To iron out the wrinkles идиома что значит
iron out the wrinkles in a dress
Смотреть что такое «iron out the wrinkles in a dress» в других словарях:
iron out — verb 1. settle or put right (Freq. 1) we need to iron out our disagreements • Syn: ↑straighten out, ↑put right • Hypernyms: ↑better, ↑improve, ↑amend, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Dress shirt — Charvet dress shirt from the 1930s, Norsk Folkemeuseum, Oslo. A shirt, or dress shirt in American English, (also button front, button down, or button up shirt) is a garment with a collar, a full length opening at the front from the collar to the… … Wikipedia
List of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy episodes — This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from June 13, 2003 to October 12, 2008. There were 80… … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Western sculpture — ▪ art Introduction three dimensional artistic forms produced in what is now Europe and later in non European areas dominated by European culture (such as North America) from the Metal Ages (Europe, history of) to the present. Like… … Universalium
Witches (Discworld) — See also: Discworld magic A major subset of the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett involves the witches of Lancre. They are closely based on witches in British folklore and a slightly tongue in cheek reinterpretation of the Triple Goddess. Witch … Wikipedia
Clothing — in history Clothing refers to any covering for the human body that is worn. The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of nearly all human societies. The amount and type of clothing worn depends on functional… … Wikipedia
Korea — This article is about the territory and civilization. For other uses, see Korea (disambiguation). Korea … Wikipedia
1 wrinkle
2 wrinkle
морщить(ся) (тж. wrinkle up) ;
сминать(-ся), мять(ся)
разг. полезный совет;
3 iron out the wrinkles in a dress
4 dress
наряжать(ся) ;
украшать(ся) ;
to dress a shop window убирать витрину;
the ballet will be newly dressed балет будет поставлен в новых костюмах battle
for dinner одеваться к обеду, переодеваться к обеду
внешний покров;
наряжать(ся) ;
украшать(ся) ;
to dress a shop window убирать витрину;
the ballet will be newly dressed балет будет поставлен в новых костюмах
горн. обогащать (руду)
обтесывать, строгать (доски)
evening dress фрак;
вечернее платье;
бальный туалет
подрезать, подстригать (деревья, растения) ;
dress down разг. задать головомойку, отругать;
dress out украшать;
приправлять (кушанье)
причесывать, делать прическу
воен. равняться;
выравнивать(ся) ;
dress! равняйсь!;
right (left) dress! направо (налево) равняйсь!
воен. равняться;
выравнивать(ся) ;
dress! равняйсь!;
right (left) dress! направо (налево) равняйсь!
мор. расцвечивать (флагами)
унавоживать, удобрять (почву) ;
обрабатывать (землю)
шлифовать (камень) morning
the (или а) dress дамское нарядное платье
наряжать(ся) ;
украшать(ся) ;
to dress a shop window убирать витрину;
the ballet will be newly dressed балет будет поставлен в новых костюмах
attr. парадный (об одежде)
attr. плательный;
dress goods ткани для платьев, плательные ткани
подрезать, подстригать (деревья, растения) ;
dress down разг. задать головомойку, отругать;
dress out украшать;
наряжать(ся) dress: to
for dinner одеваться к обеду, переодеваться к обеду
attr. плательный;
dress goods ткани для платьев, плательные ткани
подрезать, подстригать (деревья, растения) ;
dress down разг. задать головомойку, отругать;
dress out украшать;
up изысканно одевать(ся)
evening dress фрак;
вечернее платье;
бальный туалет full
парадное или праздничное платье full
полная парадная форма;
in full dress в полной парадной форме morning
the (или а) dress дамское нарядное платье morning
воен. равняться;
выравнивать(ся) ;
dress! равняйсь!;
right (left) dress! направо (налево) равняйсь! service
5 the dress
6 wedding-dress
7 dress
iron out the wrinkles in a dress
1 iron out the wrinkles in a dress
См. также в других словарях:
iron out — verb 1. settle or put right (Freq. 1) we need to iron out our disagreements • Syn: ↑straighten out, ↑put right • Hypernyms: ↑better, ↑improve, ↑amend, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Dress shirt — Charvet dress shirt from the 1930s, Norsk Folkemeuseum, Oslo. A shirt, or dress shirt in American English, (also button front, button down, or button up shirt) is a garment with a collar, a full length opening at the front from the collar to the… … Wikipedia
List of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy episodes — This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from June 13, 2003 to October 12, 2008. There were 80… … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Western sculpture — ▪ art Introduction three dimensional artistic forms produced in what is now Europe and later in non European areas dominated by European culture (such as North America) from the Metal Ages (Europe, history of) to the present. Like… … Universalium
Witches (Discworld) — See also: Discworld magic A major subset of the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett involves the witches of Lancre. They are closely based on witches in British folklore and a slightly tongue in cheek reinterpretation of the Triple Goddess. Witch … Wikipedia
Clothing — in history Clothing refers to any covering for the human body that is worn. The wearing of clothing is exclusively a human characteristic and is a feature of nearly all human societies. The amount and type of clothing worn depends on functional… … Wikipedia
Korea — This article is about the territory and civilization. For other uses, see Korea (disambiguation). Korea … Wikipedia
iron out the wrinkles
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“Iron out the wrinkles.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 9 Dec. 2021.
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to iron out the wrinkles
1 iron out the wrinkles in a dress
2 iron
3 iron out
4 iron out
5 iron
box iron — духовой утюг; утюг на углях
to put in irons — надеть наручники; заковать в кандалы
lily iron — гарпун, острога со съёмной головкой
iron vitriol — мелантерит, железный купорос
iron hand — «железная рука», власть тирана, жестокая, деспотическая власть
iron sleep — непробудный сон, вечный покой
angle iron — угловое железо; угольник
6 iron
7 cast-iron
чугунный cast-iron непреклонный, твердый;
cast-iron discipline железная дисциплина
8 cramp-iron
pl шипы на подошвах обуви или на подковах
9 flat-iron
10 scrap-iron
11 smoothing-iron
12 soldering-iron
13 stony-iron
14 toasting-iron
15 wafer-iron
16 waffle-iron
17 band-iron
18 barking iron jargon
19 Berlin iron
20 blood and iron
См. также в других словарях:
iron out the wrinkles — informal : to fix the small problems in something We still have to iron out a few more wrinkles in the schedule. • • • Main Entry: ↑wrinkle … Useful english dictionary
iron out — verb 1. settle or put right (Freq. 1) we need to iron out our disagreements • Syn: ↑straighten out, ↑put right • Hypernyms: ↑better, ↑improve, ↑amend, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
iron — ironless, adj. ironlike, adj. /uy euhrn/, n. 1. Chem. a ductile, malleable, silver white metallic element, scarcely known in a pure condition, but much used in its crude or impure carbon containing forms for making tools, implements, machinery,… … Universalium
iron — n pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron, steel. 2. flatiron, electric iron, steam iron, sadiron, mangle. 3. irons fetters, chains, shackles, gyves, bilboes, trammels; bonds, pinions; manacles, handcuffs, cuffs, Sl. bracelets, Brit. Sl. darbies;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
The Singer of All Songs — Infobox Book name = The Singer of All Songs title orig = translator = image caption = Cover art for The Singer of All Songs author = Kate Constable illustrator = cover artist = Matt Manley country = Australia language = English series = The… … Wikipedia
Clothes iron — A man ironing clothes using a charcoal iron box. A typical modern electric iron … Wikipedia
List of The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy episodes — This is a list of episodes of the American animated television series The Grim Adventures of Billy Mandy, which was created by Maxwell Atoms, and which originally aired on Cartoon Network from June 13, 2003 to October 12, 2008. There were 80… … Wikipedia
wrinkle — <
wrinkle — wrin|kle1 [ˈrıŋkəl] n [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: wrinkled twisted, winding (14 16 centuries), probably from Old English gewrinclian to wind ] 1.) wrinkles are lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old ▪ Her face was a mass of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
wrinkle — 1 noun (C) 1 a line on your face or skin that you get when you are old: wrinkles around the eyes 2 a small untidy fold in a piece of clothing or paper 3 iron out the wrinkles to solve the small problems in something wrinkly adjective 2 verb 1 (I … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Midnighters trilogy — The Midnighters Trilogy is a science fiction fantasy series written by Scott Westerfeld. It was published by Eos in 2004. It comprises three books; The Secret Hour, Touching Darkness and Blue Noon. Contents 1 Plot Overview 2 The Midnighters 2.1… … Wikipedia