Unpaid balance что значит
unpaid balance
1 unpaid balance
2 unpaid balance
positive balance — положительный итог; положительный остаток
negative balance — отрицательный итог; отрицательный остаток
balance of profit — остаток прибыли; баланс счета прибылей
3 unpaid balance
4 unpaid balance
5 unpaid balance
6 unpaid balance
7 unpaid balance
8 unpaid balance
9 unpaid principal balance
10 неуплаченный баланс
См. также в других словарях:
unpaid balance — balance of debt, what remains to be paid in order to close a debt account, total sum that has not yet been paid … English contemporary dictionary
unpaid balance — /ʌnˌpeɪd bæləns/ noun a balance of a loan or invoice which still has to be paid after a part payment or instalment payment has been made … Dictionary of banking and finance
unpaid balance — saldo disponibile Ammontare dei fondi che sono stati concessi con l affidamento, meno quelli che sono stati effettivamente impiegati … Glossario di economia e finanza
balance — balanceable, adj. /bal euhns/, n., v., balanced, balancing. n. 1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. 2. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; … Universalium
balance — /ˈbæləns / (say baluhns) noun 1. an instrument for weighing, typically a bar poised or swaying on a central support according to the weights borne in scales (pans) suspended at the ends. 2. power to decide as by a balance; authoritative control.… … Australian-English dictionary
balance — bal•ance [[t]ˈbæl əns[/t]] n. v. anced, anc•ing 1) a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc 2) something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise 3) the ability to maintain bodily equilibrium 4) mental or… … From formal English to slang
Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… … Wikipedia
Past Due Balance Method — A system for calculating interest charges based on any outstanding loan or credit charges that remain unpaid after a certain date. The past due balance method is used by credit companies whereby credit card holders have until a specified date to… … Investment dictionary
Average Outstanding Balance — The unpaid, interest bearing balance of a loan or loan portfolio averaged over a period of time, usually one month. The average outstanding balance refers to any term, instalment, revolving or credit card debt on which interest is… … Investment dictionary
deficiency judgment — The imposition of personal liability on a debtor for the unpaid balance of a mortgage debt after foreclosure has failed to result in full payment of the debt amount due, or for the unpaid balance due after the repossession and resale of personal… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Revolving Account — A type of credit account in which the customer may defer payment on part of the balance. Interest is charged on the unpaid balance and added to the total owed. A credit card is one type of revolving account. A revolving account may also be called … Investment dictionary
unpaid balance
Смотреть что такое «unpaid balance» в других словарях:
unpaid balance — balance of debt, what remains to be paid in order to close a debt account, total sum that has not yet been paid … English contemporary dictionary
unpaid balance — /ʌnˌpeɪd bæləns/ noun a balance of a loan or invoice which still has to be paid after a part payment or instalment payment has been made … Dictionary of banking and finance
unpaid balance — saldo disponibile Ammontare dei fondi che sono stati concessi con l affidamento, meno quelli che sono stati effettivamente impiegati … Glossario di economia e finanza
balance — balanceable, adj. /bal euhns/, n., v., balanced, balancing. n. 1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. 2. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; … Universalium
balance — /ˈbæləns / (say baluhns) noun 1. an instrument for weighing, typically a bar poised or swaying on a central support according to the weights borne in scales (pans) suspended at the ends. 2. power to decide as by a balance; authoritative control.… … Australian-English dictionary
balance — bal•ance [[t]ˈbæl əns[/t]] n. v. anced, anc•ing 1) a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc 2) something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise 3) the ability to maintain bodily equilibrium 4) mental or… … From formal English to slang
Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… … Wikipedia
Past Due Balance Method — A system for calculating interest charges based on any outstanding loan or credit charges that remain unpaid after a certain date. The past due balance method is used by credit companies whereby credit card holders have until a specified date to… … Investment dictionary
Average Outstanding Balance — The unpaid, interest bearing balance of a loan or loan portfolio averaged over a period of time, usually one month. The average outstanding balance refers to any term, instalment, revolving or credit card debt on which interest is… … Investment dictionary
deficiency judgment — The imposition of personal liability on a debtor for the unpaid balance of a mortgage debt after foreclosure has failed to result in full payment of the debt amount due, or for the unpaid balance due after the repossession and resale of personal… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Revolving Account — A type of credit account in which the customer may defer payment on part of the balance. Interest is charged on the unpaid balance and added to the total owed. A credit card is one type of revolving account. A revolving account may also be called … Investment dictionary
unpaid balance
1 unpaid balance
2 unpaid balance
3 unpaid balance
4 unpaid balance
positive balance — положительный итог; положительный остаток
negative balance — отрицательный итог; отрицательный остаток
balance of profit — остаток прибыли; баланс счета прибылей
5 unpaid balance
6 unpaid balance
7 unpaid balance
8 unpaid balance
9 unpaid balance
10 unpaid balance
11 unpaid balance
12 unpaid balance
13 unpaid balance
14 unpaid balance
15 unpaid balance
16 unpaid balance
17 unpaid balance
18 unpaid balance
19 unpaid principal balance
20 неуплаченный баланс
См. также в других словарях:
unpaid balance — balance of debt, what remains to be paid in order to close a debt account, total sum that has not yet been paid … English contemporary dictionary
unpaid balance — /ʌnˌpeɪd bæləns/ noun a balance of a loan or invoice which still has to be paid after a part payment or instalment payment has been made … Dictionary of banking and finance
unpaid balance — saldo disponibile Ammontare dei fondi che sono stati concessi con l affidamento, meno quelli che sono stati effettivamente impiegati … Glossario di economia e finanza
balance — balanceable, adj. /bal euhns/, n., v., balanced, balancing. n. 1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. 2. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; … Universalium
balance — /ˈbæləns / (say baluhns) noun 1. an instrument for weighing, typically a bar poised or swaying on a central support according to the weights borne in scales (pans) suspended at the ends. 2. power to decide as by a balance; authoritative control.… … Australian-English dictionary
balance — bal•ance [[t]ˈbæl əns[/t]] n. v. anced, anc•ing 1) a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc 2) something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise 3) the ability to maintain bodily equilibrium 4) mental or… … From formal English to slang
Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… … Wikipedia
Past Due Balance Method — A system for calculating interest charges based on any outstanding loan or credit charges that remain unpaid after a certain date. The past due balance method is used by credit companies whereby credit card holders have until a specified date to… … Investment dictionary
Average Outstanding Balance — The unpaid, interest bearing balance of a loan or loan portfolio averaged over a period of time, usually one month. The average outstanding balance refers to any term, instalment, revolving or credit card debt on which interest is… … Investment dictionary
deficiency judgment — The imposition of personal liability on a debtor for the unpaid balance of a mortgage debt after foreclosure has failed to result in full payment of the debt amount due, or for the unpaid balance due after the repossession and resale of personal… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Revolving Account — A type of credit account in which the customer may defer payment on part of the balance. Interest is charged on the unpaid balance and added to the total owed. A credit card is one type of revolving account. A revolving account may also be called … Investment dictionary
unpaid balance
1 остаток долга
2 остаток долга
3 неоплаченный остаток
4 остаток долга
5 непогашенный остаток
6 неуплаченный баланс
7 непогашенное сальдо
8 непогашенный остаток
См. также в других словарях:
unpaid balance — balance of debt, what remains to be paid in order to close a debt account, total sum that has not yet been paid … English contemporary dictionary
unpaid balance — /ʌnˌpeɪd bæləns/ noun a balance of a loan or invoice which still has to be paid after a part payment or instalment payment has been made … Dictionary of banking and finance
unpaid balance — saldo disponibile Ammontare dei fondi che sono stati concessi con l affidamento, meno quelli che sono stati effettivamente impiegati … Glossario di economia e finanza
balance — balanceable, adj. /bal euhns/, n., v., balanced, balancing. n. 1. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. 2. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. 3. mental steadiness or emotional stability; … Universalium
balance — /ˈbæləns / (say baluhns) noun 1. an instrument for weighing, typically a bar poised or swaying on a central support according to the weights borne in scales (pans) suspended at the ends. 2. power to decide as by a balance; authoritative control.… … Australian-English dictionary
balance — bal•ance [[t]ˈbæl əns[/t]] n. v. anced, anc•ing 1) a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc 2) something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise 3) the ability to maintain bodily equilibrium 4) mental or… … From formal English to slang
Work-life balance — The expression work life balance was first used in the late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual s work and personal life. (New Ways to Work and the Working Mother s Association in the United Kingdom). In the United States, this… … Wikipedia
Past Due Balance Method — A system for calculating interest charges based on any outstanding loan or credit charges that remain unpaid after a certain date. The past due balance method is used by credit companies whereby credit card holders have until a specified date to… … Investment dictionary
Average Outstanding Balance — The unpaid, interest bearing balance of a loan or loan portfolio averaged over a period of time, usually one month. The average outstanding balance refers to any term, instalment, revolving or credit card debt on which interest is… … Investment dictionary
deficiency judgment — The imposition of personal liability on a debtor for the unpaid balance of a mortgage debt after foreclosure has failed to result in full payment of the debt amount due, or for the unpaid balance due after the repossession and resale of personal… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
Revolving Account — A type of credit account in which the customer may defer payment on part of the balance. Interest is charged on the unpaid balance and added to the total owed. A credit card is one type of revolving account. A revolving account may also be called … Investment dictionary
unpaid balance — неоплаченный остаток, остаток долга
unpaid balance of a loan — невыплаченный остаток займа
unpaid interests — невыплаченные проценты
unpaid premium — неуплаченная [невыплаченная\] премия
unpaid salary — невыплаченный оклад, невыплаченная зарплата
unpaid bills — неоплаченные счета
unpaid work — бесплатная [неоплачиваемая\] работа
unpaid adviser — бесплатный консультант
Смотреть что такое «unpaid» в других словарях:
unpaid — [unpād′] adj. 1. not receiving pay [an unpaid volunteer] 2. not yet discharged or settled by or as by payment [an unpaid bill] 3. without wages or salary included [unpaid maternity leave] … English World dictionary
unpaid — [adj1] free, voluntary contributed, donated, due, freewilled, gratuitous, honorary, unindemnified, unrewarded, unsalaried, volunteer; concept 538 Ant. paid unpaid [adj2] not settled; taken without remuneration delinquent, due, in arrears, mature … New thesaurus
unpaid — I adjective due, free, given, gratis, gratuitous, in arrears, outstanding, owing, payable, uncollected, uncompensated, undischarged, unrecompensed, unremunerated, unrequited, unrewarded, unsalaried, unsettled, volunteer II index delinquent… … Law dictionary
unpaid — (adj.) late 14c., in reference to persons, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of PAY (Cf. pay) (v.). Of debts, attested from late 15c … Etymology dictionary
unpaid — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a debt) not yet paid. 2) (of work or leave) undertaken without payment. 3) not receiving payment for work done … English terms dictionary
unpaid — [[t]ʌ̱npe͟ɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n If you do unpaid work or are an unpaid worker, you do a job without receiving any money for it. Even unpaid work for charity is better than nothing. The unpaid volunteers do the work because they love it. Ant:… … English dictionary
unpaid — un|paid [ˌʌnˈpeıd] adj 1.) an unpaid bill or debt has not been paid 2.) done without receiving payment ▪ unpaid work ▪ unpaid leave … Dictionary of contemporary English
unpaid — adjective Date: 14th century 1. not paid 2. not paying a salary … New Collegiate Dictionary
unpaid — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ remain ▪ leave sth ▪ customers who leave their bills unpaid till the last minute Unpaid is used with these nouns: ↑bill, ↑debt, ↑ … Collocations dictionary