Unreal engine 4 pawn что это
Unreal engine 4 pawn что это
Detach from Controller Pending Destroy
Call this function to detach safely pawn from its controller, knowing that we will be destroyed soon.
Get Base Aim Rotation
Return the aim rotation for the Pawn. If we have a controller, by default we aim at the player’s ‘eyes’ direction that is by default the Pawn rotation for AI, and camera (crosshair) rotation for human players.
Get Control Rotation
Get the control rotation. This is the full aim rotation, which may be different than a camera orientation (for example in a third person view), and may differ from the rotation of the controlled Pawn (which may choose not to visually pitch or roll, for example).
Target is Controller
Get Controlled Pawn
Return the Pawn that is currently ‘controlled’ by this PlayerController
Target is Controller
Returns controller for this actor.
Get Desired Rotation
Get the desired pawn target rotation
Target is Controller
Get Focal Location
Returns the location the PlayerController is focused on. If there is a possessed Pawn, returns the Pawn’s location. If there is a spectator Pawn, returns that Pawn’s location. Otherwise, returns the PlayerController’s spawn location (usually the last known Pawn location after it has died).
Target is Player Controller
Get Movement Base Actor
Gets the owning actor of the Movement Base Component on which the pawn is standing.
Get Movement Component
Return our PawnMovementComponent, if we have one.
Get Nav Agent Location
Basically retrieved pawn’s location on navmesh
Get Spectator Pawn
Get the Pawn used when spectating. nullptr when not spectating.
Target is Player Controller
Get the actor the controller is looking at
Target is Controller
Returns true if controlled by a bot.
Is Local Controller
Returns whether this Controller is a local controller.
Target is Controller
Is Local Player Controller
Returns whether this Controller is a locally controlled PlayerController.
Target is Controller
Is Locally Controlled
Returns true if controlled by a local (not network) Controller.
Is Pawn Controlled
Check if this actor is currently being controlled at all (the actor has a valid Controller)
Is Player Controlled
Returns true if controlled by a human player (possessed by a PlayerController).
Is Player Controller
Returns whether this Controller is a PlayerController.
Target is Controller
Called via input to look up at a given rate (or down if Rate is negative).
Target is Default Pawn
Input callback to move forward in local space (or backward if Val is negative).
Target is Default Pawn
Input callback to strafe right in local space (or left if Val is negative).
Target is Default Pawn
Input callback to move up in world space (or down if Val is negative).
Target is Default Pawn
Handles attaching this controller to the specified pawn. Only runs on the network authority (where HasAuthority() returns true).
Target is Controller
Set Control Rotation
Set the control rotation.
Target is Controller
Set Initial Location and Rotation
Set the initial location and rotation of the controller, as well as the control rotation. Typically used when the controller is first created.
Target is Controller
Spawn Default Controller
Spawn default controller for this Pawn, and get possessed by it.
Called via input to turn at a given rate.
Target is Default Pawn
Called to unpossess our pawn for any reason that is not the pawn being destroyed (destruction handled by PawnDestroyed()).
Target is Controller
Update Stereo Atlas
Update Stereo Atlas
Target is Stereo Capture Pawn
These are nodes that provide input from various sources (keyboard, mouse, gamepad etc.)
Unreal engine 4 pawn что это
The Pawn class is the base class of all Actors that can be controlled by players or AI. A Pawn is the physical representation of a player or AI entity within the world. This not only means that the Pawn determines what the player or AI entity looks like visually, but also how it interacts with the world in terms of collisions and other physical interactions. This can be confusing in certain circumstances as some types of games may not have a visible player mesh or avatar within the game. Regardless, the Pawn still represents the physical location, rotation, etc. of a player or entity within the game. A Character is a special type of Pawn that has the ability to walk around.
By default, there is a one-to-one relationship between Controllers and Pawns; meaning, each Controller controls only one Pawn at any given time. Also, Pawns spawned during gameplay are not automatically possessed by a Controller.
In Blueprints, the best way to add movement to your Pawn-derived class is with SetActorLocation. With SetActorLocation, you can decide if you want to teleport to the location, or sweep. When sweeping, your Pawn will move along the direction and stop if it hits something.
Default Pawn
While the Pawn class provides only the essentials for creating a physical representation of a player or AI entity in the world, the DefaultPawn subclass comes with some additional Components and functionality.
The DefaultPawn class contains a native DefaultPawnMovementComponent, a spherical CollisionComponent, and a StaticMeshComponent. To control the DefaultPawnMovementComponent, as well as the camera, a Boolean to add default movement bindings is also present in the DefaultPawn class, and is set to true by default.
Spectator Pawn
Unreal engine 4 pawn что это
The Pawn class is the base class of all Actors that can be controlled by players or AI. A Pawn is the physical representation of a player or AI entity within the world. This not only means that the Pawn determines what the player or AI entity looks like visually, but also how it interacts with the world in terms of collisions and other physical interactions. This can be confusing in certain circumstances as some types of games may not have a visible player mesh or avatar within the game. Regardless, the Pawn still represents the physical location, rotation, etc. of a player or entity within the game. A Character is a special type of Pawn that has the ability to walk around.
By default, there is a one-to-one relationship between Controllers and Pawns; meaning, each Controller controls only one Pawn at any given time. Also, Pawns spawned during gameplay are not automatically possessed by a Controller.
In Blueprints, the best way to add movement to your Pawn-derived class is with SetActorLocation. With SetActorLocation, you can decide if you want to teleport to the location, or sweep. When sweeping, your Pawn will move along the direction and stop if it hits something.
Default Pawn
While the Pawn class provides only the essentials for creating a physical representation of a player or AI entity in the world, the DefaultPawn subclass comes with some additional Components and functionality.
The DefaultPawn class contains a native DefaultPawnMovementComponent, a spherical CollisionComponent, and a StaticMeshComponent. To control the DefaultPawnMovementComponent, as well as the camera, a Boolean to add default movement bindings is also present in the DefaultPawn class, and is set to true by default.
Spectator Pawn
Pawn is the base class of all actors that can be possessed by players or AI.
Pawn is the base class of all actors that can be possessed by players or AI. They are the physical representations of players and creatures in a level.
Default class to use when pawn is controlled by AI.
Max difference between pawn’s Rotation.Yaw and GetDesiredRotation().Yaw for pawn to be considered as having reached its desired rotation
Determines when the Pawn creates and is possessed by an AI Controller (on level start, when spawned, etc).
Determines which PlayerController, if any, should automatically possess the pawn when the level starts or when the pawn is spawned.
Base eye height above collision center.
If set to false (default) given pawn instance will never affect navigation generation.
Playback of replays writes blended pitch to this, rather than the RemoteViewPitch.
If true, this Pawn’s pitch will be updated to match the Controller’s ControlRotation pitch, if controlled by a PlayerController.
If true, this Pawn’s roll will be updated to match the Controller’s ControlRotation roll, if controlled by a PlayerController.
If true, this Pawn’s yaw will be updated to match the Controller’s ControlRotation yaw, if controlled by a PlayerController.
Accumulated control input vector, stored in world space.
Controller currently possessing this Actor
Controller of the last Actor that caused us damage.
Replicated so we can see where remote clients are looking.
Add input (affecting Pitch) to the Controller’s ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController.
Add input (affecting Roll) to the Controller’s ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController.
Add input (affecting Yaw) to the Controller’s ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController.
FVector WorldDirection,
float ScaleValue,
bool bForce
Add movement input along the given world direction vector (usually normalized) scaled by ‘ScaleValue’.
Returns the pending input vector and resets it to zero.
Creates an InputComponent that can be used for custom input bindings.
Destroys the player input component and removes any references to it.
Call this function to detach safely pawn from its controller, knowing that we will be destroyed soon.
FRotator NewControlRotation,
float DeltaTime
Updates Pawn’s rotation to the given rotation, assumed to be the Controller’s ControlRotation.
Return the aim rotation for the Pawn.
Returns controller for this actor.
Returns controller for this actor cast to the template type. May return NULL is the cast fails.
Get the rotation of the Controller, often the ‘view’ rotation of this Pawn.
Get the controller instigating the damage.
Returns The half-height of the default Pawn, scaled by the component scale.
Returns vector direction of gravity
Return PrimitiveComponent we are based on (standing on, attached to, and moving on).
Gets the owning actor of the Movement Base Component on which the pawn is standing.
Return our PawnMovementComponent, if we have one.
Return our PawnNoiseEmitterComponent, if any.
Return Physics Volume for this Pawn
Returns Pawn’s eye location
Return the pending input vector in world space.
If Pawn is possessed by a player, returns its Player State.
Templated convenience version of GetPlayerState.
Templated convenience version of GetPlayerState which checks the type is as presumed.
Get the view rotation of the Pawn (direction they are looking, normally Controller->ControlRotation).
Returns true if player is viewing this Pawn in FreeCam
Whether this Pawn’s input handling is enabled.
Internal function meant for use only within Pawn or by a PawnMovementComponent.
Internal function meant for use only within Pawn or by a PawnMovementComponent.
Internal function meant for use only within Pawn or by a PawnMovementComponent.
Internal function meant for use only within Pawn or by a PawnMovementComponent.
Returns true if controlled by a bot.
Returns true if controlled by a local (not network) Controller.
Helper to see if move input is ignored.
Check if this actor is currently being controlled at all (the actor has a valid Controller)
Returns true if controlled by a human player (possessed by a PlayerController).
(Deprecated) Return the input vector in world space.
Add an Actor to ignore by Pawn’s movement collision
Remove an Actor to ignore by Pawn’s movement collision
Called when Controller is replicated
PlayerState Replication Notification Callback
Tell client that the Pawn is begin restarted.
float Loudness,
FVector NoiseLocation,
bool bUseNoiseMakerLocation,
AActor * NoiseMaker
Inform AIControllers that you’ve made a noise they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message if they have bHearNoises==true) The instigator of this sound is the pawn which is used to call MakeNoise.
Handle StartFire() passed from PlayerController
Called when this Pawn is possessed. Only called on the server (or in standalone).
Return true if yaw is within AllowedYawError of desired yaw
Set BaseEyeHeight based on current state.
Event called when the Pawn is possessed by a Controller (normally only occurs on the server/standalone).
Event called when the Pawn is no longer possessed by a Controller.
Called when the Pawn is being restarted (usually by being possessed by a Controller).
Use SetCanAffectNavigationGeneration to change this value at runtime.
Make sure pawn properties are back to default.
Set the Pawn’s Player State.
Set Pawn ViewPitch, so we can see where remote clients are looking. Maps 360.0 degrees into a byte
Allows a Pawn to set up custom input bindings.
float Damage,
FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser
Return true if we are in a state to take damage (checked at the start of TakeDamage. Subclasses may check this as well if they override TakeDamage and don’t want to potentially trigger TakeDamage actions by checking if it returns zero in the super class.
Spawn default controller for this Pawn, and get possessed by it.
Called when our Controller no longer possesses us.
Updates MovementComponent’s parameters used by navigation system
Update all components relevant for navigation generators to match bCanAffectNavigationGeneration flag
Overridden from AActor
Called when this actor becomes the given PlayerController’s ViewTarget.
Overridden to defer to the RootComponent’s CanCharacterStepUpOn setting if it is explicitly Yes or No.
Called when this actor is explicitly being destroyed during gameplay or in the editor, not called during level streaming or gameplay ending
Removes this actor from the stack of input being handled by a PlayerController.
const FRotator & DeltaRotation,
bool bAltDown,
bool bShiftDown,
bool bCtrlDown
Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class-specific operation based on widget manipulation.
Pushes this actor on to the stack of input being handled by a PlayerController.
Overridable function called whenever this actor is being removed from a level
Returns the point of view of the actor.
Returns the human readable string representation of an object.
Get the owning connection used for communicating between client/server
Return the actor responsible for replication, if any. Typically the player controller
Return the owning UPlayer (if any) of this actor.
Returns velocity (in cm/s (Unreal Units/second) of the rootcomponent if it is either using physics or has an associated MovementComponent
Iterates up the movement base chain to see whether or not this Actor is based on the given Actor, defaults to checking attachment
const AActor * RealViewer,
const AActor * ViewTarget,
const FVector & SrcLocation
Checks to see if this actor is relevant for a specific network connection
Called when the Actor is outside the hard limit on world bounds
Allow actors to initialize themselves on the C++ side after all of their components have been initialized, only called during gameplay
Update location and rotation from ReplicatedMovement. Not called for simulated physics!
Called after all the components in the Components array are registered, called both in editor and during gameplay
Called right before components are initialized, only called during gameplay
Called on the actor right before replication occurs.
If true, actor is ticked even if TickType==LEVELTICK_ViewportsOnly
float DamageAmount,
FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent,
AController * EventInstigator,
AActor * DamageCauser
Apply damage to this actor.
Called from TeleportTo() when teleport succeeds
Overridden from UObject
Returns the properties used for network replication, this needs to be overridden by all actor classes with native replicated properties
Called when a property on this object has been modified externally
Do any object-specific cleanup required immediately after loading an object.
Overridden from INavAgentInterface
const AActor * MovingActor,
const FVector & MoveOffset,
FVector & GoalOffset,
float& GoalRadius,
float& GoalHalfHeight
Get cylinder for testing if actor has been reached
Basically retrieved pawn’s location on navmesh
Retrieves FNavAgentProperties expressing navigation props and caps of represented agent the function will be renamed to GetNavAgentProperties in 4.8.
IsControlled is deprecated. To check if this pawn is controlled by anything, then call IsPawnControlled. To check if this pawn is controlled only by the player then call IsPlayerControlled
FVector LaunchVelocity,
bool bXYOverride,
bool bZOverride
LaunchPawn is deprecated. For Characters, use LaunchCharacter() instead.