected results. If you aren’t satisfied, press Ctrl+Z to undo and then modify the Project All settings before projecting again.
Advantage of this technique:
By copying the detail one subdivision level at a time, you will have more control over the projected results. This process can be faster than the Freeze Subdivision Levels approach.
Transpose Master is designed to help you pose a model that is composed of SubTools. It works by creating a low resolution combined mesh of all the SubTools which you can pose. The pose can then be transferred back to the original model.
The Transpose Master sub-palette is in the Zplugin palette.
Expert Tip!
Transpose Master works best with multiple subdivision levels and posing a low polygon mesh, rather than trying to use it on dense meshes with no lower subdivision levels, such as models created using Sculptris Pro. For dense meshes of this sort, it is best to create a low resolution mesh using ZRemesher, add sub-division levels and project the original detail, before using Transpose Master.
Transpose Master sub-palette in the Zplugin palette
Press the TPoseMesh button to create a combined mesh of all the SubTools of your model. You can then pose this combined mesh using the Transpose action line or ZSphere rigging (if the ZSphere Rig option was used) before transferring the pose to your original model using the TPose>SubT button.
Make sure that no SubTools are partially hidden as this will mean the pose cannot be transferred properly and you will get a Vertex Mismatch error message.
It is best to avoid using the Gizmo3D modifiers to pose your model as the point order can be changed. As Transpose Master needs the point order to remain the same, this will result in destroyed subtools when transferring the pose.
After posing the combined mesh, pressing the TPose>SubT button will transfer the pose to the original model, updating each of the SubTools. If you want the pose transferred to a new 3D Layer then turn on the Layer option (see below).
ZSphere Rig
Turn on the ZSphere Rig option if you want to use ZSphere rigging to pose your model.
Turn on the Grps option if you want to preserve the existing polygroups for your model. If turned on, the existing polygroups for all SubTools will be preserved in the combined mesh. If turned off, the combined mesh will have one polygroup for each SubTool of the original model.
Turn on to create a new Layer for the transferred pose. If turned on, each SubTool will have a new 3D Layer created before the pose is transferred.
StoreTM Rig
The StoreTM Rig button will copy a ZSphere rig into memory. This is useful if you want to use a previously saved ZSphere rig. You would first load the rig into ZBrush, then with the rig selected in the Tool palette, press this button. Now select the new starting rig set up by Transpose Master and paste the copy using the PasteTM Rig button.
PasteTM Rig
The PasteTM Rig button will paste a ZSphere rig that has previously been copied using the StoreTM Rig button. When pasting a rig, any previous ZSphere arrangement is completely replaced.
Saving/Loading Transpose Master projects
From ZBrush 4R6, the Transpose Master data is saved with the ZBrush project (ZPR file), so simply save your work using the File>Save As button and load again using File>Open. Your model and poses will all be saved together.
Occasionally Transpose Master will produce an error by selecting the wrong model when trying to transfer the pose. This can happen when the project includes some of the parts that make up the model as well as the model itself. To avoid this it is good practice to start with a new project:
Be sure to save the project (ZPR) file so that the Transpose Master data is stored with your model and you can continue posing during a new ZBrush session.
Making single-sided meshes a snap
Two major additions have been made to ZModeler in ZBrush 2021: Edge Extrude for creating single-sided meshes and re-topology. And Inset Equidistant for creating insets that don’t change your existing topology profile.
Edge >>Extrude
Building a single-sided mesh with Edge Extrude
Use Dynamic Subdivision to see your model in a subdivided preview. Add thickness if you want by activating the Thickness slider.
When extruding the edge of a single polygon, tap Alt to change to extruding the Edgeloop and hold Alt to extrude the Polyloop.
The new ZModeler Edge Extrude option can be used for re-topology.
Getting started.
An example of creating new topology using Edge Extrude
ZBrush artist: Daisuke Narukawa
Extrude >> Modifiers
Extend Surrounding Faces
When an unselected face edge is extruded the surrounding face edges will be extruded as well.
Regular Extrude
The selected edge is extruded.
Free Angle
The extrusion can be any angle to the polygon of the starting edge. Holding the Shift key can be used to snap in 5 degree increments. While drawing out the new extruded edge, tapping the Shift key will swap between all three angle options. (Free Angle, Planar Angle and Perpendicular)
Planar Angle
Continues the extrusion on the same plane of the polygon of the starting edge. While drawing out the new extruded edge, tapping the Shift key will swap between all three angle options. (Free Angle, Planar Angle and Perpendicular)
Perpendicular Angle
Perpendicular Angle
The extrusion is perpendicular to the polygon of the starting edge. While drawing out the new extruded edge, tapping the Shift key will swap between all three angle options. (Free Angle, Planar Angle and Perpendicular)
Free Sides
The sides of the newly extruded polygon can be an angle determined by cursor movement.
Extend Sides
Extends the perpendicular edges of the extruded edge along the same angle of the edges from the original polygon.
Parallel Sides
The sides of the newly extruded polygon are parallel
Taper Sides
The sides of the newly extruded polygon can be tapered by cursor movement up/down
Single Row
The extrusion is a single polygon of any length
Num Rows
The extrusion is divided by the number set in the slider. The polygons lengths will be determined by the extrusion. When this is enabled the CTRL key + moving your cursor back/forth can be used to interactively adjust the rows.
Row Size
The polygons are the length set in the slider and will be repeated as necessary along the extrusion
Free Move
The extrusion is free in space.
Snap To Surface
The extrusion will snap to the surface of underlying subtools.
Smart Attraction
Will actively try to merge with existing points.
Normal Attraction
Will try to merge points with existing points but only within a threshold that is determined by the average edge length.
No Attraction
Will not try to merge points with existing points, unless they are extremely close.
Expert Tip!
NOTE: A small shake of mouse or pen will force no attraction for extrusion until the mouse or pen is released.
Force Symmetrical
This postprocess will ensure that edge points extruded from symmetrical edges will themselves be symmetrical. It will also do its best to connect points on the symmetrical plane when needed.
Don’t Force Symmetrical
Symmetry is only considered for finding input edges. The actual extrusion algorithm will not apply any specific process to make the resulting points symmetrical.
Edge >> Extrude Move
Edge Actions >> Extrude Move extrudes the edge by duplicating it. It is basically a simpler version of Edge Extrude. It has the following modifiers, which are identical to Extrude Edge: Single Row/Num Rows/Row Size; Free Move/Snap To Surface; Smart Attraction/Normal Attraction/No Attraction; Force Symmetrical/Don’t Force Symmetrical.
Edge >> Inset >> Equidistant
On the left, the result of Inset >> Equidistant.
On the right is Inset:Standard, showing the change in profile.
While standard Inset works as in previous versions and tends to distort the mesh, Inset Equidistant will maintain the shape profile and smoothness of the mesh.
Inset >> Modifiers
Center And Border
Will create a separate polygroup for the border and center.
Border Only
The inset will be the border and the center will be deleted.
Center Only
The inset will be the center and the border will be deleted.
Inset Region
The selected polygons will be inset as a whole. Giving equidistant insets along all of the faces.
Inset Each Poly
Each polygon in the selected area will be inset separately
The inset will be created equidistant all around the area, without changing the topology profile. Extra edges may be added to achieve this but the Custom Equidistant Snap (see below) can be used to limit the newly created edges where applicable.
The inset may change the profile but no extra quads/triangles are added.
The inset doesn’t change the profile but will not necessarily be equidistant. Extra quads/triangles may be created.
No Size Limit
The inset can be any size
Default Size Limit
The inset will stop at the default size
Custom Size Limit
The inset will stop at the size set in the slider
Default Equidistant Snap
ZBrush will keep existing geometry and will intersect it around the edges to inset equidistantly at the standard distance. ZBrush will also precisely handle the intersection of inset segments. An additional point is added in the faces intersecting the median planes of vertices along the contour to be inset.
This is an equidistant snap threshold of any new intersecting points that can be snapped together and will work in most cases. This option will only work when Equidistant is enabled.
Custom Equidistant Snap
ZBrush will keep existing geometry and will intersect it around the edges to inset equidistantly at the desired distance. ZBrush will also precisely handle the intersection of inset segments. An additional point is added in the faces intersecting the median planes of vertices along the contour to be inset.
If the default threshold is creating more edges than desired, this slider gives a user-defined value for snapping. A higher value will limit the number additional edges that may need to be added to create an equidistant inset. This option will only work when Equidistant is enabled.
Point >> Move >> Snap to Surface
A new Point Action Move mode Modifier has been added – Snap to Surface. When moved close enough, the point will snap to the surface of underlying subtools.
In Move mode, points can be snapped together to form triangles.
Polygon >> Camera Perpendicular
A new Polygon Action has been added that will set the camera perpendicular to a given face.
Camera Perpendicular >> Modifiers
Recenter View
ZBrush will adjust the camera to face the clicked face and it will also recenter the camera to the center of clicked face.
Do Note Recenter View
ZBrush will rotate the camera so that it is facing the clicked face. The face’s center will be used as the rotation pivot, keeping the face center in place.
Alt selection in ZModeler
Note: When deselecting faces, ZBrush will try as much as possible to retrieve the original PolyGroup from before the face was selected. However, this may not always be accurate.
Working with Subdivisions
Any ZModeler functions that do not change the mesh topology will now work on a model with subdivisons. So, for example, masking polyloops is now possible using a single click.