Tsk на английском что значит
Tsk на английском что значит
2 tsk
4 tsk
5 tsk
7 tsk
8 tsk
9 tsk
10 tsk
См. также в других словарях:
tsk — sound expressing commisseration or disapproval, 1947; as a verb, tsk tsk is recorded from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
tsk — for n. and v. [ tisk; ] interj., n. (a sound) used to express disapproval, genuine or mock sympathy, etc.: a click, or sucking sound, made by touching the tongue to the hard palate and rapidly withdrawing it vi. tsked, tsking to utter this sound … English World dictionary
TSK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
tsk — 1. interjection /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ An exclamation of disapproval. Syn: tsk tsk 2. verb /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ To make a tsk sound of disapproval … Wiktionary
tsk — pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. /tisk/, interj. 1. (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of contempt, disdain, impatience, etc.) 2. for shame! n. 3. an exclamation of tsk. v.i. 4. to utter the exclamation tsk. Also,… … Universalium
tsk — (pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. tisk), interj. 1) (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of impatience, annoyance, disapproval, commiseration, etc.) 2) an exclamation of “tsk.” 3) to utter the exclamation “tsk.” … From formal English to slang
tsk — /təsk/ (say tuhsk) interjection (an exclamation expressing disapproval.) Also, tsk tsk … Australian-English dictionary
TSK — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Thüringer Staatskanzlei Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte auch Teilstreitkraft den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomsk Avia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tsk — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomskavia … Deutsch Wikipedia
tsk — verb utter tsk, tut, or tut tut, as in disapproval • Syn: ↑tut, ↑tut tut • Hypernyms: ↑utter, ↑emit, ↑let out, ↑let loose • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
tsk — interjection Date: 1937 used to express disapproval … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tsk на английском что значит
Смотреть что такое «TSK» в других словарях:
tsk — sound expressing commisseration or disapproval, 1947; as a verb, tsk tsk is recorded from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
tsk — for n. and v. [ tisk; ] interj., n. (a sound) used to express disapproval, genuine or mock sympathy, etc.: a click, or sucking sound, made by touching the tongue to the hard palate and rapidly withdrawing it vi. tsked, tsking to utter this sound … English World dictionary
TSK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
tsk — 1. interjection /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ An exclamation of disapproval. Syn: tsk tsk 2. verb /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ To make a tsk sound of disapproval … Wiktionary
tsk — pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. /tisk/, interj. 1. (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of contempt, disdain, impatience, etc.) 2. for shame! n. 3. an exclamation of tsk. v.i. 4. to utter the exclamation tsk. Also,… … Universalium
tsk — (pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. tisk), interj. 1) (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of impatience, annoyance, disapproval, commiseration, etc.) 2) an exclamation of “tsk.” 3) to utter the exclamation “tsk.” … From formal English to slang
tsk — /təsk/ (say tuhsk) interjection (an exclamation expressing disapproval.) Also, tsk tsk … Australian-English dictionary
TSK — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Thüringer Staatskanzlei Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte auch Teilstreitkraft den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomsk Avia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tsk — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomskavia … Deutsch Wikipedia
tsk — verb utter tsk, tut, or tut tut, as in disapproval • Syn: ↑tut, ↑tut tut • Hypernyms: ↑utter, ↑emit, ↑let out, ↑let loose • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
tsk — interjection Date: 1937 used to express disapproval … New Collegiate Dictionary
Смотреть что такое «tsk-tsk» в других словарях:
tsk tsk — UK [ˌtəsk ˈtəsk] US interjection old fashioned used for showing that you do not approve of something Thesaurus: communicative soundshyponym * * * [tisk tisk] 1. exclam. expressing disapproval or annoyance you of all people, Goldie tsk, tsk 2. v.… … Useful english dictionary
Tsk! Tsk! Records — is an independent record label, home to such artists as Mates of State, The Show is the Rainbow, and Erase Errata.Artists*Erase Errata *Margo *Mates of State *Pro Forma *The Show is the Rainbowee also*List of record labelsExternal links*… … Wikipedia
tsk-tsk — tsk or tsk tsk «a clihck sownd», interj. used to express disapproval. v.i. «tihsk», » The conscientious librarian tsked over the underlining and dog eared pages in the book … Useful english dictionary
tsk tsk — interjection [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Natural sound] a way of writing a sound that is made to show disapproval … Dictionary of contemporary English
tsk — sound expressing commisseration or disapproval, 1947; as a verb, tsk tsk is recorded from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
tsk — for n. and v. [ tisk; ] interj., n. (a sound) used to express disapproval, genuine or mock sympathy, etc.: a click, or sucking sound, made by touching the tongue to the hard palate and rapidly withdrawing it vi. tsked, tsking to utter this sound … English World dictionary
tsk-tsk — transitive verb Date: 1943 to express disapproval of by or as if by uttering tsk intransitive verb to tsk tsk someone or something … New Collegiate Dictionary
TSK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
Tsk на английском что значит
1 tsk
2 tsk
3 tsk
5 tsk
7 tsk
8 tsk
9 tsk
10 tsk
11 TSK
12 tsk
13 tsk
14 tsk
15 tsk
См. также в других словарях:
tsk — sound expressing commisseration or disapproval, 1947; as a verb, tsk tsk is recorded from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
tsk — for n. and v. [ tisk; ] interj., n. (a sound) used to express disapproval, genuine or mock sympathy, etc.: a click, or sucking sound, made by touching the tongue to the hard palate and rapidly withdrawing it vi. tsked, tsking to utter this sound … English World dictionary
TSK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
tsk — 1. interjection /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ An exclamation of disapproval. Syn: tsk tsk 2. verb /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ To make a tsk sound of disapproval … Wiktionary
tsk — pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. /tisk/, interj. 1. (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of contempt, disdain, impatience, etc.) 2. for shame! n. 3. an exclamation of tsk. v.i. 4. to utter the exclamation tsk. Also,… … Universalium
tsk — (pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. tisk), interj. 1) (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of impatience, annoyance, disapproval, commiseration, etc.) 2) an exclamation of “tsk.” 3) to utter the exclamation “tsk.” … From formal English to slang
tsk — /təsk/ (say tuhsk) interjection (an exclamation expressing disapproval.) Also, tsk tsk … Australian-English dictionary
TSK — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Thüringer Staatskanzlei Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte auch Teilstreitkraft den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomsk Avia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tsk — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomskavia … Deutsch Wikipedia
tsk — verb utter tsk, tut, or tut tut, as in disapproval • Syn: ↑tut, ↑tut tut • Hypernyms: ↑utter, ↑emit, ↑let out, ↑let loose • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
tsk — interjection Date: 1937 used to express disapproval … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tsk на английском что значит
1 Computer Task Group, Inc.
2 Task
3 Transmission Security Key
4 time-shift keying
5 задача
6 непристойный
7 ц-ц-ц
8 цокать, шикать, зашикать
9 ай-ай-ай
10 ай-яй-яй
11 мертвецкая
12 цацка
13 как тебе не ай-яй?
Этих масок в наличии имелось сорок, и час назад в кабинете завклубом, где распределялись маски, можно было услышать: «Постойте, Михеев, вы же в прошлом году были овцой. Как вам не ай-яй нынче отказываться от свиньи?» (В. Липатов, И это всё о нём) — There were forty of them available, and in the manager’s office, where the masks were being issued, you could here: ‘Hold on Mikheyev, you were a sheep last year. Aren’t you ashamed to turn your nose up at a pig?’
14 mitimiti
См. также в других словарях:
tsk — sound expressing commisseration or disapproval, 1947; as a verb, tsk tsk is recorded from 1967 … Etymology dictionary
tsk — for n. and v. [ tisk; ] interj., n. (a sound) used to express disapproval, genuine or mock sympathy, etc.: a click, or sucking sound, made by touching the tongue to the hard palate and rapidly withdrawing it vi. tsked, tsking to utter this sound … English World dictionary
TSK — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres … Wikipédia en Français
tsk — 1. interjection /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ An exclamation of disapproval. Syn: tsk tsk 2. verb /ˈtɪsk,ǀ/ To make a tsk sound of disapproval … Wiktionary
tsk — pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. /tisk/, interj. 1. (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of contempt, disdain, impatience, etc.) 2. for shame! n. 3. an exclamation of tsk. v.i. 4. to utter the exclamation tsk. Also,… … Universalium
tsk — (pronounced as an alveolar click; spelling pron. tisk), interj. 1) (used, often in quick repetition, as an exclamation of impatience, annoyance, disapproval, commiseration, etc.) 2) an exclamation of “tsk.” 3) to utter the exclamation “tsk.” … From formal English to slang
tsk — /təsk/ (say tuhsk) interjection (an exclamation expressing disapproval.) Also, tsk tsk … Australian-English dictionary
TSK — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Thüringer Staatskanzlei Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte auch Teilstreitkraft den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomsk Avia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tsk — Die Abkürzung TSK steht für: Türkische Streitkräfte Typgeprüfte Schaltgerätekombination Teilstreitkräfte den ICAO Code der Fluggesellschaft Tomskavia … Deutsch Wikipedia
tsk — verb utter tsk, tut, or tut tut, as in disapproval • Syn: ↑tut, ↑tut tut • Hypernyms: ↑utter, ↑emit, ↑let out, ↑let loose • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
tsk — interjection Date: 1937 used to express disapproval … New Collegiate Dictionary