There is already a player with this account connected ark что делать
There is already a player with this account connected ark что делать
You can’t play anymore, many unofficials have plugins that tell them if you’re using family share or an alt account on hardware that’s already been banned. Find a new server.. and stop doing stuff that gets you banned.
I’m a server admin but I dont have the plugin in question installed
Another server setting in ASM is to enable global ban lists on a cluster, which will pull from several anti-cheating databases a list of users that auto get blacklisted on unofficials.
A lot of unofficials use it tho for just added security, its for when the server admin is just really tired of dealing with malicious players. There is no way around this plugin that I’m aware of so you are just burned on that server.
My cluster however doesnt have any social moderation and I’ve never banned anyone for any reason in a few years. Add me if you wanna give Pepe’s cluster a shot.
You can’t play anymore, many unofficials have plugins that tell them if you’re using family share or an alt account on hardware that’s already been banned. Find a new server.. and stop doing stuff that gets you banned.
A lot of unofficials use it tho for just added security, its for when the server admin is just really tired of dealing with malicious players. There is no way around this plugin that I’m aware of so you are just burned on that server.
My cluster however doesnt have any social moderation and I’ve never banned anyone for any reason in a few years. Add me if you wanna give Pepe’s cluster a shot.
A lot of unofficials use it tho for just added security, its for when the server admin is just really tired of dealing with malicious players. There is no way around this plugin that I’m aware of so you are just burned on that server.
My cluster however doesnt have any social moderation and I’ve never banned anyone for any reason in a few years. Add me if you wanna give Pepe’s cluster a shot.
the only way around it might be to change at least 50% of the installed hardware such as graphics card and cpu type but to do all that on the off chance you could get back into the server on another account? not worth even trying
Well yeah, if he basically bought a brand new computer, made an entirely new steam account, on an entirely new IP address, I’m sure the plugin would eventually fail but I have no idea what checks and balances the plugin uses but I have seen server admins give it praise. I’ve played with all types of players in this game so nothing really bothers me from a social perspective or even in game activity, etc so no real need for a plugin like this imo.
Basically, yea, it would be expensive to bypass this plugins security checks. Not many ppl are willing to spend that kind of money to work around a server security feature like this basically.
There is already a player with this account connected ark что делать
Как на новой карте выбраться из аберации? Залетел на аргенте и застрял, где выход?
Алиса, игру купили или бесплатно с интернета достали? проблема в одной определённой игре или пробовали везде, и на разных серверах и в одиночной игре? пробовали ли проверить файлы игры на целостность через стим?
Алиса, и самое главное, есть ли моды в игре вашей? Что-то подобное может случится из-за модов, которые автоматически изучают энграммы.
Фаина, нужно проходить пещеру вознесение на карте the Island, убивать боссов на других картах и тд.
«There is already a player with this account connected!»
Is there a fix for this? I just got an error in a cave on Ragnarok Official server.
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This game is aids; but for some reason I still love it
Happens to me as if late when I dc aswell just wait 5 minutes if not restart steam
I have tried restarting steam the few times this has happened to me and it never helped, it seems like you just have to wait for your connection to time out, at least for me.
Yep me too, I feel like every time 1 bug disappear another one appears. thanks wildcart edit: actually this just happened to me right now, I reconnected: You killed yourself(ok..), I try to go find my body and he is in the middle of some base with auto-turrets for sure
There is already a player with this account connected ark что делать
I wonder i anyone know’s if there any fix or workaround from client side for this.
You get this when you exit a server for some not normal reason then attempt to go back in the server before that server is able to detect that the player left. Usually takes a little while because the system has to wait to kick the prior session as being idle(can be up to 20 minutes in my experience). Then one can usually get back on after that.
It can also if one attempts to join and is in the middle of the process of joining a server and dc’s then tries again.
I tested your theory.
Its not the session issue, otherwise i would be able to connect to ANY server that i have not played yet.
I was able to connect to «no taming» official test server but not one regular server.
After countless tries, i connected to some random PVE server and game finally started to load. Then it crashed.
I am suspecting duplicators causing it. Thats exactly what happened last time they did a roll back.
I was finally able to connect but lag and rubber band effect is insane.