To learn top club что это


Такая, на первый взгляд, простая тема для разговора, на самом деле, предвещает глобальную проблему и хороший повод для полемики.

Под понятием «топ-клуб» мы привыкли понимать те команды, которые регулярно гремят по Европе. Давайте ограничимся теми, кто постоянно выходит в плей-офф Лиги Чемпионов.

К таковым можно отнести «Челси», «Арсенал», «Манчестер Юнайтед», «Барселона», «Реал Мадрид», «Бавария», «Милан», «Интер», «Ювентус». Теперь к ним еще прибавились «Манчестер Сити» и ПСЖ. Но неужели вам не обидно, что клубы без истории или денег не могут пробиться в эту группу под названием «топ-клубы»?

Я к тому, что вот «Ливерпуль» возвращается в топы, и спустя несколько лет его вновь можно будет называть «топ-клубом». «Милан» аналогично потерпел крах, и в последние два сезона выступал неудачно, но эта команда безусловно сможет вернуться в элиту. «Ювентус» же вернулся.

Но почему же выстреливающие неожиданно клубы не могут стать по-настотящему топами?

Попробую объяснить. Возьмем к примеру дортмундскую «Боруссию». Возможно вы уже спросили себя, почему же эта команда не в топе? А вспомните, где эта команда была 5-6 лет назад. Вот и я о том же. Но даже не в этом суть. За эти 3-4- года, что клуб выбирается в ряд к элите мирового футбола, «Боруссия» пополнила своими высококлассными футболистами «Манчестер Юнайтед» и «Баварию». В то время как сам клуб приобретал никому толком неизвестных футболистов, либо выстреливших за один сезон. «Боруссия», обладаючи великолепной футбольной школой, воспитывает игроков для топ-клубов, которые по-настоящему ими являются, но самим «дортмундцам» не по силам выйти в топ, пока футболисты уходят в более именитые клубы.

Также и «Атлетико» Мадрид. Команда воспитала великолепных игроков. Причем не только родила и воспитала, но и взяла приемных и воспитала, если вы понимаете о чем я. Диего Коста пришел никому не известным в испанскую команду, хоть и со своим тщеславным характером и гордыней. В клубе его научили использовать его сильные качества во благо, а плохие спрятали за хорошими и тоже выдали за более-менее хорошие.

Вот и выходит, что только деньги и авторитет могут что-то менять в футболе.

Деньги шейхов без труда сделали из ПСЖ и «Манчестер Сити» топ-клубы. Конечно, этот путь тернистый. Он полон преград и опасностей, но если у тебя вдруг не закончатся деньги, то тебе по силам пройти их все. «Горожане» вот уже во второй раз за последние несколько лет выигрывают чемпионат. И на европейской арене выступления команды все ярче и ярче. Клуб учится на своих ошибках, а с полным кошельком ошибаться можно сколько угодно.

Зато обычным командам ошибаться нельзя. Таким как «Боруссии» и «Атлетико» необходимо всего лишь за один сезон создать задел перед другими командами, чтобы их футболисты на полном серьезе решили остаться. Как вы понимаете, сделать это весьма сложно. А может быть, и невозможно.

«Наполи» со своими более-менее воспитанниками может вписаться в элиту, но для этого команде не хватает результатов. В остальном же, вы вряд ли найдете тех, кто уже стучится в группу «топ-клубы». Считая, конечно же, только тех, для кого это посещение впервые.

Жаль, что футболистов ныне не завлечешь интересным проектом или спортивным интересом. Игрокам нужны деньги. Клубам нужны деньги. Всем нужны деньги, хотя деньги ни в ком не нуждаются. Это и портит людей, портит отношения. А без денег все равно шагу не ступить.


Как я искала подработку и стала жертвой мошенников

В конце ноября 2020 года я решила найти подработку. У меня есть официальная работа, и я не планировала увольняться. Но мне хотелось набраться опыта в сфере маркетинга и СММ и немного подзаработать.

Подходящую вакансию я нашла в одном телеграм-канале. В описании не было ничего подозрительного. Я поняла, что меня обманули, только когда перевела мошенникам деньги. В статье расскажу, как все это произошло и где стоит быть внимательнее, чтобы не повторять мой опыт.

Как я нашла вакансию

Я искала подработку в сфере интернет-маркетинга для новичков. В тот момент у меня не было ни опыта, ни портфолио, поэтому я готова была работать за небольшие деньги.

Подходящее объявление о поиске ассистента маркетолога я нашла в телеграм-канале «Фаундер — Вакансии» — это большая телеграм-биржа разных вакансий, на которую подписаны больше 100 тысяч человек.

Объявление было самым обычным: в компанию искали сотрудника без опыта, обещали несложные обязанности — участвовать в продвижении профилей, работать с таргетом, создавать контент и писать короткие тексты — и небольшую зарплату. Легко узнать мошенников, когда они обещают по 50 000 Р за 2 часа работы в день, но в этой вакансии предлагалось работать 5 дней в неделю за 20 000 Р в месяц.

Чтобы погрузить новичка в процесс, обещали оплачиваемую недельную стажировку: в эту неделю должны были платить 500 Р в день. Меня такой вариант устраивал. Я решила, что раз суммы такие маленькие, значит, бояться нечего и можно смело откликаться.

Как я общалась с менеджером

Я написала отклик на вакансию 20 ноября 2020 года в 21:23. Подумала, что если подожду до утра, то на это место найдут другого кандидата, а если у менеджера уже закончился рабочий день, то мне просто ответят завтра.

Перед тем как откликнуться, я изучила профиль менеджера. На фото я увидела приятную девушку, в описании было написано «Менеджер любит вино и сыр». Я подумала, что это забавно, и ни в чем ее не заподозрила.

На мой отклик менеджер ответила ровно через 2 минуты. Это было удивительно: по моему опыту, работодатели никогда не отвечают так быстро, тем более поздно вечером. Но я решила, что мне просто повезло.

Менеджер прислала мне аудиозапись, где вежливо поздоровалась и сказала, что отправит заготовленное сообщение. Голос у нее был приятный, вызывающий доверие.

В сообщении были стандартные вопросы про мой опыт и интересы в сфере маркетинга, образование и дополнительные курсы, которые я проходила, про желаемые результаты и мотивацию. Также там была ссылка на полное описание вакансии, размещенное на платформе — это отдельный сервис компании «Телеграм», бесплатная площадка, на которой можно публиковать любые статьи под своим именем или анонимно. Поскольку для публикации в «Телеграфе» не нужна регистрация и даже необязательно иметь телеграм-аккаунт, сервисом может пользоваться кто угодно, в том числе и мошенники.

Описание вакансии разместили на платформе 19 ноября — за день до того, как я связалась с менеджером. И оно было анонимным: автор поста нигде не указан.

Меня должно было насторожить, что вакансия размещена на анонимной платформе, на которой каждый может опубликовать что угодно. Вакансии, которые размещают на сайтах компаний, выглядят более надежными. Но тогда я не придала этому значения.

Что это была за компания

На сайте Pro-SMM были отзывы клиентов и официальные контакты: телефон, email и адрес — Москва, ул. Дубининская, 9. Тогда я не проверила этот адрес, но подумала, что раз он вообще указан, то компания действительно существует и опасаться нечего. Позже я узнала, что такого адреса нет на карте. Есть только ул. Дубининская, 9, строение 1 — там находится храм — и ул. Дубининская, 9, строение 2 — административное здание.

Как проверить работодателя по ИНН, ОГРН или ОГРНИП

Быстрые ответы менеджера, отсутствие отбора среди кандидатов и даже сайт, который создан на бесплатной платформе, — это еще не критерии того, что потенциальные работодатели — мошенники. У любой фирмы может возникнуть ситуация, когда работник был нужен еще вчера, сайт только что сделали на коленке, а ваши профессиональные способности устраивают работодателя настолько, что он готов вас взять прямо сейчас.

Догадаться о том, что вы имеете дело с мошенниками, по каким-то эмоциональным признакам, например по скорости ответа, невозможно — да это и не нужно. Также ни о чем не говорит то, что на сайте указаны только телефон и адрес: возможно, все данные еще не успели разместить. Но в такой ситуации кандидату на вакансию ничего не мешает попросить у потенциального работодателя ИНН и ОГРН для юрлиц или ОГРНИП для ИП — к персональным данным они не относятся и в любом случае будут указаны в тексте трудового договора или договора подряда.

Если это мошенники, скорее всего, зарегистрированного юрлица или ИП у них нет: работу правоохранительным органам облегчать они не будут.

Бывает, что мошенники предоставляют ИНН и ОГРН посторонней компании. Но и это легко проверить — через сервисы проверки и анализа российских юридических лиц, «Прозрачный бизнес» или сайт предоставления сведений из ЕГРИП или ЕГРЮЛ в электронном виде. Это бесплатно, и сразу будут видны нестыковки, если вам дадут случайный ИНН: по нему либо вообще не будет никакой компании, либо не совпадут какие-то данные — адрес регистрации, вид деятельности, данные руководителя. В этом случае от любого сотрудничества с такой «фирмой» лучше сразу отказаться.

Что я должна была делать

В описании вакансии были подробные условия работы и ссылки на договор и должностную инструкцию СММ-специалиста. Вот что обещали успешному кандидату:

Моими основными задачами, если бы я устроилась на эту работу, стали бы :

Я думаю, это обычные задачи для помощника маркетолога. Когда я откликалась на вакансию, у меня был опыт только работы с текстами, фото и видео, остальному компания обещала меня научить, и меня это устраивало.

Немного насторожило меня лишь описание процесса погружения в работу. По плану новенький сотрудник должен был созвониться с руководителем по «Дискорду» — это бесплатный мессенджер с поддержкой голосовых и видеозвонков — или «Зуму». Руководитель на своем экране должен был показать, как проходит работа над проектом, а потом — следить за экраном новичка: как тот выполняет свои первые задачи. Мне показалось это странным, потому что обычно на работе так досконально ничего не объясняют и под таким присмотром новички не работают. Но мои сомнения развеяла фраза о том, что это максимально эффективный способ обучения, который поможет быстро вникнуть в специфику рабочих процессов.

В остальном же на этом этапе у меня даже мысли не возникло, что я попалась на удочку мошенников.

Как мне предложили купить платную подписку

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Предоставить подписку для стажера бесплатно компания не могла сразу по нескольким причинам:

Я никогда не работала в сфере СММ, поэтому сразу же пошла проверять в интернете, действительно ли существует такая программа. Выяснила, что такая программа есть. «Церебро-таргет» — это сервис для маркетологов, который помогает подобрать аудиторию для запуска таргетированной рекламы во «Вконтакте».

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Меня должно было насторожить то, что в описании вакансии меня буквально уговаривали купить эту программу. Писали что-то вроде: «Это вынужденная мера, так мы сможем не переживать, что вы исчезнете с нашим софтом, а также убедиться в серьезности ваших намерений работать с нами». А еще давили на жалость: «Уже несколько человек нас так кинули». И это сработало: я не хотела выглядеть безответственным и недобросовестным работником и согласилась оплатить программу.

Может, у меня и были какие-то сомнения на этом этапе, но их окончательно развеяло обещание менеджера компенсировать мои затраты на покупку подписки вместе с первой выплатой через неделю работы.

На следующее утро, 21 ноября, в 10:53, я второй раз написала менеджеру. В своем сообщении я ответила на ее вопросы: рассказала о своем опыте работы, образовании, курсах, которые проходила, и мотивации. Менеджер, как и в первый раз, ответила очень быстро — ровно через 3 минуты. Но я снова не придала этому значения: списала на то, что компании срочно нужен сотрудник, а мне — подработка.

Менеджер написала, что, так как у меня есть минимальные представления о профессии, ей нет смысла дальше проводить жесткий отбор, а мне можно изучить детальные инструкции и приступать к стажировке в ближайшее время.

Я была уверена, что мне предложат выполнить тестовое задание или дадут ответ по моей кандидатуре на следующий день или через неделю, поэтому очень удивилась, что к работе можно было приступать в этот же день. Но снова решила не обращать на это внимание: в тот день я была свободна до вечера, поэтому могла сразу уделить работе 2—3 часа.

Фраза «наставник будет следить и направлять» снова меня немного смутила. Но я не знакома с этой сферой и не знала, как тут все устроено, поэтому подумала, что так и должно быть. Решила, что, видимо, компания действительно ценит каждого сотрудника, раз готова вот так помогать новичкам учиться и развиваться.


To learn top club что это

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TOP CLUB CHART #332 — 11 сентября 2021

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Комментарии, вопросы и пожелания отправляй на
Ведущий и продюсер: Тимур Бодров
Саундпродюсер: Ярослав Чернобров
Редактор: Артём Сорин
Редактор подкаста: Алексей Абрамов

1. Swedish House Mafia — It Gets Better (25 место)

2. Duke Dumont feat. Kid Enigma — Let Me Dance (24 место)

3. Maceo Plex, Faithless — Insomnia 2021 (Epic Mix) (23 место)

4. Jack Back x Guz x Ferreck Dawn — I’ve Been Missing You (22 место)

5. Peggy Gou — I Go (21 место)

6. Grigoré – Upside Down (РЕЗИДЕНЦИЯ от Khrebto)

7. VER:WEST – Elements Of A New Life (20 место)

8. Calvin Harris ft. Tom Grennan — By Your Side (Oliver Heldens Remix) (19 место)

9. York — On The Beach (Kryder & JenJammin Sax Edit) (18 место)

10. Paul Oakenfold — Ready Steady Go (All Time Dance Anthem)

11. Vintage Culture feat. Fancy Inc & Roland Clark – Free (17 место)

12. Duck Sauce — Nonchalant (16 место)

13. Snakehips x Armand Van Helden — Freedom (You Bring Me) (15 место)

14. Volac — Naughty Water (14 место)

15. Love Regenerator, Eli Brown — We Can Come Together (13 место)

16. Westend — Get This Party Started (12 место)

17. Kryder & B JONES — Girlfriend (11 место)

18. Martin Ikin — Sometimes (10 место)

19. Age of Love — The Age Of Love (Charlotte de Witte & Enrico Sangiuliano Remix) (9 место)

20. Junior Jack — Stupid Disco (David Penn Remix) (8 место)

21. Ed Sheeran — Bad Habits (MEDUZA Remix) (7 место)

22. SOFI TUKKER — Drinkee (Vintage Culture & John Summit Remix) (6 место)

23. Joel Corry x Jax Jones — OUT OUT (Feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie) (5 место)

24. BYOR & VINNE — Downtown (4 место)

25. FISHER — Just Feels Tight (3 место)

26. Shouse — Love Tonight (David Guetta Remix) (2 место)

27. Riton & Raye – I Don’t Want You (ПЕРСПЕКТИВА)

28. ACRAZE — Do It To It (ft. Cherish) (1 место)

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To learn top club что это

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Best in Class Education Centers are institutions specialized in tutoring Mathematics and English for both enrichment and remedial purposes. Opened in Washington in 1995, BC Education Center is committed to strengthening students’ analytical and reasoning skills through our tailor-made teaching materials and professional guidance. The exercises are carefully formulated and tested so as to provide students with enough drilling in different aspects. They enable students to have a complete revision of their learned topics. As an educator, we encourage students to develop their potentials and make progress whenever possible.

KnowledgePoints Learning Centers provide a personal approach to basic skills tutoring. With proven results and a guarantee of success, our customized tutoring programs in reading, writing, math and study skills help ensure students at our tutoring centers reach their academic goals. All KnowledgePoints Learning Centers are run by state certified teachers who complete an intense 12 week training program before being certified as a KnowledgePoints Director of Learning. Our learning centers serve students in grades Pre-K-12 who are struggling, have fallen behind or who need additional challenge.

Our company began in Miami, FL in 2005 and now offers a wide-range of tutoring programs in every major city in the country! Families love our programs because of the convenience of having a high quality tutor come to their home at an affordable price. Tutor tailor programs to the individual needs of each child and can assist in homework help, studying for exams, learning key academic concepts, preparing for standardized test or anything your learner needs to succeed academically. We also offer tutoring, study skills, test preparation, essay editing, and just about every subject K-college.

Since 1984, Oxford Learning has been using cognitive learning techniques to help children develop more effective ways of thinking, concentrating, listening and remembering. Our cognitive approach to learning, designed by educational experts, is based on proven scientific research into how children actually learn. Learning is not about memorizing facts. It’s about knowing, really understanding, how to integrate and retain new information. Oxford Learning goes beyond tutoring, to help ignite your child’s interest in learning, not just for one school year, but for a lifetime.

WHIZard a U.S. company founded on the successful model of our affiliate Canadian company Academy for Mathematics & Science which utilizes an international product that has assisted thousands of students (just like yours) to develop their Mathematical, English and Science skills. Grasping the fundamentals of Mathematics, English and Science is essential to the pursuit of a diversity of careers; to not develop these skills is simply to forever limit your potential and destiny in an increasingly competitive world.

Since 1999, NewPoint Learning Center has collaborated with families, schools and learning experts to help thousands of children become more confident and better prepared to achieve their potential. Our tutors are experienced teachers who are respected for their ability to connect with the students. We understand that each student is unique. We approach learning holistically to address the specific learning needs of each student. Unlike other learning centers, most of our tutoring is one-on-one starting with the materials the student is using in the classroom. Regardless of the current achievement level, we can help your child meet their goal for academic success.

To us, that’s more than a slogan – it’s the philosophy behind everything we do. It’s the reason we drive ourselves to do more and be more for every C2 family: smarter curriculum, smarter diagnostic tools, smarter scheduling options, smarter tutors. Everything we do is done deliberately, thoughtfully, intelligently, and with a single goal in mind: to help our students excel.

Revolution Prep was started with the idea that there was a different, better way of doing things. We had a vision to transform education and wanted to provide the highest quality instruction to all students regardless of their ability to pay. By building a team of smart people dedicated to this vision, we’ve created innovative methods and curricula that lead to student’s success not just for tests but also in the future. From our social mission of never turning a student away because he or she could not afford our program, to company service days and partnership programs, our Revolutionaries are committed to making a difference in our communities.

AdvancED is the world’s largest education community, serving more than 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 69 countries that educate over 15 million students. We believe that students must be prepared to succeed in a constantly-evolving and diverse world and that educational institutions have a deep responsibility to deliver quality education to students from all walks of life. As the global leader in advancing education excellence through accreditation and school improvement, AdvancED brings together more than 100 years of experience and the expertise of the two largest US-based accreditation agencies — the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).

Since 1981, Academy Northwest, an accredited K-12 «school-without-walls,» has served thousands of homeschooling families. Currently in more than forty locations, learning centers unite parents, students and teachers; tailoring curriculum to student needs. Integrating real-life experiences and biblical worldview in an instructional program, students receive a relevant, individualized education. Weekly instruction with the teacher provides perspective and oversight, as well as active learning opportunities. Expanding our interactive, on-line high school classes provides access to specialists for those hard-to-teach subjects. Our goal is to assist parents in raising up the next generation to give service. We believe uniting dedicated parents and experienced teachers offers students a winning combination for the pursuit of academic excellence and biblical home-centered learning.

We believe all students have value, can learn and can develop their inherent talents to become contributing members of society. Our mission is to provide personalized, evidence-based educational services for non-traditional learners in collaboration with families and public school districts. According to the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET), a child drops out of high school every nine seconds. Ombudsman’s alternative school programs help communities combat the staggering social and economic costs of high dropout rates. Since 1975, Ombudsman Educational Services has provided more than 130,000 at-risk students an alternate route to graduation – and to all the opportunities a real high school diploma provides.

Chyten Educational Services was born from the inspiration and efforts of its founder and President: Neil Chyten. Driven by his personal motivation to help students achieve their highest potential and utilizing his own innovative strategies to make that possible, Neil worked as independently for twelve years helping countless students improve their academics and obtain top scores on standardized tests. Chyten continues to enhance its educational programs and hone its time-tested techniques. Each Chyten Center embodies Neil Chyten’s original mission that with the proper tools, a commitment to the success of each individual student, and in partnership with families our tutors can help every students maximize their potential.

Omega Learning Center® builds a customized program for each student that begins with an assessment in all academic areas of reading and math.The basic skills a child needs to succeed either in math or reading are like building blocks. If the blocks are not firmly in place, they cannot serve as a foundation for more advanced skills. Once we have an interpretive account of the student’s skill levels in relation to their grade level and age, we will work with the parents to determine the best program and learning objectives. Omega strives to ensure that our instructors use the most effective learning style for each student.

JEI has been promoting the importance of providing a quality educational environment to enhance the lives of not only children but also adults and people at all stages of life. Today, nearly 10,000 JEI family members contribute to this effort through its subsidiaries. We have been providing products through computer software, publishing, printing and distribution. In addition to supplemental, collegiate and adult education, JEI has also extended its services to include broadcasting and childcare. After three decades, our organization has spread globally with offices now in the United States, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

Grade Results® provides a rich, multimedia online learning environment, animated, Flash-based curriculum, and live, caring instructors to accelerate student progress and improve the instructional capacity of schools. We are an SES-approved provider in Texas, Illinois, Washington D.C., South Carolina, Arkansas, and we’re growing to include other states throughout the country. We also run programs based on Title I K-12 and Race to the Top funds as well. We also provide online educational services to support campus-based instruction in colleges throughout the country. Our instruction is designed to prepare students for statewide assessment tests, such as the TEKS, the Illinois Test of Basic Skills, and many other state and national exams.

E.nopi is based on an educational principle where students learn at their own pace. When a teacher understands the learning needs of a student, the teachings are more effective. E.nopi is a systematic, individualized program that caters to all students of all abilities utilizing a unique and proven learning method. This allows each child to have a customized starting point depending on their ability regardless of his/her age and/or school grade. Each child’s study progression will depend on the student’s pace of learning. E.nopi focuses on building each student’s foundation in math and English, as well as helping students to gain self-confidence, interest in learning, and develops a child’s critical thinking and analytical skills.

If we compare the Tutor Doctor’s services to the traditional center-based tutoring operations, the superiority of the in-home, one-on-one tutoring model becomes obvious. The Tutor Doctor Platform matches a highly qualified tutor with a student in the privacy and comfort of their own home. Students prefer this stress-free approach to learning as they can progress at their own pace and are free from peer pressure and the embarrassment they often feel in traditional learning environments. By removing the intimidation and fear of failure, students suddenly become comfortable, confident and eager to learn.

AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program.
While these important programs continue apace, our work has expanded significantly. Today AMIDEAST programs and services touch the lives of half a million individuals a year – improving educational opportunities and quality, strengthening local institutions, and developing language and professional skills critical for success in the global economy.

At nonprofit ETS, we advance quality and equity in education for people worldwide by creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS develops, administers and scores more than 50 million tests annually — including the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests, the GRE® General and Subject Tests and The Praxis Series™ assessments — in more than 180 countries, at more than 9,000 locations worldwide. In addition to assessments, we conduct educational research, analysis and policy studies and develop a variety of customized services and products for teacher certification, English language learning and elementary, secondary and postsecondary education.

32. Indonesian International education Foundation (IIEF) Contact Email

The Indonesian International education Foundation (IIEF) is an educational organization in Indonesia in cooperation with the Institute of International Education (IIE). IIE is the largest and most experience non-profit private educational exchange organization in the world.
Through this cooperation, IIEF administers various educational scholarship programs for study in Indonesia and abroad, including a number of short-term training and programs for professionals and scholars funded by international sponsor institutions.
IIEF introduces American higher education to Indonesian public through Annual Education Fairs. In addition, IIEF also disseminates information on the development of education in Indonesia to teachers and students abroad through IIE’s network.

The Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange (MACEE) was founded in 1963 as a binational Fulbright commission for Malaysia and the United States to promote educational exchange between Malaysia and the United States.
MACEE’s Executive Agreement binding the two partner governments was renewed in 1995, ratified by then U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Dato’ Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, the then Malaysian Minister of Education. As is the case with all binational Fulbright commissions, MACEE is controlled by a Board of Directors. MACEE’s Board consists of 10 regular members (5 from each country) and 2 Honorary Co-Chairmen: The U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia and the Malaysian Minister of Higher Education. These two Honorary Co-Chairs appoint the 5 regular members to the Board who will represent their respective countries.

From distance learning exams to large-scale assessments such as TOEFL iBT, Prometric offers solutions tailored to your needs.

Assessments designed for both traditional and non-traditional academic clients.

DSST test content
A credit by exam program that gives learners college credit for what they already know.

Fixed administration and flexible scheduling
With defined hardware, proprietary software and a secure testing environment for high-stakes exams.

Robust Internet testing tool
This thin-client model enables many delivery solutions for global distance learning. Proctored for security.

Multiple item types
From multiple choice, to drag and drop to essay or simulation, items can reflect real-world scenarios in certification programs. Aids international expansion, too.

Block reservations
Available for large groups.

ERB is the only not-for-profit member educational services organization offering assessments for both admission and achievement for independent and selective public schools for PreK-grade 12 — including interpretation support services and links to next steps instruction. With the diverse needs and requirements in today’s academic landscape, ERB takes a customized approach to our services. From result analyses specifically for teachers or administrators to parent presentations, our offerings are never cookie-cutter, out-of-the-box packages. We tailor our approach to maximize robust, timely and effective feedback for our member school community.

Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and internationally. Through initiatives such as onscreen marking and administration, Edexcel is leading the way in using technology to modernise educational assessment, support teachers and learners.
Educational excellence is at the forefront of all our innovations in specification content and technology-driven assessment solutions, and raising student performance is our overarching objective. Meeting a challenge set by our regulator in England, we’ve pioneered the use of scanning technology and onscreen marking, supported by our assessment associate colleagues. This has led to improved performance and more secure results.

We offer a unique approach to maths and English tutoring that sets us apart from traditional teaching methods. Our team of educational experts have spent years developing our unique TLC Education Group programme.
These materials along with our fully qualified teachers have helped thousands of children reach their full potential. What can you expect from our centres:

Oxford Open Learning is a distance learning company that has been offering the highest quality course materials since 1988. OOL’s focus is on educational courses that lead to national qualifications including A-levels, GCSEs and IGCSEs. We provide courses for students who are over 18 years of age. Our sister company, Oxford Home Schooling, provides similar courses for students who are under 18 years old. We pride ourselves that our academic standards are the highest in the distance learning sector. For example, last year 79% of our Mathematics GCSE students achieved a grade C or above. This is set against a national average of just 50%. We are members of the Association of British Correspondence Colleges (ABCC).

ITS Tutorial School (ITS) provides private tutor services in English for a comprehensive range of Tertiary, Secondary and Primary school subjects for Hong Kong (HK) students. ITS specializes in individual or small group tuition for secondary school students and primary level students. We have a wide range of international tutors who are fully qualified in their subject areas and native English speakers (or language specialists). ITS Educational Services offers a full range of Business Skills & Business English Training Programmes.

Knewton works by tagging all content down to the atomic concept level. The system further tags the resulting content by structure, difficulty level, and media format. Then we can dynamically generate for each student, each day, the perfect bundle of content based on exactly which concepts she knows and how she learns best. Today, Knewton’s GMAT prep, LSAT prep, and SAT prep courses bring adaptive learning plus the brightest and most experienced teachers directly to students worldwide via a live and on-demand video classroom. The Knewton platform will soon be open to publishers, universities, and other organizations to power their educational content to help anyone on the planet learn more effectively.

Educational Services Center offers innovative and affordable SAT, PSAT, and ACT prep courses with over 100 locations throughout NY, NJ, NC, & FL. We also offer Live Online prep courses, utilizing the latest videoconferencing technologies.
Established in 1977, ESC employs certified high school teachers to serve thousands of students in hundreds of classrooms every year, helping them increase their confidence and ability to score higher on these important college entrance exams. We also partner with high schools who want their students to benefit from our prep course program.

The Reading Clinic has been serving Bay Area families for 15 years, enhancing academic performance and self-esteem for children of all ages. In response to the challenges of an increasingly complex and competitive world, we have added a new, exciting program called Ace Academics.
With particular emphasis on basic Language Arts concepts, Ace Academics takes the written and spoken word to a higher level. Our combination of ultra-small classes and one-on-one instruction promotes competent, confident self-expression across the curriculum. We coach students in all forms of writing, including narrative, expository, persuasive and responsive. We offer specialty courses in Science and Social Studies writing, and Mathematics word problems, taught by skilled and experienced mentors.

National College Assistance Services was formed in 1990 and since then has been offering intensive pre-college training programs to high school students. NCAS’s COLLEGE BOUND PROGRAM is especially designed to guide both parents and students through the different facets of college education including one-on-one educational counseling, test preparation, college guidance, college admissions, guidance and assistance in attaining financial aid.
We also offer special tutorial sessions in order to prepare students who need more than just a test prep program. These classes exist for the PSAT, SATI, SATII Math I and MathII subject tests, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus. Through our personal tutorials, students have increased their confidence and learned concepts to improve failing grades in school.

Studyworks, founded in 1975, is a worldwide privately held standardized test preparation company whose only purpose is to help deserving students gain admission into the college of their choice. This objective is accomplished by providing each student and parent unlimited counseling and support through a personalized action plan along with the highest quality test preparation instruction available. With an unwavering commitment to providing highly educated, well trained and dynamic instructors teaching a proven curriculum, Studyworks guarantees greatly improved test scores for all their students.

Welcome to the Ivy Bound SAT test prep Program. My staff and I look forward to another summer and fall helping students maximize their SAT scores. We have developed the most comprehensive set of strategies and practice questions for SAT success, and my personal goal is to see 200 point average increases in all our classes.
As you are probably well aware, the SAT is for most students the single most important test in their high school careers. With the competition to top colleges even more fierce, the SAT has become a greater determinant of admissions and scholarship decisions than ever before. I look at this as an opportunity for any student willing to bring in an open mind and a willingness to achieve.

Parliament Tutors is committed to helping students meet their academic and career goals. We offer first-rate academic tutoring services, covering all subjects from kindergarten through the MCAT. Each lesson with Parliament Tutors draws upon an individualized lesson plan, geared to meet the particular needs of each student.
Parliament Tutors sharpens students’ learning skills and teaches them how to solve new problems independently, leaving students with the abilities and the confidence they need to succeed.
At Parliament Tutors we select only the most passionate, well-trained and distinguished tutors. Our tutors use approaches that make sense and teach strategies that work. We take advantage of every minute and never stop listening, learning and improving.

Lentz & Lentz SAT Prep has been helping students practice for PSAT, SAT and ACT with review classes featuring PSAT, SAT, and ACT practice tests and special SAT practice tip sheets in a classroom environment throughout the northeastern United States for over thirty-five years.
Proper SAT preparation can make the college admissions process less overwhelming for parents and students alike. Independent studies have indicated that students who simply do practice SAT or ACT questions on their own before the test will score thirty points higher than students who have had no SAT or ACT practice.

Wisdom Mart is an educational institution that aims towards a better tomorrow for generation of today. Wisdom Mart is a professional organization, which is one of its own kind. Wisdom Mart provides a complete guidance for students who want to pursue their higher education in Canadian and American universities. Wisdom Mart not only helps it students to be an eligible candidate for US universities, but also teach them about foreign educational system and it’s working. Wisdom Mart was founded by Pankaj Jain in year 1999. He is the driving force behind the successful working of this organization. Pankaj came back to India to create awareness among the Indian students’ of the opportunities available in United States.

Jamboree means “a meeting place of lively people”. An interaction that, over the years, has helped us achieve tremendous success and gain an enviable position as the pioneer in providing quality training for SAT®/GRE®/GMAT®/TOEFL®/IELTS and helping students get admission in the right Universities abroad.
At Jamboree, the most trusted name in India for education abroad, we help you give shape to your dreams and visions. We take pride in celebrating the success we envision with YOU as our students.

Oxford Tutoring Center’s mission is to deliver unparalleled individual academic support to our students. Particularly, we seek to promote each student’s intellectual growth in a stimulating, relationship-based setting that adapts to individual learning styles and needs. In short, “we teach the way you learn”.

51. Testmasters Professional Test Preparation Services Contact Email

Started in 1991 in Houston, Texas, Testmasters offers classroom courses, 1-on-1 courses, online courses, and books for various standardized exams including the the EIT & PE Professional Engineering Exams, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, SAT & PSAT, ACT, Subject Tests, ISEE and HSPT in many states around the U.S. and select cities internationally.
Testmasters has become one of the largest and fastest-growing educational companies in the world. Since its inception, tens of thousands of students have taken courses from Testmasters.

The First and presently only ETS Approved TOEFL test center in Bariga, Akoka, Abule Oja, Palmgrove, Somolu area. E-Global has proved to be a facilitator par excellence for the students and their guardians.
Filled with customized and excellent information for aspiring candidates, for various purposes such as home tutoring, classroom coaching, admission guidance, testing and visa counselling, this site has turned thousands of dreams into reality.
We assisted thousands of students onstudy abroad programs at over 150 universities in the prominent countries including USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, South Africa and Spain.

Since 1969, IDP Education has played a major role in international education and development. We were set up in the time of the Colombo Plan, when development aid was the dominant driver of international education, and we became a leader in delivering education assistance to the Asian region. In the mid-1980’s IDP began recruiting international students for Australian education institutions. Since that time we have become the world’s largest international student placement provider and assisted more than 300,000 students to achieve their goal of an international education. aTwo decades ago IDP commenced another significant venture, becoming part of the partnership that established IELTS (International English Language Testing System), today the world’s most widely used English language proficiency test.

Premier One-to-One Training is the most customized and convenient SAT prep program the SATS Zone offers. Receive the undivided attention of one of our best teachers, chosen specifically to match your learning style, prep needs, and goals.

AMIDEAST is a leading American non-profit organization engaged in international education, training and development activities in the Middle East and North Africa. Founded in 1951, AMIDEAST in its early years focused on promoting U.S. study to students in the MENA region and managing U.S. scholarships and exchanges such as the flagship Fulbright Foreign Student Program.
While these important programs continue apace, our work has expanded significantly. Today AMIDEAST programs and services touch the lives of half a million individuals a year – improving educational opportunities and quality, strengthening local institutions, and developing language and professional skills critical for success in the global economy.

Wisdom Mart, established in the year 1999 is a leading Admissions Consulting and Preparatory Service provider in India. We educate students and prepare them for exams such as GMAT, GRE, SAT, TOEFL and IELTS to further pursue education abroad primarily in American and Canadian universities. We help students understand the nuances and functionalities of foreign educational system by offering a bouquet of services ranging from admission counseling, test preparation, documentation to visa counseling. The organization has six centers all over Delhi and NCR and therefore has a wide geographical presence catering to the needs of around 2000 students every year for their favored study destinations in US, UK, Australia and Canada among others.

Ivy AspireTM! was founded by Shaista Baljee, an alumnus of ISB (Indian School of Business, Hyderabad) and Wharton (University of Pennsylvania, USA) to provide end-to-end education counseling services to aspiring candidates of higher education. Since we have ourselves studied abroad at the Ivy Leagues, worked in college admissions committees, and most importantly helped thousands of students get in to their dream school – we are proud that we are the leading quality-focused counseling institution in India.

Mnemonic Education is an educational institution that helps you realize your potential and achieve your goals. Mnemonic Education provides you with state of the art facilities to help you pursue a brilliant career abroad. With our presence in USA we know exactly what works best for you and how to achieve that. Mnemonic Education can help you to shape up your future in the best possible way starting from Classroom training for your undergraduate / graduate degree program all the way to finding a good job and career for you overseas, covering all the process in between.

Magna Education Center is a leading professional training centre offering various training programs and services to corporations and individuals. GCE A-Level Tutorial and IGCSE Elite Tutorial are delivered by a group of experienced teachers who have successfully trained students to achieve excellent result in GCE A-Level and IGCSE.
In 2009, around 80% students are able to achieve «A» or «B» grade. For GCSE Chinese, over 90% students achieve «A*». We hope through weekday or Saturday tutorial class, students can obtain excellent result in IGCSE, with at least 7As or 7A*s, and be successfully admitted to their ideal universities in Hong Kong through «Early Admission Scheme».

MCCS Lifelong Learning is here to help you attain your educational goals. Services offered at the Lifelong Learning Center are:

Launch Education tutoring is founded upon the fundamental philosophy that academic success is about a lot more than knowing the material. We know from experience that academic success begins with what we call the «why» of school – a student’s academic confidence and motivation – and the «how» of school – a student’s skill level when it comes to organization, homework, studying for tests, researching and writing papers, taking effective notes, and becoming a superior test taker.
Most schools, parents, and tutoring companies take for granted that these key components are already in place, when they are more typically at the very heart of a student’s academic struggles.

Headquartered in the beautiful community of Rancho Palos Verdes, California, SLK Learning Center, Inc. is a proven leader among South Bay academic tutoring organizations and test prep centers, with a highly qualified and experienced staff of teachers amassing decades of experience in the field of instruction and education. We have recently expanded to include a new tutoring facility in Torrance, California, to better serve our clients.
Founded in 1992, SLK Learning Center Inc. originally specialized in teaching English language arts (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), to both native and non-native speakers of English ranging from early education levels to adult. We have expanded our academic services over the years to include the following divisions:

Learning Enhancement Centers traces its roots to 2003, when Christina Carson, a special education teacher specializing in students with learning disabilities, founded the first center in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In 2010, she opened the second office in Gainesville.
Since then, Learning Enhancement Centers has helped more than 600 students strengthen their cognitive skills, thereby improving their grades and their confidence—and success in all endeavors.
All staff are trained in the programs that are used at Learning Enhancement Centers. The Learning Specialists help people of all ages overcome learning challenges (including dyslexia, ADD, and auditory disorders) by developing underlying processing skills, processing speed, and executive function skills. A variety of tools and techniques are used to target the causes of the learning difficulty.

House of Tutors is the industry’s leading provider of educational success stories. Our current and former students are excelling in school or their chosen professions with the help of our experienced and knowledgeable instructors and tutors. House of Tutors’ mission is to provide educational and training solutions through high quality courses and programs that help individuals achieve their personal and educational goals to better contribute to society.

The Chappaqua Learning Center is your resource for just about everything dealing with learning and furthering your child’s educational needs.

The Brooklyn Learning Center is a community of people who love to learn. We focus on process, not product, which enhances motivation and self confidence. We tailor our programs to help students best meet their goals. Whether they need help with academic tutoring, school admissions and test preparation, or are working with a learning disability, we teach students to feel good about their learning and to succeed in life.

GlobalScholar is comprised of the education solution offerings of Scantron, GlobalScholar and Spectrum K12. Solutions from GlobalScholar empower educators, parents and students throughout the entire learning lifecycle, helping schools achieve educational excellence. The brand’s offerings provide educators with data and insights needed to advance teacher effectiveness and student performance.
GlobalScholar also supports parents and students directly with online services that include tutoring and homework help for students, as well as school matching services/online school finders to help parents find the right school for their child. The brand serves 80 of the largest 100 school districts in the United States, as well as 70 countries and 15 Ministries of Education throughout the world.
It partners with some of the most progressive and innovative school systems in America, including recipients of funding from the Race to the Top initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Scantron Corporation is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Harland Clarke Holdings Corp., which also owns Harland Clarke Corp. and Harland Financial Solutions, Inc.

WyzAnt tutors are screened, tested and guaranteed. Search over 30,000 tutors in 200+ subjects. Send them a message, and you’ll hear back right away.

Children grow older every day. But do they grow forward? SEED LEARNING CENTERS teach, encourage, and hopefully, inspire students to GROW FORWARD. SEED Learning Centers adheres to the principle that learning how to learn is the most essential and crucial tool a student will use to not only fulfill life goals, but also discover what those goals can be. It is not our intention to act as a replacement for any educational institution, but to act as an enhancement for any learning endeavor.

ShareWorld Learning Center is an enrichment center whose primary goal is to provide a friendly and efficient learning environment that guides students towards academic success. We offer a broad range of classes for anything from SAT preparation to college counseling:

We are the premier academic institute for standardized test preparation in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC area. We offer professional test prep and Reading and Writing services for students with all abilities and all ages. Our classes are small and our teachers are experienced professionals.
We understand that students are not robots and that one-size-fits-all approach is not the best way to help students. We analyze each student’s weak and strong points and develop a program to help that particular student. We have helped many students achieve their potential and reach their goal of attending excellent universities or simply those subjects they find challenging. Our number one priority is our students’ success and this attitude permeates throughout our institute.

Who We Are
Ivy Global is a pioneering education consulting firm that is commited to helping our clients gain admissions to universities, law schools and private schools in the US and Canada. We seek to serve our clients by providing expert knowledge and tailored strategies to maximize their educational opportunities. Our core expertise lies in:

PREPSKILLS® specializes in preparing students for admissions tests to private/independent schools and American universities. As Canada’s premier SSAT and SAT preparation provider, we employ a number of different tools to make certain that each and every student is assured in their abilities in order to achieve optimum results. PREPESSENTIALS™ is our unique, exclusive and comprehensive essential skills enrichment program designed to instill confidence, inspire creativity and develop the best and brightest among emergent young leaders. Shining beyond the boundaries of learning™ is the motif of PREPSKILLS® programming, and it is maximized through our PREPTHINK™, PREPWRITE™, PREPSPKEAK™ and PREPLEADER™ courses.

Calgary Tutoring Centre Ltd. was founded by Alex Azarnousch in August 2002. He holds two Bachelor of Science degrees in Cellular-Molecular Biology and Computer Sciences respectively from the University of Calgary. His career has included teaching at the University of Calgary, as well as providing one on one teaching/coaching to hundred’s of Elementary, Junior High School and Senior High School students across Calgary. Currently, Alex is a Mathematics instructor at Mount Royal University and was awarded the «2007 Distinguished Teaching Award.

Prime Tutors is a partnership of tutors and instructors who specialize in tutoring and counseling of children with variable learning ability and attitude toward learning. As all children are unique and have different learning styles, our tutors have the ability to adapt lesson plans to the specific needs of the child.
Our tutors are ready for the challenge to take on any student with no regard to past performance or attitude towards learning. Our tutors take a step-by-step approach with our students to cover the important and testable parts of the curriculum, and make sure that they are prepared for all quizzes, tests and assignments.

LearnOn! Tutoring was established in April, 2004. We provide a variety of academic services to help students get back on track, work ahead, or learn something new.
We are a group of educational enthusiasts who enjoy teaching and passing on the passion we have for our courses to our students. We provide in-home tutoring at your convenience for all subjects and all grade levels. We also provide group sessions to help prepare for exams as well as learn the basics of difficult courses to help start you off on the right track.

Lindamood-Bell develops language processing so everyone can learn to his or her potential. In order to be a proficient learner, in any subject, it is critical that an individual is able to efficiently process information, either by listening or reading.
Our instruction helps a wide range of individuals of all ages (Pre-K through adult) by addressing the underlying skills necessary for independence and self-correction. Beyond traditional subject tutoring, we focus on the development of processing skills. It is common to see years of learning gain in reading, comprehension, critical thinking, and spelling through just weeks of intensive instruction.

College Tutors Builds Stronger Families ® by offering a complete set of customized tutoring, homework help and college prep services. Our tutoring services are provided through one-on-one role model tutors and tailored to each student’s individual needs. That is what makes us different. That is what makes our students successful.
Select one of the services below to learn more about a specific tutoring or homework help solution that works for you. But don’t worry if you don’t see exactly what you are looking for, find a nearby location on the map and give us a call. Our tutors can help.

Our goal is to work with the students for private school entrance exams and prepare for their SATs. This is done in your home and takes five weeks of review, testing and preparation for this exam. We have seen many students significantly raise their scores.
Over the years we have found every student has the capability to improve, but lack of quality study skills and organizational skills leads to missed assignments, forgetting to turn in homework and minor errors on tests which results in lower grades. We can teach our students how to be organized and make this a lifelong lesson. We also guide them in goal setting during the tutoring process, to reach and achieve success.

APLUS Learning Center was founded in 1998 to provide after-school enrichment programs for 3rd to 12th grade students to enhance their academics. Our mission is to help college bound students learn to excel in their academic endeavors. To achieve our mission, we have built our center upon three very fundamental elements:

We at Strong Learning have been helping students learn since 1966. Beginning as Silbert Tutoring & Guidance Center, and depending solely on word-of-mouth recommendations and professional referrals, we have grown into a full service learning organization, Strong Learning, Inc.
Strong Learning offers assistance in the 3 R’s, individual and group Regents and SAT instruction, college and career advisement, and learning how-to-learn in order to make school easier, more pleasant, and a lot more successful. Our philosophy is described well in the introduction of the newest award-winning book, Why Bad Grades Happen to Good Kids, written by the founders/directors of Strong Learning.

St Charles based Learning Ascent Corporation was founded in 2002 to offer better tutoring solutions. Our tutors have helped hundreds of students in St Charles and nearby communities. We make it easy for busy parents to find custom, professional tutoring for their children. Your child can immediately get the chance to succeed that she deserves.
Learning Ascent professionals know and work with local school district curricula. Familiarity with the curriculum allows tutors to identify and correct the root of problems. We can even help your child to better comprehend and complete homework assignments.

Top Notch Tutoring offers many benefits:

Cracksat is the SAT Preparation division of Test Catalyst (India) Private Limited. has been set up with the objective of assisting students wishing to take the SAT test improve their scores in the SAT test and thereby seek admissions to top universities and colleges in the US. Test Catalyst is an IIM alumnus venture and provides classroom training and course material for GMAT and GRE. The parent company, Ascent Education offers classroom programs and correspondence courses for Indian MBA entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, and FMS.

Brain Academy is a Tutoring, Testing and Coaching Center for children of all ages and adults to improve weak cognitive and learning skills and maximize the impact of well-developed cognitive skills to attain stellar academic achievement and work performance. Our unique tutoring and coaching program was developed by Dr. Danov, PhD, a Harvard-trained Pediatric and Adult Neuropsychologist.
To found this unique, private Tutoring, Testing and Coaching Center, Dr. Danov used her extensive experience and knowledge of how the brain works, what causes specific learning problems, poor organization, and low motivation to learn, and how cognitive problems (memory loss, and poor attention, retention, organization and focus) can be remediated.

88. Pinnacle Learning Contact Email

Pinnacle Learning has helped hundreds of students improve their grades, test scores and confidence level. Most of the students at Pinnacle are referred to us by our existing students. We believe in a no-nonsense approach, including:
Our instructors are our greatest assets. We hire experienced instructors and provide training, development, and support to ensure that our students always receive high quality professional assistance. Our instructors understand their importance as a motivator and confidence builder, in addition to their importance of providing technical expertise.

Summit Learning Services cares about your children’s education. On a daily basis, we encounter children who struggle to retain information, achieve satisfactory scores, and classroom grades. It is our mission to help young children and young adults achieve their academic goals. Summit Learning Services is the only national, franchised learning services company which requires each and every tutor to be (at minimum) a state certified educator.
Research suggests that teacher preparation and certification are the strongest indicators for student achievement, especially in reading and math. In addition to being state certified, each tutor is fingerprinted and has completed a federal criminal background check.

Tabula Rasa Tutors provides tutoring for mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science to students in the states of Georgia and Florida. We will be offering services to eligible schools in all major counties in Georgia and Florida for the 2010-2011 school year. We service all students K-12. We offer services 7 Days a Week, in home, in school, and at local libraries.

FELC Tutors was established in 2003 as a Florida-based corporation, with the mission of providing high-quality tutoring for all students, including students from low-income families, because extra academic help should not just be for those who can afford it. The company’s founders and management are experienced educators and former education administrators, with extensive curriculum knowledge and expertise in pedagogy. FELC has, since its inception, provided services for dozens of schools and institutions. We currently have over 1,000 teachers providing services within Florida, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Illinois.

One on One Learning was founded in 2000 by Marcel Monnar, who as a child, was a struggling learner himself, and later recognized the need for a quality program offering individualized instruction to struggling learners in a «one-on-one» setting. He set out to create such a program and today One on One Learning services over 4000 students of all ages and abilities. His philosophy for providing his services is predicated on two simple words: Individualization and Quality. One on One Learning strives to provide a high-quality program by incorporating the core beliefs of trust and reliability coupled with individualized attention.

The Learning Center opened its doors eight years ago to meet the needs of parents and students in the local and expatriate communities of Beijing. Since that time, The Learning Center has worked with well over a thousand students, ranging in age from pre-school to adult. We have helped struggling students to raise grades, and gifted students to enhance skills in mathematics, science, English as a Foreign Language, and many other academic subjects. The students who attend TLC find a peaceful setting and a positive, nurturing environment in which to study.

Rapid Learning Center is the leading provider of rapid e-learning solutions in chemistry, biology, physics, math, statistics and other core courses at high school, college levels and beyond. We also offer test prep rapid learning packages on MCAT, DAT, OAT, PCAT, Pre-Nursing, AP, SAT and other standard tests, with more to come. Our Rapid Learning Team is a team of talents including university professors, high school educators, learning specialists and instructional designers.

Appleton Learning’s individualized approach to tutoring and test prep services is based upon leading edge research that keys in on how a child learns best. Parents are faced with several choices when selecting a tutoring service or educational provider. Over and above our distinctive individualized approach, Appleton Learning delivers value across the board.
Appleton Learning provides exceptional value for students and their families. Our service model is based upon delivering individualized one-on-one tutoring on your schedule and at a location that’s convenient for you.
Appleton guarantees that our rates will be lower than any comparable service from our competitors. It is our top priority to provide affordable rates and a plan that’s tailored for success.

Genesis 8 Learning Center Team Members have more than 18 years experience in meeting the educational and academic needs of students AND athletes in these areas:

IvyMax, Inc., including IvyMax Academy, is a leading in-center and online education service provider that prepares students exceptionally well for admission to top-tier universities and beyond. We bridge the gap between the opportunities available at high schools and the level of competitiveness required for admission to elite colleges and universities. We at IvyMax work with you to excel academically, gain admission to the college of your dreams, as well as become your authentic best self, helping you discover and maximize your true passions. Since 2004, IvyMax has been delivering industry-best results, having helped thousands of students ace tests, write tremendous essays, and get admitted to great schools.

Julian Charter School’s mission is to provide an exemplary personalized learning program in a supportive, resource-rich learning environment. We are dedicated to excellence and committed to nurturing passionate lifelong learners.

Why NY Prep Tutors
At NY Prep Tutors, we pride ourselves on our relentless focus on the individual student and his or her unique goals and needs. Unlike commercial test prep courses and retail learning centers, we avoid impersonal, mass-market teaching approaches that deprive students of the individual attention they deserve.


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