This purchase was not completed роблокс что делать
Причины ошибки «Your purchase could not be completed» и что делать?
Всем привет! Сегодня хочется разобрать с вами одну очень необычную ошибку. В чем заключается ее странность? В том, что из-за этой проблемы мы с вами не можем потратить деньги в магазинах App Store и iTunes Store. Свои личные, честным трудом заработанные деньги. Отдать компании и разработчику. Нельзя.
Тим Кук, у вас там все нормально?:)
Все происходит приблизительно так: у нас есть желание купить игру, приложение или внутриигровую валюту — жмем оплатить — получаем «Your purchase could not be completed». Что это значит? Дословный перевод ошибки — «Ваша покупка не может быть завершена». Согласитесь, понятней пока не стало. Это нормально. Это Apple. По-другому и не бывает:)
Итак, у нас ничего не скачивается и не загружается. При этом, нам настойчиво предлагают обратиться в техническую поддержку вот такой вот фразой: «For assistance, contact iTunes support at»
Впрочем, техподдержка может и подождать, а мы пока перейдем к причинам данной проблемы:
Что делать в первых двух случаях ясно — закинуть денег, проверить данные карты и при необходимости обновить их. А как быть с двумя оставшимся? Что это за нарушения и какие вопросы? Давайте об этом чуть подробней…
Итак, к ошибке «Your purchase could not be completed» в iTunes и App Store может привести нарушение пользовательского соглашения компании Apple.
Интересно, хотя бы один человек прочитал его его полностью?
Текст там действительно немаленький и придраться можно к многому, но наиболее распространенная причина — использование магазинов iTunes и Gift-карт других стран, отличных от страны вашего проживания.
Сейчас чуть подробней:
Итак, у вас есть Apple ID созданный на территории России и с Российским App Store. В один прекрасный момент, вы на этой учетной записи начинаете менять магазины (например на американский) и пользоваться Gift-картами из Америки. Потом еще раз изменили магазин на какой-нибудь другой страны и т.д. При этом вы по по-прежнему территориально находитесь в РФ.
Так вот, дорогие друзья, по правилам этого делать нельзя. Находитесь в России? Используйте российский App Store. Переехали в Китай? Обязательно смените страну и используйте китайские сервисы. Иначе — «Your purchase could not be completed» и здравствуйте заморочки с восстановлением Apple ID.
Вы скажите: «Да у меня все знакомые так делают и все отлично, чего автор нагнетает?». Я отвечу: «У меня многие друзья поступают аналогично и пока все хорошо». Учетных записей много, и логично предположить что Apple не может проверить всех и вся. Просто если вы занимались подобным и столкнулись с «Your purchase could…», то это первое на что нужно обратить внимание.
Как поступить? Также как и в том случае, когда вы абсолютно не подозреваете за что прилетела подобная ошибка — связаться с технической поддержкой компании Apple и решить с ними все вопросы по использованию аккаунта.
Быть может данная проблема — это просто технический сбой (на американских форумах можно прочитать массу подобных примеров) и все можно исправить за несколько минут. Или им потребовалась какая-то дополнительная информация. Или… В общем, проще позвонить (написать) и спросить. Тем более, поддержка у Apple одна из лучших — в большинстве случаев все вопросы решаются в пользу клиента.
Roblox Errors | Complete guide
Fed up with Roblox Errors?
You would be wondering why this error happens? And How can I fix them?
Don’t Worry,
There are many reasons that you facing errors while playing Roblox. It sometimes has to do with your internet connection, internal error, or server errors.
We have compiled a complete guide to fix any sort of Roblox errors you can face.
To solve these all types of errors (game errors, website errors, etc) follow the solutions below:
Roblox Errors Codes
Usually, while playing the game the error message will appear in the center of the screen in the form of the dialog box. Sometimes the error will be displayed in the form of a separate page with the Roblox themed image.
You’ll see an error code along with the message, and here we have listed solutions to all types of error codes you can face:
2 Types of Roblox Errors
Website Errors
Down for maintenance
“The site is currently down for the maintenance, Be back soon”
The screen is also used when the site is under maintenance.
To Fix: this error wait until maintenance work gets completed
Too many redirects
Fix: First, clean your browser cookies by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Mark the Cookies option in the Clear browsing Data dialog box and click clear now.
Registration error
Game Pass Loading Error
“Failed to load game passes. Please try again later”
FIX: Wait for the server to fix the problem, or restart the Internet. This should fix the Roblox error.
Maximum Numbers of Friends
“Unable to Process Request. That user currently has the max number of Friends allowed”
“You cannot accept their Friend request until they remove a Friend”
Updating avatar error
“Number of items you don’t own in this outfit:1”
Fix: Now that you know what exactly was causing the errors. The fix is now simple, all you need is to access an available item from the shop.
Unexpected Errors on Roblox
“Error | An unexpected error occurred.
Please try again later”
Network issues can cause problems, and disabling proxies can help you. Let’s get started with the most suspected issue.
Roblox Error Code 400
“400|There was a problem with your request”
FIX: Make sure that you are not browsing through the eliminated account.
Roblox Error Code 403
FIX: this fixing is very simple no need to visit the game’s admin section if you have not a proper authorization to do so.
Roblox Error Code 404
FIX: Put the correct player ID OR check the URL is correct.
Roblox Error Code 500
Roblox Error Code 503
FIX: wait a few hours for a server to be allocated for it or a request is assigned to another server.
Roblox Error Code 504
FIX: You can wait a few hours if the problem is with the game server, or reboot the router or change the type of network.
Roblox Error Code 805
“an error occurred, please try again later”
FIX: try using any other VPN service or disable the VPN altogether.
2. Game Errors
Client Crash
“An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We are Sorry”
It is displayed as a generic error message displayed during a client crash, which may be caused by insufficient memory, high ping, extreme lag, or connecting to the game using a known exploit.
FIX: Go to the task manager using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc and End task of applications that take up too much memory.
Connection Fail
“Failed to download or apply critical settings, please check your internet connection. Error info: SslConnectFail”
FIX: To fix this error, you should have a good internet connection without any network drop.
Launch Error
“An error occurred trying to launch the game. Please try again later”
FIX: Make sure your internet is working. If all is well on your part, wait a few hours. This may be causing server problems.
Loading error 0*1
“Roblox cannot startup. User code is 0x1”
Upgrade error
FIX: Create another new account and log in to the game.
Purchase Error
“This item is not currently for sale. Your account has not been charged”
FIX: get more game currency, i.e. Robux, and try again with the purchase.
Roblox Error Code 6
Roblox Error Code 6 “An error occurred while starting Roblox”.
When the launcher times out when downloading a new version or starting a game. This may be due to an Internet connection error or antivirus detection.
Roblox Error Code 103 on Xbox One
The Error Message Says:
“The Roblox game you are trying to join is currently not available. (Error Code 103)”.
This error code 103 appears on Xbox one when you are trying to playing the game on the Xbox console. While many users have reported that they are using an Xbox account while running Windows properly.
Roblox Error Code 106 On Xbox
You might be unable to add your friend, and every time you attempt to add your friend, you would face an error hindering you from the fun you were about to have.
Roblox Error Code 116 On Xbox
You are unable to see content other people make because of how your account is set up
Your Xbox account settings prevent you from playing user-generated content. You can change this in your Xbox Settings or on
Error Code:116
Roblox Error Code 116 on Xbox occurs when the game requires access to both online multiplayer and user-created content.
This error occurs in child accounts. If you are using a family account on Xbox because these accounts have limited permissions, some settings may require adjustments to provide access to games in the Roblox application.
Roblox Error Code 256/274
“Developer has shut down all game servers or game server has shut down for other reasons, please reconnect(ErrorCode:256)”
Roblox Error Code 260
“There was a problem receiving data, please reconnect.(ErrorCode:260)”
Roblox Error Code 260
Here’s are few tips that might help you with Roblox 260 error;
It is displayed when no data is received by the Roblox web server, whether it is depending on the games or the Internet connection. when the connection is build up, the problem will go down by itself.
In the meantime, check your internet connection and see if you are experiencing some internet connection issues.
Roblox Error Code 261
“There was a problem streaming data, please reconnect.(ErrorCode:261)”
Roblox Error Code 262
“There was a problem sending data, Please reconnect.(ErrorCode:262)”
Roblox Error Code 264
“You are already playing a game. Please shutdown the other games and try again(ErrorCode:264)”
when the game user is already in a game on another device and tries to join the game. This error may indicate an unknown/unwanted user on the account. This error can also occur if the player is warned in the game. However, this error code has been replaced with 273 instead of 264.
Roblox Error Code 267
Roblox Error Code 268
“You have been kicked by server.please close and rejoin another game.(ErrorCode:268)”
FIX: You should not use any game exploits, make sure that the game has enough memory to run, and make sure the Internet is working.
Roblox Error Code 271
“Server was shut down due to no active players “
Roblox Error Code 272
“Disconnected due to Security key Mismatch”
Roblox Error Code 273
Roblox Error Code 275
“Roblox has shut down the server for maintenance. Please try again.”
FIX: All you can do is wait until the server problem is fixed.
Roblox Error Code 277
“Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect”
“please check the internet connection and try again later”
Roblox Error Code 278
Roblox Error 279
“To connect to the game.(ID=17:Connection the attempt failed.)”
This error may sometimes occur when a user tries to rejoin one or the same server before Roblox disconnects from the previous access. It can also occur if a client is unable to connect to the game server if Roblox is down.
Roblox Error Code 280
“Your version of Roblox may be out of date. Please update Roblox and try again.”
Roblox Error Code 517
“This game is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”
FIX: wait until the game ends, and then join the server. Also, if you left this server between them, wait a while before joining.
Roblox Error Code 522
Roblox Error Code 523
“The status of the game has changed and you no longer have access. Please try again later”
Roblox Error Code 524
“You don’t have permission to join this game”
“Not authorized to join this game”
Roblox Error Code 529
“We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again letter”
FIX: Use high-speed internet to fix this error
Roblox Error Code 610
Can’t join place 741071570: HttpError:ConnectFail (ErrorCode: 610)
This error occurs when you are trying to play a game in Roblox, sometimes the error occurs due to a problem on the server.
Roblox Error Code 769
Roblox Error Code 770
Roblox Error Code 771
“Teleport failed, a server is no longer available”
FIX: Be sure to check the server and the region where you are trying to teleport.
Roblox Error Code 772
FIX: Wait for the user to leave the game then the error will be fixed.
Roblox Error Code 773
“Teleport failed; this game has not been approved yet”
FIX: Do not try to access regions that are not permitted by administrators.
Roblox Error Code 901 on Xbox One
“We are undergoing maintenance”
Authentication Error: Trouble communicating with Roblox servers. Please try again later. (Error Code: 901).
The above methods will help you to fix your Roblox Errors while you playing, sometimes user playing game and the dialog box error will appear on the screen, and the user won’t know what to do, there are many types of Roblox errors I explained above in the details what errors you are facing in the game and what is the solution if you didn’t understand please comment below.